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user|47832Anyone here?00:38
krytarikYeah - you, me, and the other pal.00:38
user|47832Well. I had a problem. Don't know if someone could give me a hint. I had a working Kubuntu 20.10 system, but I changed the motherboard and now it doesn't detect the new network card, a 2.5 Gbps Realtek 812500:41
user|47832I don't know how to integrate a working driver00:41
geniiIt's possible it's too new yet to have one00:42
user|47832I'm working from another Manjaro KDE with 5.11.11 kernel, and it's working there.00:43
user|47832But the packages are not compatible00:43
geniiMight want to lsmod the Manjaro setup and see what driver, then see on the Ubuntu package search site if that file is within some available package00:45
genii( using a .ko file extension in the search)00:45
user|47832Could it be r8169?00:46
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> You could try live booting the daily download of 21.04 to check network functionality.   Since 21.04 is effectively beta, I think it safe enough to give it a spin.00:49
user|47832In Manjaro is placed at /usr/lib/modules/5.11.11-1-MANJARO/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.ko.xz00:49
user|47832IrcsomeBot: If I boot from a Kubuntu LiveCD, is it able to detect my previous Kubuntu partition and update its contents?00:50
krytarik'/lib/modules/5.8.0-48-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.ko' - that's also in the Groovy kernel modules though.00:51
user|47832krytarik: I'll check that path00:52
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> If your home is on separate partition, then yes, you can seamlessly install 21.04.  I would not recommend installing the other system directories without a format, but it might work...00:52
user|47832Ok. I need to backup some things first.00:53
krytarikhttps://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/0439297be95111cf9ef5ece2091af16d140ce2ef - could be this indeed.01:01
IrcsomeBot<Windowfx_Fan> What's the lastest Plasma Version on Kubuntu 20.04?01:36
mparilloCould it be 5.18.5? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/
krytarik!info plasma-desktop focal01:51
ubottuplasma-desktop (source: plasma-desktop): Tools and widgets for the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1 (focal), package size 1664 kB, installed size 9475 kB01:51
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Gwalennhi world, on Kubuntu Focal Fossa, I have probably a bug with my driver tablet (digimend v9). I can't access to any menu File, edition... or tools in Libre Office Writer, Draw. I didn't see any trouble with other application07:33
efernandezGood morning! I'm currently with Kubuntu 21.04 beta and I see that under "System settings -> Shortcuts" the section "Global shortcuts" is no longer present. Is this a known change in plasma or should I file a bug? Thanks!!08:00
jackdripperi am using kubuntu 21.04 LTS and i hate it08:09
jackdrippersorry i am using 20.0408:10
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IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> سلام دوستان10:29
Maik@erfan_sta what?11:03
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> @Maik, oh sorry I wrote wrong11:21
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:50
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> @Maik, i just type hi 😂11:51
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @MacAMoon, Because kubuntu 20.04 LTS is using older kde plasma version.11:57
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> the firewall setting is included after 5.21 ig11:57
IrcsomeBot<MacAMoon> @ri5h46h, But i run sudo ufw enable and it's showing firewall is already active with the desktop startup11:59
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @MacAMoon, yes then it is okay.12:01
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> @MacAMoon, check status with … `sudo ufw status`12:02
IrcsomeBot<MacAMoon> @ri5h46h, Okay!12:02
superschnellHi all. I tried adding a VPN connection with the system tray network configuration icon, but after I'd added, clicking on "Connect" does nothing. It doesn't even yield an error. This way, I can't correct any errors I might have made. Any tips?12:13
BluesKajwhich vpn protocol?12:16
superschnellI've followed this, https://help.limevpn.com/en/articles/3639180-how-to-setup-vpn-connection-in-kubuntu-kde-plasma-using-l2tp-protocol and tried with and without IPSec12:20
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superschnellIf I click "connect" on the newly created VPN connection, simply nothing at all happens12:21
superschnellAnd it keeps indicating "Never used"12:21
superschnellSo it doesn't appear to even acknlowledge my clicking "connect"12:22
BluesKajdo you have a list of vpnserver IPs?12:22
superschnellThis isn't a VPN connection for consumer use. It's for business use. I'm not aware of any list. I have a VPN gateway and that is it.12:25
superschnellThe gateway responds to pings and is up. My colleague has already connected successfully in the past, but he's not available atm12:25
superschnellHe also uses Kubuntu12:25
superschnellIn any case, no matter how many times I click connect, absolutely nothing happens, which is obviously a pretty serious user interface design error.12:26
superschnellIf a connect fails, it should tell me.12:26
BluesKaji assume you've installed network-manager-l2tp12:27
superschnellThat may be it.12:27
superschnellLet's try12:27
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IrcsomeBottsteven286 was added by: tsteven28616:21
IrcsomeBot<tsteven286> WU4I16:22
Maikzencloud: hi17:41
Maikanything we can help you with?17:41
zencloudIm just new to the community trying to find my way around :)17:44
zencloudyes there is something, how can I register my freenode nickname, im not sure how to go about it17:45
Maikinfo about that can be found on their website, just a search away: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration17:46
zencloudI have tried that17:47
zencloudits not very clear on how to actually register :)17:47
Maikit's clear enough imho, if not then join #freenode and ask there17:47
zencloudwhere do I enter the commands?17:47
Maikthis channel is for support with Kubuntu17:48
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:48
Maikor #kubuntu-offtopic17:48
zencloudthanks Maik17:48
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user|16795Hello, how to reduce the scale of the monitor to 95%, after installing the nvidia drives everything became too big23:36
mparilloSystem Settings > Display and Monitor > Display Configuration > Global Scale does not work?23:49

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