[15:21] ❗ भूकंप की चेतावनी / ভূমিকম্প সতর্কতা / EARTHQUAKE WARNING for India-Bangladesh Border Region (just felt near Goyerkāta?) — Follow for updates (Twitter) [15:31] 🏠 भूकंप! ভূমিকম্প! Earthquake! 5.0 Mb tremor, registered by alomax, with 3 reports, occurred 11 minutes ago (15:20:01 UTC), with a crescent moon, Maināguri, India (26.67, 88.73) ± 107 km, ↓17 km likely felt 190 km away (in Jalpaiguri, Mainaguri…) by 137900 people (alomax.free.fr) [15:39] Brainstorm: [15:39] Brainstorm: help [15:39] pavlushka: Please use the command %help instead [15:39] Brainstorm: %help [15:40] %help [15:40] pavlushka: Hi, I am LjL's bot! Say %modules or %commands to me in private to see my features. [15:43] last location of the earthquake [15:43] LjL: how do I query that ^ [15:45] There is no way, you can look on Reddit or Twitter though where the bit posts... https://reddit.com/r/EEW [15:45] Or I can paste if for you I guess :p [15:45] 🏠 भूकंप! ভূমিকম্প! Earthquake! 5.0 Mb tremor, registered by alomax, with 3 reports, occurred 11 minutes ago (15:20:01 UTC), with a crescent moon, Maināguri, India (26.67, 88.73) ± 107 km, ↓17 km likely felt 190 km away (in Jalpaiguri, Mainaguri…) by 137900 people (alomax.free.fr) [15:46] LjL: I follow the bot on twitter and checked that but thought here the bot will post diff than Mb scale [15:47] It just posts whatever scale the source it's drawing from uses. Alomax uses Mb. Converting between scales is basically impossible [15:47] ok [15:48] It may receive the same earthquake from other sources later but it doesn't send an update unless there is a 0.3 or higher magnitude change [15:48] That's not ideal but otherwise it'd spam too much [15:48] aha [15:50] LjL: but the last post query should be a feature in my opinion [15:51] LjL: looks like it's not your opinion yet [15:52] Nobody asked before tbh, I can look at what I can do. It may be tricky to do it with a different earthquake per channel (so you may query it here but see an earthquake that has nothing to do with Bangladesh). But I'll give it a go [15:53] LjL: yep, I said that keeping that scenario in mind, it could be from somewhere else but still [15:55] seems sort of handy [15:56] there's also another possible issue... the bot is on a slow server (and it's slow itself, still Python 2.7), so what happens is that after a significant earthquake, it often restarts itself because it's lagging too much. so if i make a command like that it may tell you "No earthquake" simply because it's just restarted [15:57] sounds like a problem worth not to do it [17:54] pavlushka, well, i've implemented it anyway. the above issue may render it useless, or at least not very useful, but there you have it. i only tested it briefly. %quake or %lastquake should get you it, and it's channel-specific so in this channel it will only reports events that would be sent to this channel... but it will give you the *last* report, regardless of whether it was actually sent (so the "±0.3 M" limitation doesn't apply here) [17:55] but if you try it now it will just find no earthquakes because of course i restarted it after implementing it [18:21] ty LjL [18:22] %quake [18:22] NameError: global name 'string' is not defined (file "/home/brainstorm/brainstorm/bot/modules/alerts.py", line 2737, in lastquake)