
Laneysooooooooooo there's a bunch of stuff in hirsute's NEW queue at the minute https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hirsute/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=10:03
Laneysynced from private archives, and that means that I can't download the source it seems10:04
Laneywanted a sense check on this - I think that copying into a public queue "should" make the copied artifacts available10:04
Laneyis that fair?10:05
ograLaney, ubuntu-release has been added to the PPA10:10
ograso that reviewing should be possible10:10
ogra(and once they are approved they will become public anyway)10:11
Laneyright, that's why it's a #launchpad question10:11
Laneyubuntu-archive would probably be a slightly better team for this case, but thanks for that10:12
Laneytomwardill: ^--- my question10:12
LaneyI'll file a bug if your answer is yes :-)10:12
ograi think the current state is a safety net ... what if someone accidentially copies sensitive stuff to the public queue10:13
Laneythat might make more sense if all copies from private archives always got held, but you only get that safety net here because it's NEW or the archive happens to be frozen10:14
tomwardillI think that is the rationale, but I don't know enough for sure. I'd have to ask cjwatson or wgrant :)10:14
Laneyso I think it's more luck than judgement10:14
ograheh, k10:14
ograi didnt take that into account 🙂10:14
Laneyand in the latter case, queue admins then "should" implicitly get access to the source I guess10:15
ogra(i was initially suprised, but thinking about the behaviour it seemed to make sense)10:15
LaneyI see the rationale if it's deliberatly and consistently implemented :p10:15
cjwatsonLaney: Could be a reasonable argument.  At the moment unembargoing only happens once the source package is actually published publicly10:15
ograright, i assumed it was10:15
cjwatsonWe could certainly consider doing something for queue admins10:16
cjwatsonCould you file a bug?10:16
LaneyYep, thanks for the pre-discussion10:16
cjwatsonIt's possible this may be difficult at the moment for the same sort of reason that https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/851562 is difficult, though10:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 851562 in Launchpad itself "Diffs not available for syncs on +queue page like for regular uploads" [High,Triaged]10:20
cjwatsoni.e. the copy doesn't actually quite know on the spot exactly what to make public right now10:20
cjwatsonLaney: ^10:22
Laneycjwatson: Ah, thanks. I am sort of vaguely aware of this kind of difficulty in the things copies know about themselves10:26
LaneyThis particular case is very rare of course, so it'll be prioritised accordingly10:26
Laneybug #192317710:36
ubot5bug 1923177 in Launchpad itself "Source not necessarily available for copies from private archives into a public archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192317710:36
Laneycheers all10:36
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