
RikMillsI'm doing it in a PPA, but yes the latest git builds00:02
f_ayxdoes it make a different that I am on zsh instead of bash?00:04
cluelesspersonI'm using dd to flash a micro sd card00:29
cluelesspersonaccording to ubuntu, there's no medium on the sd card afterward.00:29
cluelesspersonSo either ubuntu isn't seeing the changes00:29
cluelesspersonor ubuntu isn't writing the changes.00:30
cluelesspersonf_ayx, it's just a different shell, use whatever you're familiar with.00:30
cluelesspersonalso, my raspberry pi isn't booting, so I suspect ubuntu isn't writing correctly00:30
Maikcluelessperson: download the raspberry pi imager and flahs the sd card with that00:36
leftyfbcluelessperson: are you sure the existing filesystem(s) on the sd card are unmounted before using dd?00:37
cluelesspersonMaik, no, I'm not installing random software on my computer.00:46
cluelesspersonleftyfb, yes.00:46
* Maik shrugs00:47
cwsyou're trying to run something on an rpi, but somehow the rpi imager is random software00:47
leftyfbcluelessperson: are you using the correct /dev/location for your microsd card? ( use lsblk)00:47
cluelesspersonusing the option   dd conf=fsync caused it to say 500+MB/s,  and now it works.  wtf00:47
* cluelessperson tries other microsd card that also exhibited the same symptoms and tries it with the original options00:48
cluelesspersonleftyfb, yes, I verify by watching syslog as I insert usb drive00:48
cwscluelessperson: The RPi Imager is made by the people who make the RPi. If you use their hardware, their software shouldn't be a concern. It has a built-in option to flash various Ubuntu releases.00:48
cwscluelessperson: https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/00:48
cwsSo don't be rude to someone that's giving you a VERY good solution.00:49
cluelesspersoncws, A.  I wasn't being rude.  B.  There's a difference between external hardware with nothing I value on it, vs a personal machine that handles funds or potentially secrets.   C.  None of that is a good rationale to install clutter on my personal machine, which shouldn't even remotely be required for any of this to work.00:50
cluelesspersoncws, You don't need some "imaging software"  when literally   `cat image > /dev/sda`  generally does the job.00:51
Maiklol... clutter... a small program is clutter00:51
cwsMaik: Some people will pull out any asinine excuse to justify doing things the hard way. Let 'em.00:52
Maikprobably the best00:52
cluelesspersonMaik, yes, random little programs where random developers often don't know so much as how to store things in proper places, is how things like your ~/.config or home directory get completely f'ed up and unmanagable.    They also increase attack surface area.  Potentials for malware, entry points to systems, and having to trust more and more developers and their software on your computer.00:53
leftyfbcluelessperson: cat is not the right tool for the job, regardless if it works for your case00:53
cluelesspersonMaik, again, there are countless reasons why installing it is dumb, and like I said, when  `cat image > /dev/sda` should generally work.00:53
Maikdo as you please, everybody his or hers. I use it and don't have a issue doing so. Have a good one.00:54
cwsMaik: Bet they'd be done and on their way if they just used the imager.00:55
cluelesspersonMaik, cws   This is why some of my cryptocurrency forums are filled with "I don't know how malware would get on my computer"00:56
leftyfbcluelessperson: lets not exaggerate. You were recommended a very simple, light and very reputable application purpose-built for your exact scenario. No reason to keep going on about it. Glad you got dd working00:57
cluelesspersonYou know what's reputable?   dd   purpose built for byte for byte copying images to block devices.00:58
cluelesspersonand that little imager program might even use it internally.00:59
leftyfbcluelessperson: all true statements. good luck with your project. Let us know if there's anything else you need help with01:00
cluelesspersonThe other microsd card that was exhibiting the same symptoms, now shows up normally, without having changed the dd options01:05
cluelesspersonSo, considering I didn't change anything, this implies ubuntu / kernel is caching block device configuration perhaps.01:05
