
nyxynFresh install of Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS. Youtube video's not playing on Firefox. Says "Your browser can't play this video"00:16
nyxynAnd links me to install Firefox00:17
nyxynI already did an apt update and upgrade00:19
Bashing-om!info ubuntu-restricted-extras focal | nyxyn Try ?00:22
ubottunyxyn Try ?: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used media codecs and fonts for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 67 (focal), package size 3 kB, installed size 14 kB00:22
nyxynBashing-om, do "apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras focal"?00:22
Maiknyxyn: sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:23
nyxynMaik, thank you. Trying now00:23
Bashing-omnyxyn: Yeah - not sure that it will resolve - but can not hurt.00:23
Maiknot that you need it to play youtube vids00:23
Maikswitch to html5 instead00:24
nyxynHow do I do that?00:24
Maikserach the web for youtube html500:24
nyxynDownloading the restricted extras did the trick00:26
nyxynThank you00:26
Maiknp, yw00:26
Bashing-om\o/ nyxyn00:28
nyxynYou guys rock. I was just telling my wife how much trouble we would have had to go through if this was a closed source OS. Hours on the phone with tech support who probably can't answer the question. Yet I come here after not finding the answer on the google and you guys solve it in like 30 seconds00:34
Bashing-omnyxyn: Me Pats his 'Buntu on the back :P00:36
JoeBknyxyn, chromium is a better browser for youtube.00:37
nyxynI don't like google. They're too evil for me00:37
nyxynBut I'm stuck watching youtube00:38
nyxynSo I guess I should look into chromium and see if the experience is any different00:38
JoeBkfirefox is the slow starting when compaed to chromium and chrome.  I aviod using chrome.00:39
Bashing-omnyxyn: Be aware that chromium is now only available as a snap in ubuntu :( There may be an adjustent curve there.00:39
nyxynHmm ok00:40
JoeBkI also have Brave installed because it is really good at filtering ads, but it is really slow at first run.00:42
nyxynBrave seems pretty nice. Is it open source?00:51
JoeBknyxyn, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_(web_browser)#:~:text=Brave%20is%20a%20free%20and,developed%20by%20Brave%20Software%2C%20Inc.&text=As%20of%202021%2C%20Brave%20has,Linux%2C%20Android%2C%20and%20iOS.00:54
nyxynNice! Thanks JoeBk00:54
JoeBkthat article sez it's open source.00:54
JoeBkBrave is good when you have a problem with popups00:55
JoeBkfor some reason Brave is really slow on first run agter boot.  after that it's fine.00:56
nyxynDo you guys know if I copy my .gnupg directory to another machine would I be able to use the same keys?01:08
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Ankmannyxyn: yes you can01:57
sarnoldAnkman: btw, most irc clients will let you complete a nickname with tab, and if you've disabled the join/part notifications, it'll help you spot when someone's left already by not completing the nickname for you01:58
Ankmanyes, should had checked that01:59
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pennTellerDoes anyone know a way to make laptop trackpads on Ubuntu actually reject thumbs?02:32
AnkmanpennTeller: mean multi touch?02:49
KrausHmmm... what's that command where when you reboot your router and want your ubuntu machine to retain a hostname on the network without restarting the machine?02:52
KrausI thought it might be sudo service network-manager restart but that's not it.02:53
pennTellerAnkman, kind of but it's like no laptop but a Mac is able to really reject the thumb. You have to float your thumb without touching the trackpad or your thumb will mess up the pointer movement02:54
ash_guestwhen I type lsblk, I can see an attached USB drive that apparently has 3 partitions03:00
ash_guestonly one of the partitions is mounted to /mount/...03:01
ash_guestcan I access the other 2 partitions using the `mount` command?03:01
Bashing-omash_guest: In terminal one would need to create a mount point to attach the file system(s), then yes "mount".03:06
ash_guestI tried it, it said, "unknown filesystem type LVM2_member"03:11
ash_guestugh, and tmux isn't allow me to copy/paste on this machine :(03:12
ash_guestand lsblk shows 2 lvms under it; does that mean that this is a bootable usb drive?03:13
ash_guestmy guess is "yes"03:14
ash_guestI'll try shutting down and restarting with this plugged in and seeing what happens03:16
hwpplayer1hi people!03:25
hwpplayer1I am trying to publish a package on launchpad as a ppa package though I am curious I could not be able to send it to server03:26
hwpplayer1Okay I'll be back03:28
guiverchwpplayer1, packages are built on lp itself, you dput source packages  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Uploading  emails tell you the status03:41
guivercfyi.  emails can take awhile to occur so be patient03:42
ash_guesttrying to restart with the usb plugged in did not trigger the OS to load the xubuntu system on that partition03:45
hwpplayer1guiverc: I would like to write a convergent framework and toolkit rather than running this project tools03:48
hwpplayer1see you later friends03:48
danielcganyone here using a b550 chipset?03:49
