[00:00] There is this article that clearly explains that it is supported but no instructions on how to enable it! https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/touchpad-thumb-detection.html [00:03] gnUser: afaik 20.04 uses Xorg not wayland [00:06] Maik: true so Xorg does not support thum detection? [00:09] gnUser: i don't know tbh [00:10] i have a problem: i removed an external hard disk without unmounting before and now 1 of 3 partitions has the error: "error unlocking, failed to activate, file exists". it would be great if someone could help me. thanks. === xfnw is now known as vulpine [00:31] Ublx, did you `fsck` (file-system check) the partition(s)? [00:45] no, guiverc. what should I type: just fsck or any arguments? [00:46] Ublx: sounds like you have LUKS encrpyted, and the device-mapper files still exist from when you ripped it out [00:46] TJ-: yes, it's LUKS encrypted [00:46] Ublx, I'd boot a live system & `fsck` from there; use whatever tool you prefer, command, gparted, kde partition manager etc (ie. GUI is okay too). adjust for your box but take note of TJ- first (I didn't see what he does) [00:47] guiverc: this is a LUKS/device-mapper issue [00:47] my internal disk is okay, it's an external hard disk [00:47] what should i do TJ- ? [00:48] Ublx: OK, so you need to 1) identify the device-mapper name that is stale (the LUKS device name) by looking at "ls /dev/mapper/" then 2) manually removing the stale name with "sudo dmsetup remove THE_STALE_NAME" - after that LUKS can unlock and recreate the name correctly [00:48] it says exactly "Error unlocking /dev/sdc3: Failed to activate device: File exists" [00:49] Ublx: I assume you've an /etc/crypttab with names to be given to the unlocked device, e.g. maybe "sdc3_encrypted" [00:49] Ublx: in my case the names are LUKS_something_meaningful [00:50] hm, there is one with luks-e05b2f.... is that the one? [00:51] Ublx: might be - the e05fb... could be a GUID of the device. compare that with "sudo blkid /dev/sdc3" [00:51] There's sda5_crypt, too? That's also not my internal drive, as far I as know from df. [00:51] Ublx: if that matches you've got the correct one [00:51] Ublx: 'sda' is usually the first storage device discovered which we'd normally expect to be the boot device [00:52] blkid has no output [00:52] Ublx: that is strange [00:53] I have only these: /dev/sda /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda5 /dev/sr0 [00:53] And of course, I unplugged the external hard drive completely. [00:53] you'd expect blkid to report something similar to this for a LUKs partition: " /dev/nvme0n1p2: UUID="db9cd343-9ca9-4115-845f-d27943c14437" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTLABEL="Linux dm-crypt" PARTUUID="15f7095d-5bbb-4a43-8324-9867b91dc7d6" [00:54] hm... [00:54] Ublx: check sda5 then, with "sudo blkid /dev/sda5" and see if its GUIDs match the earlier mentioned [00:55] Ublx: it is possible that when the disk was removed it was known as sdc and now is sda [00:55] it's just followed by an output and does nothing with sda5, right? [00:56] Ublx: you'd expect a report to indicate sda5 is LUKS/encrypted [00:56] /dev/sda5: UUID="43f8104c-c836-44a0-a0eb-c7ffe478abbb" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" PARTUUID="4ebfa39c-05" [00:56] but my local drive is also encrypted [00:58] Ublx: that may be it then; check by looking at the tree shown with "lsblk" -- follow sda > sda5 > ... because that will show what is mounted, and where [00:59] Ublx: basically, you're got to avoid removing the active device(s) by identifying the stale device-mapper device that belonged to the removed disk [00:59] no, the tree ends at the root and swap as you expected. :( [01:00] Ublx: for sda5? so that's active then, good. Which by a process of elimination indicates that "luks-e05b2f..." is likely the suspect [01:00] 'sr0 rom' is the only 'curious' I would say. [01:00] Ublx: so now check the status of that device with "sudo dmsetup info luks-e05b2f ..." (put in the COMPLETE GUID as shown by "ls /dev/mapper/" ) [01:01] sr0 = SCSI Read-Only device 0 [01:01] a.k.a. CD-ROM :) [01:01] Do I see correctly that 'focal-backports' pretty much has only one program in it, i.e., cockpit? [01:02] TJ-: I have the output. What do you need? ACTIVE, LIVE, .. [01:07] Ublx: if it is reporting as ACTIVE, LIVE that might not be the stale one [01:07] Ublx: how many devices does "sudo dmsetup ls" report ? [01:07] Ublx: if the system is using LVM then you'll get the LVM logical volumes as well as any LUKS devices [01:08] 4 devices [01:09] Ublx: