
CarlFKok  - now that I filed a bug report, lets see about setting audio.  focal - pavucontrol says  Port: hdmi/displayport (unplugged)00:19
jiqirenis there a way I can keep tar from impacting current filesystem cache? I basically impact performance of a DB when unpacking large tar files by blowing the vfs cache00:52
sarnoldjiqiren: try ionice -3 tar xf ...00:58
nacellewhy does the installer updater do one package at a time?  its terribly slow.00:58
sarnoldjiqiren: (not all IO schedulers support the IO classes)00:58
jiqirensarnold: i thought that just changed the disk priority - not VFS ejecting other files from cache?00:59
sarnoldjiqiren: another possibility is the eatmydata program; it'd probably prevent all the sync calls that tar is probably making while writing out files. It'll possible leave all those files / directories in an unsafe state if the system crashes while unpacking the tar, though, so it's not for everything00:59
sarnoldjiqiren: indeed, it's io priority only00:59
sarnoldjiqiren: there's an madvise(2) syscall that can be added to programs to hint to the OS how some mapped address space is going to be used, but it can't just be LD_PRELOADED in place like the eatmydata tool..01:01
jiqirensarnold: thanks for the input. i've not heard of eatmydata. taking a look now01:06
rfmjiqiren, I think this is one of the things cgroups are supposed to do.  I found this stackexchange that talks a little about how to do it.   Note systemd creates cgroups called "slices" for lots of stuff ("systemctl status" shows them) so maybe set  memory.limit-in-bytes for the user doing the tar?01:14
rfmjiqiren, note I have never ever done this, but I've always looked at those slices in systemctl status and thought there must be something cool to do with them...01:16
rfmjiqiren, oops forgot the link to the stackexchange i found: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/555080/using-cgroup-to-limit-program-memory-as-its-running01:20
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Starship8014I am getting "The following packages have been kept back" when i do "apt-get upgrade". I already googled how I can install these packages... However, I am still wondering what caused this? Why are packages kept back?02:17
tomreynStarship8014: usually, that's a result of either (a) not running   sudo apt update   before you try to install pending upgrades or new software or (b) adding incompatible apt repositories, such as repositories for other ubuntu releases or other linux distributions. or just badly maintained ones. or both, or all of it.02:39
tomreynif    sudo apt update    runs without any errors or warnings, run    sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999    to share a list of your configured apt repositories.02:41
dsj2Hi. I've worked with linux for years, new to Ubuntu. I see what looks like the result of a sorting bug in /boot03:05
dsj2vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-5.4.0-71-generic03:05
dsj2vmlinuz.old -> vmlinuz-5.10.0-1014-oem03:05
dsj2Is it normal for  vmlinuz.old to point at a newer kernel?03:06
dsj2Ok, so I need more coffee. The date on the 5.4 kernel is newer than the one on the 5.10 kernel.03:08
dsj2I'm still mystified about the version numbers, unless it has something to do with long-term kernels.03:10
Bashing-om!hwe | dsj203:11
ubottudsj2: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack03:11
guivercdsj2, Ubuntu backports security fixes to the supported kernels ; 5.4 is the upstream kernel, the test of the detail are ubuntu details relating to patch level (etc, generic/oem should be self-explanatory)03:13
guivercs/test/rest of the detail/03:13
The_Fallenhello :-)03:48
The_Fallenis this an active channel?03:50
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jiqirenrfm: thanks - I'm looking at the stackexchange link now04:57
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rnat2How to safely install ubuntu with windows 10(preinstalled) for UEFI07:05
rnat2precautions that i need to take07:06
rnat2its a new laptop so no data as such to backup other than windows OS07:06
ducasseyou should be able to free up some space from windows and just install07:10
rnat2will the installer automatically take care of efi partition07:10
rnat2i have never did uefi dual boot07:10
roryyes it will, make sure the Windows is cleanly shut down07:11
ducasseit will just add the ubuntu bootloader07:11
roryWindows won't "know" it's being dual booted, just like normal07:11
rnat2Can anyone share the output of "fdisk -l" for UEFI dual boot reference, apologies for the trouble07:14
Piratydoes ubuntu use dracut for initramfs generation?07:28
TheBigK02rnat2: https://paste.debian.net/1193451/07:30
rnat2TheBigK02: Thanks a lot :)07:32
TheBigK02rnat2: np07:32
TheBigK02Piraty: not by default i would assume since its not installed for me07:34
PiratyTheBigK02: what else?08:02
TheBigK02Piraty: mkinitramfs ?08:02
oblakhhHello everybody. Are there any news when ESM will be available for 16.04? Website states "April 21". Would like to prep my servers.08:55
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lotuspsychje!esm | oblakhh09:09