danielcgi can't get my fan speeds in lm-sensors03:49
danielcgthey show up in the efi firmware and in windows but it seems like kernel 5.8 doesn't support them out of the box03:50
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MrMobiusI disabled the optane drive on my HP x360 to install Ubuntu and dual boot and now there's no option to re-enable it in BIOS. anyone had this problem before?03:58
danielcgtry updating the bios03:59
danielcgbut if you have bitlocker turned on in windows this will probably make it ask for your recovery key so have that on hand before03:59
danielcg(not the password... the recovery key is different & i learned this the hard way lol)04:00
MrMobiusdanielcg, good idea. BIOS is latest version04:03
danielcgmy guess is that there is another bios setting that must be set for the optane option to show up04:06
danielcgdid you try resetting the settings to the default or 'optimal' values?04:10
linuxrHello everyone, I created flac files (incl. m3u playlists) for my audio cds which I now need to convert to mp3 for listening in my car stereo. Any idea of how to convert flac playlists to mp3? thanks09:23
JoeBklinuxr, try sox09:23
sgers1also, you could use Handbrake for that09:24
linuxrthe question is not so much about converting individual files but about a tool which can handle playlists as well09:25
sgers1linuxr, you can import playlists in handbrake..09:26
sgers1or you could use fre:ac and NCH Switch09:28
linuxrsgers1, what's NCH Switch?09:34
iekfkkto ssh into android echo $USER shows nothing?09:37
juliandroskeIt is nothing09:38
juliandrosketo show current user use "whoami" instead09:38
iekfkkssh needs username09:38
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sgers1linuxr, it's just like fre:ac, audio converter.09:39
sgers1but fre:ac is free & opensource and easier09:40
iekfkkssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused09:40
tomreyniekfkk: looks like there is no ssh server running there.09:45
linuxrsgers1, fre:ac looks promising, but is not in ubuntu repos?09:48
iekfkktomreyn: can i reverse ssh, in termux no such pkg is there09:55
tomreynlinuxr: i don't think there is anything like "FLAC playlists". there is the FLAC audio format. you can use ffmpeg to vconvert audio files between formats.09:56
tomreyn(also to create copies)09:56
linuxrtomreyn, yeah no, the playlist is a m3u file which just references flac files, so I would need a tool that reads the flac files in the playlist, converts these to mp3, and creates an adapted playlist referencing the new mp3 files09:57
tomreyniekfkk: the usual approach to access an android system shell remotely is through "adb shell" (which you can install with the "adb" package on ubuntu), this can also be done over a network. since this channel is about ubuntu only, we don't provide support with software (not) available on android.09:58
iekfkkafter installing adb what to do?09:59
iekfkkis adb wireless?10:01
tomreynlinuxr: i'm not familiar with a software combining these tasks (i'm also not familiar with "fre:ac", maybe it can indeed do so). but can well imagine such exists.10:01
iekfkkhttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/adb.1.html which cmd tomreyn10:02
tomreyniekfkk: adb supports debugging over the network, if this is enabled on the device to be debugged. i suggest reading up on its man page.10:02
iekfkkyes i enabled usb debugging but idk over network10:02
iekfkki read it's man page but don't know which cmd10:03
tomreyni think there's ##android or #android on freenode for all your android questions10:03
iekfkk~adb connect u0_a14210:04
iekfkkunable to connect to u0_a142:5555: Name or service not known10:04
iekfkk~have you played with reverse ssh10:11
sgers1linuxr, it's on snap store and flathub10:14
makara1sarnold: its not resolved. It happened again today11:20
makara1i enter my login password, and it freezes. Mouse still moves11:21
lotuspsychjemakara1: sarnold is afk atm, feel free to re-ask your issue to the channel and the steps tryed to solve11:21
makara1last log from `journalctl -k -r -b -1` is "kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1618052655.696:733): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.snap-store.ubuntu-software" name="/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/lib/steam/steam.desktop""11:22
makara1lotuspsychje: I can't login after a resume11:23
lotuspsychje!details | makara1 re-ask into the channel please11:35
ubottumakara1 re-ask into the channel please: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.11:35
Maikgood afternoon all11:54
makara1lotuspsychje: what more can I say?12:13
makara1after resuming my machine, it hangs after entering the password12:13
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:14
VMGuy23Hello BluesKaj12:15
BluesKajhi VMGuy2312:16
VMGuy23BluesKaj: If you don't have a support question, head to #ubuntu-offtopic, or #ubuntu-discuss for ubuntu-related discussions.12:16
BluesKajVMGuy23, I don't have a support question, do you?12:19
VMGuy23BluesKaj: nope, just waiting for support questions to appear12:19
makara1VMGuy23: after resuming my machine, it hangs after entering the password12:21
