
mwhudsonuhh does running ubuntu-cdimage locally really require a local mirror?05:34
tjaaltonRikMills: the bug was caused by the new zink driver (opengl over vulkan), and there's a fix in staging09:07
RikMillstjaalton: great. thank you :)09:47
unixbsdfor fun, I tested ubuntu on rpi raspberry pi, rpi3b:  https://gitlab.com/openbsd98324/benchmark-on-pi/-/raw/master/test1-benchmark.txt10:08
unixbsdthe modern kernel gives quite good perfs. However netbsd less. These values are NOT representative.10:08
Laneyseb128: just made https://ubuntu-release.kpi.ubuntu.com/d/XgP-fUlGz/ubuntu-cd-images?orgId=1, thought you might like to see that10:45
Laneythe iso sizes are wrong for ubuntu though atm, see the pr I just filed10:45
xnoxmwhudson:  i really really wish to fix ubuntu-cdimage to simply work off networked mirrors, but alas time.10:47
The_LoudSpeakeris the codename for next development release out?11:10
cjwatsonThe_LoudSpeaker: don't expect it until round about the 21.04 release11:17
The_LoudSpeakercjwatson: okay. Thanks!11:18
The_LoudSpeaker^ cc: utkarsh210211:18
cjwatsonThe last time we had it more than a day or two in advance was 201111:18
cjwatsonwell ok, strictly "a day or three"11:19
* cjwatson keeps records of this :)11:19
seb128Laney, great, nice KPI age you got there! ;-)13:34
seb128Laney, thanks for the fix (CI seems to not be happening for some reason though?)13:37
Laneyseb128: I did a commit --amend and force pushed, it seems to have picked it up this time15:03
seb128Laney, nice trick :)15:13
Laneyseb128: https://ubuntu-release.kpi.ubuntu.com/d/XgP-fUlGz/ubuntu-cd-images?orgId=1&var-release=hirsute&var-flavour=ubuntu heh16:54
Laneywhat did we add to the image?!?!?!?!16:54
mwhudsonxnox: ugh so ... i need to find a 2TiB external drive to have a mirror on it while i run ubuntu-cdimage21:22
mwhudsonmclemenceau: can we put "beat on ubuntu-cdimage a bit" as a subtask of some roadmap item?21:22
cjwatsonbdmurray: do you have a set of builds to retry following the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/1820348?21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1820348 in launchpad-buildd "buildd user's lxd group membership causes some package build failures" [High,Fix released]21:44
cjwatsonbdmurray: I see pexpect has already been retried successfully21:45
bdmurraycjwatson: pexpect is the only one I was aware of21:49
mwhudsonvorlon: https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/debian-cd/no-quiet-live-server-boot/+merge/40073623:07
mwhudsonwhyyyyy https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/rust-updates/+build/2136143523:25
sarnoldrustc exited with signal: 923:27
sarnoldthat's curious you don't often see 9 sent by programs23:27
cjwatsonmaybe OOM killer?23:28
cjwatsonthat's the usual reason for an apparently unmotivated SIGKILL23:28
sarnoldI'd believe that about rust, yeah23:29
mwhudsonoh yes, probably23:53
mwhudsonbut it only happens on bionic and ppc64el23:53

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