
jphilipsbluesabre: i think you forgot this shortcut change https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-default-settings/pull/1908:58
ubot3Pull 19 in Xubuntu/xubuntu-default-settings "Unassigning Super + F" [Open]08:58
jphilipsbluesabre: homepage is assigned twice https://imgur.com/T6cHEwF.png09:07
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
=== andrzejr_ is now known as andrzejr
Unit193Heh, e07ef4944b623670878dfb6cd35df5399605584e.  "Will be required" except in practice it's actually required *now*.22:08
bluesabreUnit193: ?22:29
Unit193bluesabre: Sorry, commenting on platform changes.  usrmerge is not, in practice, optional in Ubuntu.22:29
Unit193...Nor is it something you care about. :D22:30
Unit193I popped up new thunar, didn't grab anything else though.22:30
bluesabreCool. I might do some packaging this weekend.22:31
bluesabreDreading the Xfwm SRU22:31
Unit193At least the Xfce ones tend to go mostly smooth?22:32
bluesabreYeah. Xfwm tends to be a codebase I just don't quite get so it's scary in practice :D22:33
Unit193Oh hey, you can't upload anything directly to Debian yet, right?22:37
bluesabreThat's right. I'm on the python (and themes?) themes, but just for commits.22:43
Unit193Not even a DM?  I added a feature to dput to disallow configurable versions of things going to certain repos.  Eg, if 'ubuntu' is in the version string it'll error out on upload to Debian.22:47

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