
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:01
ricotzhey oSoMoN 06:04
oSoMoNhey ricotz 06:04
dufluMorning oSoMoN, ricotz, seb128 06:10
oSoMoNhey duflu 06:17
seb128hey duflu, ricotz, oSoMoN, how are you? did you have a nice Easter weekend?06:25
dufluseb128, I'm good but it was a busy weekend as expected. Less free time than a normal weekend. How are you?06:25
seb128I'm alright, still not fully over the cold and a bit exhausted from the weekend, hopefully it's a bit quieter today ;-)06:26
seb128we did skip monday for most but reminder about the discourse weekly summary post for those who didn't do it yet (and yes that is including me, I'm working on it atm :-)06:27
oSoMoNSalut seb128! will do the weekly summary when I get back from school. Week-end was nice, I spent lots of time in the garden planting stuff and playing with my daughters.06:30
didrocksgood morning06:35
ricotzhello duflu seb128 didrocks 06:36
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 06:37
didrockshey ricotz, salut oSoMoN 06:40
dufluHi didrocks 07:05
didrockshey duflu 07:08
didrockshey luna 07:11
marcustomlinsonmorning oSoMoN ricotz duflu seb128 didrocks luna07:13
didrockshey hey marcustomlinson 07:13
dufluHi luna, marcustomlinson 07:13
jibelGood morning07:15
marcustomlinsonhey jibel07:15
jibelHi marcustomlinson 07:16
seb128oSoMoN, sounds a nice weekend you had ;-)07:20
seb128hey marcustomlinson, jibel, didrocks 07:20
jameshhi all07:20
marcustomlinsonhi jamesh07:21
didrockssalut jibel, seb128, jamesh 07:21
seb128duflu, I don't think that gtk assert is specific to themes, it's just happens if you try to do something in gtk that requires an icon where the pixbuf loaders are not available07:27
dufluseb128, I was going by the comment in the GTK source code from the upstream bug07:27
dufluI don't really mind what the cause is. Just want anyone affected to talk to each other07:27
seb128duflu, see comment #11 and #12 on launchpad, they have more details07:29
seb128but from an upstream perspective it's a broken setup07:29
seb128that's what we get by doing in-session-upgrades07:29
Nafallomorning desktopers07:33
marcustomlinsonmorning Nafallo07:33
dufluHi Nafallo 07:40
oSoMoNgood morning/afternoon luna, marcustomlinson, jibel, jamesh, Nafallo 07:51
=== GankMove is now known as StayinPaid
Awayneythis thing on?08:02
=== Awayney is now known as Laney
lunaLaney: yeah08:03
didrockswb Laney 08:03
Laneyhey luna and didrocks 08:16
dufluHi Laney 08:28
marcustomlinsonhey Laney08:33
Laneyyo duflu yo marcustomlinson 08:37
seb128Laney, hey, welcome back! did you have a nice time off?08:37
Laneyhey seb128 08:47
Laneyyeah was nice, I got lucky with the weather last week08:47
Laneyhow's it going there?08:47
Laney& did much happen here?08:48
seb128quite busy as usual! beta happened, otherwise not much worth mentioning afaik08:49
LaneyI did think about the slideshow at one point08:50
Laneyhey looks like we got a new iso age graph on the dashboard, that looks worth mentioning to me08:51
lunaNew test daily images out 06 to test 09:01
didrocksany idea on how to use a local polkit daemon (to read policies on a local directory for tests) on our own separated system bus?09:17
GunnarHjseb128, Laney, sil2100: Thanks again for your endorsements of my core-dev appl.!09:41
GunnarHjAs you may have seen I passed the DMB grilling yesterday.09:41
seb128GunnarHj, hey, congrats on finally getting those upload rights ;-)09:46
GunnarHjseb128: Thx. So finally you'll get rid of quite a few sponsorship requests from me. :)09:47
seb128Laney, ah right thanks again for helping there! I did set up a basic KPI graph for the ISO but we should get one for the flavors as well, I was unsure how to properly regroup or present. It could be worth a different category 09:47
seb128GunnarHj, :-)09:47
LaneyGunnarHj: well done!09:48
Laneyreview requests still appreciated ;-)09:48
Laneyhoho, now you can review us though09:48
GunnarHjThanks, Laney. Yeah, they will still come once in a while, no worries.09:48
seb128Laney, also I need to check how to change the refresh interval, the iso are built once a day it doesn't make sense to pull data every 10min09:49
Laneyseb128: there's a variable you can set, I think one of the other ones uses that09:49
Laneyand a different dashboard might be nice, you could have a selector at the top for flavour and release or something09:50
seb128ah, thanks for the hint, I will check09:50
=== didrocks999 is now known as didrocks