ubottuoblakhh: Canonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.09:09
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cbreakoblakhh: is prepping the servers by upgrading to 20.04 an option? :)09:33
tangarora_Reposting since its for servers and desktop: Hi guys! Hey, I was just installing an ubuntu VDI via qemu-kvm wiht the location=http://... to the ubuntu repo. Works fine, but they were saying that debian installer is deprecated??09:35
Piratytangarora_: debian is deprecated by design09:40
tangarora_Piraty: haw haw haw! :) good onw!09:41
Piratyyou know it's true09:44
bencc1I've installed updates on ubuntu 20.04 and couldn't login. after few restarts I'm able to login but the screen flashes when I drag windows09:47
bencc1is this a known issue? anything I can do?09:47
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tangarora_benccl: sounds like a driver issue... usin Nvidia? If so the uninstall and re install, should do the trick. Dont forget to reboot between.09:51
tangarora_and mak susre to login with X and not the other thing...09:52
bencc1tangarora: not nvideia integrated intel gpu09:55
tangarora_benccl: then I would suggest booting to the install media: usb/cd/dvd and chsck that it works correctly so you are not dealing with a hardware issue. How old is the hw?09:57
bencc1tangarora: the hardware is only 7 years old :)09:59
bencc1but it worked fine before apt-get install which installed a new kernel10:00
tangarora_hw is tricky... 7 years is well enough to have problems... check out https://www.youtube.com/user/rossmanngroup to see what computers look like inside after a while.10:02
tangarora_Problems can even be intermittent...10:02
bencc1it's not hw issue10:03
tangarora_so check using boot media that it really is a config issue.10:03
bencc1it's something related to recent package update10:03
bencc1good suggestion10:03
tangarora_Yes that is the latest think you did with is usually a good clue; but using the processs of elimination can save you time; I promise.10:04
rhaguHi, I installed a minimal ubuntu 20.04 server image in a VM, removed netplan and set up systemd-networkd with DHCP option. I was able to connect to the machine via ssh und the hostname. It looks like the dhcp option made sure my router would make sure the resolution works. I then changed the dhcp setup to a static IP setup, but now the hostname resolution doesnt work anymore. Does someone know what I may have to do to get it working?10:07
oblakhh@cbreak not in this case. it's a rather complex xetup that will be torn down within the next 12 months. I'd clearly prefer to stick with the current setup. Commercial UA subscription is present. Just no info yet.10:21
TheBigK02rhagu: u need to tell the dhcp server that it should update the hostname in the dns...10:22
tangaroraBTW: my favourite PC (due to the keyboard) is my old Lenovo T400 (12 years old). It still works incredibly well...10:22
rhaguTheBigK02 thanks for your answer, so I guess there is nothing I can do locally10:23
TheBigK02rhagu: i dont understand ... locally ?10:23
rhaguTheBigK02 like restarting systemd-resolved10:24
TheBigK02the thing is... u want to tell ur dhcp server that u set ur IP manually....10:25
TheBigK02rhagu: im pretty sure u can say in systemd-networkd a static ip over the dhcp client... and tell the dhcp server ur hostname10:25
TheBigK02rhagu: thats how i do it with my raspberrypi ... but i use dhcpcd ... so i dont know how to do it with systemd-networkd10:26
rhaguTheBigK02 thats alright, I think I best go with a static IP all the way from the initial setup to the end configuration10:27
oblakhh@ubottu thanks for pointing out. We have an active subscription but canonical is not responding, when exactly ESM will be available for 16.04. It's less that 20 days until the end of LTS. I'd clearly like to know when exable ESM will becoma available. Otherwise May 1st will be quite busy here... it's a comm problem.10:27
TheBigK02rhagu: thats up to u :)10:27
TheBigK02rhagu: but in times of ipv6... manual ip configuration seems outdated :p10:28
rhaguI want to set up a dhcp server on those machines and thought about going with an initial dhcp server from my router and then switching over as the minimal image does all the cloudinit stuff, but I guess I need to look into working with static IP from the start, IPv6 will be another topic entirely10:29
alf1975Problems with Mcrae Dirt and Wine ? any ideas ?10:36
TheBigK02alf1975: i use steam for those things... its way easier that way... :p10:37
EriC^^alf1975: try asking in #wine-hq as well10:39
EriC^^sorry i mean #winehq10:40
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BluesKajHi folks12:29
DJoneslo BluesKaj12:37
DJoneshad to get in the Hi/Lo :)12:37
BluesKajhi DJones12:37
tangaroraso does anyone have the actual guide to installing ubuntu if no with the debian installer?12:38
tangaroraDirect from the repo in kvm?12:39
DJones!install | tangarora Have you looked at this:-12:39
ubottutangarora Have you looked at this:-: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate12:39
DJonestangarora: Looking at backscroll, its quite a while since you posted your original question, so you may need to repeat it with as much detail of the issue you;ve got12:42
