
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @sjeanr [I do have a new issue. After unplugging the phone returns to phone mode, but the …], yeah, that's a known issue introduced with the Qt5.12 upgrade. strange issue and the icon that stretches out is random πŸ˜…02:14
ubptgbot<sjeanr> @Javacookies [yeah, that's a known issue introduced with the Qt5.12 upgrade. strange issue and …], Yeah, I was just noticing that not all icons had stretched. Strange indeed.02:16
ubptgbotruditimmer was added by: ruditimmer05:08
ubptgbotfroge e was added by: froge e11:46
ubptgbotAhmad Fauzi was added by: Ahmad Fauzi12:15
ubptgbot<RaphaelItsMe> @UniversalSuperBox [ubports.chat has been shut down. The rest of Matrix should be fine.], Is that final? I've lost one important contact13:26
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @RaphaelItsMe [Is that final? I've lost one important contact], Yes, it is final. You should have received a notification at the end of January and it shut down at the end of February.13:28
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> It's been about a month now13:28
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Since it was up13:28
ubptgbot<RaphaelItsMe> that's bad13:29
ubptgbot<RaphaelItsMe> @RaphaelItsMe [that's bad], I was able to fix my problems13:37
ubptgbotHamadbadar was added by: Hamadbadar13:58
ubptgbotArashPrograms was added by: ArashPrograms14:33
ubptgbot<ArashPrograms> hi. can support ubuntu touch on , galaxy tab A , or tab s 7 ?14:34
ubptgbotToJLcmblu_6pamyxa was added by: ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa15:54
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> hello, I can not configure vpn, please help15:55
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> РусскиС Π΅ΡΡ‚ΡŒ?15:55
ubptgbot<Nicktl> Sorry only english here, maybe there is a russian group?16:20
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> Ok help english16:22
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> I try translate16:22
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> But help please16:22
ubptgbot<Nicktl> What kind of VPN? Openvpn or ipsec?16:24
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> Ubuntu touxh only 216:24
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> Open vpn and pttp16:25
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> [Edit] Ubuntu touch only 2 option16:25
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> [Edit] OpenVPN and PPTP16:26
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/q0NpCx01.png16:27
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> i am download VPN Editor16:29
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> [Edit] i am download  app VPN Editor16:30
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> [Edit] i am download app VPN Editor16:30
ubptgbot<Nicktl> Ah i never used that app. I send you a guide for vpn on ubports in a minute16:30
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> thank you very much good man16:31
ubptgbot<Nicktl> https://ubports.com/blog/ubport-blogs-news-1/post/using-vpn-in-ubuntu-touch-306516:32
ubptgbot<Nicktl> It is pretty difficult at the moment to be honest16:32
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> Ohhh i try do it16:32
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> Because i very bad know English language.....16:33
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> Only when school.....16:33
ubptgbot<ToJLcmblu_6pamyxa> Many years ago16:33
ubptgbotAxel was added by: Axel16:53
ubptgbotBenAhmetArvas was added by: BenAhmetArvas17:05
ubptgbotBoomiNCWff was added by: BoomiNCWff17:40
ubptgbotbmwtheseries was added by: bmwtheseries17:51
ubptgbot<BoomiNCWff> AWENSOMEEE GUYS!!!!!!πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€  https://cutt.ly/xxCrVDX18:14
ubptgbot<amyosx> FREE CRYPTO OWO18:15
ubptgbot<MercWith> @BoomiNCWff [AWENSOMEEE GUYS!!!!!!πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€  https://cutt.ly/xxCrVDX], LOL18:15
ubptgbot<amyosx> dont remember logging out of twitter tho :/18:16
ubptgbot<amyosx> Fwd from UBports News Channel: Today Is Q&A Day ! … Ubuntu Touch Q&A 97 is today at 19:00 UTC. You still have time to get your questions to us. … You can post them during the live streaming on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbDz3PrpFcI and Telegram. … Or on the Forum before the Q&A to gain priority : https://forums.ubports.com/top18:33