makara1the question is, why?12:22
VMGuy23makara1: Is there anything you have open or instaled that might require high CPU usage constantly or change login?12:22
MaikVMGuy23: LOL.... BluesKaj is coming here for years on irc and this channel. He visits every day and helps with support when he can.12:23
VMGuy23Maik: I've been on IRC for about a week, it's my automated response system (hand-typed) by now.12:24
Maiknah, you've been around longer12:25
makara1VMGuy23: only firefox12:25
VMGuy23makara1: Hmm, I don't know what's happening then.12:26
makara1VMGuy23: you might be onto something. I have 185 tabs open12:29
VMGuy23makara1: thats probably it. I reccomend 4 at maximum12:29
makara1simply not possible12:32
VMGuy23Is for me, I reboot a lot12:32
makara1another potential issue is gnome. Especially since its getting stuck loading the desktop12:32
makara1they updated something and now I can't drag windows to a new below workspace, but I can make an above workspace12:33
VMGuy23makara1: You mean it's frozen for a few seconds (and other monitors turn to a single monitors) on startup?12:33
makara1VMGuy23: no its frozen for ever. Mouse moves though. I have 2 monitors, they both display, but of course im only logging into one of them! ha12:34
VMGuy23makara1: reinstall? it can reinstall without losing anything.12:34
makara1VMGuy23: that's a bit draconian don't you think?12:35
ducassemakara1: can you log in via ssh?12:36
VMGuy23I recently reinstalled after a disk clone, nothing was lost (including random folders in /)12:36
makara1ducasse: from where?12:36
ducassefrom another host12:37
makara1ducasse: i have one computer12:37
ducasseyour phone, then12:37
makara1what a mission12:37
ducassefiddly, but works12:37
ducasseit's just to confirm what is running, maybe restart the desktop12:38
makara1why isn't there a log that tells me whats going on?12:38
ducasseit'll only work if sshd is running12:38
ducassecan you access a terminal?12:39
makara1look, resume from sleep is notorious. Even if I get it working again, I still don't know what the problem was, and ill have to repeat this procedure. And at the moment I'm suspecting an upgrade of gnome12:40
VMGuy23Ctrl+Alt+F5 will bring you to a terminal, log in and now you can use the terminal12:40
makara1VMGuy23: from where? when?12:41
VMGuy23makara1: snywhere.12:41
VMGuy23Anytime your PC is on12:41
VMGuy23the liock screen will work12:41
makara1ctrl+alt+f5 does nothing. ctrl+alt+t opens a terminal like it always has12:42
VMGuy23ctrl+alt+f5 should say; "Ubuntu <version> <hostname> tty5" then "<hostname> login:"12:43
tomreynyou may need to add the Fn (function) key to that on a laptop12:44
tomreynmost of the time, resume from suspend issues are related to acpi implementation issues on the mainboard firmware's end. there can be other reasons, though. you can review your logs using journalctl. look for " PM: " records, those indicate power management events, such as resume.12:46
makara1tomreyn: what unit?12:49
tomreynafter those occur, you may see kernel oopses indicated by "--- cut here ---", "ACPI" related errors or similar problems. you can limit journal logs to just kernel logs by passing -k. Use -b0 to limit logs to the current kernel session (since latest reboot, covering anything since then, including suspend and resume)12:49
tomreyni would not limit to a specific unit12:49
tomreynyou'd loose too much context.12:49
makara1tomreyn: it only freezes after I hit enter on my password, so I don't see this as being an acpi issue12:49
tomreynthose can have all kinds of unexpected results, including slow or stuck disk access.12:50
makara1there was a warning: [Firmware Bug]: TSC ADJUST differs: CPU0 0 --> -21835381. Restoring12:51
tomreynthis was during initial boot, though, right?12:51
tomreynso not after resume, or was it?12:52
makara1i looks like it didn't sleep properly: Freezing of tasks failed after 20.008 seconds (11 tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=0):12:52
makara1tomreyn: initial and after resume are the same boot. I'm onto my second boot12:53
makara1oh, ok. 1st was going to sleep, 2nd was the failed resume, 3rd is me going through logs12:54
tomreyni meant to be asking whether the above message was logged before or after resume.12:54
tomreynbefore you spend potentially a lot of time on analyzing logs, you may want to just upgrade your bios, though, if you've not already done so.12:55
tomreynjournalctl -b | grep DMI:     returns your current version and hardware identifier12:55
makara1tomreyn: after resuming12:57
makara1tomreyn: I get this one for the current boot: [Firmware Bug]: TSC ADJUST: CPU0: -22750694 force to 012:57
makara1tomreyn: DMI: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. UX530UX/UX530UX, BIOS UX530UX.311 04/19/201912:57
makara1but these type of warnings/errors are always in the kernel logs. Like this one: nouveau 0000:01:00.0: bus: MMIO read of 00000000 FAULT at 619444 [ IBUS ]12:58
tomreynmakara1: so checking the manufacturer website is next12:58
tomreynif you get the TSC mismatch *only* after resume but not during boot, then this does look like buggy firmware indeed12:59
