
fydron-nightwindHello everyone!00:33
Zuroger-W102Is there a way to disallow grub modifying it self when it detect other OS boot disks, this is not dual-boot, I want to treat others as data drives, I don't want grub to modify it's booting procedure, thanks00:56
Bashing-omZuroger-W102: Well, yeah - one can consider disabling /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober,01:06
Zuroger-W102Oh, let's see01:13
Zuroger-W102Hmm okay, I'll see how  GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true works out on boot, hopefully it's not just meant to work when manually updating grub01:27
Zuroger-W102tomorrow tho, sleep nau!01:28
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goodTimesImmortLaptop seems to be shutting down because of "overheating". Did some research and moved from Ubuntu to Xubuntu, added the sensors-lm, indicator-cpufreq and psensor packages to keep a better eye on temps and IF  I understood the logs, the shutdowns are happening in a "clean" manner.  How can I know what is triggering the shutdown?06:36
EriC^^goodTimesImmort: /var/log/syslog might have the info06:42
goodTimesImmortwhat should I keep an eye out for?06:46
EriC^^any errors followed by a prompt end of the session06:47
EriC^^goodTimesImmort: have a look at /var/log/syslog.1 and the others to see if anything happened in previous boots before it shut down06:48
ZombyWoofWhen using useradd -m somebody   no skeleton is used. the -k /etc/skel/ option doesn't help. How do I fix this?08:02
summonneruse the adduser script instead08:12
DroI'm using Ubuntu 18.04 and my second monitor is not detected.. I tried to remove nvidia* et ubuntu-drivers autoinstall but it still not working, any ideas?08:18
summonnerDro, does it work with another OS?08:19
summonnertrying to establish it's not a physical problem08:19
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Drosummonner: it workks with other OS and when trying with Live usb08:40
Droits not a physical problem08:40
g105bI need some help understanding Flatpak and Snap packages please. As far as I can tell, for Snap at least, it's a technology that's not going away. I thought I'd embrace it today after a lot of trying to avoid it. I installed a Slack and an Email client using Snap and they are just terrible. Slow to open, unresponsive, but mainly unusable because if08:50
g105bI do a typical action like click a link, it'll open Firefox in a new temporary user profile, so none of my extensions or passwords are there. This is on a fresh install of 20.04 so I haven't configured anything yet. How can this be the state of the art in Linux? Can someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong? It's got to be a "me" thing.08:50
summonnerDro, how are you connect to the second monitor? what video card?08:57
Drosummonner: it should be nvidia08:58
summonnerright then you're going to need those drivers installed to activate the card to talk to the monitor. try installing nvidia-435 driver, I've heard that one works well08:59
Drosummonner: i'm currently using nvidia-460 (as its the recommanded one when I see the list) I don't have 435 in my list, only 450, 460 and 39009:01
summonnerdro  sudo apt list | grep nvidia-driver   doesn't give you 435?09:02
Drosummonner: no09:03
Dromaybe its not compatible with my card09:03
summonnerdro which card?09:04
Drosummonner: nvidia09:10
summonnermodel number09:11
pagioshello community, i have the following disk size: https://dpaste.com/9ZR8EJ8LE and i would like to extend /dev/sdb1 is this possible or is it better to create an /dev/sdb2 partition and join it to the volume group ?09:14
summonnerpagios, does this article make sense to you?  https://www.howtoforge.com/logical-volume-manager-how-can-i-extend-a-volume-group09:20
pagiosmy question is different summonner is it better to extend sda1 or add a new sda209:27
summonnerpagios, it depends on your system and how you use it. also, now you're talking sda instead of sdb09:29
pagiosyes sdb09:30
summonneragain it depends on how you use your system and if you want to enforce quotas or restrictions from blowing out other users. if it's just your desktop, single disk, max the space out, keep it simple09:32
pagiosno quota no restrictions09:32
pagioscan i max the space out after it is created?09:32
pagioswhile keepign the data09:33
VMGuy23pagios: See if you have an install disk that allows you to try first. GNOME Disks can do it (and quite easily) but you shouldn't do it on the OS which is on the disk.09:34
