
matsamanbulk convert should be about the same as any loop00:02
matsamanfor i in *.mkv; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -c:v libx265 "$i".mp4; done, etc.00:03
matsamanyou might want ffmpeg -i foo bar < /dev/null in certain circumstances00:03
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matsamanand there are GUI frontends aplenty00:04
frad-x265-params lossless=1, I think I should use this one. THis way I won't lose any quality, but the resulting file will be smaller (x264 to z265), correct?00:05
matsamanmuch smaller00:06
fradso: ffmpeg -i foo.mkv -x265-params lossless=1 bar.mkv?00:08
matsamanmake sure the hardware you plan on playing it back via can handle it before you transcode a large collection, though00:08
fradtesting with 100:08
matsamanlarger resolution h.265 in particular can be fairly demanding to play back00:08
matsamanfrad: you'll probably still need -c:v libx26500:09
matsamanif you throw in -t 00:00:30, that'll do it for 30 seconds only, for testing00:09
fradffmpeg -i foo.mkv -x265-params lossless=1 -c:v libx265 -t 00:00:30 bar.mkv?00:09
matsamanlooks good; it's possible the -c:v libx265 may have to come before -x265-params00:10
matsamanit'll let you know if so00:10
fradmatsaman, how dows compressng to x265 affect grainy films?00:22
fradfrom the 80's and 90s00:22
fraddoes compressing*00:23
matsamanif you're doing it losslessly, it'll merely be smaller in file size00:23
fradI mean I wouldn't mind losing some grainy-ness00:23
matsamanif you're doing it losslessly, probably nothing much00:23
matsamanif you're doing it lossily*, probably nothing much00:23
matsamanwhen you're allowing loss, what you need to watch out for is darks and lights and high contrast00:24
matsamananimated things are usually higher file sizes to maintain quality, because there are so many large blocks of perceptible color00:24
fradallowing loss = not running '-x265-params lossless=1'00:24
matsamanthe defaults will be very good for most things, though00:24
matsamanfrad: right00:24
fraddefaults = running your first command, ffmpeg -i foo.mkv -c:v libx265 bar.mp4?00:25
matsamanthat will be technically lossy00:26
matsamanalthough perceptibly, as a human, most of the time, you will not notice loss00:26
matsaman(except in file size, for h.264 -> h.265)00:26
fradI have a small screen 15 inches, but I want to keep as much quality as possible, for when I buy a 27'' monitor. If this is the plan, would it make sense to just use '-x265-params lossless=1'?00:28
fradwill I then notice loss?00:28
matsamanI don't think you'll notice loss either way00:28
matsamanif you're trying to make a collection that will last "forever", it makes sense to go lossless00:28
matsamanbut only if the filesize remains small enough to be financially viable00:29
matsamansince you're going from h.264 to h.265 that probably isn't an issue00:29
matsamanbecause you can reduce size by at least half most of the time00:29
fradmatsaman, the command works. This is a 2 hour movie. How long will it last? if it says 'fps=3', 3 frames per second?00:40
matsamanfrad: there should be a timestamp readout in the output, hours, minutes, seconds00:42
matsamanif you've got regular consumer grade hardware, it will be a decent while00:42
matsamantry using -t 00:01:00 and you'll get a time for one minute00:42
fradstrange: I ran ffmpeg -i foo.mkv -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 -t 00:00:30 bar.mkv but the output is 15 seconds long...00:44
matsamanthat is strange =)00:45
matsamanmaybe :3100:45
fradencoded 411 frames in 237.54s (1.73 fps), 83098.82 kb/s, Avg QP:4.0000:46
fradso a second is made of 24 frames, correct?00:46
matsamanfrad: hrmm?00:47
fradcompressing this movie will take me exactly 24 hours at 2 fps...00:47
fradmatsaman, 'encoded 411 frames' 24 frames are a second, correct?00:47
frada temporal second is made of 24 frames00:48
matsamanI would take the seconds of video you got00:48
matsamanand the seconds of time it took to produce00:48
frad4 minutes to create 17 seconds of movie00:49
matsamanit could very well take a long time00:49
matsamanit'd be interesting to compare not using the lossless option, for time00:50
frad29 hours00:51
fradnow I wonder what kind of equipment do pirates use to compress and offer so many movies00:51
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robertparkerxwhat is default location for mysql log and system log04:00
matsamanrobertparkerx: /var/log/ is the normal place for logs04:02
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today911hey! any way to list the touchpad module in ubuntu 14.04 ?05:31
today911(I was using Ubuntu 20.04 which's touchpad is ok, but I find the ubuntu 14.04 driver or module works better?)05:31
today911(same goes with touchscreen module ?)05:32
cpatrick08I was on the Cd Image server and noticed their is a Ubuntu-Canary iso. I was wondering what the differences are between it and the regular Ubuntu Daily ISO.05:45
slidercrankhello. how do I install kernel sources in Ubuntu?06:44
Maikfirst hit on google slidercrank06:47
slidercrankI did it06:48
slidercrankbut the problem is it installs linux-source-5.4.0.tar.bz2. Just puts this archive to /usr/src/06:48
slidercrankwithout unpacking it06:48
slidercrankso I thought I'm doing something wrong06:48
slidercrankin other distros you install kernel sources and they appear in /usr/src/kernels/06:49
slidercrankand I don't find kernel sources with apt-cache search `uname -r`06:50
slidercrankit finds only headers and modules and some other files06:50
Baikonurhey, did something special happen on the 21th, at midnight?06:51
Maik!discuss | Baikonur06:51
ubottuBaikonur: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!06:51
Baikonurone thing I was running on focal suddenly stopped working at the turn of midnight on the 21th06:52
BaikonurUTC time06:52
Maiknever heard of such a thing happening06:53
Baikonurit's a python program that's run once per hour with a systemd timer, it works fine if I run it myself but if systemd time runs, there's a http request that times out06:54
caipiblack2Hi, I try to debug an issue on an embedded device and to do it i need to "delay" the response of DHCP (dhcpoffer). Did you know a dhcp server that can do it  ? dhcpd seems not.06:54
Baikonur*if systemd timer runs it06:54
gimpnixonDo I ask questions about 21.04 in ubuntu-devel or where, i'm sorry07:27
Maikgimpnixon: in #ubuntu+107:30
Maikbut don't expect any response07:30
gimpnixon@maik thank you07:31
slidercrankDoes anyone know how to properly install kernel sources for the currently running kernel? `uname -r` returns 5.8.0-48-generic. I'm using VERSION="20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa)". Yes, I've tried different tutorials. They seem not applicable to Focal Fossa07:35
gimpnixonI am tryign to figure out the process function of Settings>Accessability>Zoom>Color Effects>Brightness. any suggestions?07:36
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overcluckerinstalling kernel source always felt too complicated in ubuntu07:57
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curloxideCompiling kernels always felt too complicated for me07:57
slidercrankI managed somehow to install it. Not sure if I did it correctly. The problem is that I can't compile an out-of-tree kernel module. It was so easy in Fedora07:59
overcluckerdid you need just the headers, or the entire source tree?07:59
slidercrankthe source tree08:00
overcluckeryeah, the ubuntu has like 20 extra steps to prepare the source08:01
slidercrankmake[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux-hwe-5.8-5.8.0'08:03
slidercrankmake[2]: *** No rule to make target '/home/<username>/Workspace/<drivername>/driver/queue.o', needed by '/home/<username>/Workspace/<drivername>/driver/queue.mod'.  Stop.08:03
overcluckerI want is to unpack a tarball to /usr/src and symlink it to /usr/src/linux08:03