atalHello Everyone! Anyone knows how to create dialog box inside the initrd?13:09
atalI am getting `Error opening terminal : linux`13:09
atalAny suggestions please?13:10
Starship8014tomreyn thanks for your feedback. i dont really understand this command. is it safe to run? sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999913:16
Starship8014i mean... nc? isnt that opening doors to my server?13:17
Starship8014when i run apt-get upgrade, i get The following packages have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic13:18
lotuspsychjeStarship8014: tomreyn is prob afk right now, it seems that this command is just informative to be able to help you and see more info about your sources.list13:18
lotuspsychjeStarship8014: maybe its good to re-ask your original question into the channel so volunteers can pickup where you left last time13:19
Starship8014alright :)13:20
Starship8014when connecting to my ubuntu server (use it as a webserver), i am greeted with "8 updates can be installed immediately."13:20
TJ-Starship8014: the 'nc' part is you sending the text to a pastebin where we can see it13:20
Starship8014apt-get update does go through but the message "8 updates can be... " stays13:21
Starship8014TJ- thanks13:21
leftyfbStarship8014: sudo apt full-upgrade13:22
Starship8014so after that, i ran apt-get upgrade13:22
Starship8014leftyfb, thanks. this does potentially remove incompatible packages like apt get dist-upgrade does, right?13:23
leftyfbStarship8014: "apt-get dist-upgrade" = "apt full-upgrade"13:24
bencc1recent kernel update cause issues with my intel embedded igpu13:24
Starship8014alright, i am scared of that :D13:24
bencc1choosing previous kernel in grub advance menu works13:24
leftyfbStarship8014: scared of what?13:24
bencc1will it break on next kernel upgrade?13:24
Starship8014performing such "potentially breaking" update on my production server13:25
leftyfbbencc1: what version of ubuntu and which kernel are you running?13:25
bencc1leftyfb: ubuntu 20.04 desktop. bad kernel: linux-image-5.8.0-49-generic. good kernel: linux-image-5.8.0-48-generic13:26
leftyfb!bug | bencc1 maybe file a bug report then13:26
ubottubencc1 maybe file a bug report then: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:26
bencc1so why did you asked about my version? :)13:27
leftyfbbencc1: to determine if your kernel was the latest available for the release13:27
bencc1it is13:27
bencc1if I'll upgrade the kernel in few weeks from now, will I be able to install the old kernel again?13:28
leftyfbbencc1: that depends on what the issue is. Filing a bug might help track that down with the kernel developers13:29
bencc1your answer is unrelated to my question13:29
bencc1thanks anyway13:29
Starship8014ok i went with sudo apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade13:30
remlinebencc1: 5.8.0-48 will remain installed on your system unless you remove it (e.g., via apt autoremove). You can mark 5.8.0-48 as manually installed if you want to prevent 'apt autoremove' from uninstalling it.13:31
bencc1remline: thanks. I'll make sure I don't use autoremove and will search how to manually keep it.13:33
pikapikaDoes ubuntu plan to go wayland in future? Will x11 still be available to install if it does?14:34
vincenzomlhello, yesterday we had an interesting conversation with cbreak on zfs14:35
vincenzomlI am willing to test it but I want to know, how do I make sure I'll always be able to delete files when it fills up? I believe I just have to keep a file of say, 1gb on the hard drive and eventually truncate it14:38
vincenzomland then there will be 1gb free no matter what14:38
vincenzomlalso how to make periodic snapshots? With btrfs I use snapper, which makes me hourly snapshots in the last day, then deletes some of them so that I have 1 daily snapshot for the last week and 1 weekly for the last month. Does zfs have an equivalent setup?14:39
gladosccMy NVMe drives are extremely slow, and seems locked to 10MB/s and 10IOPs. I suspect it's stuck in the wrong APM (power management) level.14:50
gladosccI know for HDDs, I can use 'hdparm -B 254 /dev/sdX' to change the APM setting. But that only works for SATA protocols, and not NVME protocols.14:50
gladosccOn ubuntu, how can I change the APM setting for a NVMe? I tried googling for 10 mins, cannot find anything about nvmes.14:50
lotuspsychje!discuss | pikapika14:51
ubottupikapika: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!14:51
pikapikalotuspsychje, it is a support related question. Lots of things would stop working if we go wayland.14:52
lotuspsychjepikapika: its not, its a poll14:52
leftyfbpikapika: it's also not a topic for any currently released version of ubuntu. Feel free to /join #ubuntu+1 to discuss unreleased versions of ubuntu14:53
superschnellCan you install a package from Bionic on Hirsute?14:57
superschnellIt appears the package I want is only available for Bionic14:57
lotuspsychjesuperschnell: snaps or !pinning14:59
leftyfb!ubuntu+1 | superschnell14:59
ubottusuperschnell: Hirsute Hippo is the codename for Ubuntu 21.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu+1. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.14:59