cluelesspersonterminhell, sup01:05
terminhellthankfully, nadda now. done adulting for the day XD01:06
=== BenCraft3 is now known as BenCraft
leftyfbterminhell: this is a support channel. Free free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic01:06
cluelesspersonI did try partprobe ,  and fdisk /dev/sda   showed "no medium found"01:06
cluelesspersonsuspect kernel block device config caching, or possibly a bad reader connection (despite trying >3 times)01:07
leftyfbcluelessperson: nothing as far as the sd card is being cached. I literally just dd'd the latest raspiOS and then ubuntu 20.04 server to an sd card a couple hours ago without issue01:07
cluelesspersonthe fact it shows up now proves it was written originally by dd.01:07
terminhellWould it be a good idea to move and increase my swap to another drive? the server i have now only gave me like an 8gig swap. But i have 128gigs of ram01:09
leftyfbterminhell: with 128G of memory, you need exactly zero swap01:09
cluelesspersonsanity check my process?:   tail -f /var/log/syslog   to confirm device (/dev/sda),   dd if=image of=/dev/sda bs=4M status=progress  , sync  , eject /dev/sda01:09
cluelesspersonI'm wondering if there's some kernel level usb caching/buffering going on and maybe eject interrupts it.01:10
leftyfbcluelessperson: use dmesg -Tw # over syslog, also I see no umount command in there01:10
terminhellleftyfb: so i should probably just reclaim the partition and not worry about it?01:10
leftyfbterminhell: I would01:10
cluelesspersonleftyfb, I'd use  umount -lf   if I had mounted it, and I don't have the system configured to mount by default.01:10
cluelessperson(I could be mistaken, but I don't think ubuntu mounts unless I actually click something and cause it to mount)01:11
leftyfbcluelessperson: you are mistaken01:11
cluelessperson(and  mount doesn't show anything mounted as far as I've checked in the past)01:11
cluelesspersonI'll double check then.01:11
leftyfbcluelessperson: I can almost guarantee you it's being mounted and this is your issue .... as I said originally01:12
leftyfbcluelessperson: plus in the SD card and : ls -l /media/$USER/01:12
cluelesspersonleftyfb, yup, it is being mounted.   However I'm confused, even if I don't unmount it correctly, I'd expect the /dev/sda partitions to show up correctly later, as they are lower level.01:13
leftyfbcluelessperson: your expectations are wrong01:13
* cluelessperson tests01:14
leftyfbcluelessperson: watch dmesg -Tw # in a terminal ;  # plug in sd card  ; sudo umount /media/$USER/* ; confirm sd card location with lsblk ; then dd , then just yank it out since it's not mounted. You do not need to "eject"01:15
cluelesspersonleftyfb, mounting the filesystem is completely separate from the kernel not seeing the partitions though.01:16
cluelesspersonso even though it was being mounted after dd, it's not that I was editing files on it, nothing to corrupt.01:17
leftyfbcluelessperson: lets keep this simple. You cannot dd an image to a storage device when there are filesytems from said storage device mounted.01:17
cluelesspersonI think the original problem is  /dev/sda  showing up, but not /dev/sda{1,2}01:17
leftyfbcluelessperson: I take it unmounting and imaging solved your problem?01:26
cluelesspersonleftyfb, testing now, as expected, when I reflash the block device, the partitions are just remounted.01:27
leftyfbcluelessperson: they shouldn't be01:27
cluelesspersonI think this is an intermittent issue with ubuntu or the kernel.01:27
leftyfbit's not01:27
cluelesspersonthe issue is not occuring now, but before it absolutely was only showing /dev/sda connected on the system.   not the partitions.01:27
cluelesspersonleftyfb, Why would unmounting have anything to do with whether or not you can overwrite the block device at a lower level?01:28
leftyfbcluelessperson: I don't know the specifics of it. I just know it does not and will never work unless you unmount the filesystems.01:29
cluelesspersonI can understand the mounts perhaps not refreshing, or the files within the mounts.01:30
cluelesspersonI don't expect the kernel to care about mounts when refreshing plugged in block devices, and scanning for partitions though.01:30
cluelesspersonmore reading to do! :P01:31
