
truexfan81ok one of my game server things has a binary called "gs" my question is why is it that on ubuntu 20.04.2 when i do "pkill -9 gs" xorg crashes?01:13
sarnoldtruexfan81: what happens if you use a kinder signal?01:15
truexfan81i'll try it and see but i'm guessing more of a delay before it crashes01:16
truexfan81ok killall works nicely01:18
truexfan81next question which package will give me libstdc++.so.5?01:19
sarnoldlibstdc++5: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.501:19
truexfan81thank you01:25
truexfan81and i have found packages.ubuntu.com, and just found a package my game needs that the site can't find: libpcre.so.001:25
sarnoldtruexfan81: wow, uh, that might be harder to track down.01:33
sarnoldtruexfan81: so.. this is fishing .. but https://abi-laboratory.pro/index.php?view=timeline&l=pcre suggests soname of 0 is 2011 timeframe01:34
sarnoldtruexfan81: and I don't see 8.21 on http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pcre3/ -- 8.12 is close. maybe try one of those?01:35
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sybaritenSo what happened to the linux chan?04:57
lotuspsychjesybariten: ##linux04:59
sybaritenuh ok04:59
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shachafIf you select "Erase entire disk" in Ubuntu, and you have multiple disks, how does it decide which one to erase?06:50
shachafIt doesn't look like it asks about it before getting to the "Install now" button.06:51
shachafI mean in the installer.06:51
EriC^^shachaf: i'd use the "something else" option in the bottom and manually partition07:12
guivercshachaf, I usually use 'something else' so I have full control, but some selections then provide picture where you select (via click) but I can't recall as most installs I do have only a single disk07:12
foxboxHey all07:19
shachafEriC^^, guiverc: But "something else" doesn't let you do disk encryption, right?07:30
shachafWe resolved the situation by disabling one of the drivers in the BIOS.07:31
shachafBut the fact that disk encryption is all-or-nothing is very frustrating.07:31
guivercshachaf, older releases did have partition encryption (options), but it was dropped as full-disk-encryption is more secure07:32
shachafIn what sense is it more secure? Doesn't it just set up LVM inside LUKS anyway, like you'd do for a partition?07:33
guivercmy current install was a partition installation with encryption (artful/17.10; ecryptfs)07:37
fmulmorning. does anybody here know how to tell pulseaudio to use an specific sink as default once and for all?11:06
fmulsetting it in /etc/pulse/default.pa or ~/.config/pulse/*defalt-sink doesn't work neither does disabling the "restore per-app sink" or whatver feature11:07
=== Hash is now known as EnchanterTim
RonaldsMazitishey, I'm amazed I can't run openconnect vpn client on ubuntu without root11:36
RonaldsMazitislast time I did connect somebody hacked my account11:37
RonaldsMazitisI creted tun device, created vpnc-script myself11:37
RonaldsMazitisFailed to bind local tun device (TUNSETIFF): Device or resource busy11:37
RonaldsMazitiswhen openconnect -i vpn011:38
RonaldsMazitisI can't believe I can't find vpn clients without this flaw11:44
RonaldsMazitisso nobody uses vpn client12:00
RonaldsMazitisI need it for work12:00
RonaldsMazitisnot hiding myself on internet12:00
lotuspsychje!patience | RonaldsMazitis12:01
ubottuRonaldsMazitis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:01
Kexonihi, I have dualboot. Windows is on SSD, Ubuntu is on hard drive. Is it possible to remove SSD drive with Windows without need to reinstal Ubuntu?12:08
RonaldsMazitisKexoni: probably12:09
RonaldsMazitisKexoni: google first page could give answer faster12:10
RonaldsMazitisI just suspect You are using grub loader on regular hdd, so having no windows ssd would just error just if You would load windows obviously12:11
KexoniI think that grub is on SSD12:14
KexoniSSD is first boot device12:14
RonaldsMazitisbut dude, grub is ubuntu thing12:15
RonaldsMazitisYou can arrange boot devices in menu12:16
EriC^^Kexoni: are you booted into ubuntu right now?12:17