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superschnelllotuspsychje: thanks15:15
ubuntutrjournalctl -f | grep postfix https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dq9DkcpXPb/15:21
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xamanuHi, can you help me on how to get the wiki page about me deleted?15:31
xamanuIt says it is an immutable page... :( But I would like to clean it.15:32
xamanuIt contains personal and partially inaccurate information about me, that I no longer would like to have on it.15:32
leftyfbxamanu: you click the login link and login15:34
leftyfbxamanu: then you should be able to edit it15:34
xamanuI logged in and I'm not allowed to do anything with the site. the "delete" part is grayed out.15:35
leftyfbxamanu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/xamanu?action=edit&editor=text15:36
xamanu> You are not allowed to edit this page.15:36
xamanu(I'm logged in as xamanu)15:36
leftyfbxamanu: try asking for help in #ubuntu-website15:38
xamanuleftyfb, thanks15:38
malmalmalHello there. I have an ubuntu desktop 20.04.20 running on a VBox VM. I did not gave it enough HDD space during installation, so I extended the Virtual HDD on vbox. Now Ubuntu sees about 10GB of free space, not partitioned.15:43
malmalmalI assumed that to resize my main partition I had to run the live CD, so I can work on it unmounted. And so I did. Now, when I try to resize what I think is the main partition, it seems to mount it, but leaves it unresized.15:44
malmalmalI am a bit confused15:44
leftyfbmalmalmal: https://www.howtogeek.com/114503/how-to-resize-your-ubuntu-partitions/15:44
leftyfbmalmalmal: it needs to be unmounted15:45
malmalmalThanks, sure, I know, that is why I booted from Live cd15:45
leftyfbmalmalmal: just make sure it's unmounted and try again15:46
malmalmalI am using gparted instead of disks, as in the url you send15:49
malmalmalYEah that worked. But I am 100%sure the partition was unmmounted, because it was mounting it instead of resizing, and I had to unmount and re-try a couple of times. Gparted worked.15:50
cbreakvictorbrca: if you want, you can create a dataset with a reservation.15:50
cbreaksorry, auto complete failure :( vincenzoml15:51
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exploremy apologies if this is actually a linux question but i couldn't join cus using irccloud i think, backgground: i have a ubuntu server home server, and there are usb drives attached to it, all my files on the usb HDD, and i think  all file system are linux (ext4?) i need to move to a new city, i was thinking about just bringing the usb drives and leaving the computer, but my question is, if i were to  leave the computer17:45
exploreand the system disk, would i be able to access all those files on the usb drives? since the file permission i guess is tied to the system driive? no?17:45
exploreor is it like, if i move the ext4-formatted usb drives to a new system, i can over-write all the file permissions of every file to tie to users on the new linux system?17:47
sarnoldexplore: the file owners and directory owners are assigned *numbers*, eg root is 0, the first user on ubuntu systems is 1000, etc17:47
sarnoldexplore: when you plug those filesystems into the new computer, they'll use the *numbers* of the old system, but the system will be assigning numbers based on the /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd files17:48
sarnoldexplore: if you've got a typical single-user-computer with just you using the account created during installation, it'll probably work fine with no trouble. if you've got multiple users on bother systems, you may need to go to some effort to modify the file and directory owners17:49
nunyaapplications sometimes shown as open in panel even after closed ps -a doesn't show the application as open. I've Googled a bunch and found the opposite case but no fix for my pronlem. Can anyone help?18:08
leftyfbnunya: are you sure you didn't accidentally add them to the panel a pinned/favorites/whatever?18:11
styleHi. I'm trying to install canonical-livepatch and I'm getting this error: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/GzHHy33tSn/ . snap version https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/PkVnv2fCHN/ . I can provide more infos if needed. I run Ubuntu 18.04 on an OpenVZ from Ramnode. i'm asking in here because i'v searched lots of community posts and haven't got it fixed.18:12
nunyaleftyfb: No I didn't add them to panel. Also if I try to move it from panel it removes the app next to it from panel. So it's just some kind of ghost.18:13
sarnoldstyle: check dmesg? maybe there's more detailed errors there18:15
nunyaleftyb: It happens randomly, or at least I can't find a pattern and reproduce the problem18:15
exploresarnold: thankies muchhly for the heads up18:16
nunyaleftyb: If I logout it will be gone.18:17
sabasedighHello I am on ubuntu *focal* 64bit and having problem installing mpv from ppa:mc3man/mpv-tests repo18:18
exploresarnold: do i do this effortful modifying of file and directory ownership on the old pc or after the move on the new pc?18:18