pagiossdb is not the disk the OS is booting on09:35
summonnergenerally speaking, if the data is important, make a backup before any operations. the disk could fail at any moment.09:36
VMGuy23f you take an install disk that allows you to try the OS first (or someting like Mint where te installer is in the live environment) you can use a graphoca; disk tol and use that to make the disk bigger09:37
summonnerextending a disk usually just rewrites the geometry and increases the file allocation table. you only need to worry about losing data if you're shrinking the disk because you're rearranging the data09:37
pagiosi see09:38
pagiosthanks guys09:38
summonnerpagios, but cosmic rays are real. backups are important09:38
pagiosill check whats cosmic rays09:39
pagiosi just read this:09:42
pagiosThe only way to change a partition size using fdisk is by deleting and recreating it so ensure that the information on the file system is backed up.09:42
izaberahey there, i'm on a bog standard ubuntu.  emoji flags work in everything except for my terminal.  they work in gedit with the same font.  how do i fix it?09:48
ghostwanderhi how to can i prevent brute force attacks for cockpit ?09:49
ghostwanderor is it possbile ban user for 10 minutes after 3 attempt login ?09:50
VMGuy23Hello pycode09:56
pycodewhat software can i use to record my screen and webcam ?09:56
pycodei havent found anything yet09:56
pycodei am using ubuntu 20.0409:56
pycodehi VMGuy2309:56
VMGuy23OBS Studio is my personal preference09:57
VMGuy23But vokoscreen is easier and records full-res straight out of the box.09:58
pycodeVMGuy23, are those toosl free?10:00
pycodebut they can also record webcam too ?10:00
VMGuy23Both ar free, in APT, and can do webcam10:01
VMGuy23Vokoscreen recommended10:01
VMGuy23for most10:01
pycodeVMGuy23, thanks out of curiosity why do you prefer OBS studio?10:07
isomariGreetings, I have 13 machines in a cluster and all have iscsi running. On all the machines except 3, iscsi status shows 'inactive (dead)'. All the machines have the same configuration. Any ideas as to why most of them show iscsi as inactive (dead)?10:07
VMGuy23pycode: It doesnt have the webcam on the screen and is more customizable10:08
pycodeVMGuy23, is the VokoscreenNG the new version of the software?10:08
VMGuy23pycode: i think so10:09
pycodelooking from apt their website is https://github.com/vkohaupt/vokoscreen10:09
pycodethat is redirecting to NG version10:09
pycodeVMGuy23, awesome thank you i am going to test it...and last question...what software is good to cut and work on videos?10:10
VMGuy23pycode: Kdenlive is my choice, there were some others as well10:11
pycodethank you really really much10:11
giaco__snap cnd is flaky, I have to restart snap install untill I find right server to get acceptable download speed10:13
pycode1VMGuy23, still there?10:31
pycode1vokoscreen seems really really powerful10:31
pycode1i just have found a problem with webcam, basically if i remove the border i can leave the webcam window on top10:31
pycode1do you know how to fix it ?10:32
VMGuy23then Always on top10:33
pycode1wow thanks!!!10:33
VMGuy234no problem10:34
pycode1VMGuy234, vokoscreen is really awesome i just wonder if i also need more codecs10:47
pycode1i am reading the settings tabs10:47
pycode1do i need to install something for codecs10:47
VMGuy23I dont think so10:47
pycode1ok i am going to install kdenlive too10:48
joe3478hey guys i think i effed up my usb pen drive after writing to it with rufus in dd mode. i can't seem to be able to access it from windows anymore. windows just is unable to format it anymore10:52
Maikjoe3478: that's not a Ubuntu support question imho10:54
VMGuy234You probably formatted it to ext4, which can't be used with windows10:54
maomajoe3478, did you try to check it on a Linux system? it might be what VMGuy234 said.10:54
joe3478turns out that was exactly it10:55
MaikVMGuy234: mind using one nick when giving support to avoid annoyance and confusion10:55
joe3478thank you people .10:55
joe3478Maik: >joe3478: that's not a Ubuntu support question imho10:56
joe3478i came here because this is the place where i'm least likely to have my ass kicked10:56
Deano59joe3478: ignore maik, he's always grumpy.10:57
joe3478lol :)10:57
Maikjoe3478: don't pay attention to Deano59, he likes to troll around in support channels10:57
Deano59troll? I'm more classy. now if you want to carry this on... #ubuntu-offtopic - thanks.10:58