curloxideAand there goes my idea of installing anbox :(08:03
slidercrankand this is where I'm stuck08:03
curloxideSomeone forget to change the string from an example?08:04
curloxideOr is it just censored?08:04
curloxide(me forgetting to ping slidercrank)08:05
slidercrankcurloxide, no, I replaced it with <...>08:05
slidercrankbecause it's irrelevant08:05
slidercrankthe same driver compiles in Fedora08:06
curloxideSo it's kinda censored08:06
superschnellIn Debian, I used to be able to have the unstable repo and only install packages from there if I explicitly specified it with e.g. /unstable behind the package name.08:07
curloxideWeird. Normally I'd see "no rule to make target 'clean'" or similar08:07
curloxideOutside my knowledge08:08
superschnellCan I do a similar thing in Ubuntu? E.g. run 20.10 and then get something from Hirsute?08:08
superschnellI also learned about08:10
superschnell"Ondřej Surý" today, and apparently I can lots of packages from his backports repo08:11
superschnellcan get*08:11
superschnellSpecifically regarding PHP08:14
superschnellSo, any advice about running a 'newer' Ubuntu, optionally with 'newest of the new' for select packages?08:14
slidercrankI've finally solved the problem with driver compilation08:21
de-factoin ubuntu server, where is the network config?08:50
roryde-facto, this documentation page is very good: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/network-configuration08:51
roryde-facto, to answer your question: It's in multiple places. Check that page for e.g. "Static IP Address Assignment" and "DNS Client Configuration"08:53
de-factohmm ok08:54
de-factothis looks completely different from what i was used to from debian08:54
roryprobably something to do with systemd08:55
de-factoi was given a server and want to understand its network setup08:56
de-factoit seems the interface does not even have an ip address but a whole network ?08:57
de-facto" inet brd scope global ens3"08:57
de-factohow can i even find my ip address?08:57
roryhostname -I08:59
de-factoah maybe that is the ip address with hostmask 2408:59
de-factoweird i would have expected a public address, hmmm08:59
rorythere is a web service you can curl to get your public IP from behind NAT: curl ifconfig.me09:00
superschnellde-facto: such IP addresses are allowed09:02
de-factoyeah i am behind a NAT :(((09:02
de-factough this is ugly09:02
superschnellde-facto: I'm not sure what you mean09:03
superschnellWhat do you think is wrong?09:03
superschnell0 doesn't mean "network" here09:04
superschnellThere's literally nothing wrong with any of it, NAT or not09:04
BluewolfGood day all. I have a Gigabyte B365M DS3H Motherboard, with Ubuntu 20.04 - I cannot get the front panel audio ports to work or where to even begin solving it?09:46
toffoHi there! My Raspberry Pi4B running on Xubuntu 20.10 64bit doesn't boot from SSD any longer after the 5.8.1020-raspi update :(09:50
VMGuy23My sugguestion: Try using the Micro SD card slot with a MicroSD to USB adapter and see if it boots.09:51
toffoVMGuy23: yes, it boots from MicroSD to my backup09:52
toffoBegin: Waiting for root file system ... Begin: Running /scripts/local-block ... mdadm: No devices listed in conf files were found. [the mdadm errormsg gets repeated multiple times...]09:52
toffothat's what I get on bootup and then some, it boots straight into BusyBox09:52
VMGuy23Whats BusyBox09:52
toffo"Gave up waiting for root file system device. Common problems: <etc.etc. listed>" ...09:53
VMGuy23Something went wrong writing the config files09:54
toffo"ALERT! Label "WRITABLE" does not exist. Dropping to a shell."09:54
VMGuy23what happens when you unplug the SSD (but keep the card in)09:55
toffoVMGuy23: unplug the SSD at what point? When it swaps the boot-up process to Ubuntu or .. ?09:56
VMGuy23Just before you turn it on. Use the card only.09:56
toffoI'm using James A. Chambers' SSD boot-up script, don't know if that might've botched the boot up09:56
toffoVMGuy23: works just fine from the MicroSD card, like I said :)09:56
toffothis was right after I updated the 5.8-1020-raspi today09:57
toffothat build has been working for half a year with all the latest updates oknp09:57
toffo(and I've never had any issues like this before tbh)09:57
toffoshould I make a vidcap of the boot process?09:58
toffobecause it DOES boot but something goes haywire at some point of the process09:58
VMGuy23I can't help anymore, but a screencap would be useful for others.09:58
VMGuy23Hopefully someone else comes to help soon.09:59
EriC^^toffo: what's the problem?09:59
toffoEriC^^: Raspberry Pi 4B won't boot from SSD after today's 5.8.1020-raspi kernel update.10:00
VMGuy23Here's the error: "Begin: Waiting for root file system ... Begin: Running /scripts/local-block ... mdadm: No devices listed in conf files were found. "10:01
toffoor well, it does to a degree, but then I get BusyBox'd10:01
EriC^^does it mention anything at the top before it gives the busybox?10:03
VMGuy23I said above10:04
VMGuy23He told me earlier10:04
VMGuy23right at the end, it was: ""Gave up waiting for root file system device. Common problems: <etc.etc. listed>"10:04
EriC^^aha, you could try to troubleshoot that from busybox, see what it expects to mount and if it exists or what10:05
VMGuy23It looks like broken .conf files10:05
EriC^^toffo: do you have a live usb or some live system you can boot to troubleshoot?10:05
EriC^^toffo: are you using raid?10:05
VMGuy23Maybe the james A. Chambers' bootup script got broken by the update, you were using that10:06
EriC^^try an older kernel from grub > advanced10:07
toffohttps://images2.imgbox.com/c3/b9/7kqniKum_o.png so this is what the "end of the boot" looks like. The cursor is blinking active in the "(initramfs)" part of the BusyBox, but I can't type in anything with any wired or wireless USB keyboard.10:08
VMGuy23How did you take the screenshot?10:09
toffoVMGuy23: I have a HDMI video capture USB3 dongle10:09
VMGuy23toffo: Ok, just wondering10:09
EriC^^toffo: are you using raid? mdadm is for raid10:09
toffoVMGuy23: you can get those off of eBay/Amazon for $10-15USD today10:09
toffoEriC^^: nope. Just a Samsung T5 USB3 SSD10:10
toffoand note that it boots up until that point from the SSD, there's no MicroSD card anywhere10:10
toffoI'm not using a "boot jump" via MicroSD or anything. It's straight off the SSD.10:10
EriC^^toffo: ok, maybe see /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf in case it has stuff it is trying to use10:10
toffoEriC^^: will take a look now. I wonder if that has something to do with the fact that I'm using the James A. Chambers' script ( https://jamesachambers.com/raspberry-pi-4-ubuntu-20-04-usb-mass-storage-boot-guide/ )10:12
EriC^^it looks like it's expecting some /dev/md* devices and they dont exist and it ends up giving up waiting, if you're not using raid i think mdadm /dev/md* shouldn't be relevant10:12
toffoEriC^^: only two lines that are not #-commented out in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf: "HOMEHOST <system>" , "MAILADDR root"10:15
EriC^^toffo: what's in /etc/fstab ?10:16
EriC^^toffo: also anything in /etc/mdadm.conf ? or also give "locate mdadm.conf" a try and see what files it gives10:17
toffoEriC^^: There's a few "mdadm.conf" files, one of them in "/etc/modprobe.d/" that says on an uncommented line: "options md_mod start_ro=1"10:19
toffoEriC^^: There's also "mdadm.config" and "mdadm.conffiles" in "/var/lib/dpkg/info"10:20
EriC^^toffo: anything interesting in /etc/fstab?10:21
EriC^^do you have internet access on the live system?10:21
toffoEriC^^: https://images2.imgbox.com/3d/ef/ria0w4Mq_o.png fstab10:25
toffoEriC^^: you mean internet access on the box that is not booting now? yes10:25
toffocould the problem be in /etc/fstab referring to the disk partitions via labels rather than (part)UUID10:26