leftyfbcluelessperson: I don't argue with how it works, I just accept that it does and take actions accordingly01:31
cluelesspersonI don't know how the kernel typically handles it, but I'm pretty certain they're at different layers of abstraction.01:33
cluelesspersonI think other distributed block devices and file systems, like CEPH, gluster, and ZFS allow you to modify the block device (or sync between servers) apart from modifying files within mounts.01:35
cluelesspersonbut then again, they tend to have more custom/dedicated kernel modules I think?  dunno.01:35
oerhekshint: 'low level'01:35
oerheksone can grow an ext4 partition, mounted. but serious tasks as an iso image need more freedom.01:36
cluelesspersonyeah,   makes sense.   I figure the kernel handles  fat and such common filesystems at a much lower level,  even built in, because it needs to be able to load the kernel image and then the root FS.   distributed filesystems are probably another story entirely.01:38
cluelesspersonleftyfb, thanks for your run through.  I didn't realize ubuntu was automatically mounting.  That might have been doing something to interfere with or lock the block device01:41
cluelesspersonI'll play with it to get a better sense of it and try to find documentation on it.01:42
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
pikapikaIs ubuntu or xubuntu planning to switch to the gtk version with the copyless file chooser?02:48
matsamanpikapika: if it's the default in GNOME, they will probably automatically "switch" to it02:51
pikapikamatsaman, the one I have in xubuntu now has a fully functioning copy paste gtk file chooser02:51
pikapikaI have heard from (a Debian person) that a newer gtk removed/reduced the copy feature02:51
pikapika(18.04 lat02:51
pikapika(I am on 18.04 lts for the record)02:52
cluelesspersonYeah, so I'm being very careful about mounting and such02:52
cluelesspersonubuntu seems to be finicky about detecting partitions of block devices02:52
matsamanGTK is open source, you can modify it however you please02:53
cluelesspersonfdisk -l /dev/sda  shows the expected partitions02:53
matsamanthat doesn't mean its developers aren't subject to stupid choices made out of boredom, however02:53
cluelesspersonbut `ls /dev/sda*` only shows /dev/sda02:53
matsamananybody who remembers the changeover from 2 to 3 should already know that GTK can make silly changes02:53
matsamanand that GNOME, which influences GTK a lot, has done the same02:53
matsamancluelessperson: what's the problem?02:54
pikapikamatsaman, maintaining a personal fork is always painful02:54
matsamanyes it is02:54
matsamanbut not as painful as replacing a software entirely02:54
cluelesspersonmatsaman,   I plug in a micro sd card reader.   the system shows /dev/sda     it should be   /dev/sda{,1,2}02:54
pikapikaI'll have to figure out how to fit my custom gtk build into the apt02:54
matsamancluelessperson: it should probably not be sda, but sdb or something02:55
pikapikayeah bro02:55
pikapikasda is probably your system disk02:55
pikapikadon't touch that shit02:55
matsamanpikapika: I think the greater lesson here is to avoid software that has anything to do with GNOME02:55
cluelesspersondefinitely 100% not my system disk.  My system disk is /dev/nvme0n102:55
matsamanthat project is big on betrayal02:55
matsamanperhaps even moreso than KDE at this point02:56
pikapikaThe problem is I think xfce have to sort of follow its footsteps due to gtk02:56
matsamancluelessperson: is there something wrong with your partitions?02:56
pikapikahands are tied02:56
cluelesspersonmatsaman, only /dev/sda is showing, but the kernel is not detecting the partitions.02:56
cluelesspersonmatsaman, something's wrong with the kernel not showing partitions, maybe02:56
matsamanpikapika: I do think it unlikely Xfce will leave GTK anytime soon02:56
pikapikaI meant02:57
pikapikaxfce is forced to follow gnome to a degree because of gtk02:57
matsamancluelessperson: you can't mount your partitions?02:57
matsamanpikapika: that's what I thought you meant yes02:57
cluelesspersonmatsaman, the system doesn't detect the partitions02:58
matsamancluelessperson: you said fdisk does, didn't you?02:59
cluelesspersonmatsaman, yes,  fdisk literally reads the /dev/sda that does show up, and detects the partition structure on it02:59