GunnarHjseb128: Trying to improve translations of desktop-icons-ng (bug #1922383). There is a no-change rebuild in the hirsute queue to get the template into the translation import queue. As a next step I plan to patch the latest upstream translations. Does that make sense? Is there any other commit which we should take the opportunity to cherry pick?11:25
ubot5bug 1922383 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng (Ubuntu) "LP translations should be set up" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192238311:25
seb128GunnarHj, I would cherry pick the fixes duflu mentioned on his weekly summary on discourse12:18
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, will do.12:20
seb128GunnarHj, thanks :-)12:21
lunacongrats GunnarHj to get accepted as an uploader12:31
GunnarHjThanks luna!12:32
lunameeting in a couple of minutes, 3 meetings left before they change format14:13
lunaany meeting today?14:32
lunaAnyone know how to mount ZFS the easiest way from an Ubuntu Live USB ?14:40
jibelluna, zpool import -a -R <root>14:43
jibelman zpool-import for details14:43
lunajibel: thanks, moving all my dotfiles to make a reinstall of my desktop now14:50
Nafallohmm. to echo luna. where's the meeting? :-D14:58
NafalloI was planning to check the status of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-weather/+bug/1918044 now that it got fixed upstream ;-)14:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1918044 in libgweather (Ubuntu) "Weather forecast and info is not available any more" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:58
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:14
oSoMoNhello hellsworth 15:14
marcustomlinsonmorning hellsworth15:14
hellswortho/ guys!15:14
hellsworthi hope yall had a nice long weekend :)15:15
oSoMoNNafallo, https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/announcing-the-ubuntu-desktop-team-indaba-ama-april-23-2021/2159115:15
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: was good thanks. hope you have a nice regular weekend :)15:16
hellsworthhaha yeah it was extra good though :)15:18
jibelGood morning hellsworth 15:21
hellsworthhi there jibel 15:22
NafallooSoMoN: thanks. I'll deprecate it in my calendar as well then ;-)16:12
oSoMoNluna, you were offline when I answered your question about the weekly meeting, see https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/announcing-the-ubuntu-desktop-team-indaba-ama-april-23-2021/2159116:13
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
KGB-0gobject-introspection debian/master Janitor * [close] merge request !8: Apply hints suggested by the multi-arch hinter * https://deb.li/fhGs17:56
KGB-0gobject-introspection Janitor 234901 * commented merge request !8 * https://deb.li/iOXRz17:56
KGB-0gobject-introspection debian/master Janitor * [close] merge request !7: Apply hints suggested by the multi-arch hinter * https://deb.li/3yxUR18:04
KGB-0gobject-introspection Janitor 234904 * commented merge request !7 * https://deb.li/UFB118:04
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
lunaReinstalled my desktop with todays Hirsute beta today :) 19:46
lunaso if anyone special needs testing i have time to test 19:46
seb128luna, nothing special but any report of issue you find is welcome!19:47
lunaalright so far i found out this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1922293 also affects me19:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1922293 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Snaps appear broken on 21.04 Beta with ZFS" [High,Confirmed]19:49
seb128I saw that discussed earlier indeed19:51
seb128hellsworth, hey, something is weird with glimpse-editor, the stable channel has  0+git<...> version which doesn't seem to come from https://launchpad.net/~hellsworth/+snap/glimpse-editor-stable ? is that expected? also did you say you would remove the i386 binary?19:52
hellsworthinteresting, i closed the channels and then reopened them and promoted a recent build to just amd64 but the i386 binary is there?19:53
lunaseb128: hopefully it will fix itself without a reinstall, but just in case i guess i am not gonna install back all software before release :p 19:53
hellsworthyes let me look into the glimpse build..19:53
hellsworthok NOW the i386 binary should be gone (well once the store page updates, i think every 10 min)19:56
seb128it is indeed, {'amd64': {'stable': 194}}19:58
seb128and the version what's up there? where isn't it 0.2<something> anymore and not built from glimpse-editor-stable ?19:59
hellsworthseb128: looking into the glimpse builds now20:24

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