
cmaloneyWe're having a blizzard here16:48
jrwreni saw! my sister sent me video.16:50
greg-ghigh of 87 here today17:07
jrwrenhigh of S&P500 here today too17:08
cmaloneygreg-g: https://openweathermap.org/city/498900517:14
jrwreni just got an interesting email17:45
jrwrenYour account has been identified as having started an instance or continuing to run instances of Ubuntu 16.04 over the last 6 months.17:45
jrwrennice of AWS to do that.17:46
cmaloneyThat's... interesting17:58
jrwrenyeah. i really should upgrade that instance... but it is ticking along so nicely, I don't want to mess with it.18:23
cmaloneySame. I have my mail server thatneeds upgrading19:01
jrwrenthis is mail :)19:14
cmaloneyThere needs to be a distro for mail servers19:15
cmaloneyno need for updates, just plugs along for 10+ years19:15
cmaloneyAnd no, not BSD. :)19:17
Scary_GuyI wish I could find the story about the mystery phantom server that they eventually found had been sealed off with drywall that was running BSD.21:57

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