makara1now I can't select text in the terminal with my mouse. Its Gnome3 I swear13:00
tomreynwell, otherwise, too, but after resume only could explain problems occurring after resume only13:00
tomreynyour bios version is the latest one available at this time. you could share your logs on a pastebin of by piping them into   nc termbin.com 999913:03
tomreynthe nouveau open source nvidia graphics chipset driver has lots of deficits because there is not enough hardware documentation available.13:04
VMGuy23<command> | nc termbin.com 999913:05
makara1tomreyn: i have the latest bios13:07
tomreynmakara1: i concur (see above)13:09
makara1sorry, yes13:09
makara1just had my brain laundries by asus.com13:09
tomreyn!acpi_osi | makara1: depending on the actual problems reported on your logs (which i don't think we know, yet), this *may* help:13:12
ubottumakara1: depending on the actual problems reported on your logs (which i don't think we know, yet), this *may* help:: If your system is unstable or power management does not work well and logs show ACPI issues, you can try to make the Linux kernel pretend it was Windows during boot (which can help on hardware which was only tested with Windows): http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html13:12
makara1tomreyn: thanks I'll look at that13:23
makara1but in the meantime, while I was preparing logs and removing snaps, I noticed I have 2 snaps of gnome installed13:24
makara1gnome-3-28-1804 and gnome-3-34-180413:24
makara1what should it be for Ubuntu 20.04.213:24
VMGuy23I remove both and it works fine for me13:25
makara1i see gnome-3-34-1804 snap candidate channel release a version 3 days ago13:30
makara1to fix this issue, no doubt!!13:30
tomreynmakara1: those snaps just provide gnome libraries, only those specifically needed will be used by other snaps. gnome itself is still provided by apt13:30
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VMGuy23how to get Adwaita gnome-shell theme14:09
MaikVMGuy23: install gnome-tweak-tool and see if you can select it from there14:17
Maikif not, try installing ubuntu gnome vanilla desktop and choose it from the login screen at the bottom right14:18
VMGuy23Tweaks didnt work, now trying second option14:19
MaikVMGuy23: sudo apt install vanilla-gnome-desktop14:20
VMGuy23would "gnome" not work?14:20
MaikVMGuy23: you could try14:27
kenperkinsso I have a usb device that controls my fans and temperature settings, and I want to figure out how to get the temperature from a sensor on this usb device14:30
hwpplayer1hi people!17:10
VMGuy23[m]Hello hwpplayer117:13
Maikhi hwpplayer117:15
ash_mobileI have a dual-boot system with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04, grub is the first boot option it allows me to pick between the two. I'm trying to boot from a USB stick right now and I can't seem to get it to work either through the bios options or the grub menu17:33
ash_mobileGrub doesn't display it and it doesn't look like the bios options do either17:34
ash_mobileThe USB stick is formatted EXT417:34
jeremy31ash_mobile: what is on the USB stick?17:35
VMGuy23[m]ash_mobile: GRUB does not show USB sticks. What is on the stick?17:35
ash_mobileBurmillaOS (a community fork of RancherOS)17:36
ash_mobileVMGuy23[m] ^17:36
ash_mobileOops, I'm answering the wrong person17:36
VMGuy23[m]Use a FAT filesystem and try again.17:36
VMGuy23[m](note: my IRC clients a bit slow)17:37
Sven_vBhi! how can I run an vmdk file (I assume it means VMWare Disk image?) in Ubuntu focal? my search engine foo only yields how to run focal in VMWare.17:37
ash_mobileVMGuy23[m] oh? So EXT4 isn't good is a bootable?17:37
VMGuy23[m]Sven_vB: Get VMWare Player for Linux and create a VM with that disk17:37
Sven_vBVMGuy23[m], thanks, I'll try that17:37
VMGuy23[m]ash_mobile: Not that I know of. Mint uses FAT17:38
VMGuy23[m]for its installer17:38
ash_mobileVMGuy23[m] I see, it's weird when I look at Gparted I formatted it as an EXT4 but it shows up as ISO966017:39
Sven_vBis VMWare player free software?17:39
VMGuy23[m]i... didnt send that17:39
jeremy31ash_mobile: does the ISO support EFI and Legacy boot?17:39
ash_mobileI'm not sure, it's a container OS17:40
Sven_vBI see, it's now called "VMware Workstation Player" and is not free17:40
ash_mobileSo I think it's support is limited17:40
Sven_vBis there free software for Ubuntu focal that can play VMWare disk images?17:40
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VMGuy23[m]Sven_vB: It is free, you can use it unlicensed legally as long as its not for commercial use17:42
rfmSven_vB, virtualbox can read vmdks.  it may take a little fiddling with the vm settings to get it to boot17:42
Sven_vBrfm, thanks!17:42
ash_mobileOkay, I'm gonna try it as fat3217:48
ash_mobileGuess I'll check the bios options first to see if something shows up17:48
ash_mobileDoesn't show up in bios17:50
ash_mobileI guess it could be "USB HDD"17:51
VMGuy23[m]Check that17:51
ash_mobileI just expected something to say SanDisk on it I guess17:51
VMGuy23[m]Do you have a USB HDD plugged in?17:51
ash_mobileNot an external HDD, no17:52
VMGuy23[m]Try the USB HDD then. See what phappens17:52
ash_mobileAnd that didn't work either and when I saw the grab menu although it went too quickly for me it didn't show the USB drive either17:52