matsamancluelessperson: so what's the problem? You can't mount the partitions?03:00
cluelesspersonmatsaman, I'm not sure if you're reading what I'm writing03:00
cluelesspersonthe system doesn't detect the partitions03:00
cluelesspersonls /dev/sd*  only shows    /dev/sda03:00
cluelesspersonno sda1, sda2,  when they should be there.03:01
matsaman"fdisk ... reads ... and detecs the partition structure on it"03:01
cluelesspersonfdisk is just a utility for interacting with disks directly03:01
matsamanis 'ls /dev/sd*' crucial to your process somehow?03:01
cluelesspersonfdisk is not the system03:01
cluelesspersonwhen the microsd card is plugged in, the system detects it, creates a device file at  /dev/sda,   should scan it and also make  sda1, sda2 for each partition it finds, it does not03:02
matsamanwhy should it do that?03:03
cluelesspersonbecause it typically does that for any device you plug in03:04
matsamansounds like a real horrible problem03:05
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
=== BenCraft4 is now known as BenCraft
cluelesspersonnow wpa_supplicant won't connect to wifi03:45
cluelesspersonit's just reading disconnected03:45
isapgswellanyone know about nvidiadrmfb ?04:12
isapgswelllike radeondrmfb04:12
spandexDoes anybody know how to stop unattended-upgrade?04:13
cwsspandex: Why would you want to?04:13
spandexCause it does not allow me to install other packages.04:13
spandexDo you know any work around for that?04:14
cwsThen it is in the process of installing something, and you shouldn't try to stop it. Let it finish.04:14
spandexCan I disable it temporarily?04:15
cwsNo, because its already running. Let it finish.04:15
sub526Hi all, I'm having Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS PC. In my PC I see that kernel auto updates and I want to prevent kernel auto update feature.. Can someone help me on this?05:46
sub526Right now 5 different kernels are installed : https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/rFKbKRKYgW/05:47
benoliver999I'm getting 'cups pki expired' when I try to print, anyone seeing this?08:04
benoliver999I've googled it, bit of a dead end08:04
benoliver999Ah interesting,  one machine that did do-release-upgrade works fine08:07
benoliver999Two fresh installs, not so much08:07
=== Thargoid is now known as stwalkerster
k3tani'm getting some serious "FAILED" notifications during the bootup of my ubuntu servers on virtualbox. I have a video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5BWy7kTxxQ if anyone wants to take a look at it at advise what could fix this?08:26
sabasedighDoes anyone know what the font is this? http://transfer.sh/NZBTl/Screenshot%20from%202021-03-29%2012:53:36.png08:29
superschnellHi all. I've noticed that a php module I use (blackfire) saves itself in /etc/php/7.4/{cli,fpm}/conf.d/ as 99-blackfire.ini, a regular file, not a symlink to /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/blackfire.ini. I've modified this to be the case. However, using phpenmod and phpdismod doesn't "remember" this 99 sequence number, and when re-enabled, uses 20. Is there no mechanism to have this sequence number08:47
superschnellpersist across a disable/enable? Note that this isn't a module-specific issue - phpenmod and phpdismod do not appear to have any mechanism to restore the sequence number for any module.08:47
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
benoliver999Ignore my previous message, it was an expired cert on the printer. tbh I thought that was just for the webgui09:34
imrjdhi folks09:48
Maikhello imrjd09:49
imrjdwhts the channel for chit chat?09:50
Maikofftopic whic you schould know09:51
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!09:51
f_ayxHi channel I am on Ubuntu 20.04 and I've installed KDE Plasma Desktop how do I upgrade to KF5 to 5.7* I'm currently on v5.69. thanks10:47
ThinkT510f_ayx: how did you install plasma?10:54
ThinkT510if it was through the default repositories then the short answer is there won't be an upgrade. if it is through a ppa then you'll need to contact the ppa maintainer to see if they will upgrade their packages.10:57
f_ayxvia terminal10:57
f_ayxThinkT510: Ah default repo :-/11:13
golliverHi. Could anyone help me using the e2undo command with /media/ubuntu/d5c220f8-bd51-4075-a8a6-e292e864572e/sda1_fsck/e2fsck-sda1_resize.e2undo ?11:36