toffoI've always thought that pointing out to partitions by their label instead of (part)UUID is wonky a.f.10:27
EriC^^yeah it's definitely better practice to put the uuids instead10:27
toffoEriC^^: I have multiple boxes from the same build type tho ... now this other Ubuntu box, also a RPi4B, running on 64bit Ubuntu 20.10, wants to update the 5.8-1020-raspi kernel ...10:27
toffoAnd since this happened to the other box right after the update, I don't want to screw up yet another fully working box10:28
EriC^^toffo: do you still have older kernels on it? try "ls /boot" and look for vmlinuz files10:29
toffoI'm a/b comparing the other box and this one, the /dev/sr* ones are for the optical drive I sometimes have attached to the RPi that are not in use10:29
EriC^^i see10:29
toffothey shouldn't be a problem tho.. or haven't been. yes, I have the vmlinuz10:30
toffothe 'vmlinuz' file is from an hour ago which is exactly when everything went to hell ;D10:30
EriC^^multipe vmlinuz?10:30
EriC^^or just that one10:30
toffoone file named 'vmlinuz', dated today, and one file named 'vmlinuz.bak', from March 24th.10:31
toffothere's also a 'vmlinux' file from March 24th.10:31
EriC^^aha, try "sudo update-grub && cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link it gives you here10:32
toffoEriC^^: ... so that's what you meant by the internet access :D10:32
toffo(you're assuming I can ssh into the box)10:32
toffoI haven't tried that out tbh, but since it booted to busybox and doesn't let me input anything via keyboard, I have a nagging feeling that it didn't load sshd10:33
toffoseems that just about all of the stuff in the boot directory have a ".bak" file that's dated March 24th.10:34
toffoEriC^^: I have the SSD mounted to another raspberry pi that's running the same distro and is near-identical in many ways10:35
toffoEriC^^: but did I misunderstand what you said and should I try ssh'ing into the box or?10:36
toffobecause if I run that grub update, it will obviously do it on my rpi build that's alive?10:37
EriC^^toffo: sorry im back10:38
EriC^^toffo: ah, ok if the mounted ssd dir, nevermind the update-grub command, only run 'cat /mountpoint/boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999'10:39
toffoEriC^^: cat: /mnt/sdb2/boot/grub/grub.cfg: No such file or directory10:41
toffoEriC^^: there's no "grub/grub.cfg" on the FAT32 boot partition (/mnt/sdb1) either10:42
EriC^^toffo: what's in /mnt/sdb1 ? try "ls -lR /mnt/sdb1 | nc termbin.com 9999"10:42
toffoEriC^^: https://termbin.com/bbxd710:43
EriC^^toffo: are the labels still intact btw? give "sudo parted -ls" a shot and have a look10:44
toffoEriC^^: should that command show the disk labels ? it doesn't show anything for disk labels ...10:45
EriC^^yeah it should toffo , under "Name"10:46
toffoEriC^^: I got gparted to show them, yep, they're "system-boot" and "writable"10:46
toffoEriC^^: I wonder if I should change them to PARTUUID's and give it another go that way.10:46
toffoI did record the boot-up process to video tho10:47
EriC^^yes, change them to uuid, not partuuid10:47
EriC^^toffo: usually when you boot the rpi, can you get grub or it uses some other bootloader?10:49
toffoEriC^^: I use the James A. Chambers' SSD boot fix that he made for 20.04 and older Ubuntu versions.10:51
toffoEriC^^: "I know for Ubuntu I had to take a bunch of steps for it to be able to USB boot correctly on the Pi 4. I even went as far as to write a script called “BootFix.sh” which gets Ubuntu 20.04 to boot (otherwise it gets stuck after the Pi screen similar to how HA is)."10:52
toffoEriC^^: (from: https://jamesachambers.com/new-raspberry-pi-4-bootloader-usb-network-boot-guide/ )10:52
toffooh , well, that's the usb network boot guide10:52
toffoEriC^^: https://jamesachambers.com/raspberry-pi-4-usb-boot-config-guide-for-ssd-flash-drives/ <= it was probably this one.10:52
toffoEriC^^: cmdline.txt seems to point, once again, to the label of the drive. I could swear I had made these point to the (part)UUID10:55
toffoI wonder if kernel updates revert that to default and use the drive label instead. then again, if that's not the problem ... let's see.10:56
EriC^toffo: maybe you have to run the bootfix script again after installing a new kernel?10:58
de-factohow do i mount a remove ssh directory?11:00
de-factoseems there is not sshfs anymore?11:00
EriC^it seems like /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt has the kernel parameters and such, like how you can use nomodeset in grub, maybe adding a rootdelay=10 or so might help in case that's the issue, if it's the mdadm that's the problem i wonder where it's getting the idea to look for anything raid related11:01
EriC^!info sshfs11:01
ubottusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.0+repack+really2.10-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 42 kB, installed size 120 kB11:01
toffoEriC^: that wasn't a problem before, also, pointing to the UUID's didn't help. it still waits for root file system11:01
EriC^de-facto: looks like it's still there, it could be that universe repo isnt enabled on your system so it isnt showing up11:02
de-factohmm on enabling that in software sources the "Cache Refresh" window blocks the dialogue11:04
de-factoshould i xkill it?11:04
de-factoyeah had to kill it, weird11:05
de-factook now its installed11:05
EriC^toffo: maybe try to chroot into the install from the running system, and maybe either just purge mdadm since you're not using raid, and try to update-initramfs -c -k all so it recreates it for the kernels11:06
EriC^and maybe have a look in /etc/initramfs-tools for anything related to raid/md11:07
toffoEriC^: I'm going through that litany of error messages during booth, the "Running /scripts/local-block ... done" being the last one, it seems that I'm not the only one having that problem  https://forum.mxlinux.org/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=5635111:07
toffoEriC^: ... should I increase the wait time before timeout? :O11:08
toffoWhen the initramfs gets updated due to whatever reason (like new kernel, grub-live, manually running update-initramfs -u -k all) you get an additional boot delay of ~30 sec where it runs some scripts/local-block. This is a known issue: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugrepo ... bug=860533"11:09
toffoalthough obviously I can't run the "update-initramfs -u" since I can only boot to the BusyBox ..11:10
EriC^toffo: yeah, i'd check out /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt and add a bootdelay and see there's no md related stuff, and probably just purge mdadm completely, see there's no config for the initram relating to it and update-initramfs11:10
EriC^if that works then maybe try removing the rootdelay11:10
toffoEriC^: is there any way to update-initramfs on a detached box11:10
toffoa.k.a. can I run it somehow on that other rpi box onto the now-problematic SSD11:11
EriC^made a typo above, it's not bootdelay it's rootdelay11:11
EriC^toffo: yeah, chroot into the system, type "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt/sdb2$i; done"11:12
EriC^then type "sudo umount /dev/sdb1" and type "sudo chroot /mnt/sdb2" then type "mount /boot/firmware" it should mount it, then you can work as if you're in the running system, use dpkg/apt/update-initramfs etc11:13
toffoEriC^: cool tip, thanks, I didn't know that was possible :D11:13
EriC^np, yeah it's very useful :D11:13
toffoEriC^: alright, I'm now over there in chroot, thanks, will have to probe for a bit11:19
isapgswelli disabled tpm/vtd and now i am getting 8hrs battery life11:20
toffoEriC^: so, I know this is a dumb question, but JIC, while in the chroot it's safe to apt purge the adadm packages ?11:20
toffoEriC^: mdadm, that is.11:21
toffoEriC^: also noticed when running apt --  E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.11:22