ash_mobileI can try the Windows force boot as USB option17:52
VMGuy23[m]Put it on to FAT.17:52
ash_mobileOn fat now17:52
VMGuy23[m]Just check BIOS for it17:53
VMGuy23[m]thats the best way17:53
ash_mobileI did!17:53
ash_mobileI tried the windows force boot as USB, even though it said specifically was in EFI boot operation and I got an error that says "system doesn't have any USB boot option"17:54
ash_mobileI guess that's something I can Google17:55
VMGuy23[m]Did BIOS work?17:56
ash_mobileVMGuy23[m] no17:57
jeremy31ash_mobile: It is possible to load an ISO from Grub, but it is done manually17:59
ash_mobilejeremy31 like, from the grab command prompt?18:00
jeremy31ash_mobile: yes18:00
ash_mobileI got a tip that said this was a legacy boot problem I'm gonna try enabling that first18:01
jeremy31ash_mobile: If the USB is inserted, check for EFI System Partition on the USB with> sudo parted -l18:03
ash_mobilejeremy31 should I try that before switching from UEFI to Legacy?18:03
jeremy31ash_mobile: I would just to see18:04
ash_mobileIt would be nice if I could get the USB drive to shop without having to switch to legacy18:04
ash_mobileTbh, for the intermediate long run this is gonna be linked to a virtual box image18:05
ash_mobileIt doesn't look like there's an EFI system partition on the USB drive. Can I make one with gparted?18:07
jeremy31ash_mobile: I don't think that will work properly18:08
ash_mobileHow can I make an EFI system partition?18:08
jeremy31ash_mobile: easier to just enable legacy support18:10
ash_mobilejeremy31 okay I'll try them virtual box first18:12
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ash_mobileHmm, not working when I link the USB device to a VMDK18:26
ash_mobileI just get a blank prompt on the VM18:26
jeremy31Is the VM set up for legacy boot?18:27
ldshHi all, I'm using some intel rapl info in my conky, and since an update there informations are not readable any more from user (need to have root permissions or change the rapl files' permissions to root). What would be the cleanest way to go? Conky with root rights is not advised, so should I change the rights of the rapl files to root on each startup, or having a task with root rights to copy in another file in tmpfs that can be18:30
ldshreaded by user? or?18:30
tomreynthe latter. unless you expect rapl to be safe enough that every user should be able to run it as root, then you could suid it (probably not a good idea).18:36
ash_mobileWeird, so in both cases I get just a cursor when I try to boot BurmillOS, both on my machine and in a VM18:40
ash_mobileSo I guess I didn't create the disk correctly18:40
ash_mobileOh shit18:41
ash_mobile" failed to open EFI boot MMx64.EFI"18:41
ash_mobile" something has gone seriously wrong: import_mok_state() failed18:42
ldshtomreyn, I'm the only user, the values are read only and it didn't need root access for years. I however don't know the reason for them to change to root only now.18:42
ash_mobileDamn it, I knew I shouldn't of change the UEFI option18:43
ash_mobileSeems like it can still be windows though18:44
jeremy31Looks like Secure Boot causing a problem18:44
ash_mobileAny idea why the grub money won't work?18:44
jeremy31ash_mobile: Try writing the ISO to USB using the Ubuntu USB startup disc tool18:45
ash_mobileWell, right now I'm just trying to able to use  ubuntu at all18:45
ash_mobilejeremy31 ^18:45
tomreynldsh: this could be because it was determined to allow for privilege escalation, or to cause any form of harm a restricted user should not be able to carry out. i do not actually know the software (other than its general purpose).18:46
jeremy31ash_mobile:  What tool did you make the USB with?18:46
ash_mobileGparted, but that's not my issue at all right now18:47
ash_mobileLike I literally can't load Ubuntu at all on my normal laptop18:47
ash_mobileit says "something has seriously gone wrong" and turns off18:47
ash_mobileIt seems to be the case with the grab option set in the bios18:48
ash_mobileI can at least use the Windows boot manager18:48
ash_mobileBut for some reason I can't get grub to work at all18:48
ldshtomreyn, The data I'm interested in are just energy consumed by CPU.18:49
ldshSo if i Understand well, the safest is to have a specific root task to make a copy to a file that can be read.18:50
jeremy31ash_mobile: So the USB without the EFI partition has Ubuntu on it?18:53
ash_mobilejeremy31 my current (new) problem has nothing to do with USBs18:55
jeremy31ash_mobile: HP laptop?18:55
ash_mobilejeremy31 Acer, here's what I get when biases such a load grub first: https://gist.github.com/ash-m/e9418254942fb8e7ac092b7559b1bf2618:58
ash_mobileSet* to load18:58
jeremy31ash_mobile: Is BIOS set to UEFI only?19:00
ash_mobileYes? It's set to "UEFI"19:01
BadBoyHaloCatWhy do I get this message from bash every so often? "You have new mail in /var/mail/root"19:03
BadBoyHaloCatI don't even know why /var/mail/* is ever getting populated, does the system send mail to root at some times?19:03
jeremy31ash_mobile: Can you choose to boot an efi file in BIOS?19:03
ash_mobileI don't think so, but I'll look at what the options are19:04
