[16:11] https://www.fsf.org/news/statement-of-fsf-board-on-election-of-richard-stallman [19:01] https://twitter.com/FiloSottile/status/1381659663465349130?s=20 [19:35] Can't read Twitter links [19:41] sounds like me with FB links. [19:41] heh [19:42] probably because they turned off non-javascript support [19:50] Filo says: "I'll be frank, in my personal capacity. [19:50] GNU is no one's OS. [19:50] It's a compiler less active than LLVM, a libc only preferable to musl because of its prevalence, and a set of C utilities that we should really rewrite in Go or Rust, but are not even important enough to prioritize." [19:50] "To recap, the GPL failed to have widespread impact, GNU is increasingly legacy software, and the FSF is now reduced to a personality cult. [19:50] It's sad and disappointing. [19:50] We do need a modern FSF focused on real issues of online agency more than ever. Regrettably, it's not the [19:50] @FSF [19:54] ++ [21:39] Ouch lol [21:40] Also, because of that and also because I blocked them at the domain level :D [21:41] Some things on the net just don't need to exist for me. [21:41] (or anyone for that matter) [21:48] good call [22:04] yeah, i blacklist FB and most FB domains. Great way to avoid the evil FB tracking system of the world. [22:04] once I started I was and am continuously annoyed when people use FB for official things. [22:05] yes [22:05] same here [22:50] Same with Google although somehow that's seen as more acceptable [23:05] i'd block google, but my kid needs it for school :(