
* Mamarok is already running Hirsute since 6 weeks, no complaints so far other than SDDM not starting properly sometimes, which sucks. Trying a few times usually helps, though12:27
MamarokI love the artwork by Sylvia RItter, sadly not the right format for the laptop12:33
Mamarokunless she has made a larger one12:33
RikMillscan't find a bigger on on the public part of her site or instagram12:36
valorieI think I found that at Deviantart18:40
valorieperhaps if we wrote to her?18:40
RikMillspopey mentioned that they (canonical) are talking to her18:41
RikMillsor were18:41
valoriethe official version is so plain18:42
RikMillsI quite like it18:46
valoriewell I like the plain too but I would like to see something for the website!20:09
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I got hold the Official SVG's and am taking a look at what can be done.20:10

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