jeremy31ash_mobile: Might have to send it to \EFI\BOOT\ubuntu\19:04
JoeBkls /var/mail19:04
ash_mobileOh wait19:04
ash_mobileSilly me, I know what happened19:04
JoeBkmy system has nothing in /var/mail19:05
ash_mobileWhen I change the boot option from UEFI to Legacy and back it reset secure boot option to true19:05
ash_mobileWhich apparently grub cannot handle19:06
jeremy31ash_mobile: Ubuntu grub should handle it19:06
ash_mobileIt's because it's a dual-boot machine19:06
ash_mobileI don't know how else to do it19:06
ash_mobileIf you know of a tutorial or something online that can help me navigate those waters I'd appreciate it19:07
ash_mobileit would be nice to have an encrypted file system on here to19:07
jeremy31ash_mobile: I know the Ubuntu ISO can boot and install with Secure Boot enabled but if you need out of kernel modules for Nvidia graphics then some people disable Secure Boot19:08
ash_mobileThis laptop does use an Nvidia GeForce graphics card19:08
ash_mobileAnyway back to the USB stuff19:08
ash_mobileI'm gonna try copying again with the DD command19:10
Maikon Ubuntu Disks with the Restore Disk Image is also a option to flash a usb stick19:13
VMGuy23[m]Startup Disk Creator?19:15
ash_mobileVMGuy23[m] I can't use the start up disk creator because it won't show the ISO I'm trying to use19:16
ash_mobileMaybe if I run it with sudo…19:16
ash_mobileWhen I select other I can choose the file but nothing appears in the box and it won't let me continue19:17
VMGuy23[m]yeah neither19:18
Maikash_mobile: which iso is that?19:18
ash_mobileBurmillaOS (a community fork of RancherOS)19:19
EriC^^ash_mobile: you're using it with uefi?19:19
ash_mobileDoes anyone know the commandline name for the disc creator?19:19
ash_mobileEriC^^ well... there's a story about that19:20
JoeBkash you can use dd to create startup media19:20
ash_mobileFirstly I don't really know how UEFI relates to a specific OS other than possibly compatibility: I'm trying to run this in virtual box and I'm testing it on my laptop19:21
ash_mobileIn both cases all I get is a cursor19:21
ash_mobileIf I run it on my laptop I have to set the bios to legacy19:21
VMGuy23[m]Judt a flashing "_"?19:21
VMGuy23[m]Try redownloading the .iso19:21
JoeBkwhat OS is that?19:21
ash_mobileVMGuy23[m] yes @ flashing19:22
ash_mobileJoeBk burillaos19:22
ash_mobileGotta eat, bbs19:22
JoeBkI never even heard of burillaos.19:23
Maikwell, if the usb booting is the issue with that OS iso then it's not supported here19:25
DaKnighello. I have Ubuntu 19.10 and I want to update it to 20LTS since that is still supported, however when I try to `sudo apt update` I get some errors saying I should check my internet connection. but obviously, since I am here, I have a stable internet connection. what gives?19:39
VMGuy23[m]have you tried Software Updater19:40
DaKnighere is what it tells me: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wx6QgMfQ9b/19:41
ubottuUbuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) was the 31st release of Ubuntu, support ended July 2020. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-July/005494.html19:41
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:42
DaKnigyes it stops. that's why I am trying to upgrade away from it.19:42
DaKnigdid they kill the apt repos for it?19:43
ioriaDaKnig, you need to change your sources.list19:43
Maik19.10 is now part of old releases so are the repo's19:43
MaikWhy not just download a 20.04 LTS iso and do a clean install, much faster19:44
ash_mobileJoeBk sorry, I meant BurmillaOS, it's a community fork of the container OS, RancherOS.19:46
DaKnigbecause I have stuff on my machine that I dont want to uninstall or remove19:46
JoeBkash_mobile, I see it now.19:47
MaikDaKnig: i see19:47
ash_mobileEriC^^ do you know what the cli command is to run the disk creator?19:47
ioriait works only for ubuntu (i guess)19:48
ash_mobileAww... So running it in sudo won't help :(19:48
ash_mobileIt's weird because virtual box can run ISO by itself just fine, I really need to be able to run USB stick19:53
DaKnigioria: trying to follow the tutorial you sent, I type `update-manager` into the terminal and trying to follow the tutorial; however it opens the Software Updater, not Update Manager. when I press the "Install Now" button after it prompts me to update some things, I still get the "check your internet connection" error19:56
DaKnigbut my internet works fine.19:56
DaKnigso it feels like I am stuck on Ubuntu 19.10...19:57
Maikmind posting the output when you do sudo apt update? use paste.ubuntu.com19:59
DaKnighere is what it tells me: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wx6QgMfQ9b/ /p/wx6QgMfQ9b/20:03
Maikyou probaly need to switch to the old releases repo's20:05
DaKnigI didnt chane anything to the newer repo, or at least i dont thing i did20:05
DaKniglooks like it mentions eoan which is the version of ubuntu I have20:06
MaikDaKnig: when a version goes EOL it and it's repo's become a old release20:06
DaKnigwhat should i do?20:07
Maikprobably that^20:08
superdreamkillais there a Lubuntu Neon, or a way to get LXQt .16 instead of .15 through the package manager?20:09
Maiksuperdreamkilla: no20:10