toffoEriC^: I wonder if something got botched up during the update and it wasn't installed properly11:23
de-factotrying to do a restore of a server hdd, the server got two hdds one i could read and put a backup tar in out network, the other disk *seems* to be empty (i doubt it is), how can i look into a suspected corrupt disk?11:28
de-factothe server died of a catastrophic hw failure (psu exploded)11:28
toffoEriC^: https://pastebin.com/0j5JpJmS11:29
toffoEriC^: there's that kernel compression/recompression thang.11:29
toffoEriC^: and it fails.11:29
toffoEriC^: the part that says11:30
toffoEriC^: "mv: cannot move '/boot/firmware/vmlinux' to '/boot/firmware/vmlinux.bak': Read-only file system" -- that part (sorry!) baffles me a bit11:30
toffoEriC^: obviously it's the FAT32 boot partition but ...11:31
de-factoafaik uefi uses fat32 for its boot images11:31
toffode-facto: is raspberry pi 4b11:31
de-factooh i see11:32
toffoI wonder should I reinstall initramfs-tools, oddly enough I get "initramfs-tools is already the newest version (0.137ubuntu12)." but I still get prompted on whether or not to install it11:33
toffoanother ??? is the "update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)11:34
toffoI get the same error of read-only file system if I try to 'apt-get install initramfs-tools' in chroot.11:35
toffo"dpkg --configure -a" throws me into the loop of update-initramfs generating /boot/initrd.img-5.8.0-1020-raspi11:36
toffonext step would be to find out what's causing the file system to be read-only for dpkg11:37
waveformtoffo, I take it mount says both partitions are definitely "rw" instead of "ro"?11:38
toffowaveform: nope. // /dev/sdb1 on /boot/firmware type vfat (ro,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)11:38
waveformokay, might be worth trying "mount -o remount,rw /boot/firmware" (if I'm remembering that correctly)11:39
waveformbut that may fail if there's some reason it can't be mounted rw (e.g. dirty filesystem which needs fsck first in some circumstances)11:39
toffowaveform: thanks! it worked.11:39
waveformgood stuff :)11:39
toffowaveform: my filesystems are always dirty!11:39
toffojk , but fsck found a dirty bit11:40
waveformheh - well, that would explain things11:40
waveformand yes, the initramfs packages tend to trigger things like flash-kernel to re-run during postinst which'll require a rw mounted boot partition11:40
toffowaveform: my rpi crashed right after the update, or it might've been running in the background, it might be the cause11:40
waveformvery likely11:41
toffoam re-running dpkg --configure -a11:41
toffoand it's now initramfs updating the 5.8.0-1020-raspi11:41
toffooh mi gosh it twerked!11:43
toffoat least the initramfs / kernel update went oknp11:43
waveformnice :) probably worth checking if it can boot now (exit chroot, cleanly umount first, etc. etc.), assuming dpkg is all done and exited cleanly11:46
toffowaveform: I'm running the 'update-initramfs -c -k all' now as EriC^ suggested to make sure that the previous ones are on board as well.11:47
toffothe initrd.img 's from 5.8.0-1017-raspi to 1020-raspi seem to be updating without any errors or warnings.11:48
toffowaveform: cant unmount the sdb2 partition btw after exiting chroot :O11:49
toffowaveform: is busy11:49
waveformmake sure you've got no shells with a current directory in that mount11:49
toffowhat in the -- now my host rpi's PTY is not working11:51
waveformand minor note for the future, "-k all" is usually not *that* useful on the pi given that only the latest kernel (or more precisely the one selected by flash-kernel which defaults to the latest) actually gets copied to the boot partition as there's no fallback boot mechanism in the pi's bootloader (currently)11:52
toffodoesn't boot.11:52
toffoit seems to get stuck at "scanning for btrfs filesystems" for a moment.11:53
toffothe outcome is nonetheless the same ...11:54
toffoit's very strange, notice that in the previous errormsg before I changed the /etc/fstab to point to the partuuid, it didn't find the drive labeled "writable"11:57
EriC^toffo: sorry was away, i read the backlog and caught up11:58
EriC^toffo: it looks like it's saying the partuuid=ab... doesnt exist11:59
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
toffoI'm wondering if the J.A.Chambers' SSD boot script for ubuntu is colliding with something11:59
BluesKajHi folks11:59
EriC^^toffo: what's the contents of '/etc/fstab' ?11:59
toffoEriC^^: I changed it to point to the UUID's (not PARTUUID's) of the drive12:02
toffoEriC^^: cmdline.txt probably.12:05
toffoEriC^^: I'll try by pointing cmdline.txt to the UUID instead of PARTUUID12:05
toffoEriC^^: changed cmdline.txt to the UUID and now I end up in the same screen but with tha alert on the UUID not existing instead of the PARTUUID (or as it was originally, before that, the label)12:08
toffoEriC^^: gah, I mean the alert pointing out that the UUID doesn't exist.12:09
toffothe "Begin: Running /scripts/local-premount" part seems to run for suspiciously long, too..12:09
toffo"Error during boot: Gave up waiting for root file system device" => seems to be pointing to a grub error perhaps, https://forum.openmediavault.org/index.php?thread/22879-unable-to-boot-after-installation-dropping-to-a-shell/&postID=187321#post18732112:13
BluewolfHello. I have a Gigabyte B365M DS3H Motherboard, with Ubuntu 20.04 - I cannot get the front panel audio ports to work?12:15
toffoEriC^^: yep it's gotta be this one that's causing a stir: /boot/firmware/auto_decompress_kernel12:24
toffoEriC^^: https://cstan.io/?p=12531&lang=en related to that one, (or the James A. Chambers' script -- I originally installed Ubuntu 20.04, then updated to 20.10 a while back -- which btw should support native booting from MSD USB on RPI4b)12:25
toffoAfter looking at the instructions found at https://cstan.io/?p=12531&lang=en , it seems I have the file "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/999_decompress_rpi_kernel" that has a line pointing to run a script ("/boot/firmware/auto_decompress_kernel"), but that script simply isn't there. I'm wondering if I should stick it back in there or not.12:29
BluesKajBluewolf, check your alsamixer with F6, and choose which audio device you want to use, then run, sudo alsactl store12:30
toffoEriC^^: hah! well, this explains a lot, my config.txt seems to have been rewritten12:32
Maikgood afternoon peeps12:33
toffoEriC^^: the latest update seems to have dne that, instead of having lines i.e.: boot_delay \ kernel=vmlinux \ initramfs initrd.img followkernel , etc. , it's been reverted back to rpi4b's default config.txt12:33
Deano59Maik: not you as well... sigh. :D12:34
MaikDeano59: stop it for once, thanks in advance12:35
BluewolfBluesKaj: Done that. No output or change?12:35
BluesKajBluewolf, you have a nvidia gpu correct?12:36
BluewolfBluesKaj: Yes. 1660 Super12:37
BluesKajthere was abug a while ago that would switch the nvidia audio from the onboard when the gpu choice in the uefi bios was changed from onboard to pci..dunno if that is fixed12:39
toffoI wonder if I should make a forum post somewhere on this? seems really weird, didn't help if I tried to reinstate that script12:41
BluewolfBluesKaj: I've a dual boot with Win10. This issue is the same there. I've even bought a new front port audio and cable with the same result.12:41
Deano59Bluewolf: is your PC under warranty?12:42
BluewolfDeano59: Probably - But my situation doesn't permit a replacement.12:43
pikapikaIs there any way to get the kernel module name from a pulseaudio device?12:43
BluesKajBluewolf, speaking of pulse audio/pavucontrol, have you checked the devices there12:45
BluewolfI think I did something along those lines12:46
BluewolfWhy are you looking for in particular?12:46
withered_dragonodd you guys are speaking audio - does anyone play with the audio while using DWM?12:46