Kexoniyes I am EriC^^12:17
EriC^^Kexoni: type what does 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' give you?12:18
cbreakefi? legacy boot?12:18
EriC^^does it say no dir found, or gives a bunch of dirs back?12:18
BluesKajHi folks12:19
Kexonino such file or directory, EriC^^12:19
EriC^^Kexoni: ok, it means you're using legacy, so probably grub is in the ubuntu mbr, unless you're unlucky and it's in the windows ssd, you could enter the bios and see which disk is set to boot first12:21
EriC^^Kexoni: actually type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999'12:22
van777Kexoni: make a USB boot repair disk, remove whatever disk you want, and run boot repair, if it wouldn't boot. https://sourceforge.net/projects/boot-repair-cd/files/12:22
RonaldsMazitishey I just want to remind I still have to connect to vpn to do my job tasks12:24
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:24
Kexonithanks guys12:26
KexoniI will try to backup current Ubuntu files12:26
RonaldsMazitisI don't think You can loose files by taking out ssd12:27
Kexoniafter this I will remove Windows/SSD, try repair or completely reinstall Ubuntu12:27
EriC^^Kexoni: you could install ubuntu preemptively to the hdd, run the command i gave to know its disk name to install grub to it12:27
EriC^^that way even if it turns out to be on the ssd when you remove it you'd still be able to boot into ubuntu easily12:27
Kexoniok, just a sec12:28
KexoniEriC^^, https://termbin.com/qob912:34
EriC^^Kexoni: type 'sudo grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdb'12:35
Kexoniinstallation finished EriC^^12:38
EriC^^Kexoni: ok, run 'sudo update-grub' for good measure and you should be good12:40
Kexonithank you a lot EriC^^, I'll try to remove SSD later12:43
RonaldsMazitis1 hour later12:43
RonaldsMazitisany vpn clients for ubuntu that does not run via root12:44
EriC^^Kexoni: no problem12:50
EriC^^Kexoni: if it doesnt boot ubuntu, then enter the bios and try to set the hdd first in the boot order12:52
RonaldsMazitissudo -E /etc/vpnc/vpnc-script this script must be called from vpnc12:58
tomreyn!who | RonaldsMazitis12:58
ubottuRonaldsMazitis: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:58
RonaldsMazitisthat is speaking to anyone that knows how to use vpn on ubuntu13:02
tomreynRonaldsMazitis: so what's your question now that you found the openconnect documentation on how to run it without root?13:04
RonaldsMazitisthe tips they gave to run it without root does not work13:06
RonaldsMazitisI have tun device made, config made arguments for the terminal command13:06
tomreyn"does not work" how?13:06
RonaldsMazitisFailed to bind local tun device (TUNSETIFF): Device or resource busy13:08
tomreynwhat's the commands you were running, on a pastebin if more than 2 lines, and what's the complete output you got?13:09
tomreynand did you replace "dwmw2" from the example by the name of your user?13:10
RonaldsMazitisI'm restarting virtualmachine13:12
RonaldsMazitisopenconnect -i vpn0 -s /bin/true vpn.server.13:15
tomreynand which software and version is running on your remote vpn endpoint?13:17
tomreynand is "Failed to bind local tun device (TUNSETIFF): Device or resource busy" the only output you get when you run the above command?13:18
RonaldsMazitisI don''t know about endpoint13:20
tomreynRonaldsMazitis: then how are you hoping to connect to it using a specific protocol?13:24
RonaldsMazitisI have bigger problem13:26
RonaldsMazitisthere was no vboxsf group13:26
RonaldsMazitisso I can't access shared folder13:27
RonaldsMazitiseven thought I created vboxsf group13:27
RonaldsMazitisand added user to it13:27
cbreakI've been using wireguard recently. That doesn't even run as root, it runs in the kernel itself :D13:29
tomreyni think RonaldsMazitis needs to first understand that you don't normally just install any vpn software and will thus be able to tunnel your traffic through somewhere.13:31
=== VMGuy23_ is now known as VMGuy23
RonaldsMazitisit works with root13:32
RonaldsMazitisbut after day, my user password got changed13:33