MaikDaKnig: did you change the sources list to old-releases.ubuntu.com at all?20:10
hello_kittywhere does the authorized ssh key usually go? I've got a server that I use an ssh key to log into, and I'm looking in ~/.ssh and I don't see an authorized_keys directory.. is that not where that lives?20:13
crimson_kinghello_kitty, My authorized keys are in the file .ssh/authorized_keys20:16
hello_kittydoes it involve a username now? my key is for a specific user, but im signed in as root at the moment20:20
hello_kittyah yes, there it is20:20
hello_kittyHmm i appear to have the right key, but I still can't ssh into my machine. If I had incorrectly pasted these keys (they moved from windows to linux a few times) would I get an obvious error? Or would I just be turned away for having the wrong key? using command ssh someuser@someserver20:30
tomreynhello_kitty: the latter20:33
tomreyndo you still have access another way?20:33
hello_kittyyea my harddrive died and I assumed i was out of luck.. but my host has a weblish console so I just go in there and I was going to add a new key... only to find that they key i had backed up is the key on this server -- so I did have the right key all along20:34
tomreynif so, you can verify the file using   ssh-keygen -l -f /path/to/.ssh/authorized_keys20:34
hello_kittyso i think im just using ssh-agent / add incorrectly, or i've added spaces or something like that20:34
tomreynyou can also copy and paste the key into     ssh-keygen -l -f -20:36
tomreynand press enter20:36
hello_kittywhat should it say? I'm passing it my local id_rsa  (the one i may have copied incorrectly)20:37
hello_kittythe remote id_rsa.pub I think is fine, or alteast I haven't touched it since last it worked20:37
tomreynid_rsa would be a private key20:37
hello_kittymaybe im doing this incorrectly. id_rsa.pub is on the remote machine, and then on my local machine I've done eval `ssh-agent -s`  followed my ssh-add /path/to/id_rsa20:38
tomreynbut no matter what, it should report its keylength, shah, fingerprint, comment20:39
tomreynand type20:39
hello_kittyokay that looks good20:39
tomreyn"shah" -> "hash"20:39
hello_kittydo the usernames matter? b/c those have certainly changed since I reformatted20:40
tomreynwhich usernames?20:41
tomreynkey material itself is not specific to user accounts20:41
hello_kittycan user foo run the command ssh bar@somewhere?  '20:41
hello_kittyor does that attempt to use bar's keys20:42
tomreynyes, if a public key of a key pair foo has access to is installed at bar@somewhere's home in .ssh/authorized_keys20:42
tomreynthis was in response to your first question, <hello_kitty> can user foo run the command ssh bar@somewhere?  '20:42
hello_kittyoh that is probably my problem then20:43
tomreyn... and the connection is established in a way that this key is attempted to authenticate with, e.g. -i20:43
DaKnigMaik: now I did; I commented all the existing lines in my file /etc/apt/sources.list and added the lines from EOLUpgrades#Upgrading on the link you sent. I am trying to run `sudo update-manager` and it still fails to connect to the internet20:45
Maikthen i don't know20:46
Maikdid you run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade first?20:47
Maikif nothing works then you have to deal with losing your settings and stuff by downloading the 20.04 LTS iso and clean install. Backup all you important files first onto a external drive.20:49
Sven_vBI'm trying to recover a 32bit VM using the Ubuntu 14.04.3 live ISO. is there an easier way to open a terminal, than Alt+F2, xterm, Enter?20:49
tomreynSven_vB: the ubuntu releases supported on this channel are listed in the /topic (and i think gnome 2 had a meta-t or ctrl-alt-t shortcut)20:51
Sven_vBtomreyn, thanks!20:52
tomreynyou're welcome20:52
Sven_vByeah, Meta+t = Trash, Ctrl+Alt+t = Terminal20:52
tomreynDaKnig: ou can run this to share your apt source configurations:  grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999920:54
Maiktomreyn: he's running a EOL version, 19.10, and it says it fails to connect to the internet which i find weird20:57
tomreynoh, "fails to connect to the internet", i missed this part20:58
Maiki hope it's a lesson learned to upgrade in time and not wait for almost a year :)20:58
jeremy31I wonder if they are at some university or somewhere that may block some sites20:58
Maikhmmm.... good one jeremy3121:00
MaikDaKnig: ^^^21:00
tomreyni think the "check your internet connection" error message returned by update-manager is just a red herring. it'll be due to the "no longer has a Release file" situation21:00
hello_kittyi've been trying    ssh -i /home/me/.ssh/id_rsa bar@server.com -vvv  ;; does that seem right? login as bar, using my id_rsa? the verbose debug show a ton of stuff, at one point it includes "Offering public key" and then my id_rsa. It gets a packet response of type 51 (not sure what that means, but I'm guessing it's not good). It then goes on to21:00
hello_kittytry the rest of my keys before ending with Permission denied (publickey)21:01
tomreynhello_kitty: then i guess the public key that can be calculated from your /home/me/.ssh/id_rsa is not a usable authentication key on the server, for user "bar" there.21:03