so 2 crypto and 2 logical volumes? can you deduce that from the device names? [01:09] I have root, swap, sda5_crypt (what seems to lead to the first two) and luks-... [01:09] OK, that sounds correct and understandable [01:10] puh [01:10] so the confusion still remaining is the error report mentioned sdc3 but you said there is no sdc* reported (does 'lsblk' not show an sdc ? ) [01:11] Ublx: did the error come from a GUI program, such as file manager? [01:11] no, should I plug the drive in and then check lsblk? [01:11] TJ-: yes, from nautilus [01:12] i do almost anything from cli but not mounting. [01:13] Ublx: OK, so the file manager uses udisks under the hood to control devices, so my suspicion is it is trying to read the missing device and getting confused [01:13] ok [01:13] thank you so much for helping me. [01:14] Ublx: see if this reports anything: "udisksctl info -b /dev/mapper/luks-e05b2f...." (complete that UUID again!) [01:14] Ublx: udisksctl is the command-line interface to udisks [01:16] output looks (too) fine [01:16] Ublx: does it give a Mountpoint ? [01:17] Ublx: presumably something like /media/$USER/luks-$UUID [01:17] /dev/dm-0 ? [01:17] Ublx: no, that'll be the device. Towards the end of the report [01:17] no /dev/dm-3 [01:18] Ublx: e.g. for one of my LVs I see " MountPoints: /media/tj/SourceCode " [01:18] /dev/mapper/luks-e05b2 ... and /dev/disk/by-id/dm ... nothing of the media/ folder [01:18] Ublx: if there is an active mountpoint we need to first tell udisks to unmount it [01:19] Ublx: good [01:19] can't we just try to unmount it? [01:19] Ublx: so now we just need to be sure what device that lives on!! [01:19] what, if it's my local disk? [01:19] Ublx: it isn't mounted [01:19] ah [01:20] I see. [01:20] Ublx: all this effort is to try and avoid removing a device that is really in use! and so far we've not proved that one way or the other [01:20] ok [01:21] tried udisksctl info -b /dev/mapper/sda5_crypt and I also do not get any mount point. [01:21] Ublx: Going back to the "sudo dmsetup info luks-..." did you notice (or check again) the "Open count:" -- that needs to be 0 for us to be able to remove it [01:21] Ublx: it is possible sda5_crypt is swap. Check "cat /proc/swaps" [01:22] open count is 1 [01:22] Ublx: drat! can't remove it unless that is 0. '1' means something has an open handle on that device [01:22] swapfile, yes [01:23] Ublx: can you show me "pastebinit <( sudo blkid )" [01:25] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Qp2pZkzqk8/ [01:25] had to install pastebinit [01:25] but cool, didn't know it's possible within the cli [01:27] Ublx: OK, definitely no sign of anything there related to this phantom luks-e05bf2... [01:28] Ublx: looks like you've been eaten by snaps though :) [01:28] ugh [01:28] i am nervous [01:31] Can anyone tell me the name of the repo that contains arm64 packages? It seems like the normal repos only have i386 and amd64. [01:31] Ublx: let's see if you can 'close' the encryption. try "sudo cryptsetup close luks-e05bf2..." (complete UUID again!) [01:31] Ublx: if the command doesn't report an error check if it has gone with "ls /dev/mapper/" [01:33] Eh ... I just went to all the pids of ps aux | grep USERNAME and I found a running process on this (no more connected) partition ... [01:33] ... killed it ... and it works ... [01:33] so sorry [01:33] but i didn't thought about it [01:34] i just wanted to be sure that i close everything if we'll lock out the local disk. [01:34] Ublx: so you've been able to remove the /dev/mapper/ node for it now? [01:36] hm... where can i see it [01:36] ah [01:36] the 3 partitions are now connected and running ... 2 times luks... but it works. [01:38] I have to note down all your commands. Learned so much. Thank you!! [01:38] I found it in ports.ubuntu.com. Can anyone tell me how to properly add that repo to sources.list? The normal way doesn't seem to be doing it. [01:40] calamari: what is the 'normal way' that doesn't work? [01:40] TJ-: deb [arch=arm64] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic main restricted universe multiverse [01:40] sudo dpkg --add-architecture arm64 [01:41] TJ-: The repository 'http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic Release' does not have a Release file. [01:41] oerheks1: already did that [01:41] calamari: there is no "/ubuntu" directory; delete that. [01:42] calamari: as in "deb [arch=arm64] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ bionic main restricted universe multiverse " [01:42] TJ-: Thank you! [01:42] calamari: that