
ubottuddstreet, rafaeldtinoco, rbasak, sil2100, slashd, teward, tsimonq2: DMB ping13:48
teward12 minutes13:48
rafaeldtinocodid the time change ?13:49
rafaeldtinocoteward: isn't it in 1h and 12m from now ?13:49
tewardblah DST is a pain13:50
tewardyou're correct, my calendar didn't adapt for DST.13:50
teward*kicks his crap calendar*13:50
rbasakI appreciate the early ping!14:13
tewardit's not early anymore14:56
teward!dmb-ping | now it's time for the DMB meeting14:57
ubottunow it's time for the DMB meeting: ddstreet, rafaeldtinoco, rbasak, sil2100, slashd, teward, tsimonq2: DMB ping14:57
vorlonsarnold: hmm I don't know where else the irssi ddebs would have gone or why. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/irssi/1.2.2-1ubuntu1.1/+build/19780424 does show dbgsym having been generated15:24
vorlonsarnold: but I see cjwatson provided some insight15:25
vorlonbdmurray: privoxy: well, armhf tests run in a container not a VM, so perhaps the apparmor handling in those tests is not container-safe, given the errors15:26
bdmurrayvorlon: debian updated the package so I'll test that and likely sync it15:55
=== nopf_ is now known as nopf
bdmurraysarnold: there is now bug 1922451 re irssi-dbgsym/focal15:57
ubottubug 1922451 in ddeb-retriever "irssi-dbgsym missing for focal-updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192245115:57
rbasakGunnarHj: I think everything is set up for you now. Please let me know if something doesn't work as expected.16:26
GunnarHjThanks rbasak. I'm going to make an attempt to use of my new power in a bit; will let you know if there is an issue.16:29
sarnoldvorlon,bdmurray, woo, thanks :)17:42
tewardLogan: around?19:56
tewarddo you have confirmation the FTBFS in xfce4-sensors-plugin is present in Hirsute?  I don't see any FTBFS unless I'm literally blind and can't see it in the build logs19:56
Loganit's in doko's test rebuild19:57
teward*looks in his emails*19:57
tewardthere it is i'm blind - didn't see doko's test rebuild msg go out oops19:58
tewardyep i see it19:58
Loganawesome :)19:58
tewardand repro'd.  running ppa tests now because i'm a thorough person :019:58
tewardyou can ask Eickmeyer and anyone and they'll confirm i'm thorough19:58
Logantrust but verify!19:58
tewardpatch originates from Debian so I mostly trust it but :P20:00
tewardalways testing!  always verify!  >:D20:00
teward(and so you're aware I'm on top of that one, i saw it come across -sponsors :P)20:01
tewardLogan: i've got to get my neck fixed by the chiropractor but running test rebuilds in the PPA now for the package to make sure it doesn't explode.20:21
tewardppa publishers are slow today20:21
unixbsdI have tested ubuntu for rapsberry pi, 64 bits, on rpi3b. Note that Raspios is thousand times faster than ubuntu for PI. It comes from teh ubuntu kernel. you need to check that and optimize it. Ubuntu rpi3b is slow, you need to check Freebsd, it is 100x times faster than ubuntu Linux, tested on kernel 5.x ubuntu. Good luck20:37
unixbsdIf you need more tewtzing and help, let me know.20:37
unixbsdmy website it http://gitlab.com/openbsd98324    <-- I tested a lot.20:37
unixbsdfreebsd on raspberry is way faster than ubuntu. have you the uas kernel for the cpu enabled?20:39
rbasakunixbsd: I suggest you provide a specific test case to demonstrate your claim about performance differences. Otherwise there's no actionable work there.21:02
unixbsdwell, how to perform a test,... not easy and to compare.21:17
unixbsdto not fall into apples and pears...21:17
rbasakunixbsd: well, exactly. That's why "thousand times faster" is not actionable without presenting a use case and steps to reproduce. If you can't do that, then there isn't anything that can be expected to be done, is there?21:30
unixbsdwell, it is using apt-get and at boot, it takes a bit long. apt-get is quite slow.21:31
unixbsdHowever, the cpus seems fine. the networking and cpu perfs look fine (tested on rpi3b).21:32
unixbsdI need to check more and dev a benchmark tool.21:32
sarnoldhow long does apt-get update take on freebsd?21:39
unixbsdit takes about 10 secons21:41
unixbsd  the core is very simple, so to apt pkg, (pkg) will takes way faster, the boot is very same.21:41
unixbsdOn ubuntu, on rpi3b, the longest thing is apt-get. apt-get install clang g++ gcc will take way longer than on raspios.21:42
unixbsdbtw, the ufs.ko is broken, it cannot read ufs2 (on aarch64), contrary, it works on amd64.21:43
The_LoudSpeakeranyone know any good terminal based alternative for sublime-merge ? I want to be able to run it from a vm.22:36

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