[01:58] good morning [06:20] Good morning [06:44] good morning [08:50] heya [08:54] heya. [08:54] Here's a mug of boiling cola for you marcoagpinto |_P no need to thank me ;) [08:55] More sparling than ever :P [08:55] sparkling* [08:55] :) === popey1 is now known as popey === blue__penquin_ is now known as blue__penquin [19:48] so I am rereading my logs on window managers, etc, from this channel and I think I forgot to clear some things up... [19:50] i3, sway, dwm and gnome-shell are *all* window managers (gnome-shell _also_ being a compositor), right? [20:12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Shell [20:18] Maik: I'm not sure what part of this article validates/invalidates my assertion [20:19] Just from my logs alone, I know that gnome-shell is the window manager and compositor [20:20] for Gnome DE [20:21] I mean, I am pretty sure that's correct given the wiki articles on each; I was hoping for an affirmation [20:22] https://wiki.gnome.org/Community/GettingInTouch/IRC [20:22] i don't know, maybe you could ask the Gnome guys ^ [20:22] thanks daftykins [20:22] :D [20:22] * ash_worksi is not sure why we keep referencing gnome exclusively but ::shurg:: [20:23] anyway, moving on, is it possible to swap the DE on ubuntu? [20:23] well this may come as a shock, but when asking about gnome - gnome folks might know a thing or two [20:23] and if so, is it no longer "ubuntu"? [20:23] daftykins: I wasn't though, I was asking about window managers [20:24] ash_worksi: search the web for adding another desktop and how to switch to it, there's enough info about that to be found and switching or swapping the DE doesn't mean it's not Ubuntu anymore... Ubuntu is and stays the base [20:25] we told you were to get a specific answer for part of your enquiry, apply the same logic and you can track down the others, too [20:25] *where [20:25] I did, and again, just an iiuic questino [20:25] quiestion* [20:25] question* [20:26] I see; so "yes", thank you Maik [20:26] well, "Yes", and then "no" :) [21:20] https://distrocrunch.com/linux-market-share-2021/ === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy