
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
seb128I should know that but who is allowed to push code to a launchpad project? the maintainer isn't?09:01
seb128to be more specific, https://launchpad.net/gnome-sdk has ~ubuntu-desktop as maintainer09:02
seb128but I get an error when pushing to git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/gnome-sdk09:02
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cjwatsonseb128: That's an imported repository, and nobody can push directly to those09:43
cjwatsonseb128: It's imported from https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-sdk09:44
seb128cjwatson, ah, how does one know it's an imported one? https://code.launchpad.net/gnome-sdk doesn't mention it :/09:45
seb128neither do09:45
seb128ah,https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-sdk/+git/gnome-sdk has it09:47
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/gnome-sdk probably should09:47
seb128not really obvious :/09:47
seb128cjwatson, I will check if there is already a bug about that and open one if there isn't, thanks!09:48
cjwatsonI started from https://launchpad.net/gnome-sdk and followed the link to lp:gnome-sdk immediately under the "Code" heading09:48
seb128I ended up finding that one, but it's an 'other repository' section at the bottom09:48
seb128I expect most user will just do what the top recomments09:48
seb128Get this repository:09:48
seb128    git clone https://git.launchpad.net/gnome-sdk09:48
cjwatsonThough if it had been a hosted repo and you could push to it, you'd also see "Update this repository" below that09:49
cjwatsonAnyway, I agree it's a bug, and I don't think it's already filed so please do09:50
seb128cjwatson, I didn't find an existing one matching, opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1923596 , thanks again!09:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1923596 in Launchpad itself "The code page doesn't clearly indicate when a git repository is an import" [Undecided,New]09:53
seb128tseliot, hey, did you had the info you needed about the ubuntu-drivers-common tests failure?10:06
tseliotseb128, yes, I don't think sl-modem should block this. I should be able to add the dependency only for the test (debian/tests/control), as opposed to having a build dependency on alsa-utils.10:57
tseliotI have just uploaded a change11:02
seb128tseliot, thanks11:12
tseliotseb128, yw. Let's keep an eye on the autopkg, just in case13:08
rbasakNeed some help with bug 1916250 please. Unversioned Breaks/Replaces? Unversioned Conflicts/Replaces? Something else?13:18
ubottubug 1916250 in libsignon-glib (Ubuntu) "gir1.2-signon-2.0 needs to declare replace on older releases (Groovy2Hirsute)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191625013:18
rbasakI wish this case were in https://wiki.debian.org/PackageTransition but I don't think it is.13:18
seb128ddstreet, hey. syncpackage in hirsute let .dsc downloaded in the current dir, I noticed that you did some refactoring around dsc handling, is that an issue you are aware of?13:42
rcjbdmurray: You have your SRU hat on today?  Can I ask you to look at livecd-rootfs in 'unapproved' for x,b,f,g for a udev security fix?15:10
rcjI didn't mean to say udev, I mean to say /boot/efi15:10
bdmurrayrcj: Yes, I can look at that today.15:14
rcjbdmurray: Thank you15:18
bdmurrayrcj: Why does the xenial diff not look like the others? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/532822013/livecd-rootfs_2.408.67_2.408.68.diff.gz15:43
rcjbdmurray: In the others the change shows up twice due to a symlink.  That symlink isn't there in xenial because the image type was added after that release.15:51
rcjSpecifically the buildd image for xenial is not based on an image with an EFI partition.15:52
bdmurrayrcj: I see now I'd grabbed the source of hirsute not xenial so thought live-build/ubuntu existed in xenial.15:55
rcjoh, that would explain it15:55
bdmurrayall accepted15:56
rcjThank you!15:57
ddstreetseb128 i believe syncpackage has dropped the .dsc in cwd since focal, or earlier...16:46
seb128ddstreet, focal is rather recent, seems like a regression worth fixing still. I guess what you are saying is that you are not interested to be the one poking at it? which is fair enough, I will add to my hacking backlog if I find some free slots18:07
seb128it's minor but still annoying18:07
ddstreetseb128 no i'm find poking at it, it drops the .dsc into cwd because it pulls it before chdir(), i'm just saying that from looking at the code it seems to have always done that, do you know when the last time it didn't do that?18:50
seb128ddstreet, I don't know but I can check tomorrow, it was not doing it in xenial for sure, I though it wasn't in focal but maybe I just didn't pay attention?19:39
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