
atari2600a21.04b1 does not boot on a rpi00:02
atari2600ait doesn't usb boot at least00:02
atari2600a20.10 booted off of USB just fine00:02
atari2600ano trickery either, like bootstrapping it on an SD card first00:02
atari2600aso I'm obligated to ask00:03
atari2600adid anyone actually DD the ubuntu pi beta image?00:03
atari2600acome on I know I'm not supposed to be using beta software on my 'work' computer (my online storefront & taxes computer) but I figured if you had released a 21.04 pi image that it'd actually be booting00:05
atari2600aI was really excited about mesa 20.3 & that gtk fix that killed the puzzle pack00:05
atari2600acome on, anyone?00:06
atari2600aor is this still a cult group that holds meetings & sings songs like in 2008?00:07
atari2600ahey, does anyone in here actually care about ubuntu on arm?04:42
atari2600acause I have a bug to report04:42
atari2600aweston doesn't load the desktop after plymouth when framebuffer_depth=24 on a raspberry pi04:43
atari2600awhich, BTW, should sort of be the default for an Ubuntu Deskop installation anyways04:43
atari2600anow, raspbian, yeah we can all understand why they want the framebuffer of a commodore amiga, but we're talking Ubuntu.  Like, with Youtube in Firefox & GIMP & Vulkan & everything04:44
atari2600athis is a big deal & all y'all are acting like it's nothing04:44
blue_penquinNot sure what you want; if there is a bug to report do it on Launchpad.11:05
Maikblue_penquin: a bit pointless when they left hours ago11:56
Maikplus he's cross posting an trolling in #ubuntu-arm about it11:57
blue_penquinHm, odd, I saw them in my tab completion...11:59
Maik[10:39:17] <-- atari2600a (~atari2600@2601:204:d980:1c60:dea6:32ff:fe82:6111) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:00
OreolsHi everyone, I've just updated from 20.10 to 21.04. I have an 11ax card - ax210, and I see that it's not working with current build (worked on 20.10 with 5.10). Is this issue logged\known?18:41
Maikthere's never much activity here, best to check Launchpad for bug reports if there are any19:27
OreolsNo worries, thanks :)20:17
spacemanjrhello im having problem installing ubuntu 21.04 from usb when i boot flash i get messgae "gurb_register_command_lockdown not found21:30

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