
lotuspsychjegood morning01:26
ducassegood morning06:18
wyoungafternoon ducasse06:31
ducassehiya, early morning here06:32
VMGuy23[m]What does o/ mean?09:48
=== kostkon__ is now known as kostkon
wyoungVMGuy23[m]: Stick figure person waving11:05
wyoungVMGuy23[m]: I usually use .o/ so it doesn't look like a nazi salute.11:05
VMGuy23[m]i understand now11:06
wyoungThere is also YAY: \o/11:06
wyoungAnd some type of dance mode: <o/ \o> \o/ \o\ /o/11:06
=== conjo is now known as nojjjj
=== VMGuy23[m] is now known as VMGuy23
MetamorphosisSome online games can really be toxic and bad for mental health.19:28
leftyfbMetamorphosis: huh?20:15
Maikhmmm... belongs in offtopic imho20:19
jeremy31I think they posted here by mistake20:21
Maikprobably :)20:22
jeremy31I think they posted the same in offtopic a minute later20:22
Maikyep, just saw it20:23
jeremy31tomreyn: I think inxi -r does similar when inxi is installed22:22
tomreynjeremy31: thanks for the suggestion. that's easier to type. but since inxi is not installed by default, for a support scenario where you're trying to solve problems with apt repositories, that's not going to help. ;-)22:33
tomreynthanks, though.22:34

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