pikapikaInteresting coincidence that all three of us came to talk about audio at the same time12:47
BluesKajBluewolf, output devices/port12:47
withered_dragonYeah, I tend to just lurk, but since you guys were speaking audio - I noticed just hte other day when using DWM my line-in isn't registered in Discord (but it is if I launch the normal window manager with Ubuntu)12:48
BluewolfBluesKaj: Gimme a command and I'll paste the output?12:48
pikapikawithered_dragon, is it firefox12:48
pikapikaor discord app12:49
withered_dragondiscord app12:49
BluesKajlook in pavucontrol Bluewolf, it's a gui12:49
pikapikaYeah pavucontrol, is there any way to find the kernel module name or similar for a particular device listed there?12:49
BluesKajpikapika, do you mean a driver?12:50
BluesKajpikapika, run, sudo lshw -C sound, then look for "configuration: driver"12:52
pikapikaThanks that helped12:53
BluesKajwhich driver is it ?12:54
withered_dragoncan a person just apt install pavucontrol? I don't see it in my programs in DWM12:54
pikapikaI just needed a listing of the drivers associated with audio devices for now12:55
pikapikaAnd it worked12:55
pikapikawithered_dragon, do a which12:55
pikapikait should be /usr/bin/pavucontrol12:55
pikapikaif it exists12:55
pikapikabut isn't shown in whatever menu you are using12:55
BluewolfBluesKaj: https://imgur.com/a/DqMd7SB - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CK7Y2FFmxs/12:55
toffonot working *sigh*12:56
toffoit's gotta be that kernel compression script that got screwed up somehow with the 5.8-1020-raspi kernel update.12:57
waveformtoffo, sorry - was off doing a couple of other things - out of interest, what version of ubuntu is this? (apologies if it's in the back-scroll - haven't had much time to read it all between other things)12:58
toffowaveform: Raspberry Pi 4B, 4GB model, running Ubuntu 20.10 64-bit.12:59
waveformhmmm, I ask because the later versions of the pi bootloader can implicitly unpack the gzipped arm64 kernels now (no need for a decompression script anymore) - I know we've got that version in hirsute, but it sounds like it's worth backporting if I haven't already13:00
EriC^toffo: ah, great! it's booting now?13:00
BluesKajBluewolf, in your case bith the nvidia and onboard use the same intel hda driver ,,,the front audio outs are the onboard audio by default so choose that one.13:00
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
toffowaveform: the thing is that yep, I've run 20.04 on these boxes before (and been tweaking ubuntus onto rpi4b's since 18.x was unofficially supported) -- these particular installs have been upgraded from 20.04 to 20.1013:01
toffowaveform: updated first one of the boxes today into 5.8.0-1020-raspi and the whole house of cards collapsed :D13:01
toffowaveform: had been keeping up to date so the previous versions were like 1018, 1019 even ..13:02
waveformlooks like focal and groovy have basically the same bootloader/firmware release back-ported from hirsute but it was early-ish in the cycle and they haven't got the absolute latest13:02
toffowaveform: I did a cross-comparison with my non-updated raspi4b box that is still running on 1019-raspi13:02
toffowaveform: it was either the update itself or me re-running initramfs and so forth via chroot that reset my config.txt at least13:03
BluewolfBluesKaj: Regardless of which I choose. Back ports are the only thing that work?13:03
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BluesKajBluewolf, have youturned the choices off?13:04
toffowaveform: I'm wondering if there's a method to get rid of the boot script with the compression/decompression + whatever else if those are causing havoc13:04
withered_dragonpikapika: I just installed it (it wasn't installed) and then was able to set my input to the appropriate device (line in)13:05
BluewolfBluesKaj: Sorry I don't follow. Which do I turn off?13:05
withered_dragonThankful I was keeping an eye in here this morning!13:05
toffowaveform: I mean I obviously know where the boot scripts are but I'm kinda weary on trying out any "patent bending" measures in case I manage to F things up even more13:05
pikapikawithered_dragon, good to hear ^^13:06
waveformtoffo, that's very strange - nothing should be touching config.txt - certainly nothing in initramfs-tools should be doing that. For groovy, ideally you should have a config.txt that has kernel=vmlinuz, initramfs initrd.img followkernel, cmdline=cmdline.txt and nothing about device_tree at all13:06
waveform(I only mention the last because prior versions had some device_tree stuff in there for u-boot which was ditched on groovy)13:06
BluesKajBluewolf, if you aren't using digital out then turn off everything except the analog stereo13:07
toffowaveform: so the rpi4b that currently works (with this script, or the James A. Chambers variation of it; https://cstan.io/?p=12531&lang=en ) uses, according to config.txt: "kernel=vmlinux", "initramfs initrd.img followkernel"13:08
BluesKajBluewolf, you may want to relogin afterwards13:08
toffowaveform: perverse idea, but since these two boxes are essentially the same, well, not even essentially, quite literally so, maybe I should just rewrite the working box's boot partition's contents to the other one13:09
toffo(obviously will take backups first :D )13:09
waveformtoffo, frankly that's not a bad idea - the only bit I'd caution about is cmdline.txt which tells the kernel where to find the root partition. It sounded earlier like you had some interesting drive setup that demanded using PARTUUID matching instead of LABEL matching (which I think is the default) - might be worth preserving that (or not if it turns out that doesn't work!)13:11
BluewolfBluesKaj: Okay. What's the difference between digital out and analog stereo?13:12
BluewolfDisable through the terminal or Gui13:12
toffowaveform: nope, nothing special -- but I have to say that with the default of /etc/fstab pointing to drive labels _only_, that's just imho asking for trouble in the long run. it should always be UUID by default13:13
toffowaveform: just my two pennies on that subject :D13:13
waveformtoffo, unfortunately given that the only pi images we ship are pre-installed I don't have the option of using UUIDs. It *might* be possible in the desktop which has post-installation process but not on the server images13:13
BluesKajBluewolf, use the gui13:14
toffowaveform: copied all that junk from my other raspberry pi 4b running the same ubuntu 20.10 and TAH DAH. It twerks.13:14
toffoI mean I ditched all the stuff in the boot filesystem into a backup directory on another drive and just copied everything from the working rpi4b's boot/firmware over there.13:15
pikapikatoffo, even with uuids you have to be careful13:15
pikapikaI have a funny story regarding that13:15
waveformtoffo, good stuff - incidentally if you want to file a bug about UUIDs instead of LABELs, ping me the number and I'll stick it on my list but I can't promise it'll get much attention until a few other cloud-init issues get squashed (which is the mechanism we'd be most likely to use to re-write fstab)13:15
pikapikaHint: It involved dd. Guessing the rest of the story is left as an exercize to the reader.13:16
BluewolfBluesKaj: If I'm not mistaken, I'm not using digital?13:16
toffowaveform: although now the next mental anguish comes from the fact that the next update might break it again13:16
BluesKajBluewolf, ^13:16
toffowaveform: I'm wondering if I can migrate out of that kernel head compression-decompresion boogie somehow13:17
waveformpikapika, I can imagine >.<13:17
pikapikawaveform, I was wondering why its randomly booting to an "older state" of my os13:17
pikapikaI decided to check grub config. Oh...13:17
BluesKajdigital output that is, Bluewolf13:18
toffowaveform: it works now but it also reverted back to 5.8.0-1019-raspi ... will run apt update for that and see if it breaks down again13:18
