
=== k3yp- is now known as k3yp
skirandoHello I my upgrade from Bion 18.04 to 20.04 failed. I am stuck after reboot it asks the password but there seems to be no keyboard. Any suggestion?10:42
jattboot into safe mode10:43
skirandoYes I did boot into recovery mode10:43
skirandobut what to do then?10:44
diogenes_skirando, sudo apt install -f10:44
skirandoOK can you remind me How to find the recovery mode? is it F2 or F510:45
skirandoIt seems I always end up into Grub. Is ther a command I should type in the grub?10:51
jattwithout keyboard would be hard to boot into recovery mode10:59
jattis this a USB keyboard or a laptop keyboard?10:59
skirandoOK I succeeded entering recovery mode. apt  install -f says all packages are up to date.10:59
skirandoapt update says fr.archive.ubuntu.com/dists/focal/inrelaease temporary resolution error11:01
skirandoI have the keyboard on the balck screen but when it displays the small window with my login it seems I have no keyboard.11:03
diogenes_skirando, try: sudo apt reinstall xorg11:28
diogenes_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg11:29
skirandoit says xorg is not installed11:35
diogenes_sudo apt install xorg11:36
skirandosudo apt install xorg says 2 packets are broken11:40
diogenes_sudo apt full-upgrade11:41
skirandogimp-plugin-registry which I do not care much about and libgirepository for python-gi which I do care about.11:41
skirandofor the fist one it says 7.2014....ubuntu3 must be installed11:42
diogenes_sudo apt purge gimp11:42
skirandoyap i think it did it!..11:43
skirandowill I get my configuration ackas with a normal upgrade???11:43
diogenes_you did what?11:44
skirandoI did do-release-upgrade and it was not able to reboot.11:45
diogenes_run: sudo apt purge gimp python-gi11:46
skirandowell Thanks a lot I think it did it.11:59
=== Guest87193 is now known as az
piscvauHello after updating my xubuntu version I have no camera. when I run cheese I get no device detected. And I have no file /dev/video. It is a MSI laptop so I did press function + F6 but it does not help15:09
piscvauaby help would be welcomed15:09

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