
falcojryes, that order is correct02:25
falcojrbefore all of that, there is also a script called "ds-identify" that runs. If it can't find a valid datasource, it disables running any of the stages that follow02:26
vallaOdd_Bloke: I just realized that my issue with user (with ssh-key) running after apt (and reboot) was happening on a ubuntu focal daily build from07:38
vallajust tried the same settings on latest release img and some older releases and there's no issue there08:04
Odd_Blokevalla: OK, great!  Thanks for the update.13:28
hamalqhi i signed the agrement but still not working https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/859/checks?check_run_id=222127907518:35
Odd_Blokehamalq: I pointed you at https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/hacking.html#submitting-your-first-pull-request previously, which includes as the last bullet point the part you're missing (viz. add "yourself to the in-repository list that we use to track CLA signatures: tools/.github-cla-signers").18:38
hamalqok thanks i will check that18:41
hamalqOdd_Bloke: u can approve it right?18:45
hamalqsorry i got wrong the first time https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/86018:59
hamalqthis should be good18:59
hamalqOdd_Bloke: ^^18:59
hamalqdid i do the pr right?21:33

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