ubptgbotic/5916/ubuntu-touch-q-a-97-saturday-27th-march-at-19-00-utc … UBports@telegram … #ubports:matrix.org … #UBports #UbuntuTouch #UBportsQandA #Lomiri #Miroil #OTA17 #Ubuntu18:33
ubptgbot<amyosx> Less than half an hour owo18:33
ubptgbotSteve was added by: Steve18:43
ubptgbot<C0n57an71n> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/mHuJCE7Z.png18:53
ubptgbot<C0n57an71n> Anybody had the same issue? Tring to install this game, but the page isn't doing anything18:54
ubptgbot<C0n57an71n> It scrolls up and down, bit the x to close the page is unresponsive.18:55
ubptgbot<C0n57an71n> Nexus 518:55
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it seems to be a bug in the openstore app … not sure if there's a logged issue already … try to check πŸ˜›18:57
ubptgbot<Javacookies> if my observation is correct, the supposedly progress bar is gone when it is still being downloaded. It only appears when actually installing the package. That game is big (~200MB) so it'll take time to show that it's doing anything18:58
ubptgbot<C0n57an71n> I've left it for aprox 10 minutes, it did nothing19:00
ubptgbot<gibcheesepuffs> @C0n57an71n [Anybody had the same issue? Tring to install this game, but the page isn't doing …], this happens with me too on puremaps19:02
ubptgbot<gibcheesepuffs> and it does nothing19:02
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> We're live! https://youtu.be/xbDz3PrpFcI19:07
ubptgbot<Danfro> @C0n57an71n [I've left it for aprox 10 minutes, it did nothing], The app is over 200 mb, so make sure your download speed is good. Also make sure your phone does not lock while downloading. Or disable background suspension for openstore.19:09
ubptgbot<Danfro> It took me one or two attempts because the screen locked. But it did install eventually. πŸ˜‰19:09
ubptgbot<C0n57an71n> @Danfro [It took me one or two attempts because the screen locked. But it did install eve …], Thanks, I'll try this! πŸ‘19:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> now we're playing a game of cat and mouse between github and gitlab19:15
ubptgbot<amyosx> @dohbee [now we're playing a game of cat and mouse between github and gitlab], Lol19:21
ubptgbot<AaronTheGuy> @C0n57an71n [<reply to media>], Same issue. Retrying eventually solved the issue19:39
ubptgbot<libremax> Great Q&A, very pleasant20:10
ubptgbot<amyosx> We gonna do whereby thing20:11
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/1kp00A0C.png20:11
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/8csFXKFR.png so close yet so far20:11
ubptgbot<amyosx> [Edit] We gonna do whereby thing?20:11
ubptgbot<mariogrip> We will be hanging out over at https://whereby.com/ubports-chat if any wants to join?20:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> definitely older than ms windows :-/20:20
ubptgbotFernando Duz was added by: Fernando Duz20:31
ubptgbot<Fernando Duz> @Josele13 [https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/h870/], Hi everyone's I'm trying to install ubuntu in this device, any help to try to select, or load de device in ubports? Or some cmds to run? Thanks20:33
ubptgbot<Josele13> @Fernando Duz [Hi everyone's I'm trying to install ubuntu in this device, any help to try to se …], Look here ...πŸ˜„21:07
ubptgbot<Josele13> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/3729/ubuntu-touch-on-lg-g6-h870-model-call-for-testers21:07
ubptgbot<Fernando Duz> @Josele13 [Look here ...πŸ˜„], Thankeee21:09
ubptgbot<Josele13> On the telegram's Spanish group, Guf is porting that mobile21:10
ubptgbot<Josele13> πŸ‘21:10
ubptgbot<Fernando Duz> Good, I'm also spanish speaker. So, no way to fail. Actually I have an LG G8, thus, if all goes ok, I'll try to go there21:13
ubptgbot<Alexey Kor> oki ^^21:36
ubptgbot<Josele13> @Fernando Duz [Good, I'm also spanish speaker. So, no way to fail. Actually I have an LG G8, th …], The porting is only for the LG G6, if you don't have that model you can't port your phone to Ut.21:44
ubptgbot<Fernando Duz> Yeah, I expressed wrong, I have both,  G6 and G8. I'll start with G6 and try to help to have G8 running22:02
ubptgbot<Josele13> @Fernando Duz [Yeah, I expressed wrong, I have both,  G6 and G8. I'll start with G6 and try to …], Ok22:15

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