
lotuspsychjegood morning02:55
ducassegood morning06:42
wyoungWhat's going on today?06:47
lotuspsychjeare you in aus or Nz wyoung ?06:47
wyoungI heard a racist died yesterday06:47
wyounglotuspsychje: AU06:47
lotuspsychjelets not discuss racism here, but ubuntu topics06:48
wyoungRight, I'll move that to offtopic then06:49
wyoungDoes Ubuntu have a nice clean and tiny docker image?06:49
wyoungOr should I use AlpineLinux for that purpose?06:49
lotuspsychjesnap find docker06:50
Maikgood afternoon all11:54
MaikVMGuy23: Registered : Mar 21 15:57:18 2021 (2w 5d 20h ago)12:26
VMGuy232 weeks already?!12:27
Maikalmost 312:27
VMGuy23yeah... wow it feels like just a week12:27
Maiki know that feeling :)12:27
VMGuy23I've gone through 3 main IRC clients already12:28
Maiki'm almost 13 years on IRC12:28
Maikstill feels like yesterday sometimes12:29
Maikthe only thing i use is Quassel Client which is connected to a Quassel Core which runs on a server, logged in 24/7 if i don't have to reboot the server after updates12:30
ducasseweechat ftw12:32
VMGuy23I started off with HexChat, then Polari, and now I'm on Srain with Weechat as my second client12:32
Maikxchat, Konversation, then hexchat for years, regular Quassel, tried Polari once and for a few years Quassel client now.12:35
VMGuy23Srain is nice, chat-like interface, uses GTK, works. config is hard but once its done it works great12:35
Maiknext to IRC i use telegram and discord sometimes, since i'm involved in two projects12:37
lotuspsychjeVMGuy23 are you Deano59's brother?13:12
Deano59I have nothing to do with VMGuy23, no idea who is and idc too. please don't highlight me.13:13
Deano59lotuspsychje: ^13:14
Maikhi Deano59 :)13:14
VMGuy23I.. don't have a sibling that knows what IRC is13:14
lotuspsychjeyou guys resemble so much, i thought you were related13:14
Deano59lotuspsychje: how? and hi Maik :)13:14
lotuspsychjewhen users say hi in main you both have a pretty defensive style13:16
lotuspsychjeHi all! ===> !ot !discuss13:17
Deano59lotuspsychje: can you *NOT* compare me to a troll. thanks.13:17
Maikoh, he means in the main channel when someone says hello or good morning13:17
* Maik needs another coffee13:18
lotuspsychjeDeano59: i didnt say you were a troll, i said you resemble a lot13:20
Deano59yeah well, don't. I'm nothing like him.13:20
VMGuy23I hand-type13:21
lotuspsychjeDeano59 also13:21
Deano59can you also stop highlighting me. it's annoying. I told you; I don't know and don't care who VMGuy23 is. thanks.13:22
lotuspsychjethis is a discuss channel you joined yourself Deano5913:23
lotuspsychjei'm discussing about ubuntu with users in this channel13:23
VMGuy23Yeah I just have an "automated" (my natural reaction) response to certain things, I should really configure Autokey again.13:23
Deano59lotuspsychje: again, can you not?13:23
VMGuy23Deano59: just leave this channel, simple13:24
Deano59no, shouldn't have to.13:24
lotuspsychjeDeano59: i cant say Hi anymore when i join discuss?13:24
Deano59lotuspsychje: VMGuy23 probably saw me telling blueskaj to stop and thought he'd do it too. so? that doesn't mean we're alike you moron. xD13:24
VMGuy23I just... learned from the subject. I don't remember seeing him before13:25
lotuspsychjeVMGuy23: we had a few days deano was pretty defensive on regular users; then you came and did the same13:28
lotuspsychjewhen doing support a lot, we dont see volunteers react on users saying hi that way, usualy they just say hi back13:29
Maikit's ok to say hi, hello, good morning etc in the channels, except we they start to talk offftopic then we can point them to discuss and offtopic13:30
VMGuy23I say hello sometimes13:31
Maikmost of the time we do that with13:31
ubot5Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!13:31
Maikeasy as that13:31
Maikanother one is !ask and !patience13:32
VMGuy23Is there !give <nick> discuss?13:33
VMGuy23!give ubot5 discuss13:33
ubot5VMGuy23: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:33
VMGuy23Ok then, no13:33
lotuspsychjeVMGuy23: !factoid | username13:33
Maikit's like13:33
Maik!discuss | VMGuy2313:33
ubot5VMGuy23: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!13:33
lotuspsychjeor !factoid > username for PM13:33
VMGuy23I understand now, nice13:33
VMGuy23is !factoid an actual thing?13:34
ubot5Hi! I'm #ubuntu-discuss's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone13:34
Eickmeyer[m]Woah, woah, woah. CoC everyone.13:40
VMGuy23wahat CoC mean13:41
MaikEickmeyer[m]: Deano59 is at it in offtopic too13:41
Eickmeyer[m]Code of Conduct.13:41
VMGuy23I just mentioned Be respectful after he called me a troll13:41
Eickmeyer[m]If you can't abide by it, you are welcome to leave. Also, IRC guidelines apply.13:41
MaikEickmeyer[m]: i told him a couple of time and informed the ops too13:42
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah, and I have my Community Council hat on right now. There's some out-of-hand stuff going on in here.13:42
ubot5The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:43
Eickmeyer[m]I don't care who started it, just stop. Full stop.13:43
MaikVMGuy23: CoC - https://ubuntu.com/community/code-of-conduct13:51
VMGuy23Maik: thats whre i got Be respectful from13:51
Maikok, that's great :)13:52
tomreynoh, i didn't know about vanilla-gnome-desktop, thanks Maik. It seems to have a dependency path to apache2-bin on 18.04, though, weird.14:23
Maiknp, you're welcome14:24
Maikand hi there tomreyn :)14:24
tomreynhi Maik14:25
lotuspsychjeMaik: vanilla is gnome classic?15:25
VMGuy23lotuspsychje: Just GNOME15:28
Maiklotuspsychje: nope15:29
Eickmeyer[m]lotuspsychje: gnome without the Yaru stuff or extensions. Basic, vanilla GNOME.15:30
lotuspsychjeoh tnx15:31
lotuspsychjenot sure i ever tested that as a desktop15:31
VMGuy23GNOME Classic is with a bottom bar15:32
lotuspsychjeyeah classic i tested15:33
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