waveformtoffo, that's probably a good idea (getting rid of the decomp stuff - that should've been unnecessary in groovy anyway as we ditched u-boot-by-default in that release which also demanded we unpacked the kernel until such time as the native bootloader grew the ability to handle that)13:19
toffowaveform: considering the uuid's ping you the number of  -- ?13:19
BluewolfBluesKaj: It doesn't appear to have been selected in the first place - Doesn't resolve the issue.13:19
toffowaveform: yep ... the question remains, how :D13:20
toffowaveform: feels like I'm running an OS that's built on a timebomb now :D13:20
toffowaveform: waiddaminute, that's just normal computing!13:20
waveformtoffo, oh - if you wanted to file about bug about that (I'm not entirely sure what you'd file it against - erm, probably linux-firmware-raspi2 given that's where the pi bootloader is)13:20
toffowaveform: odd, btw, apt updates didn't seem to want to update to anything as for the kernel13:21
BluesKajBluewolf, did you turn everything else off ?13:21
toffowaveform: so it's still 1019-raspi ... actually, perhaps dpkg still thinks I'm already running on 102013:21
waveformtoffo, hmm, but I take it 1020 is still under /boot/ ?13:21
toffobut all sysinfo outputs say that the kernel is 5.8.0-1019-raspi13:22
waveformright, because presumably what you copied was the older kernel - let me just check what the latest is on groovy13:23
toffowaveform: what would be the preffered way to reinstall it?13:23
toffowaveform: oh the 1020-raspi came just today, my other rpi4b box is begging to be updated13:23
BluewolfBluesKaj: Yes. https://imgur.com/a/0AYEwYu13:25
BluewolfBut I'd need to log out and back in?13:25
waveformtoffo, hmmm -1020 is only in -proposed - shouldn't have been updated already. The preferred way to copy "boot stuff" (bootloader, 2nd-stage, kernel, initrd, etc.) to the boot partition is with "sudo flash-kernel" which should select the latest kernel in /boot/ but can be forced to use an older one with "--force <version>"13:25
_luciferHi! I am currently using ssh key authentication to login in to remote Ubuntu server. Before setting up key based auth, I had a password based login. I have forgotten my password. Can I reset my password on my own or do I have to contact an admin?13:26
BluesKajBluewolf,your HDMI2 is still "on"13:26
toffowaveform: running 'sudo flash-kernel' , it's updating to 1020-raspi. and yes, i'm using the xubuntu-dev etc "cutting edge" ("don't cut yourself!") PPA's13:27
toffowaveform: flash-kernel went thru without any problems ...13:27
waveformtoffo, could you just "ls -l /boot/firmware/vmlin*" and have a look at the file sizes for vmlinu[xz]?13:28
toffo... aaaaaaaaaaand on reboot, I'm stuck on the splash screen :D13:29
toffowaveform: so yeah, flashing to 1020-raspi defo breaks the whole OS, at least if you have those previous SSD boot workarounds hnaging about13:31
toffowaveform: oh yes, one moment phleez.13:32
BluewolfBluesKaj: https://imgur.com/a/NIiJeGm13:32
waveformtoffo, definitely sounds like that decompression script is breaking something. For now I'd recopy that boot partition, boot it again, re-run flash-kernel, then we can take a look at what it's done to the boot partition13:32
toffowaveform: okay, so where should I start -- I now have the broken version attached to my working RPi4B build13:34
BluesKajBluewolf, why the equalizer, have you checked it's volume control?13:34
waveformtoffo, I'd start by re-copying the boot partition that you copied before to get it booting. Once that's done, reboot it (hopefully successfully) then we can go from there13:37
toffowaveform: ## broken rpi4b boot partition [after update to]: https://termbin.com/xlfh13:37
toffoI'll re-copy the working 1019-raspi stuff on top of that now.13:38
waveformtoffo, ahh - there's the first intersting bit: note that vmlinuz (the supposed compressed kernel) and vmlinux (the supposed uncompressed kernel) are the same size - so at least we know firstly that the decompression scripts are definitely not needed13:39
toffowaveform: ## here's the directory listings for the working rpi4b's /boot/firmware with subdirectories (5.8.0-1019-raspi): https://termbin.com/08u113:41
toffoI'll unmount that drive, stick it back into the other rpi4b and boot it up.13:42
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toffowaveform: booted up oknp13:44
BluewolfBluesKaj: I installed the equaliser hoping to improve the back sound quality - Cause the front ports weren't working. Didn't do much in the volume control?13:44
BluesKajBluewolf, try turning it off for now13:45
waveformtoffo, okay - firstly I'd ditch that /boot/firmware/auto_decompress_kernel script as it's manifestly not needed; next I'd check if there's a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/999_decompress_rpi_kernel file which it looks like the original instructions you were following created - ditch that too if it exists13:46
toffowaveform: I'm going thru dmesg atm and there's this that and the other :D13:46
toffowaveform: most of them are the usual "you have been warned" tho13:47
BluewolfBluesKaj: Pardon me but not sure where too13:47
waveformtoffo, could you pastebin your /boot/firmware/config.txt ?13:47
toffowaveform: yes :) one sec plz.13:48
toffotoffo needs a double-cup of espresso or toffo turn into baboon :_D13:48
waveformI sympathize :)13:49
BluesKajBluewolf, in pavucontrol13:51
toffowaveform: I've included the contents of 'syscfg.txt' and 'usercfg.txt' as well, just in case. https://pastebin.com/V112yuQt13:56
toffowaveform: apropos, I'm wondering if the actual KMS driver is soon ready -- the last time I asked wimpy about it, his recommendation was to stick to fkms13:58
waveformtoffo, okay - wow, there's a lot weird stuff in there. Let's start at the top - I'll whip up a fixed config.txt in a mo, without usercfg.txt and syscfg.txt - those latter files aren't needed anymore (they don't exist in the groovy release image) and are basically due to a mistake I made in focal. On KMS: yes, you want to stick to FKMS for now. We'll actually be switching to KMS in hirsute for the desktop but that's *solely* because wayland breaks14:00
waveformwithout it - unfortunately with the "full" KMS driver other things break (like the traditional pi camera applications)14:00
toffowaveform: other than this little "OS nuking mishap" (:D) btw, I have some mad uptimes under near-constant 100% loads on the rpi4b running ubuntu 20.04 or 20.10 for the past few months or so.14:00
BluewolfBluesKaj: https://imgur.com/a/Bg4RjFI14:00
BluewolfHaven't got the option14:00
toffowaveform: a.k.a. good work otherwise __b14:00
waveformtoffo, on weird stuff: any particular reason you've got gpu_mem=512 in there? There's usually little point beyond 256 but there's a few specialist cases (usually obscure camera things) that can require more - just wondering if you fall into one of those categories or if I should just stick 256 in the replacement config.txt?14:01
toffowaveform: I've been more or less migrating stuff since 18.x LTS14:01
toffowaveform: yes, that's because I am a lunatic. And, I've found that along with a fine tuned zram-swap to be the best way to make Youtube playback in browsers as smooth as possible14:02
toffowaveform: and it's not just that, I run some experimental video-related stuff on both the camera interface and over GPIO14:03
toffowaveform: from what I've understood, the video RAM is allocated from the board's main RAM so, well, I thought that I'd just throw that in there and see what happens. Very nice!14:05
toffowaveform:... and it's not just me, I've seen video RAM allocations like that used especially with emulator gaming and so forth.14:05