URL points to where the dists/ and pool/ directories are [01:42] calamari: see http://ports.ubuntu.com/ [01:43] TJ-: I'm in business, thanks [01:56] Thanks again for your time, TJ-. I noted all down. Have a good week! [02:33] Does 20.04 use unity or something else? [02:36] blahboybaz: it does use gnome3, but unity is installable [03:47] Hello, I've an ubuntu server with two nvme disks of 1TB each one, as I don't need Raid I'm trying to set a logical volume of 2TB extended over both disks (I would like to use both nvme as a single partition), there's a solution for that? thanks to everyone spends some time to help me :) [03:49] the release II would like to use on is 18.04 LTS. [03:51] bitfawkes, LVM comes to mind (can deal with many disks etc); https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm [03:53] I did read that but I'm not able to execute it without support... I'm willing to reward in cryptocurrency for that help... === Aleksander is now known as alxd === BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK_ [06:24] blahboybaz: one filesystem spanning two disks can be a bad idea as the failure of one disk will make you lose all the data [06:33] blahboybaz: sorry, was not meant for you === PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120 [07:44] + === michagogo_ is now known as michagogo [08:53] anyone got any idea about this kernel panic: https://dpaste.org/Nq4V ? [09:00] how can I best test the expected battery life, by live boot or by VM ? [09:15] A mirror returned via mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt for me (location: Sweden, mirror: http://se.mirror.guru/ubuntu/) seems to not have renewed its domain name, and is thus dead. Is there somewhere to report this to get it removed, or will it automatically go away? [09:19] dandersson: there is #ubuntu-mirrors to report repo issues [09:20] lotuspsychje: Awesome, thanks! === ledeni_ is now known as ledeni [10:03] Is there a easy way to change ubuntu kernel ? [10:03] some are more effective and speedy [10:04] Ukuu a util i found is cheat [10:07] alf1975: whats your end goal exactly? [10:10] alf1975, LTS releases have two stack options; GA kernel & stack or the HWE kernel & stack === ace_me1 is now known as ace_me [10:29] hi!:D I just accidentaly deleted /boot and /dev/ on our ubuntu 20.04 :D MBR/UEFI is fine. How to recover?:D [10:30] I don't have root privileges anymore, because /dev/null is missing :D [10:30] so first step of course is live usb :) [10:37] and if the Nvidia GPU with the onboard Intel GPU as coprocessor ? [10:37] more speed [10:38] yes brothers, processors witch could give more speed ... in games [10:41] !discuss | alf1975 [10:41] alf1975: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [10:47] hello all...I noticed that the "atril" pdf viewer creates two "webkit" subprocess for each document I'm viewing...why is that? === ace_me^^ is now known as ace_me === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [11:27] [12:25] Lubuntu 19.04 [11:27] [12:25] Lubuntu 19.04 [11:27] [12:25] This standard release was made on schedule on 18 April 2019.[149] [11:27] [12:25] This release marked the first Lubuntu version without 32-bit support. Lubuntu developer Simon Quigley wrote in December 2018:[150] [11:27] [12:25] source wiki [11:27] [12:25] it worked very well on a Pentium IV with 19 years old [11:33] Hi === thafaker5 is now known as thafaker [11:48] my laptop fail to wake up from suspend [11:48] screen is black [11:58] 'Morning folks === mateen1 is now known as mateen [13:56] Where do I need to config bash/terminal/whatever so when I do "cat /etc/default/grub" the double quotes inside the file are printed like normal ASCII characters instead of something fancy that breaks when I try to paste to a text document? [14:20] Is there a dkms package that back-ports a fix for the --source-only option not working on the 18.04 package? [14:24] What source are you after? [14:26] My source (specifically a netmap diver) that I have in front of me that I wish to package into a deb using `dkms mkdeb` [14:32] need a favor [14:32] oopos [14:32] sorry [14:33] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=832558 [14:33] Debian bug 832558 in dkms "dkms: mkdeb --source-only fails: can't find package" [Normal,Fixed] [14:34] Typical debian nonsense about deviating from upstream and patching the hell out of their old crap [14:35] Or how about a more generic question: Where can I search for back ported packages? [14:45] Is this it? https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-backports/allpackages === MIF is now known as bTal === bTal is now known as MIF [15:23] Is there any world clock shell extension that let's you put next to clock a custom name? [15:23] I'd love to be able to put my coworkers' names next to the timezones. === ace_me1 is now known as ace_me === jgrim93 is now known as jgrim9 === Moyst_ is now known as Moyst === jgrim95 is now known as jgrim9 === ravage is now known as Ravage [16:35] Where can I find touchpad drivers (Acer Aspire 3, right-click does not work, only left click) [16:55] vmguy23m: try installing synaptics [16:55] sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics [16:56] reboot after that and see if it works [17:02] Thanks [17:03] np, yw [17:12] Problems with q4wine, Wine ? Windows Vírus attack Ubuntu ? [17:12] for example a Windows game with virus attacks other games ? in Wine ? [17:13] alf1975: What do you mean? [17:20] Hi there, I am going to mount a new 10tb hard drive on a computation pc running ubuntu [17:20] is it adviceable to use btrfs on it to benefit from snapshots (I already use snapper for smaller drives)? Or should I avoid that? [17:25] vmguy23m: don't min alf1975 too much, he's just posting random stuff in various channels [17:25] i pointed him to discuss and offtopic but he won't listen [17:26] min/mind [17:26] I just don't understand what the question is [17:26] yeah, i don't get him either with most of the things he posts [17:34] vincenzoml: i don't trust btrfs and use zfs instead === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch [17:43] ducasse: yes I know zfs is way more established; but don't have the expertise to just start using that on a 10tb drive that K people will fill up. [17:44] I just wonder if there are known pitfalls of btrfs specifically on large drives. [17:45] I haven't heard of anything that makes btrfs problematic with larger disks more than it does with smaller ones [17:45] but ... since it is problematic, I wouldn't risk it either [17:46] I use zfs with success though. It's nice :) [17:46] cbreak, I am not an expert; but I have used btrfs for like 3-4 years on three machines with no significant problems, except when I had a failing RAM block [17:46] but cbreak ducasse I am curious to hear: [17:47] since this is a production machine, what are the risks you think should make me think again and use zfs instead [17:47] do you have redundancy? [17:47] and about zfs is it easy to add a second drive to zfs and make a raid without reformatting the first drive? [17:48] cbreak, I have only used mirroring [17:48] with two drives indeed [17:48] with zfs you can add more disks to make it a mirror [17:48] you won't get space by doing that obviously [17:48] cbreak, ok great, that's important (and a reason why in the first place btrfs was ok to me) [17:48] you can also add more vdevs to get more space (via "striping" (not real striping)), but that won't give you redundancy [17:49] but you can not create a raidzX vdev from an existing vdev [17:49] so I cannot first extend and then mirror, that's what you mean (I'm not an expert in filesystems and RAID, just need to make that machine large and safe) [17:50] you can add new vdevs [17:50] you can change single disk vdevs into n*mirror vdevs or back [17:50] you can not change anything to a raidzX vdev [17:51] you can get more space either by replacing harddisks in an existing vdev with bigger ones [17:51] or by adding new vdevs [17:51] zfs is more restrictive with this than btrfs [17:51] but the benefit is that zfs doesn't shredder itself when you try to use those features :) [17:51] sorry but what is raidzX in the first place :) Anyway in that machine I doubt we will ever have more than 4 10tb disks, and likely no more than 2. [17:52] and if 2, they will be mirroring [17:52] a raidzX (raidz1 / raidz2 / raidz3) is a parity-raid with 1, 2 or 3 disks worth of redundancy [17:52] that's the most likely scenario [17:52] similar to raid5, raid6 [17:52] ah ok [17:52] raidz1 doesn't make sense with less than 3 disks [17:53] so the most likely scenario is that: 1) tomorrow I mount the drive, format it, and let it live happy for some months [17:53] zfs isn't 100% self explanatory, and as with any powerful tool, you can destroy your data if you tell it to [17:53] 2) then I buy a second drive, mount it, and it has to become a mirror, raid1-alike [17:54] what you'd do is probably: create a pool on your drive [17:54] create datasets on that pool (similar to thin-partitioned file systems) [17:54] set up snapshot scheduling for those [17:54] you can later add more redundancy or more striping to that pool [17:54] without affecting any data on it [17:55] ok, I could experiment with that a bit. [17:55] Returning to btrfs what would be your main concern against using it? [17:55] you can enable encryption, compression, ... on individual datasets [17:55] I mean, so far, with RAID1 it behaved nicely for me. [17:55] Ah ok [17:55] so I can understand what a dataset is [17:55] do dataset share the free space? [17:55] you can look at snapshots via ls someDataset/.zfs/snapshots/... [17:55] or are they fixed-size [17:56] vincenzoml: they share the pool's available space [17:56] but you can reserve space for datasets, or set max usage quotas [17:56] Ok, So I could start with 1 dataset and create more later [17:56] interesting! [17:56] you should create datasets in some logical fashion [17:56] so I could for instance, create 1 dataset; when a particular application starts filling up the whole drive, I can confine it to a newly created dataset with a quota, righ? [17:57] maybe pool/media, pool/vms, pool/media/linux_isos, pool/media/blender_cloud_movies, ... [17:57] vincenzoml: datasets are independent filesystems [17:57] so if you want to do that, you have to copy the data over to the new dataset [17:57] I see [17:58] you can set mountpoints for those datasets individually [17:58] but normally, they are mounted in the parent [17:58] so if your pool is in /mnt/pool, then there's some /mnt/pool/media/linux_isos [17:58] But consider the following situation: Just 1 dataset, filling up 98% of the hard drive; then I create a new dataset, and move data from the old one to the new one. Will this work or get stuck? [17:58] you should really avoid filling zfs to more than 90% [17:59] cbreak, but sh*t happens :) [17:59] if you want to "move" data between datasets, you have to copy it [17:59] cbreak, ah yes so with very large files that could become a problem [18:00] but a dataset can be created in the pool at any time right? [18:00] if you have space for it [18:00] they take up a few kb in meta data [18:00] then a question: with btrfs I have filled up the drive many times due to snapshots preserving too much old data. It worked to just remove the snapshots (even if it's a though decision). [18:00] With ZFS you said, that is not advisable? [18:01] it's not advisable, but possible [18:01] (it's not advisable with btrfs either) [18:01] why is it not advisable if I may ask? [18:01] with btrfs they say it's not adivsable but I never knew why [18:01] because zfs switches to a slower but move efficient data allocation strategy when the pool gets full [18:01] and when you completely fill a pool, it doesn't have enough space to delete anything [18:02] ah yes [18:02] that was also the reason with btrfs [18:02] (zfs tries hard to not let it get that far) [18:02] now I remember; but nowadays I believe that's "fixed" in btrfs (probably by reserving space) [18:02] so again, what is in btrfs that you consider more dangerous than zfs? [18:02] I know a lot of people wouldn't use it [18:03] BTW I am happy to have learned a bit about zfs [18:03] I may as well decide to use it tomorrow [18:05] it's had some issues with redundancy, and self-destructive behavior [18:06] not sure how current this information is, but last I read that they disabled all raid modes other than mirroring [18:06] and how would I be absolutely sure that zfs does not fill up to the point I can't delete data anymore? [18:06] Only by setting individual quotas on datasets, right? [18:07] well, or a quota on the root dataset [18:07] but as I said, you shouldn't even let it get to 90% for performance reasons [18:07] zfs will try to not get too full for deletion on its own [18:09] !compose [18:10] what's the current official/recommended way to enable/map the Compose Key in recent versions of non-kde Ubuntu? [18:11] I found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComposeKey but I also found stuff suggesting that this is out of date [18:13] (context: I'm a dyed-in-the-wool KDE user, but I'm going a little bit overboard in a Duolingo comment thread that asked how to type "ß", and I want to be sure I'm giving correct information) [18:25] is there a setting in SSSD that i can map domain name to pre-2000 domain name [18:26] the full domian name is Ilikecheeseverymuch.local > per-2000 is ilikecheese [18:59] alf1975: about your questions earlier. If you don't have a Ubuntu support question that needs attention but want to discuss other thing that are Ubuntu related then please join #ubuntu-discuss the next time