
FeelsonixHi someone know how i can have the same spacement in on my thunar on every each folder ? Thx10:20
DarkTrickFeelsonix, what's a "spacement"?10:20
Feelsonixmy bad for my english, thsi is an exemple: https://i.imgur.com/J4HCpbp.png i want to increase the "spacement"10:21
DarkTrickFeelsonix, you mean the space between the folders?10:22
FeelsonixDarkTrick yes absolutely10:23
DarkTrickFeelsonix, I think it actually should be the same already. Do you have a "counter example"?10:23
FeelsonixDarkTrick yes, this is my home folder: https://imgur.com/c8ad337c-5bdc-40e5-aa3e-39dfe2ece449 this is perfect, but if i go on other folder the space between is not the same10:25
Feelsonixsorry the link not working https://imgur.com/undefined10:26
DarkTrickFeelsonix, can you make a screenshot of the folder, where the space is *not* the same?10:26
DarkTrickah, ok10:26
DarkTrickit's a different space that the shot you posted before10:27
FeelsonixYes is that the problem :)10:27
DarkTrickFeelsonix, I think this is a feature of Thunar.10:28
DarkTrickThe space depends on the longest file/folder name in that folder10:28
DarkTrickFeelsonix, Maybe there is an option I'm not aware of, but (without looking at the code) I'd say there is no way to configure it10:30
DarkTrickFeelsonix, Maybe it's worth considering a bug report10:30
FeelsonixHmm ok, thanks a lot10:30
brainwashFeelsonix: bad news for you... we already have a report for this issue =S10:51
Feelsonixbrainwash yes, no prob hope its close in the futur11:11
brainwashFeelsonix: just recently someone has started to implement this feature11:14
Feelsonixbrainwash good :)  the next step is having xfce fully working with HDPI laptop screen ^^11:31
brainwashFeelsonix: isn't that the case already?11:58
Guest62949Hola, este canal ¿es en español?15:27
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=== lukeb is now known as luwk
luwkHey y'all, I'm a total noob Linux user. Just recently installed Xubuntu on a Macbook Pro from 2010. Having issues when you put the computer into suspend. It'll partially wake up but the screen won't turn on, forcing me to do a hard reset. Not ideal. Curious if there's any workarounds to this issue? Been scouring the internet and it seems like it's17:08
luwka problem. Tried a few solutions but none have worked thus far.17:08
diogenes_luwk, the suspend/resume is known to be troublesome and it's more of a lottery, either you're lucky and your HW is well supported and it works or some of the features aren't supported and it doesn't work.17:13
luwkAh got ya. Okay. Well I'll maybe keep snooping around internet, see if anything sticks. But good to know. Thanks diogenes_17:14
diogenes_luwk, your best bet is the newer kernels.17:16
xu-help57wHi guys, is it possible to mount a hfsplus in XUbuntu 20.04? I tried sudo apt-get install hfsprogs and sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sda1 /media/HDD1 but it says unknown filesystem type 'hfsplus'17:51
jattmaybe you need to load the hfsplus module first? modprobe hfsplus18:41
=== James is now known as Guest83802
xu-help22wПри включении компьютера черный экран21:11
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:11
devidhello, I just tried Xubuntu on my laptop on live boot for 1 hour, should I expect the same battery consumption later if I install it in the hard drive ?22:22

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