waveformtoffo, ah - okay - if you're using camera things you definitely want to stick with FKMS for now (KMS will likely break things for you) - and yes, lots of people stick >256 in there - the *vast* majority of the time it's fairly pointless :)14:07
toffowaveform: also compositor off in xubuntu helps out a lot, (as an example:) "export CLUTTER_VBLANK=none" >/etc/profile.d/compositoroff.sh14:08
BluesKajBluewolf, now try reloading the kernel module, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel, then reboot...there won't be any output from that command if the driver loads properly14:08
BluesKajthen reboot14:09
waveformtoffo, here's a replacement config.txt: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7gYwcJ7wN9/ that combines the user/sys/config.txt files into one, removes the cruft (repeated redundant settings under [pi2/3]), and points kernel at the right file (vmlinuz)14:09
toffowaveform: there's that one xfwm4 tweak to the compositor as well in xubuntu, turn that thing off and the UI is way better.14:09
BluewolfBluesKaj: Be back in a moment14:10
waveformtoffo, I've left the gpu_mem=512 for the moment, but I'd suggest trying 256 and seeing if you notice any signficant difference because if not you may as well have a bit more RAM to play with14:10
toffowaveform: now that I think of it, the camera module actually isn't in use in some of the stuff I make for customers, and the GPIO's pretty much just used for fan control14:11
toffowaveform: so, it varies.14:11
waveformtoffo, in that case feel free to play with KMS. As I mentioned, we'll be switching the desktop image to that in hirsute, but not the server image (as I want to keep the camera stuff working wherever I can until the libcamera replacement bits mature)14:12
toffowaveform: and also, in the 8GB model, I was thinking of RAMdisk possibilities14:12
toffowaveform: thanks so much for cleaning up my tangled messes btw ! how much do I owe you :D14:12
waveformtoffo, if you have a swapfile around it's also very worthwhile considering zswap as that's built into the kernel and is rather more flexible that zram (but requires that you have a disk-backed swap-file - if you don't then stick with zram)14:12
waveformtoffo, all gratis :) anyway, I must go try and unbreak bluetooth and wifi on an obscure CM4 variant - good luck!14:14
toffowaveform: thanks! :D14:14
toffowaveform: have a great one14:14
BluewolfBluesKaj: Rebooted. Doesn't appear to have done anything.14:15
toffowaveform: btw this is the script that i used to tweak up the zram swap, made things lightning fast, esp. on the SSD. https://github.com/foundObjects/zram-swap14:15
BluesKajBluewolf, ok, make sure your alsamixer automute is disabled...think i mentioned it earlier, but i've run out of ideas14:16
waveformtoffo, thanks - I'll take a look - I need to write a blog-post on this and zswap as I'm seriously considering enabling the latter on the desktop images by default given they have a swap-file pre-existing in the image14:16
toffowaveform: btw, if you ever happen to read this; I've been kinda bouncing back and forth on the optimal "max_framebuffers" setting, especially if the application is for one monitor only -- found some talk on raspberry foundation's forums that it should be 1 if you're only using 1 screen, BUT ...14:17
toffowaveform: oh ja, I'm using zswap on my desktop ubuntu as well14:17
toffothings are lightning fast and probably the same thing goes for the SSD's wear and tear too :DDD14:18
BluesKajBluewolf, which media player do you use?14:18
BluewolfBluesKaj: Rhythmbox, VLC14:19
BluewolfBluesKaj: I don't know if its something in the Bios. But I couldn't find anything14:20
BluewolfBack works fine14:20
BluewolfJust not the front14:20
BluewolfI dont understand14:20
BluesKajneither do I14:21
BluesKajmakes no sense14:21
BluesKajwhich audio device is VLC using, click on audio tab in VLC14:24
BluewolfBluesKaj: Built-In Audio Analog Stereo, same with Rhythmbox14:27
BluesKajdo you have a headphone volume control in alsamixer?14:30
BluewolfBluesKaj: https://imgur.com/a/YOhJkw214:33
BluewolfBut changing it makes no difference. The system isn't recognising anything plugged into the front ports.14:33
BluewolfI was wondering if its a bios setting14:33
BluewolfBut I've checked. Should just work14:34
BluesKajit could be directing the audio thru hdmi if you have the nvidia gpu chosen in the bios14:34
BluesKajbypassing the front audio outs14:35
BluewolfI can take another look. Not a fan of playing around in the bios.14:37
BluewolfI know this isn't an ubuntu question - but is there an option to change the audio to the front ports?14:37
BluesKajnot directly14:38
BluesKajthe front should be active using the onboard audio outs14:39
BluesKajunless you have the spdif outs enabled in alsamixer14:39
BluewolfAgain - This issue extends to windows 10 partition, not just linux14:41
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BluesKajdunno much about W10, haven't used windows for many yrs14:45
juliandroskeme either, linux sometimes is much powerful than w1014:46
BluewolfThe point is the issue extends there too. So its likely in the bios I guess...14:47
juliandroskeand sometimes the audio device would power down under w10 because of a driver issue14:47
BluewolfWhich I tried fixing there and still same thing14:48
BluewolfInstalled the driver and didn't work14:48
BluesKajcould be a HW problem, but he left so....14:54
juliandroskehe's back14:55
Bluewolfwoops - network14:55
BluewolfDid I miss anything. Disconnected after my last message?14:59
zed-zahirhello everyone, chkrootkit found this "user zahir deleted or never logged from lastlog!" while my own username is "zahir"14:59
juliandroskeThe system's volume control (sound mixer) can be a tester to the speaker14:59
BluewolfHow does that have an effect?15:02
juliandroskeA ding, you know that, click the seek bar, make a sound....15:07
zed-zahiris it normal to see in "lastlog" "**Never logged in**" for my main user?15:16
krytarikIf you never logged in at the TTY, then yes.15:22
zed-zahirah I see15:22
zed-zahiryeah I never logged in TTY15:22
krytarikYeah, it's rather seldomly needed these days..15:23
imihi, there used to be an ignore_nice_load in cpufreq, and now I cannot find anything like that. is there a way of precenting the cpu from speeding up if the cpu load is nice'd?15:34
toffowaveform , EriC^^ and others -- thanks for the help! I got the RPi4B kernel working, and got rid of the compressed kernel stuff etc. -- Made a quick script on automating that, probably a lot of bad practice in it but ; https://pastebin.com/VAqBknR815:48
EriC^^toffo: good to hear! well done15:48
toffoEriC^^: thanks! I'm wondering if I should try out normal use with the actual KMS driver or not15:50
RaptureI am trying to figure out why some of my older instances are hanging on to many linux headers. I am regularly running apt-get clean // apt-get autoremove --purge -y but it doesn't seem to help. A new instance will have only 2 headers which is what I would like the older ones to get. Any suggestions on what I could do? I'm hesitant about manually removing any.15:50
toffoRapture: dpkg -l | grep <your search string>15:51
leftyfbRapture: by "instance" do you mean older releases of Ubuntu? What versions?15:51
EriC^^toffo: why not, better and better :D15:52
Raptureleftyfb - All instances are Ubuntu 16.0415:52
EriC^^Rapture: have you not rebooted them in a very long time?15:52
RaptureEriC^^ - Correct, some of them I would prefer to not be rebooted so they have been running for a while.15:53
leftyfbRapture: autoremove will only remove the versions older than the kernel version you're running.15:53
leftyfbRapture: you know 16.04 will become EOLN next month right?15:54
toffoEriC^^ and waveform , if you are devs/otherwise associated with canonical or so, take into consideration for the rpi4b in particular (due to the MSD USB boot hassle) on what "safety measures" could be implemented to avoid breakage if users have installed the OS using those bootloader methods15:54
