
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:09
dufluHi oSoMoN 06:20
oSoMoNhey duflu 06:23
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master Daniel van Vugt * [open] merge request !71: Revert "debian/patches: Properly handle configuration events on windows" * https://deb.li/3zTvn06:45
didrocksgood morning07:01
ricotzgood morning desktopers!07:14
dufluMorning didrocks and ricotz 07:14
didrockshey duflu, ricotz 07:23
dufluHi Laney08:04
seb128goood morning desktopers08:11
Laneyhey duflu seb128 08:11
Laneyhow's it going?08:11
oSoMoNgood morning didrocks, ricotz, Laney, seb128 08:12
didrockshey Laney, salut oSoMoN & seb128 08:14
Laney\o oSoMoN didrocks 08:15
Laneywhat's up with yous?08:15
didrocksnothing special, writing tests, as usual after FF :)08:15
seb128hey Laney, oSoMoN, didrocks, how are you?08:17
didrocksgood good, you?08:17
oSoMoNbeen having a morning coffee with school dads after dropping my daughters at school today, that's a brilliant way to start the day :)08:18
Laneydoing <thing> with <other people>08:19
Laneysounds weird to me 😬08:20
oSoMoNyeah, that's what makes it feel so good, really08:20
seb128coffee with people, that remind me of the past world!08:21
seb128I hope we get that again one day here :-/08:21
Laneyyeah i'm alright08:22
Laneyhoping for proper spring to come back08:22
seb128we had frozen snow showers every day since the weekend, what a weird start of april...08:23
dufluHi seb128 08:24
seb128it's not going over 8°C this week, 3°C at night08:24
seb128hey duflu!08:24
didrocks-3 here this morning08:25
Nafallodamn... seb128 can sleep outside already! :-D08:27
seb128so how does one get access to an armhf env nowadays since the canonicalstack images don't start?09:22
Laneylxd on arm6409:23
Laneythat's what I use anyways09:23
seb128let me try that, hopefully it's easy enough to set up09:24
seb128some days it feels like the world is moving in the wrong direction, should $things get easier with time?09:25
Nafallodepends on the thing :-)09:26
Nafallo32-bit is definately not gonna get easier ;-)09:26
Laneynot more than init lxd; lxd launch ubuntu-daily:h/armhf or whatever09:27
seb128it used to be 'ssh to porter box', then became 'spawn a canonicalstack instance, ssh to it', now it's 'set up an arm64 instance, ssh to it, set up lxd, shell into that'09:27
Laneydefinitely easier than that was a few years ago :p09:27
seb128a few year ago it was ssh porter-armhf; chroot; work :p09:28
LaneyOMG why does that work? oh someone else installed $package and I didn't notice09:28
Laneywhy do we all share the same environment wHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY how do I get a clean one09:28
seb128it was good enough for what I need now09:28
Laneythose were my thoughts anyway :p09:28
seb128but yeah, some things are cleaner09:29
seb128some are getting more difficult09:29
seb128I often have the simple needs where things were easier :p09:29
LaneyDebian's porterboxes are more like what you want09:29
Nafalloseb128: I'm sure you'll love quantum when that will actually be a thing ;-)09:29
Laneythat's ssh to a shared machine, start a new clean chroot, hack away09:30
Laneybut you can't like install custom versions of dependencies still09:30
LaneyNafallo: we're speaking to the person who ran i386 until like 2 years ago 😱 :D09:31
seb128no worry, I'm trying to move forward with the openstack + lxd way09:31
seb128it's just annoying to have a second layer of indirection to copy things to or from09:31
seb128rather than being able to just scp directly to the target09:31
Laneyyou can do the same thing with sbuild/schroot if you want, then the home dir can be made available09:32
Laneyor there's lxc file push/pull or making the home dir available to the container, but maybe you don't want to know about that right now :>09:34
NafalloLaney: oooh. he was still on the HP Mini? ;-)09:34
Nafallothat's actually what I changed to when I did my laptop refresh while I was still at Canonical :-P09:34
Nafallothe weight ratio was pretty sweet when you ran around data centers and only needed a terminal :-)09:35
seb128Laney, I'm doing lxc file push/pull for now, it's just one more step. Scp to the arm64 instance, then ssh, then lxc file, but thanks for the help09:35
LaneyNafallo: all I remember is that it was steam/coal powered09:35
Nafallohmm. I'll go look :-P09:36
Nafallooutput: 19.5V / 2.05A = 9.51W09:38
ricotzthis equation looks bogus ;)09:42
seb128Failed to discover available identity versions when contacting https://keystone.bos01.canonistack.canonical.com:5000/v3. Attempting to parse version from URL.09:43
seb128Service Unavailable (HTTP 503)09:43
seb128not my lucky day I guess09:43
* seb128 just wanted to poke at that webkit2gtk/balsa/armhf failure09:44
