[09:11] [telegram] Welcome @vovannn235 [09:13] [telegram] Thank you) Hi all testers) (re @philipz: Welcome @vovannn235) [11:39] [telegram] Forwarded from RikMills: [12:19] [telegram] welcome @wimpress [12:19] [telegram] its been to long [12:19] [telegram] reminder to put out the ubuntupodcast tweet, as i wasn't able to quote tweet it today :D [12:21] [telegram] @popeydc any luck with getting the ubuntu twitter account to tweet out the discourse link [12:33] [telegram] Yeah, we will. [12:33] [telegram] It will be better to post next week [12:53] [telegram] oh okay [14:18] [telegram] He does the Dart stuff-yaru.dart and the new installer (re @philipz: are you part of the ubuntu desktop team?) [14:18] [telegram] I've PR'd a few times, so we sort of know eachother. [15:06] [telegram] https://twitter.com/ubuntupodcast/status/1375464151707947015 (re @philipz: reminder to put out the ubuntupodcast tweet, as i wasn't able to quote tweet it today :D) [18:25] [telegram] Where should I direct people to get involved with QA week? [18:25] [telegram] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-21-04-testing-week/21519 [18:26] [telegram] Welcome @geekyBoogiepop [18:27] [telegram] Ubuntu mate did put out an announcement https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/ubuntu-mate-21-04-testing-week-april-1-april-7/23385 (re @wimpress: Where should I direct people to get involved with QA week?) [18:27] [telegram] Thank you, hope you're having a good day. [18:30] [telegram] That's what I'm after 👍 (re @popeydc: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-21-04-testing-week/21519) [18:30] [telegram] Might live stream some QA later. If not tonight then tomorrow. [18:30] [telegram] There's a market for that? I could've been famous this whole time! [18:31] [telegram] There is. You're late to the party. Also, Hello you! 😁 [18:32] [telegram] You're already a legend in your own lunchbox. (re @cwayne: There's a market for that? I could've been famous this whole time!) [18:33] [telegram] @ubuntuunofficialsupport [18:33] [telegram] Me, Maik, Tobiyo and Rudra are in it. If you want to join our Friendship Network, you are all welcome. [19:31] [telegram] Not too late to cash in and make a Twitch account :) (re @cwayne: There's a market for that? I could've been famous this whole time!) [19:31] [telegram] Or, you know, just make a site called QAFans. [19:41] [telegram] Think you're on to something here [19:45] [telegram] Seems fine (re @madhens: Or, you know, just make a site called QAFans.) [19:48] [telegram] Ummmmm :) (re @madhens: Or, you know, just make a site called QAFans.)