leftyfbRapture: sorry, EOL, not EOLN15:54
toffo( forgot the pretty please in between there ==^ :D )15:54
toffofeel free to use my script tho! it fixed things for me.15:54
RaptureSo outside of rebuild I would likely need to first upgrade/update the kernerl to the latest and then try to remove?15:54
leftyfbRapture: you'll need to be running the latest kernel to remove the older ones. As in, reboot into the newer kernel15:55
Rapturehmm ok, thanks.15:55
EriC^^Rapture: you can manually remove them if you want to avoid rebooting, just make sure to keep the current running one and the latest15:56
EriC^^using apt-get purge and "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" to get the names15:57
Rapturebaa yeah through my searches I've seen the manual removal suggestion. Was hoping to avoid that one. Thanks for the suggestions.15:58
R13ose20.10: I'm using my bluetooth wireless headphones and they have very low sound.  When I plug them into my computer they work but wirelessly they don't.  How do I fix this issue?16:04
Celphianyone here familiar with auditd16:29
lotuspsychjeask your specific issue into the channel Celphi so volunteers van hel think along with you16:30
Celphii need a rule that records failed attempts to create a file by unauthorized users16:30
sarnoldCelphi: here's some rules I've got for that https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tQZ7zNkWHw/ -- BUT be aware that there's probably new syscalls that need to be added to this list, and it ignores all the 'system service' accounts16:53
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Arg-Patagonia-bArg-Patagonia-b: hi17:43
leftyfbArg-Patagonia-b: what can we do for you?17:44
Arg-Patagonia-bI am learning how to use Finch in text mode17:44
Arg-Patagonia-bnew here17:45
goodTimesImmort(cdw) Is there a way to tell cdw that I want to burn a folder and all of its content instead of having to choose the files inside said folder one by one?17:47
leftyfb!test | Arg-Patagonia-b17:50
ubottuArg-Patagonia-b: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...17:50
leftyfbArg-Patagonia-b: this is not the place to test and IRC client. Try #test17:50
leftyfbArg-Patagonia-b: please do not private message17:56
sarnoldgoodTimesImmort: the manpage says "Space key to select files or directories." -- does that work?17:59
R13oseAny thoughts on my question?18:00
goodTimesImmortty @sarnold. It did.18:03
sarnoldgoodTimesImmort: yay18:05
sarnoldR13ose: sorry, I've never done bluetooth stuff, it just seems so painful18:05
R13osewhat would be better than bluetooth?18:06
sarnoldI use an android phone for my videoconferencing needs18:07
sarnoldI'm going to try my computer soon, and whether it succeeds or fails will be down to bluetooth., heh18:08
PeGaSuStoday, after a few updates and fixes because the lack of an internal monitor on the laptop: https://imgur.com/a/EWdGd5Z18:26
PeGaSuSUbuntu ftw! just to say how much I love this OS18:26
=== Thargoid is now known as stwalkerster
Drohello, I'm trying "ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" and having this error :  linux-modules-nvidia-460-generic : Depends: nvidia-kernel-common-460 (<= 460.39-1) but 460.67-0ubuntu0~ is to be installed20:24
Droany idea how can I fix this please?20:24
alterjsivenvme0n1-part2   500.1 GB    btrfs   /20:39
alterjsivesda-part2       297.8 MB    ext4    /boot20:39
alterjsivesda-part3       299.7 GB    btrfs   /mnt/disks/sda120:39
alterjsiveis this a valid partitioning layout?20:39
sarnold300M is really small for /boot20:39
alterjsiveI want to boot from sda because hp doesnt allow me to boot from my non hp nvme drive20:40
* cbreak votes for ZFS20:40
cbreakthe ubuntu zfs installer creates a 2GB /boot I think20:40
cbreakand even that was a bit small I think20:40
learnlearnlearnHi all, I'm trying to recompile the kernel being used in my PV guest. Are the sources for kernels used in PV guests maintained in a separate branch or kernel repository? I'm using focal. I've described my question in full here(https://askubuntu.com/questions/1327833/recompiling-pv-kernel-unable-to-get-domain-type-for-domid-4). Any help would be20:41
learnlearnlearnmuch appreciated, thanks.20:41
alterjsivesarnold: ok,  redhat recommends this size IRRC20:43
sarnoldalterjsive: curious, I wonder what they've done differently to let that work well20:44
sarnoldlearnlearnlearn: are PV kernels still a thing? I thuoght everyone just kinda switched to using virtio drivers for network, storage, and called it a day..20:44
alterjsivecbreak: why zfs?20:45
cbreakbecause I like it, it never caused me problems (without me provoking it :D), it's reliable, powerful, flexible20:46
alterjsiveok thanks for the advice guys, I'm gonna pick this back up tomorrow.20:47
cbreakdon't forget the EFI partitions :)20:48
sarnoldah yes :)20:48
tiduxIs OpenSSH port forwarding broken on 18.04?20:49
tiduxI'm doing "ssh -R <remoteport>:localhost:<localport> user@remote.host" and it throws "bad remote forwarding specification" despite that being the exact syntax required20:50
tiduxI've even tried using "
tiduxto make sure it's not a DNS error20:51
cbreaktried with -v?20:53
cbreakmaybe that tells you more20:53
tiduxI tried with -vvvvv, LANG=C, running under /bin/sh to avoid any bashisms, on a tty instead of X to avoid any potential Unicode input problems20:54
tiduxand it just threw the same error20:55
tiduxit looks like that error is due to OpenSSH not recognizing the argument syntax based on the error it's throwing, but that can't possibly be right20:55
tiduxas a toy example I'm testing this with an mpd connection before anything serious20:55
tidux$ ssh -R 66600:localhost:6600 user@remote.host20:56
tiduxby EVERYTHING I've read that should work20:56
learnlearnlearnsarnold: got disconnected for a bit. I was following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen (under Manually Create a PV Guest VM) so I was assuming that they were still supported20:56
cbreaktidux: use a valid port20:56
tiduxcbreak: that is a valid port20:57
cbreaktidux: smaller than 6553620:57
cbreakUDP and TCP port numbers are 16 bit20:57
sarnoldlearnlearnlearn: aha.. so, xen's never really been an important thing in ubuntu, we standardized on libvirt instead; and even though this page was edited in 2015 I really wouldn't be surprised if it was stale even for 2015..20:58
tiduxah that works, I'm dumb21:00
tiduxthanks cbreak21:00
cbreaknp :)21:00
learnlearnlearnsarnold: ah i see, i just noticed the document was last edited in 2015. fwiw the contents on the page are still correct/complete and they work; its just that i'm having trouble re-compiling the kernel inside the focal guest(outside the scope of that document)21:01
sarnoldlearnlearnlearn: trouble recompiling? or a successful recompile and then errors elsewhere?21:02
learnlearnlearnsarnold no problem recompiling. after doing a "dpkg -i *.deb" in the guest with the newly built kernel, it just doesn't boot anymore. the console kind of hangs so im not sure how i can proceed to debug it either21:03
sarnoldlearnlearnlearn: aha. dang. that's not a fun place to wind up.21:05
Sven_vBhi! in bionic, is there an easy way to selectively override enable-wide-area= in /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf but keep having the (reminder of the) file be managed by dpkg? "man 5 avahi-daemon.conf" doesn't look like it supports systemd drop-in files or anything like that.21:40
fradMathisen, are you by any chance matsaman?21:51
fradIf I play the same movie encoded in x264 and x265, same quality, but the x265 is 50% the size of the x264, is my computer going to use less cpu to play it?21:52
Mathisenfrad, im not and you can check this by doing > /msg nickserv info matsaman21:56
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