[14:26] Mauro Gaspari: Yeah, there's a good chance there's a problem with the theme. I might upload the latest version as a bugfix (materia-kde). [14:28] Mauro Gaspari: Actually, there's nothing I can do about that one. Do me a favor and file a bug with https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/materia-kde showing them that picture. [15:08] Eickmeyer[m]: does it make sense to be able to change the direction of a bridge after it is created? [15:08] * OvenWerks is thinking outloud [15:09] Wow, loaded question. What would be the purpose of that? [15:10] I originally added this so I could use an "add bridge" button and the direction could be chosen later... but I have since changed the add bridge button to a drop down that allows select either input or output create. [15:10] So I guess I can now change the direction drop down to a label [15:11] otherwise I need to be able to remove the old bridge and create a new one of the proper direction [15:12] I see. Yeah, probably best to have a place for bridges that go one direction and bridges that go the other direction. [15:12] So as to not confuse. [15:12] Eickmeyer[m]: the gui for pulse bridges no longer has two tabs (one in and the other out) but just one that lists all bridges. [15:13] Ah, I see. Still not a bad idea. [15:14] But now that the user can create with direction in the first place, I think all I need is a label showing the bridge direction. [16:09] I just verified this on a freshly installed VM just to be 100% sure there was no theme messing around from my part. Confirmed the same issue. Sending a bug report. [16:09] Awesome, Mauro Gaspari . Thanks! [16:14] Done: https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/materia-kde/issues/113 [16:24] Mauro Gaspari: Just confirmed with my findings as well. [16:28] Eickmeyer[m]: You might get a prod from the Canonical Community Rep. [16:28] teward: From Monica? She prodded me already. :) [16:28] yep [16:28] well i told her to ;) [16:28] for Studio anyways. [16:28] :P [16:28] had her prod others for Lubuntu [16:28] and Server is its own group xD [16:29] Right. [18:49] Eickmeyer[m]: I am posting a set of images you comment: https://i.imgur.com/mdBBiAF.png [18:50] OvenWerks: Wow! Serious improvement with the tabs on the right over there. [18:50] Eickmeyer[m]: https://i.imgur.com/pPERCh4.png [18:50] Sorry, controls on the left. [18:51] Eickmeyer[m]: https://i.imgur.com/5OVVAnL.png [18:51] Eickmeyer[m]: https://i.imgur.com/PECtpCY.png [18:52] https://i.imgur.com/HrHSavZ.png [18:53] I like it. Looks like a huge improvement. [18:53] MauroGaspari[m]: ^^ comments welcome [18:53] * Eickmeyer[m] was just about to ping Mauro... hehe [18:53] I am guessing I could move the exit and help buttons to the left as well [18:53] Eickmeyer[m]: I think I need to reorder them as well [18:53] OvenWerks: I think some spacing around the Jack Status and DSP would be a good idea. [18:54] the three jack buttons followed by status followed by conveience buttons with help and exit under. Maybe use separators for the htree groups. [18:54] yes that needs a tweak. [18:57] Eickmeyer[m]: right now, master settings determines the width. I think it would be possible to rearange for narrower (and higher?) [19:05] OvenWerks: Yeah, just needs some tweaking there, but other than that it looks pretty good. [19:15] Eickmeyer[m]: https://i.imgur.com/z1juMkl.png [19:15] new left side spacing [19:20] Oh, not bad, but I'd space the line between the DSP and the shortcuts more. [19:25] https://i.imgur.com/rrDxo6e.png [19:29] OvenWerks: That looks perfect. [19:33] Eickmeyer[m]: I could move xruns to a lower line [19:34] OvenWerks: That's a great idea, and you have the room. [19:57] Eickmeyer[m]: should I do this? https://i.imgur.com/dSEdU0e.png [19:58] (then move the left side to the bottom) [19:58] I feel like it would read better if the Jack status and DSP were left-justified, OvenWerks . [19:58] But I'm starting to head into the "Pedantic" zone. hehe [19:59] Eickmeyer[m]: does status need the icon? It kinda gets in the way of left just [20:00] If you moved it to the right of "Running", it might be fine. [20:06] Eickmeyer[m]: https://i.imgur.com/o45WXLz.png [20:06] Oh yeah, actually, that looks WAY better. :) [20:07] Eickmeyer[m]: considering I use no other icon anywhere... [20:09] Yeah, that's true, and it was really just a unicode character anyhow. [20:09] Eickmeyer[m]: this moves the "menu/toolbar" down: https://i.imgur.com/7SFbt4z.png [20:10] OvenWerks: Better, but is there any way you can space the toolbar away from the other window items, like a space to the right of them? [20:11] Eickmeyer[m]: another possibility: https://i.imgur.com/ZgTFMHh.png [20:11] Eickmeyer[m]: I am not sure what you mean [20:12] Oh hang on I think I do. [20:12] The tabbed area and the control buttons (menu/status) seems a bit too close together. Also, yes, workflow-wise, the buttons on the right would be better. [20:15] Eickmeyer[m]: https://i.imgur.com/2ERxJ1d.png [20:15] OvenWerks: Looks perfect! [20:16] Eickmeyer[m]: do I leave the separator at the bottom? Think I will remove that [20:16] Ha! yeah, there's a separator there. :) [20:19] Eickmeyer[m]: one more https://i.imgur.com/x6XBVGV.png [20:19] That's looking nice and clean. [20:21] Eickmeyer[m]: I think that is my 2.2 GUI then [20:21] now to get all of it working :P [20:21] Hehe, that's always the challenge. [20:23] I think most of it does... being able to choose the name for a zizta bridge is still only half baked. [20:29] That's fair. Still, it's a nice feature. Not sure how many are using it. [21:07] That looks really nice. [21:10] OvenWerks speaking of jack bridge, i found out that telegram client completely ignores my audio settings of US. Blasts through my speakers ar super high volume no matter what i do with my audio leves of my bridge. As far as I know telegram is the only one i found doing that. Any idea how to deal with such problem? [21:13] telegram is using what interface? if telegram is acting as a jack client... then it needs to go through a mixer like jackmixer. though alsa mixer shouold be able to deal with it to. If you are using pulse then pavucontrol should work. I guess that is like saying I need more info [21:14] MauroGaspari[m]: does jack_lsp show any ports that look like telegram? [21:15] MauroGaspari[m]: does pavucontrol show telegram as a playback? [21:18] Ok, I am just using standard settings of US with pulse bridge, and just a couple of filters in the input via Carla patchbay. It works fine for everything i run on my computer. The only rebel app seems to be telegram and i seem to fail to find out how to tweak that apps audio settings. How strange and interesting. Let me find a bit more about why that is and [21:18] if it uses alsa directly. [21:19] I will get back to you later wirh more details. [21:19] Thanks! 🤩🥳 [21:19] * I will get back to you later with more details. [21:20] Telegram should just talk to Pulse, it has no Jack interface.