
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest65057
=== daniel is now known as Guest30814
manu_plz suggest a bootable usb software.03:06
freiheitsgradI've just updated my application (Freecad from 0.18.4 to 0.19). Now I can't access my NAS drive anymore. /mnt is empty (looking from inside the application) although it's properly mounted (can access via console). Can somebody push me in the rigth direction? THX08:44
guivercwhat release? and how did you upgrade?  did you change from a deb to snap? or containized package?08:47
freiheitsgrad@guiverc Thanks. Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS. Was a snap, still is a snap. Just your questions brings up the idea that the snap 'process' doesn't have the right permissions? I'll try...08:57
guivercsnapped packages (unless classic confinement) don't see the real file system, you can enable access to /media, /mnt but it's not usual to have it by default; `snap connect package:removable-media` maybe needed; but the snap needs to be written to allow it to be changed09:01
guiverchttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1184357/why-cant-chromium-suddenly-access-any-partition-except-for-home/1184374#1184374  is an answer on askubu I answered relating to chromium which may help explain what I'm trying to say freiheitsgrad09:01
freiheitsgrad@guiverc Nice. I'll check that. Thanks!09:02
guivercnote:  I don't know that's your issue, but it's what came to mind09:03
freiheitsgradSounds reasonable. And a good opportunity to get more familiar with snap.09:08
TavakeHello, I'd like to know if it's possible to install Lubuntu 20.04.2 alongside with windows. I made some research could'nt find something relevant20:51
MaikTavake: probably the same procedure like installing Ubuntu alongside windows20:52
Maikso i'd search for that20:52
TavakeOk but for Ubuntu the installation option are a bit different20:53
Tavakeand it offer the option to install Ubuntu alongside Windows. Lubuntu doesn't20:55
Maiklet me guess, it uses Calamares...20:59
=== magpi is now known as Guest1978
=== magpi_ is now known as magpi
Maiki never dual boot by the way and i'm not familiar with the Lubuntu installer. Maybe someone else knows21:01
Maikweird thing is they have a online manual but do not include dual booting....21:02
TavakeYep it is weird21:10
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest2692

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