BluesKajHi folks12:43
VMGuy23Hello, of you have a support question, say it here, if not, join #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic discussion.12:43
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK_
isapgswelllook my /dev/input13:10
isapgswellby-id    event0  event10  event12  event14  event16  event18  event2   event21  event23  event25  event27  event3  event5  event7  event9  mouse013:11
isapgswellby-path  event1  event11  event13  event15  event17  event19  event20  event22  event24  event26  event28  event4  event6  event8  mice    mouse113:11
isapgswelli have only 1 mouse13:11
isapgswellusb mouse13:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:14
=== lupulo is now known as Guest29906
=== PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK
=== VMGuy234_ is now known as VMGuy234
DroWhat sizes do you recommad for / and /home ? (ubuntu 20.04) ?14:27
DroI guess I need at least 100 GB for /home but not sure about "/"14:28
VMGuy23geez, I have less than 100GB for ubuntu in total!14:28
jatt10GB for / should be enough14:29
DroVMGuy23: it maybe depends of use.. Personnaly I use ubuntu for almost everything14:29
cwsDro: How much space do you have in total?14:29
Drocws: 1TO14:29
cwsYou could easily give 50GB to /, including a swap file, and not even feel it.14:30
Drojatt: I'm not sure 10GB will be enough, in my current system I have 27GB and its fully used14:30
Dro/dev/sdb5        27G   26G  132M 100% /14:30
Dro/dev/sdb3        64G   54G  7.1G  89% /home14:30
cwsThe other question is, on a single disk, why bother splitting them at all?14:31
jattyes it depends on your needs, for me I've:14:31
jatt/dev/nvme0n1p5   63G  7,7G   52G  13% /14:31
jattwith full xfce14:31
Drocws: to make it easy when formating later (you can always have your //home data separated of the system)14:32
jellyDro, use LVM instead of putting filesystems on partitions, keep most space unallocated, and resize LVs with filesystems when needed14:32
jellyextending LVs and most filesystems can be done online without downtime14:33
Drojelly: the default ubuntu installation use LVM?14:33
jellyI don't remember14:33
cwsIt's a checkbox.14:33
jellybut then you don't have to think about sizing in advance14:33
Drojelly: but even when putting partitions, we can always remove a partition and add its space to ubuntu.. no need for unallocated space14:34
cwsDro: Which is far more complicated than leaving unallocated space and being able to extend a logical volume with a single command.14:37
Drocws: right!14:37
cwsSo use LVMs, leave most of your space unallocated until you need to.14:38
jellyDro, unless the geometry is _just right_ that might require downtime and moving things around14:38
leftyfbDro: unless you have a specific need, you do not need separate partitions for anything, including swap if you have at least 16G of memory14:46
leftyfbDro: anything else is personal preference for specific purposes or "just because" and isn't really useful14:46
jilwhen using snap where does the bin goes ?14:58
jilI have vlc 3.0.8 installed with apt-get, I install vlc 3.0.12 with snap but vlc -V is still 3.0814:59
adm001mihi all, got a question about ubuntu 20.04... I disabled the gui with systemctl disable gdm3. On reboot it's still on tt7, but I want it to go to tty1... is this possible? So yes, how?14:59
jilWhere did the snap vlc go ?  I see it in snap list14:59
leftyfbjil: remove the apt package if you want to use the snap15:00
jilok, I did  apt-get remove vlc.  Strangely vlc 3.0.8 is still there.15:00
leftyfbadm001mi: https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2020/05/boot-ubuntu-20-04-command-console/15:00
jilI did not dare do a apt-get remove vlc-* because to many package were going to be removed.15:01
adm001mithx leftyfb15:01
jilhow safe do you think it is  to do apt-get remove vlc-* ?15:01
jilleftyfb: still I would like to understand where does snap install binaries ?15:02
leftyfbjil: /snap/bin/vlc15:02
imbezolanyone have a link to the proper instructions on how to disable systemd-resolved?15:05
leftyfbimbezol: why do you want to disable systemd-resolved?15:12
imbezolleftyfb: it has a bug that is breaking a lot of websites for me and until it's fixed i need to have DHCP set my DNS server directly in /etc/resolv.conf15:14