Maiktomreyn: even after changing the sources.list to old releases and running a update check first?21:03
hello_kittythanks tomreyn21:04
tomreynMaik: did it remove these error messages? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wx6QgMfQ9b/21:04
Maikthat can only DaKnig answer21:04
Maiki asked him if he ran sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade first but he didn't confirm it yet21:05
tomreynyou're welcome hello_kitty21:05
tomreynDaKnig has been inactive for 20 minutes, we should probably not spend too much efforts for now.21:06
Maikwe'll see21:09
hello_kittyi think i've learned that `receive packet: type 51` in ssh means that the server encountered a permissions error21:13
hello_kittycan the server encounter a permissions error with the client's file permissions.,..?21:13
tomreyn51 is the code for SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE21:14
tomreynsshd would not expose why authentication failed to an unauthenticated client21:14
tomreynif you still have server access, inspect its logs to understand why authentication fails21:14
tomreynand no, the server cannot "encounter a permissions error with the client's file permissions" (unless the ssh client was unable to read a local key file and thus authentication failed)21:15
DaKnigMaik: it looks like ...something... changed and now it decided to do something21:21
tomreynDaKnig: something is something something. we wish you something!21:22
DaKnigapt update && apt upgrade now succeeded without the "not connected" messages, it upgraded some packages and required a restart and now some window popped up asking to upgrade to ubuntu 20. thanks!21:22
DaKnigtomreyn: I wish you the same!21:23
hello_kittywell that wasn't what i expected! Connection closed by authenticating user <myname> <myip> port <whatever> [preauth]21:23
tomreynDaKnig: hopefully that was something good then. ;-)21:24
DaKnigyes. I will be back when and if I'd have further trouble. thanks!21:25
tomreynhello_kitty: i guess that's the server saying "this client didn't get to a point where i could have decided whether oir not i'd let them in".21:26
tomreynhello_kitty: which of the two runs ubuntu, which releases?21:26
tomreynDaKnig: you're welcome, good luck.21:28
hello_kittyThe server to which I'm trying to connect is 18.10. The client which I'm using is Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS running inside of WSL2. It can pull down git repos via ssh so at least that much works.21:31
hello_kittyI had a very similar setup right before my drive died -- and what's new in the new setup is WSL2 (instead of WSL1), and my usernames are different. I also copied the keys from where I backed them up, so I could've made an error doing that.21:32
ubottuUbuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) was the 29th release of Ubuntu. Support ended July 18th, 2019. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2019-July/004996.html21:32
tomreynit hasn't seen updates in a while. the 18.04 LTS may in fact be using newer authentication mechanism the 18.10 doesn't know about.21:33
hello_kittyoh interesting21:35
tomreynwsl2 may actually treat unix permissions as they are meant to be, while wsl1 did not.21:35
tomreynso maybe the problem is just that your ssh client cant or decides against reading the secret key.21:35
tomreynyou're trying hard to not give away details, though, which doesn't make debugging things easier.21:36
jeremy31I think they were logged in as root, aren't the keys user dependent?21:37
tomreynthe ssh client would deny reading secret keys from a file or directory not owned by the same user21:38
cbreakhello_kitty: use -v21:45
hello_kittyi think i'll try some other machines with the same keys. It may be this whole server version thing. With the -vvvvv flags all the client ever says is 'received packet 51' and in the server logs depending what exactly I try it is some variant of Connection  closed by authenticating user [preauth]  (when using ssh), or Connection reset by21:51
hello_kittyauthenticating user (when using ssh.exe)21:51
tomreynssh.exe doesn't sound like !WSL21:53
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lunai wanna die22:23
leftyfbluna: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?22:24
lunano so i will keep silent22:25
Maikluna: you've been around long enough now to know that casual talk belongs in offtopic. Right? And it would be nice to not leave when someone is talking to you. ;) :)22:33
Maik!discuss | luna22:33
ubottuluna: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!22:33
Maikso come to either of those channels instead22:34
lunanevermind it won't help anyways22:34
Maik luna either talk to us in one of those channels or seek help if you have a hard time, but don't go around in various ubuntu channel posting the same thing trying to get attention :)22:38
Maikknow that they are logged too22:38
Maiki offered you to talk and if you don't want to anymore, then not. i'll leave it at that. :)22:39
MaikDaKnig: yay! so it worked after all. :)22:49
luizfrdsthere is a debian channel?23:10

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