ricotzseb128, hi, would you be available for a vala upload?09:44
seb128ricotz, hey, sure09:45
ricotzseb128, great, I will start working on it09:45
seb128shrug, balsa tests work fine in that lxc instance with the proposed packages :/10:09
seb128I did another retry, in case...10:09
Laneyif it's autopkgtest then I personally would run autopkgtest rather than trying to do it manually10:12
Laneyyou should get the same set of packages then10:12
Laneyshould look at glib2.0 I guess :|10:14
seb128Laney, I did try with hirsute then upgraded webkit to proposed then dist-upgraded, it's still working10:32
seb128but yeah, if that retry fails I will try to see how to use autopkgtest instead10:32
seb128glib vs flatpak :/10:32
seb128would be nice if debian has setups that allowed to run those tests10:33
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
seb128grrrrrr, retry failed :-/10:53
apware we aware of 'right menu' issues in gnome-terminal near the bottom of a monitor in wayland mode ?11:12
seb128apw, not that I know of no12:21
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
KGB-0mutter Marco Trevisan 235217 * commented merge request !71 * https://deb.li/itaVI13:31
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master 6ea8693 Daniel van Vugt debian/patches/ series wayland-Only-use-async-configured-geometry-if-actually-ch.patch wayland-window-Correct-detection-whether-to-send-configur.patch wayland-window-Provide-prior-floating-window-dimensions.patch * Revert "debian/patches: Properly handle configuration events on windows" * http13:31
KGB-0mutter ubuntu/master Marco Trevisan * [merge] merge request !71: Revert "debian/patches: Properly handle configuration events on windows" * https://deb.li/3zTvn13:31
KGB-0gnome-shell ubuntu/master 52cc4bb Daniel van Vugt debian/patches/ series layout-Try-to-allocate-before-getting-size-of-tracke.patch * Add layout-Try-to-allocate-before-getting-size-of-tracke.patch * https://deb.li/bolD13:33
KGB-0gnome-shell ubuntu/master Marco Trevisan * [merge] merge request !48: Add layout-Try-to-allocate-before-getting-size-of-tracke.patch * https://deb.li/fIV413:33
luna:( yeah kinda sad that Canonical both lost Wimpress and popey but hoping they will stick around in the community and atleast gives us new #ubuntu-podcast episodes every week :) 13:36
seb128is there a way to do https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration#Reproducing_tests_in_the_cloud on armhf ?13:37
seb128autopkgtest doesn't seem to have an arch parameter?13:37
Laneyseb128: use autopkgtest-build-lxd images:ubuntu/hirsute/armhf on your arm64 machine and then -- lxd autopkgtest/ubuntu/hirsute/armhf at the end13:39
seb128Laney, thanks13:39
Laneycommitting a suggestion directly from GitHub's web UI13:43
Laneythe future13:43
seb128Laney, shrug, I need to start to pay attention, thanks for catching up the typo!13:43
seb128Laney, I can also amend force push, might be better than having 2 commits for a one line change?13:44
Laneysure feel free, hides the mistake in the history :p13:44
Laneyand no worries, that's what reviews are for13:45
Laneyexcept the previous review should have noticed this13:45
Laneywe need review reviews clearly13:46
seb128the autopkgtest armhf command fails manually as well14:11
seb128but doing --shell-fail and ./debian/tests/screenshot in the env it works14:11
seb128(that's the test that is failing)14:11
seb128is autopkgtest starting the test in a different way or with a different env or something?14:12
Laneyseb128: root what you get with --shell-fail vs normal user, some AUTOPKGTEST stuff set14:31
seb128tjaalton, hey, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1920096 something we should get uploaded to hirsute? i can sponsor the change if you ack it14:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1920096 in OEM Priority Project focal "Cursor bleeds on the platform with Mali armsoc driver" [Critical,New]14:31
seb128Laney, I can't get it to fail :-(14:34
seb128I did try to sudo -i -u ubuntu and do the test there, still working14:34
Laneyif you download the source package you can make changes and then test those without needing to rebuild14:37
Laneypass '.' as the package name and use --no-built-binaries14:38
Laneymight help finding what the difference is14:38
hellsworthgood morning desktopers14:43
seb128hey Heather, how are you?14:43
hellsworthhey seb i'm good. how are you?14:43
seb128I'm alright!14:44
tjaaltonseb128: it needed a rebase, uploaded now14:55
seb128tjaalton, thanks!14:56
seb128tjaalton, you will handle the SRU upload at some point as well?14:56
ricotzhey hellsworth 15:49
hellsworthhey ricotz 15:49

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