[15:54] i have lost network etho on VMware ??? any idea ? [15:55] VMware is a company, do you have a specific product of theirs you are refering to ? [15:55] Vmware Workstation Pro [15:55] latest [15:56] Have you checked network settings in workstation ? [15:56] yes its on NAT [15:56] have you checked networking in the OS ? [15:56] ip a [15:56] what does that say ? [15:57] yes host OS is on etho and internet works just fine [15:57] ... [15:57] i just don't see the icon for etho on ubuntu [15:57] What is the host OS ? [15:58] Windows [15:59] :) [15:59] Icon ? OK youre useing a GUI...no idea...I dont use GUI;'s [15:59] Nothing wrong with Windows, I use it all the time [15:59] i am fine with CLI also [15:59] so what does ip a say ? [15:59] meaning on ubuntu or windows [16:00] ... [16:00] have you ever used ip a on windows...of course I mean on ubuntu [16:00] wait [16:01] nothing [16:01] i go to setting and i don't see anything related to network except for VPM [16:01] VPN [16:01] so, thats your problem [16:02] i must have removed something when i executed autoremove??? some package ? [16:02] mabey [16:02] executing commands without knowing what youre doing is a problem [16:04] network manager is installed tho [16:04] brb my kids wants to play fornite and its eating my head [16:04] brb [19:17] hi guys. so I've updated my Ubuntu instance to 21.04 and while updating, this appeared: https://imgur.com/a/eV4hSF8 -- i'm wondering from where the "irc" user comes from since I've not installed any IRCd [19:38] ¯\_(°_o)_/¯ [22:00] does anybody know if its possible to automatically install all dependencies of a package when using apt-get, as it keeps showing "Depends: libboost-python1.71-dev but it is not going to be installed" ? [22:26] if dependencies are resolvable, apt would install them automatically [22:26] shailangsa: ^ [22:27] if it doesn't it means you have an unresolvable situation, probably due to forgeeting to ran "apt update", ot because of mixing incompatble apt repositories [22:28] hopefully you're not using +1 as your main system if that's not something you already knew. :-/ [22:29] better stick to stable releases if you'd like things to work well. [22:29] i see you cross posted to #ubuntu [22:31] PeGaSuS: that's just one of the default users / groups === yeats_ is now known as yeats