sabasedighI get this error https://paste.ee/p/uD8lO18:19
sabasedighmpv install error ^^18:19
sabasedighcould anyone take a look please.18:19
sabasedighI don't remember installing mpv had this much hassle.18:20
sarnoldexplore: I'd do it on the new machine -- but it might be very helpful to store a copy of the /etc/passwd from the old machine onto the drives, so you can find those mappings :)18:21
lordcirth__sabasedigh, PPAs are not supported here. Sounds like this one is not built correctly for focal.18:21
sarnoldsabasedigh: many of those packages are in universe, does your system have universe enabled?18:22
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sabasedighlordcirth__ so if not ppa then what?18:22
lordcirth!info mpv focal18:23
ubottumpv (source: mpv): video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.32.0-1ubuntu1 (focal), package size 985 kB, installed size 2480 kB18:23
lordcirthIt's already in repos. sarnold has a good point about universe not being enabled18:23
sabasedighsarnold lordcirth thanks wasn't enabled18:26
lordcirthHow does that happen, anyway? I don't remember it happening to me18:26
sarnoldI think it's a question during the installer18:31
nunyatesting beep to alert when I get a reply18:34
sabasedighwhat should I install to be able to set screen dpi?18:38
nunyaleftyb:I kept right clicking and choosing close until Cinnamon crashed. I got a message asking to restart Cinnamon. Clicked yes, ghost application gone from panel. Googled how to restart Cinnamon from command line pkill -HUP -f "cinnamon --replace" Problem solved.18:43
=== SonicPotato3 is now known as SonicPotato
Maiknunya: is that Ubuntu with Cinnamon added to it you're talking about?18:46
nunyaMaik: Yes18:47
Maikok, just to make sure.18:47
nunyaMaik: I know it's usually with Mint but as I was trying diffent environments and desktop managers Cinnamon did what I wanted. Maybe that's why it glitches sometimes being designed for Mint.18:49
Maiknunya: could also be possibile you were running the unofficial Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix18:50
Maikthat's why i asked :)18:50
nunyaMaik:Not sure which version or repository used to get it. Mostly does what I want. Occasional annoyances but no major problems.18:52
nunyaMaik:Just out of curiosity, how would I know if it's  unofficial Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix?18:53
leftyfbnunya: apt-cache policy cinnamon-core18:54
leftyfbnunya: please pastebin the output18:54
Maiknunya: if you told us you downloaded a iso of  Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix and installed that.18:55
Maikbut that's offtopic chatter, my bad18:55
nunyaMaik: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KvtgsFrtWZ/18:56
nunyaMaik: Pretty sure I got it through Software Center.18:57
Maikuhm... why you keep highlighting me? I didn't ask for that pastebin18:58
nunyaMaik: Sorry that was for leftyb18:58
nunyaleftyb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KvtgsFrtWZ/18:58
leftyfbnunya: looks like you don't have it installed?18:59
nunyaleftyb: Well it sur restarts when I give it the command18:59
leftyfbnunya: my guess is you didn't install cinnamon from officially supported means19:00
nunyaleftyb: It works well enough for me not to mess with it. It feels like having a favorite tea cup with a slight chip in it. Just have to drink from the other side.19:02
leftyfbnunya: just understand it's not supported here19:03
nunyaleftyb: Ok so you're saying you don't ever want to help with Ubuntu with Cinnamon?19:05
MaikIf it's installed from PPA's or deb files from outside the official Ubuntu repo's then not19:06
nunyaFine I'm outta here!19:06
nunyaleftyb: It turns out when I searched in Synaptic that the maintainers are Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com> I think that's an official source for Cinnamon but I am missing cinnamon-core. Going to install it. Sorry for getting my panties in a wad.19:12
Maikno worries19:13
leftyfbnunya: you might want to first find out how you first installed it and remove that first. Installing from apt over whatever manner you gad before could have dire consequences19:13
nunyaleftyb: hopefully install cinnamon-core will improve things and not make it worse. Unfortunately I have had that experience with other applications trying to update or upgrade.19:14
leftyfbnunya: also, installing cinnamon-core is not the only step to installing the cinnamon desktop environment19:15
nunyaleftyb: I have no idea how I installed cinnamon19:16
leftyfbnunya: neither do we. You'll have to look through your shell history or system logs or web browser history.19:17
leftyfbnunya: or you could just reinstall ubuntu19:18
Maikleftyfb: sudo apt install cinnamon doesn't seem to pull in cinnamon-core19:18
nunyaleftyb:from a year ago or more19:18
leftyfbMaik: nope, but cinnamon-desktop-environment does19:18
Maikah, ok. good to know. Thanks19:19
nunyalefty: no way I'm reistalling Ubuntu. I didn't like the file or desktop management very much before adding Cinnamon.19:20
nunyaleftyb: It looks like I have everything Cinnamon except cinnamon-core and cinnamon-environment. What if I install those and mark to install dependencies? Is there a way to make a restore point in that screws evrything up?19:23