leftyfbimbezol: what bug?15:15
imbezolor run dnsmasq, or whatever... just need to remove resolved15:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1921636 in systemd (Ubuntu Groovy) "resolved CNAME redirect issues" [Undecided,New]15:16
imbezolaffects linkedin, google, hotmail, redhat, etc.15:16
van777imbezol: I'd fix that installing dnscrypt-proxy15:18
imbezoli have a cacheing DNS server 15 feet from me and i'm connected to it via 10 gig15:20
imbezolputting another cache on my desktop is possible.. but really this is a temp fix and i'd like to be able to switch back and forth...15:21
imbezoldisable / enable systemd-resolved, so i can work this bug15:21
imbezolreally all i want to know is how to remove the cache15:21
imbezoli can disable systemd-resolved easily enough... but how do i tell it to update /etc/resolv.conf normally with the DNS server given by DHCP?15:22
jilleftyfb: thank you15:24
MuliganI think I screwed up15:28
Muliganrunning an Ubuntu 16.04LTS guest within esxi, I've increased the virtual disk, then ran gparted live iso, expanded it there, however now to get LVM to expand15:29
MuliganI didn't realize it was an LVM15:29
Muligangot it15:33
jellyMuligan, at work we setup VMs with a tiny 500MB or 1GB disk just for /boot, and second disk for everything else with LVM _without partitions_, that way we can grow the disk and PV and whichever LV without any downtime to resize partitions or having to reboot to make the kernel acknowledge new partition sizes16:02
Muliganjelly, yep, I did that, and got it working16:08
Muliganforgot about pv and lv resizing16:09
Muliganusually w/lvm volumes, i just drop in another vmdk, and expand over to it16:09
kildeHelp! When I print from a PDF, it only prints on a corner of the page. How to fix this? Ubuntu Studio16:14
narbehhello everyone, I want to compile openssl 1.1.1k (latest) on ubuntu 16.04, over (OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016), will it break anything?16:26
leftyfbnarbeh: I would not do that. Your better solution would be to upgrade Ubuntu to a release that isn't going to be EOL next month16:28
narbehleftyfb: I see, thanks, and if there is no way to upgrade at the moment?16:31
lotuspsychjenarbeh: there is a !pinning method but not sure thats adviced to do on openssl16:36
lotuspsychjenarbeh: i would also go the route leftyfb said, mount higher ubuntu release with a higher package version16:36
=== igorkovalenko is now known as i-garrison
munskinghello, i'd like to be able to open ssh connections by clicking on a link on a website, if i click a link that starts with ssh:// i can choose a terminal to open it with but the terminal window doesn't open. does it need a certain syntax or something?17:53
van777munsking: try https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/secure-shell-app/pnhechapfaindjhompbnflcldabbghjo18:11
munskingvan777: i'd like to open the link with whatever program the user wants to, since it needs to work on windows and linux18:11
van777As I've read, ssh:// is not supported mime type..18:12
irgendwer4711hi, so when will Thunderbird 78.8 Update will be ready?18:13
leftyfb!latest | irgendwer471118:19
ubottuirgendwer4711: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:19
irgendwer4711the is a big bug in 78.718:21
irgendwer4711updats is in testing ppa for weeks...18:22
Ditiriswhen i try to delete a download with the same name and thus a (1) i get an error? bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('18:23
Ditirisbut then i can use sudo rm *.zip and everything works fine. why is that?18:24
tomreynwhats the command you run, which provides this bash error message?18:25
tomreynand which ubuntu version are you running?18:25
Ditirisrm *.zip, 20.04 LTS18:26
tomreynbut didnt you just say that'erverything works fine' when you run 'rm *.zip'?18:27
Ditirissorry, only when i do sudo rm *.zip18:27
Ditirisif i just do 'rm *.zip' then it will delete artifacts.zip but not the others18:28
Ditirisand i get the error message18:28
tomreynyou must have passed some argument containing the character'(' to get an error message of "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('", though.18:29
DroDo you think this partitions config will be good : 100 GB for / and 150 GB for /home ?18:31
