[14:28] TimurTabi, can't you just fetch the ref itself from our crack repo ? [14:32] What do you mean? [14:33] I have this complex script that creates an ubuntu_defconfig for any kernel, and one of the first things it does is download those 5-6 patches that were available up to kernel 5.6 [14:34] TimurTabi, the readme there tells you how to fetch the literal tip from which the build is made, which has the patches on the top. [14:34] So to avoid rewriting large chunks of that script, I just want to grab those patches. [14:34] I want to build a kernel based on *my* kernel tree, not yours. [14:34] and you could then for format-patch off the top of that. [14:35] TimurTabi, right you don't have to check it out, just fetch it [14:35] You'll have to show me exactly what you're talking about with a code example. [14:36] Taking that as an example: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.11.12/ [14:36] it tells you to fetch this: git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack cod/mainline/v5.11.12 [14:36] git you `git fetch git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack cod/mainline/v5.11.12` in your tree [14:36] then FETCH_HEAD will have those commits on it. [14:37] Well, I don't see how that's any better than downloading crack.bundle and using git-bundle on it. [14:39] perhaps not, though it feels simpler [14:40] as that branch was made from the bundle, and indeed it is that actual branch which gets built on the testers [14:40] Ok, well, I'll make a note of your suggestion, and maybe one day I'll try it out. It would be nice if I didn't have to make patches from a tree and just so that I have to git-am them and then delete them. [14:41] you could just `git cherry-pick ..` them no ? [14:41] like `git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD~6..FETCH_HEAD` [14:42] Well, the ~6 is variable [14:42] it could be ~7 one day [14:42] though you know the base [14:42] it is by definition the same as the tip [14:42] v5.11.12..FETCH_HEAD [14:42] ? [14:42] right that. [14:42] Ok, I'll think about, thanks.