
MauroGaspari[m]Eickmeyer: do you know if kio-fuse is in Ubuntu Studio 21.04? It sounds as an awesome change, at least for me since I use network shares a lot. 08:24
OvenWerksMauroGaspari[m]: Easy answer is that if it has been added to kubuntu then studio will have it too.15:20
RikMillsMauroGaspari[m]: it is in the archive if you want it, but not on default install/ISO15:22
OvenWerksMauroGaspari[m]: it is one of those not really media developing software15:22
RikMillsit also breaks the ISO build if seeded15:23
RikMillsLP: #191639015:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1916390 in sshfs-fuse (Ubuntu) "seeding a package that depends/recommends fuse3 causes livefs builds to fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191639015:23
OvenWerksRikMills: thank you.15:23
MauroGaspari[m]OvenWerks: RikMills yes yes I am testing it now and I am loving it! seems to be working pretty well. I can watch a movie immediately from network share without having to wait and download it all to the KIO temp folder. And opening files with Libreoffice from SMB share, does not bother me 3 times asking to upload, save, overwrite.15:24
RikMillsthat reminds to add it to release notes. i.e. something that can be added once your install is done15:24
MauroGaspari[m]fired up a 21.04 VM as I did not want to break anything. Seems ok so far, need more testing15:25
RikMillsnice :)15:25
MauroGaspari[m]wow, KDE team is on a rampage. so many Plasma improvements, features, and speed boosts in the last couple of years. 15:29
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