RonaldsMazitisI changed it back but the account was messed up13:33
RonaldsMazitisI could log in by pressing on other users13:33
tomreynthat's way too imprecise to enable anyone to comment.13:34
RonaldsMazitisand writing down the name13:34
RonaldsMazitisbut when I logged in, I could not use sudo with same password I logged in13:34
tomreynalso, you're reporting being hacked on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, this is hardly related to realitiy, unless you keep repeating the same mistakes, using weak passwords on internet connected services or known insecure protocols and configurations.13:35
RonaldsMazitisthat was virtulbox so it was not so bad13:36
RonaldsMazitisbut now I'm having problems with it too13:36
RonaldsMazitisvboxsf group is not apperently used by virtualbox13:37
tomreynvirtualbox's channel is #vbox13:37
tomreynbut oly use it if you're using their distribution13:37
tomreynbut there, too, you won't get far unless you'll share more details.13:38
strkwhen the GUI (Desktop) file managers connect to "network resources" (via samba) I don't see an entry in "mount" output, how can I get a mount point for those resources, to do operations from commandline ?13:41
cbreakstrk: well... are they mounted?13:43
cbreakthey might not be, in which case you'll not find a mountpoint13:43
strkcbreak: I don't think they are mounted13:43
strkprobably the filemanager does it in some other way13:44
strkmy disk is attached to the router, which allows accessing it via SMB or FTP13:45
strkwhat's the simplest way to mount it ?13:45
strkmount.fuse maybe ?13:45
tomreynwhich ubuntu release are you running there?13:46
tomreyndo you know the smb protocol version?13:46
strkmount.cifs did it \o/13:47
strkone day I'll have to find a way to change the filesystem type on that external disk13:48
strkdunno why on earth I used ext2 :/13:48
pizzaburgerHi! Is there a workaround for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/+bug/187126814:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1871268 in apt (Ubuntu Bionic) "Installation fails due to useless immediate configuration error when "Install Third-Party Drivers" is selected" [Medium,Fix committed]14:15
cbreakstrk: normally you'd use mount14:47
cbreakthe mount.xxx things are helpers for internal use14:47
=== EnchanterTim is now known as Hash
shangulHello. After a full upgrade of all packages including kernel(apt upgrade), I have a huge RAM usage(2.8G out of ~4.0G) and `top` shows no high RAM usage of any process(all do fine). I also have installed some older kernels(5.4.0-39 and 5.4.0-62) and tried booting the system with them but makes no difference. I also tried disabling a few kernel modules(btrfs, xfs and jfs) which were eating more RAM16:04
shangulcomparing to the other modules and still no luck. xUbuntu 20.04 is used on my laptop. Note that the RAM is not used for buffering and caching but for something else according to what "free" reports.16:04
shangulLet me know if you need any other information :)16:04
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
lotuspsychjeshangul: dmesg could be usefull and perhaps also your dpkg logs from the time that thing started to get wrong16:13
MaikDattattaD: don't16:20
leftyfbDattattaD: what can we help you with?16:21
Maik!ask | DattattaD16:21
ubottuDattattaD: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:21
Maikand there's:16:22
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:22
MaikDattattaD: up to you :)16:22
shangullotuspsychje: Will look into them. Thank you :)16:43
tomreynshangul: a good start may be to just post the output of    free -h    to a pastebin and the link to that here16:44
silv3r_m00nhi there i am using Kubuntu, when i hover mouse over the taskbar, the respective windows flashes over the current window, anybody knows how to disable this ?16:49
tomreynsilv3r_m00n: for questions specific to kubuntu, please ask in #kubuntu16:53
tomreyn(and please don't cross post)16:54
shangulOutput of "free -h" on my computer: https://termbin.com/z93p16:55
agvantiboHello. Is it a good idea to write about unique solved issues here?16:55