plufzI have a vnc session with xfce. I would like to start a process in that session but from ssh (not using x11 remote). Is that somehow possible?11:46
PeanutHi - I have an Ubuntu 18.04 machine, currently without network. I can log in as root on the (text) console, I get the MOTD - and then, it hangs. I've seen that more often, which makes fixing network issues a bit of a challenge. Does anyone know what might be going on?11:52
PeanutAfter something like 5 minutes I do get the # prompt at last.11:57
EriC^^Peanut: ironically, it's probably the network issue that's causing it to hang as it fetches to see if there's a new release etc12:16
EriC^^Peanut: you might be able to chmod -x or something /etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade til you fix the network issue12:17
BluesKajHi folks12:21
reiseiHi, all! What can be the reason of dropping wifi connection with "reason 4: Disassociated due to inactivity"? There was no inactivity. It happens on two12:34
reisei                laptops with Ubuntu 20.04, wifi powermanagement switched off and I got zero ideas how to debug this12:34
BluesKajreisei, battery settings to save battery power perhaps?12:42
BluesKajpower settings rather12:44
InteloIs there another way to make a startup usb?12:45
reiseiBluesKaj: I remove the TLP to exclude such posibility, but I'll take a look again12:45
InteloI run usb creator but it says 'cannot write to disk'..12:46
InteloCould not write the disk image (/home/user1/ubuntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso) to the device (/dev/sdc).12:46
BluesKajIntelo, unmount the /path/to/disk first12:47
InteloBluesKaj: already unmounted12:48
InteloBluesKaj: what else to do?12:51
BluesKajIntelo, sometimes usb creator is buggy, dunno what causes it so i just use dd to copy the image12:54
InteloBluesKaj: dd shoudl work. I used it now13:09
BluesKajIntelo, ok13:10
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cbreakthe ubuntu images are a bit weird13:27
BluesKajcbreak, how so?13:28
cbreakI'm not sure why the ubuntu people do it, but what ever they do makes devices with the data from the images unreadable on OS X13:29
cbreakthe partition table gets interpreted as something completely inplausible13:29
cbreakit is sometimes bootable though, at least the 20.10 I tried last (I didn't have success with 20.04), but trying to look at the partitions on macos never worked13:30
cbreakmaybe because ubuntu's still somehow trying to pretend to be a CD / DVD?13:31
cbreakor because they try to be bootable by a BIOS?13:31
PeanutEriC^^: Thanks, I'll try to just remove the whole thing from the motd. But I thought it only does a periodic check, not on every login?13:37
adv_i'm getting "transport endpoint is not connected" when trying to see the files of a external drive in nautilus. any ideas?13:49
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fradI tried cropping a x265 mkv file with mkvmerge (CLI), but as a result I get: Error: The file 'X.mkv' could not be opened for reading: open file error. Does mkvmerge support x265?14:06
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kyle__chromium on 18.04 (which is now a snap) loses font information after a while, and starts displaying things as Aegyptus.  It gets worse as time goes on, and because Aegyptus doesn't have all the glphys, more and more are replaced with the xed box.  Changing the fonts in the settings doesn't fix it, the only thing that fixes it is restarting the browser.14:30
kyle__Any ideas?14:30
BluesKajfrad, try ffmpeg instead, https://video.stackexchange.com/questions/4563/how-can-i-crop-a-video-with-ffmpeg14:31
fradBluesKaj, so mkvmerge doesn't support x265?14:32
BluesKajdunno, never used it14:32
bynariewhats the best way to route ALL traffic through the tor network?15:24
bynariexubuntu 20.0415:24
kyle__Best might be a matter of debate.  proxychains works well to push normal traffic through a http socks or tor proxy.  I use that for my socks proxies.  I assume by all you don't really mean ALL, you just mean routable (non local) traffic?15:28
goddardfor some reason my shell script keeps having $'\r' appended to the name15:36
goddardany idea why?15:36
leftyfbgoddard: going to need more information than that15:37
goddardfound it on SO15:39
toffoHi there! Although this is not a "de facto" Ubuntu bug -- I was wondering why are the LibreOffice apt packages for Ubuntu on aarch64 (RPi4B) still broken, so that LibreOffice crashes on startup? I've had this same problem in previous arm64 Ubuntus and now with 20.10/arm64 when running libreoffice:15:54
toffoterminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException' \ Fatal exception: Signal 615:54
toffoI've tried all kinds of different troubleshooting for that error, to no avail...15:54
toffoAlso, the problem persists whether I use the "stock" Ubuntu apt repositories or the LibreOffice PPA.15:56
waveform_toffo, running fine here - pi400 arm64 with ubuntu hirsute test image on it, and I'm pretty sure it ran fine on groovy before I upgraded this one16:10
waveform_(can't say I've used it extensively, but it fires up and seems to do basic spreadsheet stuff tolerably)16:11
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Maiktoffo: not sure what causes the issue at your end but Libreoffice seems to run fine on my Ubuntu 20.10 Pi 4 8GB install16:16
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shinobiI just had my pc apparently log me off and all my work that I was doing seems to be gone. Is there a way to see if my session is lying around somewhere else?16:49
Intelowhile working with ubuntu server and wifi with not initall internet available. What are my options to setup wifi via terminal?16:52
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donofriohow do I pass a token though curl?  I have the token and the correct url just needing to give it correct token cause I'm getting "Not Authorized" currently17:00
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tomkatudorHi, I need help to describe a gnome desktop failure on 21.4. When I press the microsoft button the desktop goes to the "activities" state, the running applications displayed next to each other, but there is no text object two write na application or a filename, and it never gets out of this state.17:06
tomkatudorI would like to know the correct terms here so I can search in issues/bugs17:06
tomkatudorI have a screenshot to demonstrate.17:07
InteloI followed this but vain https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-20-04-connect-to-wifi-from-command-line%20%20wlp2s017:07
leftyfb!ubuntu+1 | tomkatudor17:08
ubottutomkatudor: Hirsute Hippo is the codename for Ubuntu 21.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu+1. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.17:08
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toffowaveform:  , Maik  , thanks for the info. I'm running on Xubuntu, with a v1.1 revision board, 4GB RAM17:33
Deano59what's the difference between running *command* ; sync and *command* && sync ??17:33
toffowith earlier versions of Ubuntu I'd sometimes have a hard boot-causing crash with libreoffice17:33
tomkatudorDeano59: the first one runs the two commands after each other, the second runs sync only of the first command did not fail.17:34
toffoDeano59: the ; continues on to next command even if there is an error, the && halts if there is an error17:34
Deano59makes sense :) thanks both.17:35
toffo(on that LibreOffice crash that I'm having -- https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/RuntimeException_8idl.html this is the runtime exception for it. It's the UNO API)17:37
toffowaveform:  , Maik  -- can I ask what libreoffice version you are using ( dpkg -l | libreoffice ) on your rpi4b's ?17:43
waveformtoffo, 1:7.1.2~rc2-0ubuntu1 apparently18:05
waveform(I assumed you meant dpkg -l "libreoffice*" :)18:05
grid_i have 2 vhost files www.examplename.tk.conf and www.examplename.tk-le-ssl.conf, i did enable it with a2ensite www.examplename.tk.conf, but when i type letsencrypt --apache -d examplename.tk it will list www.examplename.tk.con to pick as a number, but it will not list www.examplename.tk-le-ssl.conf, what can be wrong? it worked this way with other domains18:12
grid_i did restart apache ofcourse18:12
grid_the second vhost file is not listed in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ too18:14
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error_oneI am running ubuntu server 16 on an old hard drive.  I tried to use Gparted Live to copy the file system to an SSD.  It let me copy the /boot partition fine, but it wouldn't let me copy the main partition. Anyone know why18:57
orcusrwow... I can't run latest archlinux containers on the default docker that is in ubuntu 18:04 :((((19:04
sarnoldorcusr: that may be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/191648519:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1916485 in docker.io (Ubuntu Hirsute) "test -x fails inside shell scripts in containers" [Critical,New]19:18
