
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
otubosmoser, blackboxsw: timezone shift/late reply: Thanks a lot for the long review. It was a big chunk of code that handle some delicate parts of cloud-init, it's always nice to have more eyes on the work so we don't break anything. Thanks :)09:24
=== falcojr3 is now known as falcojr
blackboxswotubo: we still reserve the right to break things :)16:44
=== wCPO2 is now known as wCPO
hamalqi did this initial PR https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/859 for the rhel hostname is there any recommendation on testing?17:20
hamalqshould i add also if fqdn > 64 use short hostname?17:22

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