VMGuy23tomreyn: Kubuntu is an official flavour16:55
shangulagvantibo: IMO you'd better write it in a searchable president space like a forum or wiki16:56
agvantiboOk. Hello. Is it a good idea to crosspost about unique solved issues here?16:57
shangulwrong word "president" there. I meant somewhere which data will be kept there not IRC in which messages are lost after you disconnect unless you have a log16:57
agvantiboI mean yeah, ok. Could you recommend a place and a manner of writing it? My suggestion is Ubuntuforums, and first i describe the issue, then I describe the solution, then I mark as closed16:59
shangulagvantibo: Wait for others' respond but IMO the wiki is the best place. However the website which you wanna write such a thing in it should have a good SEO too so that people using search engines could find it easily and quickly17:06
agvantiboThat is true17:12
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK_
sybaritenWild shot here, but anyone ever seen any system tailored to copy data off CDs in an automated manner, when each one is inserted? Well DVDs too18:51
Habbiesybariten, i've done that for CDs (and also for floppies) - it's really just a few lines of shell18:52
Habbieespecially convenient if your CD drive supports ejection from software18:52
sybaritenHabbie:could be, yes, but it's always even better if someone else already built somehting , which is then also hopefully robust18:53
Habbiei agree, and in that case i don't know :)18:53
sybaritenOK!  :-)18:55
sybaritenThe floppies, you couldnt eject by sofdtware i'm guessing  :)18:56
Habbiesybariten, nope!19:02
sybaritenThat would be futuristic, and archaic, in some paradoxal way19:07
Habbiesybariten, haha yes19:17
isapgswellgdm-x-session[992]: (II) modeset(0): Allocate new frame buffer 3840x1080 stride21:04
isapgswellmy external monitor is connected exclusivelly to nvidia21:04
isapgswellany idea?21:04
isapgswellnot intel21:04
VMGuy23whats the problem then21:05
isapgswellmodeset(0) is related to intel21:05
VMGuy23does the monitor work?21:07
isapgswellis like intel is trying to allocate new framebuffers to a scenario nvidia handle another output21:07
isapgswellworks, lagged21:08
isapgswella lot lag21:08
isapgswellmy notebook has two output typec/hdmi21:09
isapgswelltypec is displayport21:09
isapgswellbut i am connected into nvidia hdmi21:09
isapgswellmy profile is nvidia ondemand21:09
VMGuy23i don't know how to fix this, someone else should be with you soon.21:10
isapgswellok, thanks21:10
FebassI need to ask a question: How do I give my wine system directories permissions to write to my home user desktop22:17
FebassI am trying to make a short cut of out a program I have isntalled in my program files on my wine machine22:17
oerheksa shortcut to a wine programm on your ubuntu? this page might be a helphttps://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?t=33554&p=12670122:19
oerheksExec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/username/.wine" wine C:\\\\Program\\ Files\\\\whatever.exe22:19
oerheksand username can be shortened with $USER22:20
Febassoerheks: It is returning a seg fault22:39
Febassit says that the directory that I have pointing to it as path is not valid, but, it is22:39
VMGuy23try halfing the backslashes22:39
FebassThe tutorial calls for forward slashes for this specific line, actually22:40
VMGuy23This is escaping spaces or other backslashes because Windows uses backslashes for paths.22:41
VMGuy23but it doesnt need to escape the escaper22:41
VMGuy23so try halfing the backslashes and see if it works.22:42
Febassoh I see22:42
VMGuy23so instead of \\, you have \, and instead of \\\\, you have \\22:43
FebassYep that did it22:43
FebassThank you22:43
VMGuy23no problem22:43
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joker5bbhow can i cluster the boards so the cpu on other boards that dont have the hdmi connected run a program?23:41
tomreynjoker5bb: more details needed, including how this related to ubuntu, and which ubuntu exactly.23:49

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