
lubot[telegram] <Эндрю Пайтон> Можешь в англоязычный чат написать что-то типа13:04
lubot[telegram] <Эндрю Пайтон> "Hello! I've chosen openbox as default desktop in session manager. I've autologin with zero timeout, so I cannot return default lxqt session back. Could you please help me to return things back?"13:04
lubot[telegram] <emergencyrussia> Basically, as far as I understand, all one needs is to disable sddm autologin from command line (re @Эндрю Пайтон: Можешь в англоязычный чат написать что-то типа13:07
lubot[telegram] <emergencyrussia> "Hello! I've chosen openbox as default desktop in session manager. I've autologin with zero timeout, so I cannot return default lxqt session back. Could you please help me to return things back?")13:07
=== Roland is now known as RolandSassen
RolandSassenHello, I am looking for Lubuntu support for our project Citizen"s Island: many virtual machines13:32
kc2bez[m]RolandSassen: What are you looking for in terms of support?13:36
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/6c246899/file_2321.jpg14:32
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> why?14:33
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> it is not supported. We tell you, and you ignore us. (re @spiros554: )14:33
Maikthe error shows why i guess14:33
Maik@Crixero ah, that's what i kinda thought too yesterday14:35
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> Opera?14:35
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> Opera Browser? (re @spiros554: Opera?)14:35
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> Yes14:35
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> What happen with Opera Browser? (re @spiros554: Yes)14:36
Maik@spiros554 what do you want now, you ask about playonlinux and itunes and now switch to Opera?14:36
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> can i download it? (re @Crixero: What happen with Opera Browser?)14:36
Maikplease learn to ask proper questions14:36
Maik@spiros554 go to their site and download it for ubuntu14:37
Maikshoudl be a .deb file14:37
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/394fdcc3/file_2322.jpg14:38
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/432214e9/file_2323.jpg14:38
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/ff8f959b/file_2324.jpg14:38
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> Sure, just download the .deb from the official website opera.com and you're ready to go. (re @spiros554: can i download it?)14:38
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> You have opera for linux (re @spiros554: )14:39
Maikwhy use Playonlinux to install a older unsupported vulnerable version of Opera.... @spiros55414:40
Maikmakes no sense at all imho14:40
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/6334f40a/file_2325.jpg14:41
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> why are you using playonlinux to install a really really old version of Opera? (re @spiros554: )14:42
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> He's like any other Windows users. He need's education. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <Maik> makes no sense at all imho)14:43
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> now i put the software and i do not know many things14:43
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> This is a good site to learn :)14:44
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> PlayOnLinux is an invention just for run some software only available on Windows ecosystem. That's not the case with Opera Browser. Please look for the software center (Discover is the name) and search for what you need. Also please refer you self to the documentation about apt and how it works. (re @spiros554: now i put the software and i do not know many things)14:45
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> I would like to know how to find apn COSMOTE Greek for free internet but Disc14:45
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/cccc787f/file_2326.jpg14:49
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/73b89281/file_2327.jpg14:49
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/2d3ab432/file_2328.jpg14:59
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> Opera (re @spiros554: )15:00
Maik@spiros554 please stop sending photo's it's getting annoying here on irc15:00
lubot[telegram] <Crixero> Please stop this. If you prefer to do the thing the Windows way be your self. (re @spiros554: )15:01
Maikanother downside of the telegram bridge, can't put a specific user on ignore15:01
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> Sorry (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <Maik> @spiros554 please stop sending photo's it's getting annoying here on irc)15:01
Maik@spiro554 Sorry but either start from scratch and learn how Linux/Ubuntu works and how to ask for help properly, or stick with Windows.15:04
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> @spiros55415:10
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> start here15:10
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> https://youtu.be/1kicKTbK76815:10
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> he's a good teacher15:10
lubot[telegram] <spiros554> I connect to a Bluetooth echo and it comes out connect drive connection failed-use the audio menu to connect to this devie15:12
lubot[telegram] <Michaël> here are some basic troubleshoot commands : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/aa95cc9d/bluetooth15:22
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest56875

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