alf1975Ubuntu Update is made by UPDATE software servers ???? I did a geoiiplookup and it's not correct what they say ...19:24
leftyfbalf1975: what is your support question?19:24
alf1975how do you sell a product when you don't defend the virus problems ???19:27
leftyfbalf1975: This is a support channel. Trolling is offtopic here.19:27
alf1975folks are tired of virus and problems with Windows19:29
leftyfb!ot | alf197519:29
ubottualf1975: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:29
Maikleftyfb: i told him a couple of time to take it elsewhere. Either he doesn't understand or doesn't want to listen. I also pointed him to the Spanish ubuntu channel19:35
Maikthat's three days in a row now19:35
ioriamaybe portugal channel19:36
Maik#ubuntu-es should do19:36
Maikhe's also posting and cross posting in #kubuntu and #lubuntu19:37
cipherboyMaik: And #fedora...19:38
Maikcipherboy: thought so since he copy/pastes a lot of things from other channel where he asked the same questions. It's getting annoying at some point imho19:40
nacelle /ignore them19:41
nacellealternatively, people asking ridiculuous questions are often satisified by ridiculous answers, but only do this if you have the time to feed the troll your poison... trolls don't like being trolled for some reason.  so weird.19:43
cipherboy"I see your NSA and raise you a FVEY"19:43
Maikshouldn't have to when they listen for once. And ignoring doesn't always work. The ops should pay more attention to such users. But i'll leave it at that, we're going offtopic here.19:43
cipherboyRegarding LVM snapshotting, is there a way to see progress/estimated completion of a snapshot merge? `dmsetup status` shows some info but I'm not sure where I'd find the info of what the status lines mean and I'm not convinced it is relevant to the progress of the merge.19:46
cbreakLVM snapshots support merging? :O wonder how that deals with merge conflicts19:47
cipherboycbreak: I'm new to LVM snapshots so I'm not sure if that's the right terminology but the command is `lvconvert --merge` so I called it merging :)19:48
cbreakI don't know lvm at all19:48
cbreakI know zfs, and snapshots on it can't be merged19:48
cbreakif you have a branch in history, those lines will stay forked19:48
* cipherboy glances over at the ZFS system running next to me :D19:49
cbreakwonder how it deals with merge conflicts19:51
nunyaleftyb: I installed cinnamon-core and cinnamon-desktop-environment plus a couple others with cinnamon in the name. everything seems tobe running fine after a reboot. Hopefully that fixes glitchy stuff. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/364BvMvyNV/19:55
nunyaleftyb: Thanks for your help!19:56
cipherboycbreak: I think my understanding of the command is that it behaves opposite of a ZFS snapshot? I think "merge" is ultimately the wrong word, but from my limited understanding, `lvcreate --merge /path/to/snapshot` actually _undoes_ the snapshot... the snapshot stores the delta of changes from $CURRENT_BASE and so after snapshotting, the base remains unchanged and all changes are written into the19:57
cipherboysnapshot. If you end up wanting to keep the changes (and reclaim the space of the snapshot), you have to do more hand-waving IIUC.19:58
ash_worksican someone help me over in #ubuntu-discuss?19:58
cbreakoh, interesting, so it's more like a rollback19:58
Maik!patience | ash_worksi19:58
ubottuash_worksi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/19:58
cipherboycbreak: It took me a while to understand coming from a ZFS world. :)19:58
cbreakreminds me again why I don't need to bother leaving zfs world19:59
cipherboycbreak: if you're curious I would NOT recommend experimenting on a root partition and suggest you use a throwaway VM with a non-root partition :P19:59
cbreakI've been using alpha versions of ZFS on Mac OS with encryption on my production system (here at home), I don't need a vm to test things!19:59
cbreak(and I didn't even lose any data, I had backups .... phew ... :D)20:00
ash_worksiMaik: just seems like maybe people don't really look at the discuss channel unless it's brought to their attention20:00
nunyaMaik: Thank you too! You also helped point in the right direction for workaround if Cinnamon gets weird on me.20:00
ash_worksiwhich is understandable since it's not nearly as active20:00
Maiknunya: you're welcome :)20:02
nunyaHave a good day!20:02
Maikash_worksi: discuss isn't a support channel20:02
HaJoneswhat is the difference between kernel 'linux-image-5.4.0-70-lowlatency' and 'linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-70-lowlatency'?20:02
ash_worksiMaik: right, that's why it's understandable :)20:03
FirefisheI'm having a compiling problem.  The pastebin has the make command error, followed by the section of the Makefile with the line-in-question.  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pBTSqFFmGS/20:03
TJ-HaJones: 'unsigned' doesn't have cryptographically signed files (think EFI Secure Boot chain)20:03
HaJonesTJ-, so then I should not use unsigned when I use a EFI partition?20:06
