
foxboxHas Ubuntu 21.04 been updated with new wallpapers yet?07:27
guivercyep foxbox, my installed system grabbed them this morning (not sure about dailies, haven't looked)07:40
lotuspsychje!info gnome-nibbles10:48
ubottugnome-nibbles (source: gnome-nibbles): snake game, up to four players. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.38.1-1 (groovy), package size 149 kB, installed size 1312 kB10:48
magic_ninjaHow is the dev version coming along? I'm thinking about moving over to it.18:05
Maikmagic_ninja: download the daily build, try it and if you're satisfied keep using it. Simple as that.18:06
Maikbut since it's still a development version and not even Beta yet, using it as daily friver is at own risk18:07
magic_ninjaMaik, or, I could just come in here and see what people's takes on it are. Simple as that.18:07
Maikyou won't get much response here from what i gave seen through the last year18:07
magic_ninjaSometimes you do. Or you get a warning about little quirks they still exist, etc.18:08
magic_ninja*that still exist18:08
Maiktesting weeks started and thus bug hunting has been opened18:08
magic_ninjaThat's why I'm here. Just doing a bit of digging. I like to use it to help submit bugs, provided there isn't some massive issue going on.18:09
Maikthis week is for testing before the Beta comes out next week thursday18:09
MaikApril 1st that is18:09
magic_ninjaSo now it is mostly at the "polish" phase of things18:11
Maikyou can call it like that and it will continue til the final stable iso comes out on April 22nd18:12

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