Dro(for Ubuntu 20.04)18:32
cwsDro: Just use LVM and leave space unallocated as what suggested previously.18:32
mtcDitiris do you know that you can prefix special characters with a backslash "\" ?18:32
cwsDro: There's no need to allocate that much space to the root.18:32
Ditiristhese are downloads from firefox18:33
Ditirisbut it happens even if i just create two files using touch18:33
Drocws: the problem is that I don't have any idea about LVM.. I usually prefer the sure path :D (something that I already tried)18:33
Drocws: for the root space, I found out that Docker containers uses too much space18:33
cwsLVM is a sure path. Now would be a great time to learn.18:33
Drofor my current system18:34
Droand I have everytime to liberate space in / while I have 30GB currently18:34
leftyfbDitiris: find ~/Downloads -name *.zip -exec rm {} \;18:38
Ditirisleftyfb: any idea why just 'rm *.zip' doesn't work?18:40
leftyfbDimitris: globs18:40
leftyfbsorry, busy at the moment to get into more details18:41
summonnerif you have too many files to delete, the * expansion will fail18:41
tomreynDitiris: it normally would, something must be special about your shell18:41
tomreynsimple test case, no error messages: mkdir -p /tmp/test; cd /tmp/test; touch 'file1.zip' 'file2.zip' 'file(3).zip' 'file(4).zip' '(f)ile(5).zip'; echo 'before rm:'; ls -1; rm *.zip; echo; echo 'after rm:'; ls -118:41
tomreyn(and deletion succeeds)18:42
summonnerfind will fork the rm, so infinite zip files won't break the request to delete them... also:   find ~/Downloads -iname \*.zip -delete    is a better version18:42
PeGaSuSso, I installed Ubuntu on a laptop with a broken screen, attached to an external monitor19:09
PeGaSuSnow, I can't see the login screen anywhere19:09
PeGaSuSit's supposedly hidden at the left. is there any way to bring to the front on the external monitor (I don't have the normal monitor attached)19:10
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superleaf1995so my intel i7 laptop19:25
superleaf1995i put ubuntu liveiso19:25
superleaf1995accidentally disconnect usb19:25
superleaf1995screen goes black19:25
superleaf1995i try to turn it off but IT WONT TURN OFF19:26
superleaf1995please help19:26
superleaf1995and it seems to NOT want to turn off19:26
superleaf1995and makes some fan noises19:26
leftyfbsuperleaf1995: hold down the power button until it turns off19:26
superleaf1995wont work19:26
leftyfbsuperleaf1995: it will, hold it longer19:27
leftyfbsuperleaf1995: or unplug the power and battery(if accessible)19:27
superleaf1995cant deattach battery either19:28
superleaf1995the laptop is an19:30
superleaf1995intel i7 with nvidia geforce mx250 and u can touch the screen19:30
leftyfbsuperleaf1995: contact the manufacturer for help. This is not an ubuntu issue at this point19:35
PeGaSuSI eventually fixed my issue19:55
PeGaSuSit's amazing how there's always something online to solve small things on Ubuntu19:56
van777PeGaSuS: true19:56
PeGaSuStook me a while to bypass the issue, but now all works as expected19:59
today911hey! does ubuntu keep track of commands run from the terminal? and does it do some automatic adjustments? I mean, I ran my program that does some search on a drive and printfs some progress alog with some debug info... and after a while, I can no longer see the printfs that are part of the search, until after I press CTRL+C ?20:08
superleaf1995so i waiteed for it to drain battery20:08
superleaf1995guys i hope it turns on normally now :((((20:08
superleaf1995if not i will commit the scream20:08
superleaf1995no way20:11
superleaf1995it does not turn on normally20:11
leftyfbsuperleaf1995: you'll have to contact the manufacturer of the laptop. This is no longer an Ubuntu support issue20:14
leftyfbtoday911: no, nothing gets recorded as far as what a script is doing unless you install something to do so20:15
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today911leftyfb: thank you!20:17
today911I just do not understand what could have happened then? I even put a fflush(stdout) in my while loop, doe not help; then I printf("press any key..."); getchar(); still I can not see the previously printed printfs?20:18
today911I got it! I resized the terminal... and so, somehow it kept buffering stuff?20:21
today911Is this a normal behaviour?20:23