HaJonesHaJones, I think I disabled certificates in the bios. but I do not remember.20:07
TJ-HaJones: you can use unsigned if not using Secure Boot --- Secure Boot can cause problems for out-of-tree kernel modules such as for nvidia GPUs, some Broadcom wifi/bluetooth chipsets, etc.20:08
HaJonesTJ- out-of-tree do you mean even if a kernel is signed I can have problems with 3:rd party modules?20:09
TJ-HaJones: especially then since, unless you set up to self-sign with a Machine Owners Key (MOK) nvidia.ko would not be allowed to load when using Secure Boot since it wouldn't have a valid signature20:10
TJ-HaJones: the default kernel images and modules are all signed by Canonical at build-time; the -unsigned- packages contain those same files without signatures attached20:11
HaJonesTJ-ok thanks. I run 5.40.0-71 kernel and want a low latency for audio work, is it not best to use the 5.4.0-70-lowlatecy since they are close?20:14
HaJonesI did not find the 5.40.0-71-lowlatency20:15
wasutton3does anyone here have a usb to 7.1 audio card? I'm looking for ones based on the CM6206. I'm specifically looking to see if the iSerial attribute is properly implemented so that I can connect two of them to one system and differentiate between the two of them reliably20:16
TJ-HaJones: I'd always use the -lowlatency variants for anything desktop! However, I see "linux-image-unsigned-5.4.0-71-lowlatency" --- try a "sudo apt update" and re-check20:17
HaJonesTJ- so since I have the genereic -71 I should use the -71 low latency as well?20:21
FirefisheWhat is the replacement command for gksu since bionic?20:22
TJ-HaJones: the -71 iteration number isn't important - that increments on each build/release20:23
HaJonesTJ- so I could use any kernel 5.4.0?20:24
HaJonesor how do I choose?20:25
HaJoneswhich to install?20:25
rfmFirefishe, pkexec may be what you're looking for20:26
Firefisherfm:  What is that?20:26
Firefisherfm:  I answered my own question.20:28
rfmFirefishe, great20:31
TJ-HaJones: the usual answer is 'the latest' since each iteration contains bug-fixes20:32
Firefisherfm:  I typed in "pkexec <appname>" and the graphical authentication window appeared.  I typed in my super user password, and I got the error.  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5C6Hf477H5/20:32
cipherboyIf I set DNSStubListener=no in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf (to avoid a clash with dnsmasq) and I've statically set dns server via /etc/netplan/... why is still the only dns resolver listed in /etc/resolv.conf (and its link'd /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf) .... shouldn't systemd-resolved handle the symlink switch?20:33
cipherboy(this is after both reboot and systemctl restart systemd-resolved on 20.04).20:34
HaJonesTJ- ok thanks :)20:34
TJ-Firefishe: when using sudo/pkexec the password required is your user password not the 'root' password, if that is what you meant by "super user password"20:38
rfmFirefishe, just looking at the message I guess pkexec cleans up the environment (in this case the $DISPLAY variable)  Probably because many people think GUI programs shouldn't run as root because of the attack surface20:39
tangaroraDoes anyone have the actual guide to installing ubuntu if no with the debian installer (preseed)? The Ubuntu download no complains that the mini install using the debian installer is deprecated. I want to fins a complete guide to using the alternative whatever it is? Anyone know where to find this?20:39
FirefisheTJ-: I meant user password.  Do I have to use "sudo pkexec <appname>" as the syntax?20:39
tangaroraThe instaler site focus on making boot disks and the gui installer... manual stuff...20:39
tangarorapreseeding is well documented... but no ubuntu.20:40
rfmFirefishe, you might be able to work around by "pkexec jpilot -display $DISPLAY" or somesuch20:40
Firefisherfm:  I wonder why gksu was eliminated.  It worked just fine.20:40
tangaroraI heard sumors about a yaml based install instruction file for newer ubunt but have not found any good docs at all...20:40
tangaroragksy is not needed anymore.20:41
tangaroraput this in a UID=0 if statement: pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY ${0}20:42
Firefishetangarora: Well, when trying to run a specific application as root, it was a quick and easy way to do so.  I mean, I *can* just do "sudo <appname>" from the command line--and it does work for me in this case--but that was, as I recall, the proper way to run a gui-based app from the CLI.20:42
tangaroraso instead of gksu you use pkexec20:42
tangarorapkexec appname20:43
Firefishetangarora: If you follow the pastebin link above in my last lines, I did that, and got an error.20:43
tangaroraah ok20:43
tangaroraIf you do mine it shold work regardless... even on suse... : pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY jpilot20:44
tangaroraHOWEVER sometimes you have to add a policy to allow root to draw gui...20:44
tangarorasudo sed -i s/'# session  optional       pam_xauth.so'/'session  optional       pam_xauth.so'/g /etc/pam.d/sudo20:44
tangarorajust onece though.20:45
tangaroraOK I see the problem.20:45
tangaroratype this before: xhost local:root20:46
