
lotuspsychjegood morning01:58
ducassegood morning06:54
Deano59how will 21.04 perform on an rpi4 4gb?12:21
waveformit's working very nicely on 4Gb Pi400 here (which is what I'm typing from)12:29
Maikwaveform: what is?12:30
waveformMaik, hirsute desktop on a pi40012:30
Maikah, nice12:30
Deano59waveform: is it good? Guessing you have tested it?12:30
Maikdo you know if we can upgrade from 20.10 to 21.04 on the pi 4 or do we need to reflash?12:31
waveformthough to let me get away with my usual customary 20+ tabs in firefox, I have set up a pretty aggressive zswap config (2GB swap file, lz4 compression)12:31
waveformDeano59, up until recently it was pretty awful and then I finally got around to fixing the overlay_map location and suddenly the right KMS overlay got used and "boom" --- now it flies12:31
Deano59I'm excited for it.12:32
waveformMaik, the usual do-release-upgrade should work (in fact that's how I moved this 400 from groovy to hirsute) -- however there's a question I need to dig into as to how to switch the config.txt from FKMS to KMS (or if that's even necessary now -- not sure yet)12:32
Deano59What kernel is used?12:33
Deano59You using an sdcard or usb3 SSD?12:33
Maikwaveform: oh nice. thanks for the answer. I asked because i read somewhere it was possible because of the kernel.12:34
Deano59I'll probably clean install anyway 😣12:34
Maiki'm running 20.10 on a Pi 4 8GB and use a SSD which works great imo12:34
Maikit ws/wasn't12:35
waveformDeano59, I'm currently on a USB3 SSD here (with a thoroughly non-standard LVM config mainly because it helps with certain lxd things) but I have also tested it from an SD card -- it's "okay" but you do want to make sure it's a good SD card with UHS-1 support12:35
Deano59Nice 👍12:35
Deano59Does kms fully work too?12:36
waveformMaik, yup -- no concerns over upgrading the kernel -- that bit's fine -- it's mostly how I'm going to cleanup all the mess I've historically made in the config.txt of the boot partition (later I need to test a straight thru upgrade from focal->groovy->hirsute which is probably going to be a real mess because it'll still have u-boot around)12:36
waveformDeano59, yup -- I've been testing both FKMS and KMS and they both work cleanly with wayland12:36
Deano59Nice! Super excited12:36
waveform(now I've sorted out the overlay_map location ... :)12:36
Maikwaveform: thanks. :)12:37
Deano59Roll on April 22nd lol12:38
waveformnot too fast! I've still got a bunch of gpio stuff to land -- argh! :)12:39
Deano59XD the work you do is awesome!12:40
Maikwaveform: so you're the man behind the Pi images?12:41
waveformDeano59, well, most credit to the desktop guys for this one -- I heard there were some tricky KMS bits to patch and now I'm genuinely impressed with wayland. But my major push this cycle has been trying to get a "good" gpio experience out reasonably cleanly12:41
waveformMaik, I'm the guy on the foundations team with responsibility for the pi images -- but there's plenty of others I stand on the shoulders of :)12:42
Maikwaveform: nice. :)  I could help testing the Pi images for the 21.04 and beyond, i have a spare Pi4 with 4GB for that if needed12:44
waveformthe desktop dailies are here if you want to try 'em: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/daily-preinstalled/current/12:44
Maiksweet, thanks12:45
waveformand server (console only) dailies are over here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-preinstalled/current/12:45
Maikdesktop images are more my thing so i go with that :)12:46
ograwaveform, i'd see it more like an Escher picture ... you stand on the sholders of someone who stands on your sholders ... Pi Yoga !12:56
ograwaveform, FYI, update-manager used to have hook support for such cases ... (at least in the past) ... you should be able to cleanly remove u-boot with it13:01
waveformogra, yes -- I've been looking at that for manipulating FKMS/KMS too but there's now some question over whether that's even necessary (we've been advised KMS is the thing we "should" be using, but FKMS appears to be working without issue or performance degredation so there's an argument to be made that "if it ain't broke don't touch it" which I'd generally extend to "don't mess with user's boot config unless you really need to". Anyway, more13:03
waveformexperiments to be done :)13:03
waveform(I'm fully aware of the irony of this statement given my history of .. erm ... messing with the boot config in the images ;)13:05
ograwaveform, hmm, i always thought you need fkms to be able to use native h264 decoding13:08
ograwhich reminds me that i need to look at my vlc-pi snap to make it work with wayland (sigh)13:09
Deano59Isn't kms needed for h264 decoding?13:10
* Deano59 shrugs13:10
ogramight be that ne new v4lm2m stuff requires kms13:10
* ogra only has experience with the MMAL ways 13:11
ograwaveform, oh, that reminds me ... you might probably want to add #ubuntu-arm to your default IRC channel list ... while originally created as a generic arm channel (way before the Pi was a thing) it occurs that we recentl mainly have Pi users in there13:16
waveformah, good call - will do13:18
waveformon native h264 decoding: my understanding at the moment is that fkms still required for that (and for compatibility with mmal more generally) -- however, I did take the camera module for spin under KMS the other day and it worked happily (for my limited set of tests) so ... I'm not sure what the exact situation there is at the moment13:20
ograi'll try kms with my kodi-pi-standalone snap eventually ... that is MMAL all over the place13:21
hwpplayer1hi people!15:05
hwpplayer1Why #ubuntu-ny is invite only ?15:05
daftykinsirrelevant, there aren't enough users to support all these regional spins of channels - just stick to main15:38
hwpplayer1okay daftykins15:51
=== VMGuy23_ is now known as VMGuy23
Deano59Some nice advertising that is lol19:13
VMGuy23What do people think is the best shell (that's not bash)? Mine is fish, just want to see what others think.19:26
* tomreyn is not surprised when trolls like fish19:52
sarnoldall that living under bridges?19:52
tomreynits the closest protein source19:53
Deano59tomreyn: be nice...20:00
tomreyni'm trying!20:02
Maiktomreyn: what you're trying?20:55
daftykinstroll fish by the sounds20:56
wyoungLets discuss22:43
jeremy31What about discus?22:44
daftykinswe could play that at the same time?22:44
* sarnold starts playing some disco music22:50
Bashing-omMonster Mash to the disco music -22:54

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