as we asked a couple of times before now. Thanks in advance. === jorts is now known as nckx [19:11] I connected a USB touchscreen, but touch capabilities only worked on login screen, not GNOME [19:13] After logout, not working at all [19:13] hold up, rebooting [19:20] Any help? [19:21] always provide basic details [19:21] GNOME on Wayland (vanilla-gnome-desktop) turns into flashing _ (i cn type and backspace) and GNOME on Xorg just doesn't see me touching. [19:22] It works on lock screen. [19:22] I have installed the multitouch driver for Xorg and checked additional drivers [19:23] vmguy23m: A thought: what shows ' dpkg -l xserver-xorg-input-libinput ' ? [19:23] you ubuntu release is? [19:23] *your [19:23] tomreyn: 20.10 [19:24] which [vendor:device] ids does lsusb report for this device? [19:25] what's the "multitouch driver for Xorg" you installed, how did you install it? [19:25] Bashing-om: https://termbin.com/bert [19:26] vmguy23m: Is installed - so much for my thought. [19:26] tomreyn: xserver-xorg-input-multitouch xserver-xorg-input-mtrack [19:26] apt [19:27] I am trying with multitouch not mtrack [19:27] rebooting, be right back === skr- is now known as skr [19:28] does anyone have a roccat juke usb sound card? I'm trying to figure out if they have unique serial numbers [19:29] wasutton3: i assume you don't have one, yet? [19:29] I changed from mtrack to multitouch and nothing happened [19:30] tomreyn, i do have one, but a sample size of one is insufficient to determine if the iSerial attribute is unique [19:30] cheaper devices have been known to clone everything down to the serial number [19:30] I've even seen some that have identical mac addresses [19:30] wasutton3: i was thinking of comparing yours with other by doing a web search. [19:31] tomreyn, ah. well the serial number I'm looking for is found with `lsusb -d 1e7d:371e -v | grep iSerial` [19:31] rather than an external serial number [19:33] In lsusb the touchscreen shows as "STMicroelectronics LED badge -- mini LED display -- 11x44" [19:35] wasutton3: you have some probes here, including "Logs", but serial numbers are stripped: https://linux-hardware.org/?id=usb:1e7d-371e [19:38] tomreyn, yea, i don't think thats gonna help [19:41] Calibrate touchscreen does not see he touchscreen [19:41] *the [19:42] wasutton3: yes, not really. i was hoping the output would help with better searching the web for other reports incl. serial, but i'm not having any luck either. [19:42] try ##linux for a broader audience [19:43] i've asked in there too [19:55] i restarted gnome in ubuntu 18.04 by pressing Alt+f2 and wrote "r" [19:56] is that advisable? gnome-shell had grown to 1.8gb so I felt i needed to address it [20:17] Squarism: it's fine to do so. you may need to review your installed gnome extensions [20:59] Why is the "kernel-package" package only available in LTS releases? cf. https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/kernel-package [21:01] I have a dual boot laptop running grub to switch between Win10 and Ubuntu18, in ubuntu, I got a notification: “” updated -- I thought that was peculiar so I looked for a package in apt but I didn't find anything, then a "report problem" came up so I just thought, whatever, something weird happened. But I did run `sudo apt full-upgrade` -- it wanted to replace /etc/grub.d/10_linux ... I tried looking [21:01] at the existing file and the difference, and from what I could tell, there _was_ no existing file (despite there claiming to be a conflict), all I found was /etc/grub.d/10_linux.dpkg-new so I thought, "whatever" and installed the maintained one. then I got that same notification from earlier, so I rebooted and this time grub shows Ubuntu, Advanced Ubuntu options in the grub menu twice :\ [21:04] remline: usually when packages are removed you can see why in the 'publishing history' on the launchpad source package page https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kernel-package/+publishinghistory [21:05] remline: in this case, "(From Debian) ROM; upstream discontinued, obsolete, better options exist; Debian bug #960377" [21:05] Debian bug 960377 in ftp.debian.org "RM: Kernel-package -- ROM; upstream discontinued, obsolete, better options exist" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/960377 === facetus_malum6 is now known as facetus_malum [21:12] sarnold: Thanks for the helpful information. I was unaware of the package, but saw it "suggested" by https://packages.ubuntu.com/hirsute/linux-source-5.11.0 . [21:14] remline: oh cute :) that's probably worth