
=== lex is now known as Guest40253
IrcsomeBotAdan_Ang was added by: Adan_Ang01:50
dragon135hi !02:04
=== avinash is now known as Guest89674
Guest89674my brand new installation of Kubuntu 20.04 is having microstutter when installed on the HDD. While on LIVE CD, It is very smooth.Performance degradation while installed in HDD is noticiable. Even Dolphin taking 3-5 seconds to open(No files in MY HDD. Hardware configuration:  - Intel i5 3rd gen  - 16 GB RAM  - 1 TB HDD06:11
Guest89674In Live CD, IDLE RAM is around 1.3 GB,After installation in HDD RAM usage is 0.3 GB. How to force Kubuntu to use more RAM for Performance06:13
IrcsomeBot<suoko> Kde suspend does not work but pm-sUspend does, how to solve?09:33
ruimonteiroThe next versions of Kubuntu in the startup the ufw on and then preview of files off ?09:44
ruimonteiroThis way we stop possible attacks of virus09:45
ruimonteiroAble Tare Fare09:45
Maika virus on linux is rare so don't worry. By the way... What's up with the "Able Tare Fare" all the time....?09:47
ruimonteiro6 Jun 194409:47
ruimonteiroAir Borne Ranger09:47
Maikstop that please09:47
ruimonteiroCount of Barcelona09:48
Maikruimonteiro: that's something for in offtopic, not a support channel.09:49
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skramerWould it be possible to have the GUI on tty7 and the virtual consoles on tty1...tty6 as it was back in the old days?10:53
IrcsomeBot<Frances R. Ellison> Fwd from olga: I trading with $300 and in 72hours of trading I was credited $2,100 as promised excluding my 300  that’s 7 times my initial capital startup.. Imagine how much you could made with a higher capital set up? … πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ … https://t.me/joinchat/ZcG61wAiFXo1MTRk11:14
IrcsomeBotamiwrpremiumtest was added by: amiwrpremiumtest11:16
BluesKajHi folks12:03
booboobyHello, I'm using Konversation for the first time12:27
BluesKajcongrats :-)12:32
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @amiwrpremiumtest, this name changes every minute.πŸ˜‚12:37
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=== Guest5255 is now known as mauricio__
WHENhi , the KDE plasma version is updated to 5.18.7LTS So how can I do to update kde plasma in kubuntu 20.04.2???thanks14:59
WHENI found that in Kubuntu KDE plasma ver is 5.18.5,Can I update it to 5.18.7??15:06
Maikif it doesn't come via the regular updates of backports, then not i guess.15:08
BluesKajthere might be a ppa, but that can be risky15:11
Maikubuntu normally sticks with a version of software15:12
magic_ninjaI'm excited. I'll have time to upgrade to 21.04 this weekend15:15
WHEN:( Anyway thanks everyone....the 5.18.5 kde plasma in kubuntu 20.04.2 seems working well,So I still use it..:)15:15
WHENkubuntu 21.04 beta I have already used in VMware .Good job Team!15:16
Maikmagic_ninja: cool15:32
magic_ninjaI'm stoked for the newer version of Plasma. It gets better every time.15:32
* Maik is more into Unity15:37
mparillomagic_ninja: 21.04 seems stable to me.  Good luck to you.16:18
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magic_ninjamparillo, doing the laptop first :)17:16
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=== kubuntu is now known as Rusty1_live
ruimonteiroI had a problem with Kernel 5.8.45 in Kubuntu 20.04.2 LTS21:21
ruimonteiroi used Ukuu to change the version of kernel21:21
ruimonteiroi used 5.6.17 and everthing ok21:22
ruimonteirosee : https://ostechnix.com/ukuu-an-easy-way-to-install-and-upgrade-linux-kernel-in-ubuntu-based-systems/21:22
IrcsomeBotMiguel was added by: Miguel22:30
=== spyros is now known as pistikos

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