f_ayxhi channel could someone enlighten me please, when I type "alias" in my terminal I get a list of all the alias defined but I can't find the file where these alias definitions are actually from?19:26
ioria.bashrc i guess19:29
sarnoldf_ayx: they're from all the files that your shell sources while starting up; that's potentially thousands or more19:29
leftyfbf_ayx: why do you ask?19:29
sarnoldf_ayx: you'll be best served to start reading your ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile and ~/.profile and so on before moving on to the system supplied ones in /etc/19:30
f_ayxsarnold, I was trying to modify said file so I could add some more alias to it. I have oh-my-zsh installed by the way19:33
leftyfbf_ayx: you'll want to create/modify the appropriate file in your home directory for your shell.19:36
freericedotcomparallel: Warning: Only enough file handles to run 252 jobs in parallel.19:37
freericedotcomnone of the instructions i've found for increasing the number of file handles seem to work19:37
sarnoldf_ayx: try man zshall, search for FILES19:37
f_ayxnot sure if I am mistaken but I read somewhere that it's best practice to put define aliases in a .alias file of some sort and source it from your .***rc file?19:39
sarnoldfreericedotcom: you need admimistrative privileges to raise limits; you can use the prlimit command to change limits of other processes19:39
sarnoldf_ayx: yes, that's indeed very common19:39
freericedotcomyeah but i am trying to raise a specific limit19:40
PeGaSuSso, I've wiped my entire disk drive, I've installed Windows, I've partitioned the disk using Windows disk management and when I go to install Ubuntu 20.10, it says that no EFI partition was found. any ideas?19:40
freericedotcomit's not clear where exactly this "252 open file handles" limit is coming from. there are no limits set to 25219:40
white_magicanyone know if there's a freenode channel for mac/osc?19:41
freericedotcomhow exactly do you change max number of open files from 1024 on ubuntu19:42
PeGaSuSwhite_magic: did you tried #macos?19:42
white_magicthx will try it19:43
f_ayxsarnold: ok so with all the various files containing alias defined thought out the system which definition takes precedence in case of duplicate?19:43
PeGaSuSI mean, #macosx19:43
freericedotcomubuntu 20.04 focal19:43
sarnoldf_ayx: you'd have to check zsh docs to be sure, probaby the last alias created wins19:43
sarnoldfreericedotcom: 252 is probably something like "we need four fds per job" and 1024 is the usual limit19:43
sarnoldfreericedotcom: raise fd limits beyond 102419:43
PeGaSuSwell, I guess I'll install Ubuntu first and Windoze after to see if I can get rid of this error19:49
Maiktoffo: 1:7.0.3-0ubuntu0.20.10.119:50
f_ayxsarnold: thx, trying to think how the system determines which was the last alias created.19:59
sarnoldf_ayx: there's a few ways to do it; the manpage documents the order that zsh reads files; you read your files in that order and keep track of which files are included, where, etc, and figure it out that way20:00
sarnoldf_ayx: or you run something like opensnoop-bpfcc while logging in and see what it reports20:00
nyxynSearch seems to hang when using the app named Software on my Ubuntu 20.04 system. I think this app comes installed by default on the system and is used to find new software/update existing software. Any suggestions?20:08
sarnoldnyxyn: is there anything interesting in dmesg?20:10
nyxynsarnold, I see this: failed to send h2c command20:12
nyxynBut I don't think it's related. I retried the action and no new message came up20:12
sarnoldnyxyn: yeah, that's from your wifi driver; probably unrelated20:13
sarnoldnyxyn: .. unless of course, dead networking is preventing an apt update from running? ..20:13
sarnoldnyxyn: try running sudo apt update  and see what happens20:14
nyxynsarnold, update runs fine20:15
sarnoldnyxyn: okay.. how about apt-cache search ?20:17
nyxynsarnold, you mean to find what I'm looking for instead of the gui?20:18
sarnoldnyxyn: yes, but also as a troubleshooting step20:20
nyxynOk. For example, apt-cache search jq returns results20:20
nyxynsarnold, ^20:20
sarnoldhmm. well, that's good :) but it does make me wonder..20:21
sarnoldtry snap search20:22
sarnoldI think the software thingy does snaps, too20:22
nyxynsnap search jq returns resutls20:22