filing a bug [21:14] sarnold: I'll take a crack at a bug report. [21:14] thanks [21:16] ash_guest: we would need more info to help you [21:19] Hey guys, is it normal to have all this processes for apache in my ubuntu server -> https://prnt.sc/11b1tvh ? [21:20] supremekai: yes; you can configure the MPM you're using to use fewer processes if it's a relatively unused server [21:21] oh, but those processes are like hanged? or are real requests? [21:22] they're all sleeping, waiting for requests [21:24] Filed launchpad bug 1923506 [21:24] Launchpad bug 1923506 in linux (Ubuntu) "linux-source-5.11.0 spuriously "suggests" kernel-package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1923506 [21:25] excellent, thanks remline :) === wbrawner_ is now known as wbrawner === pauljw_20 is now known as pauljw [22:00] so I know this isn't like a real problem but my ubuntu machine takes at least 1 full minute to reboot [22:00] and it's on a NVME drive [22:01] and the whole thing is like brand new, and Windows rebooted in around 10 seconds before I wiped it off and went full linux [22:02] Is there a log or something I can peek at to see whats taking it so long? [22:02] danielcg: journalctl -b 0 [22:03] danielcg: yeah look through the logs, I assume it has something to do with snapd (at least that's on my machine) [22:05] danielcg: You can also get clues from "systemd-analyze blame" and "systemd-analyze critical-chain" [22:05] also i've noticed that on my 10 year old macbook i can open like 20 different apps and experience no UI lag, but I can't say the same thing for my ubuntu machine. The weird part is that the two systems have the same amount of memory but the mac has a slower SSD and the memory is around 50% as fast as the ubuntu machine [22:05] danielcg: related too: ' systemd-analyze ' and/or ' systemd-analyze blame '. [22:07] the ryzen 3600xt also beats the core i5 from 10 years ago im pretty sure [22:08] Startup finished in 15.943s (firmware) + 6.149s (loader) + 9.245s (kernel) + 1min 42.222s (userspace) = 2min 13.560s [22:08] graphical.target reached after 1min 42.144s in userspace [22:10] im also trying to build a kernel with custom settings for this machine, would it improve performance to remove things like intel cpu support since i'm building for a ryzen 3600xt? [22:12] danielcg: there shouldn't be too much of an improvement [22:12] remline: systemd-analyze is great thx for the tip! [22:15] danielcg: Something for sure could stand further investigationL: MY real real old system >> "Startup finished in 2.852s (kernel) + 10.907s (userspace) = 13.760s" I do run with SSDs. [22:15] danielcg: Great! I hope you find some good clues. For reference, my old laptop (2007 era) says: Startup finished in 6.536s (kernel) + 13.220s (userspace) = 19.756s [22:16] Yeah thats about the same performance I see on my 2011 macbook with a sata ssd [22:16] Bashing-om: What hardware is that? [22:16] systemd-analyze does lie, I am at GUI in less than 15 seconds but it shows 43 seconds [22:18] remline: Running on dual core Athlon CPU on an Abit mainboard. [22:19] tomreyn: i am trying to report a bug, not sure if it is in the setting's gui or whatever settings relies on to manage audio devices [22:22] looks like snapd.service takes 30 seconds to load and so does docker.service [22:23] one of my hard drives takes 23 seconds [22:23] but that drive is doing fine according to SMART [22:24] https://pastebin.com/Uv9nmQR3 === seednode75 is now known as seednode [23:11] CarlFK: pulseaudio. there's also the separate "pavucontrol" package and application. [23:18] CarlFK: I assume the Settings application is part of the "gnome-settings-daemon" package ( /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-sound ) and the audio settings you configure there belong to "pulseaudio" [23:20] tomreyn: yeah, gnome-control-center sound -v gets me the logs I was looking for.. this line looks relevant: [23:20] Gvc: DEBUG: gvc_mixer_control_lookup_device_from_stream - Could not find a device for stream 'Built-in Audio Digital Stereo (HDMI)' [23:22] i do not know what you are trying to achieve other than "i am trying to report a bug", so could not comment. [23:26] I have the logs https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZSxjNKV62P/ [23:26] Now I need to figure out what package to bug [23:28] a web search for "gvc_mixer_control_lookup_device_from_stream" suggests this is code which is part of gnome-settings-daemon [23:30] "gvc" apparently stands for "GNOME volume control" (libgnome-volume-control) [23:40] k - thanks.