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ELFrederichI'm running a 20.04.2 on my desktop and also have a server on AWS.  Why do I get different formats for this command:  /usr/bin/date -d '-2 days'23:04
ELFrederichLocally I get ... Sat 27 Mar 2021 07:03:34 PM EDT23:04
ELFrederichOn server I get ... Sat Mar 27 23:05:48 UTC 202123:05
cwsELFrederich: Check your $LANG or $LC_TIME variables.23:05
ELFrederichLANG=en_US.UTF-8 vs LANG=C.UTF-823:06
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cwsAnd there you go.23:07
ELFrederichI'm trying to create a date that curl will accept with --time-cond23:07
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cwsIf you set LC_TIME to something before running date, you can ensure a common format.23:07
ELFrederichwill this always work?  LANG=C.UTF-8 /usr/bin/date -d '-2 days'23:07
ELFrederichideally I'd get a UTC time23:08
ELFrederichLANG=C.UTF-8 /usr/bin/date -u -d '-2 days'23:09
cwsLANG=C.UTF-8 TZ=UTC /usr/bin/date -d '-2 days'23:09
cwsELFrederich: That SHOULD do what you need.23:09
ELFrederichman... this AWS instance has some serious drift... it's in the future23:10
ELFrederichSat Mar 27 23:12:08 UTC 202123:10
cwsThat's two days ago, sure.23:10
ELFrederichthe minutes23:10
cwsSure, its two days ago, UTC.23:11
cwsNot that far off.23:11
cwsI get what you mean, though.23:11
ELFrederichI'd think anything more than a 5 seconds would be serious23:12
cwsThe amount of clock skew that you can tolerate is determined entirely by what the server is doing.23:13
cwsOr if you have any kind of time-dependent crypto operations going on, like TOTPs.23:13
ELFrederichhmmm, why doesn't this work?  ssh my-server "bash -c LANG=C.UTF-8 TZ=UTC /usr/bin/date"23:14
ELFrederichit works without setting the environment variables.23:14
ELFrederichI put it before the bash and now it works.  I wanted to get the dates right next to each other23:15
ELFrederichssh my-server 'LANG=C.UTF-8 TZ=UTC bash -c /usr/bin/date' && LANG=C.UTF-8 TZ=UTC bash -c /usr/bin/date23:16
ELFrederichMon Mar 29 23:18:11 UTC 202123:16
ELFrederichMon Mar 29 23:16:01 UTC 202123:16
ELFrederichoh well... now I'm getting side tracked.  Locally my clock is at least in sync with my phone and with Google23:16
ELFrederichjust AWS is ahead23:16
cwsAnd I doubt you can manipulate the local time of the AWS instance, e.g. ntp23:20
wait-whatI used to have a boyfriend named "ubuntu" ... he would "play the bongos" on my ass23:26
jesshey wait-what23:26
wait-whathi jess23:26
wait-whatnm u23:26
jessbit tired, just had a fight with some spambots23:26
jessnow i have a tiny headache23:27
wait-whatwere you paid23:27
wait-whatwe're both freenode volunteers23:27
jessthe pay is doing a good job23:27
jessand being proud of it23:27
imbezolboy have i got some work for you23:28
jessis it nice23:28
wait-whatjess.  I agree23:28
wait-whatI can't get rid of metanova unfortunately23:29
wait-whatwhy doesn't staff ban him?23:29
wait-whatthey're not attentive enough23:29
jessi'm very attentive :(23:29
wait-whatthey don't know what a piece of shit he is23:29
jessu know me :c23:29
wait-whatI'm sure you're attentive, but metanova is a pedophile, and they are very clever and careful23:30
hggdhoops, too late23:45
hggdhbut still worth of a ban23:45
jesswell sigyn k-lines are, what, 3 days long?23:46
hggdhohm, that was sygyn... I stand corrected23:47
jessaint she lovely23:47
fradwhat app could I use to convert a x264 mkv into x265? Aim it to reduce size without losing quality23:55
fradand, can I bulk convert?23:55
matsamanfrad: ffmpeg23:56
fradffmpeg seems to be awfully versatile...23:57
matsamanffmpeg -i foo.mkv -c:v libx265 bar.mp423:57
matsamanyup, it's amazeballs23:57
fradffmpeg -i foo.mkv -c:v libx265 bar.mkv, where 'foo.mkv' is the output and 'bar.mkv' the input, correct?23:57
matsamanno first the input, then the output23:58
matsamanand there's not likely any reason to stick with mkv, I would just use mp423:58
fradwhy would I want the output to be mp4?23:58
matsamanthe only reason to stick with MKV would be ... certain subtitle formats, I think23:58
fradis mp4 with x265 smaller that mkv with also x265?23:59
matsamanno, they're just container formats23:59
matsamanh.265 is h.265 is h.26523:59

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