sarnoldagain, that's good, but now I'm out of ideas :( sorry20:23
nyxynsarnold, no worries20:25
nyxynThank you though20:25
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=== tnewman7 is now known as tnewman
Sven_vBhi! I'm trying to make Ubuntu focal use systemd-resolved for mDNS. I wrote "[Resolve]¶ MulticastDNS=yes" into /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/mdns.conf, "[connection]¶ mdns=yes" into /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/mdns.conf, systemctl daemon-reload, systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service network-manager.service, now "resolvectl mdns" says "Global: yes¶ Link 23 (enx0050b6283378): no" and ping says "randy.local: Name or service not know20:53
Sven_vBn" ??? do I need to enable mdns for each connection individually?20:53
rfm_Sven_vB, the resolved man page does say it has to be enabled both globally and per-connection, but it also seems to assume systemd-networkd is managing the connections, not NetworkManager.21:05
Sven_vBthat doesn't seem to be the problem. even if I run "resolvectl mdns enx0050b6283378 yes", all it does is change the output in the list, but still the hostname lookup failes.21:06
Sven_vBrfm_, thanks, I'll investigate that21:06
rfm_Sven_vB, I seem to have mDNS resolution working OK without involving resolved at all... avahi-daemon does response, and I put mdns in /etc/nsswitch.conf.21:07
Sven_vBhere someone with the same problem as me (mDNS lookup takes forever when using avahi-daemon for that) claims it works with NetworkManager, too: https://askubuntu.com/a/127979221:08
Sven_vBoh the 2nd answer suggests to check IPv6, will do21:09
Sven_vBso maybe it's not about which resolver to use, but to skip IPv6 resolution attempts.21:10
rfm_Sven_vB, I did have to use mdns (not mdns_minimal)  and put .local in /etc/mdns.allow, because my idiot ISP sometimes provides a SOA for .local in the DNS service they force on me.  (IPv6 works fine for me but I have IPv6 service...)21:12
Sven_vBthanks. I'm rather sure that's not the problem here, because some xenial machines use the same name servers but have instant mdns resolution21:13
sarnoldmaybe compare tcpdumps between the working and the not working? I wonder if that'd show anything useful21:14
Sven_vBgood idea! I'll try that next21:16
PeGaSuSI'm starting to getting very frustrated.. when I install Windows first and Ubuntu next, the installer complains about no EFI partition.. when I install Ubuntu first and Windows next, Windows complains about "The selected disk is of the GPT partition style". any advice?21:27
VMGuy23Try just Win10 then install Ubuntu, worked first try for me21:31
summonnerPeGaSuS, you need to rebuild the USB boot to use MBR, that will fix your problem21:34
ghostwanderhi I create pem file from key and crt file in ubuntu and start mongodb with pem file, but when I want to connecting from windows to mongo with pem file, in command line show below message: ImvalidSSLconfiguration encrypted private key are not supported21:37
PeGaSuSwhich USB?21:37
PeGaSuSthe Windows USB stick is the same for the last 2y21:37
=== jnsgruk01 is now known as jnsgruk
jeremy31PeGaSuS: You have to get them both to install using the same mode, either CSM or UEFI21:41
Sven_vBI checked wireshark. it's even more confusing now. I found a pair of notebooks that both run Ubuntu focal and I'm rather sure I installed them the same way, using the same auto-installer and same ansible playbooks for network config. my test was to restart the avahi daemon, wait until mDNS traffic in wireshark settles, then restart capture, then gethostip -d foo.local. one of them resolves foo.local quickly, and after that, there are22:32
Sven_vBexactly 3 mDNS packets in wireshark: a lookup request from the LAN IP, a lookup request from, and then a response from foo.local's LAN IP. the other takes about 10 sec to resolve the IP, and wireshark did not see any packets. a few seconds later, wireshark sees mDNS traffic from unrelated machines, so it's not a capture problem.22:32
Sven_vBto check whether I might have a firewall issue, I had both focal notebooks resolve each other. same behavior, but wireshark on both sides showed that the slow-resolving notebook immediately answered the query for its name, by sending an mDNS packet from its LAN IP. so it can send replies immediately, but seems to be afraid of sending queries.22:51
=== denningsrogue69 is now known as denningsrogue6

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