tangaroraor put it in your .bashrc20:46
tangaroraThe app is not allowed to draw in x... from root. Because its no you.20:46
rfmFirefishe, what is this jpilot you're trying to run?  All I'm finding is a Palm Desktop replacement which is a strange thing to run as root (or indeed at all in 2021)20:52
Firefisherfm:  Hee Hee.  Well...  I'm an old user, at 55, and I have a Sony Clie' PEG-TJ37 PDA (Personal Digital Assistant);  I'm just playing.  It seems that a keyring file that the handheld needs:  Keys-Gtkr.pdb or something or other, makes it only work in root.20:57
Firefisherfm:  in palm-speak, it's called a "HotSync" operation, and dates from the early 2000's.20:57
Firefisherfm:  Sometimes simpler is better for some things. Just because hardware is a bit dated, doesn't make less useful.20:59
Firefishedoesn't make IT less useful20:59
cipherboyAha, my systemd-resolved issue was fixed in v246-rc1+ -- and 20.04 is currently running 245.21:00
rfmFirefishe, I'm an old Palm user too, only gave up when my last Palm hardware died.21:01
rfmFirefishe, there must be a way to not have to run it as root.  Looking around it appears people used to run it as root just to get to the serial port, when what they should have done is add it to the "dialout" group.)21:04
rfmFirefishe, and then a bunch of the synced files got created as root, and now it's locked in.21:05
rfmFirefishe, if I were you I'd consider finding all those synced files (surely they are in one place), chown'ing them to you, and running jpilot not as root.   might have a couple other permissions problems like the serial/dialout one, but you could probably get help fixing those here...21:08
Firefisherfm:  I'll look into it.  Check the .config files and such21:10
nacellethats 100% correct21:10
nacelleI used to run that software21:11
remlineFirefishe: Palm HotSync... brings back fond memories! (And memory of some mysterious bugs...)21:13
nacelle(make the jpilot user a member of the dialout group, remember to logout and login again to take on the new group perms)21:14
Firefisheremline:  Oh yes, I remember those bugs.  Troubleshot into the early morning hours on dialup irc. ;-)21:14
Firefisheremline:  What is the cli syntax to do that.  The gui-based config is a bit cryptic.21:15
nacelleusermod -aG dialout <username>21:15
Firefisheusername being "jpilot" ?21:15
nacelleyour login name on the box21:15
Firefishenacelle:  I"m already there21:16
nacelleif you login with firefishe, it would be that21:16
nacelleif you login with the user "jpilot", it would be that21:16
nacelleFirefishe: what does "I'm already there" mean in this context?21:16
Firefishenacelle: my user name is already in the dialout group21:17
blahboybazIs there a way to update nvidia card driver to latest / more better one? I have this problem here:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1244607/obs-nvenc-doesnt-work-out-of-box-on-20-04  <--  I can solve the problem by switchingn to software driver in obs settings but I would prefer to use my graphics card so not to use up so much cpu and leave it available for other tasks. Someone mentions upgrading the21:18
Firefishenacelle: So it's something else21:18
blahboybazdriver in one of the posts there but I don't know how to determine what is compatible (or even if there is a better one for my card that will use the nvenc codec in question). Does anyone have familiarty with this issue or with nvidia drivers that could assist?21:18
nacellehrmm, should work as that user then, strange.21:18
nacellemaybe its not the same serial port name as you're used to?21:19
TJ-Firefishe: have you re-logged-in or used 'newgrp xxxx' since adding your $USER to the dialout group?21:20
TJ-Firefishe: new group membership is only applied at log-in21:21
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
Firefishenacelle:  It related to "Keys-Gtkr.pdb".  I get the error--on the Clie' in the log on the HotSync page:  "Unable to open file: Keys-Gtkr, Thank you for using jpilot."21:21
Firefishenacelle:  Running it as super user works, as a quick and dirty solution.21:22
nacelleoh, that sounds like you ran it as root and need to adjust the perms back on the local backup so that the user can access it21:22
Firefishenacelle: And I'm playing around a bit.  I actually have a once-in-blue-moon arrival shipping to me now.  A factory-sealed T|X in the original box with a hard case.  Ebay is nice sometimes. :-)21:23
nacellei would find wherever Keys-Gtkr.pdb is on the filesystem and adjust the perms so that your normal user can access21:23
nacellefind / -name 'Keys-Gtkr.pdb' -type f21:23
nacellerunning things as root like that is probably fine though, I mean, how many people are inserting mailicious code into jpilot? ;-)21:24
TJ-Boeing for one :P21:24
Firefishenacelle:  Eggs Aktly ;-)21:24
nacelle(the problem isnt maliciousness but naivety, where something that shouldnt did, and now you're done.)21:24
FirefisheTJ-: LOL21:24
Firefishenacelle: I'll just uninstall jpilot and nuke the .config settings by deleting the directory21:27
Firefishenacelle: and start from scratch.21:27
FirefisheKeys-Gtkr.pdb would be on  the handheld, though, and not the computer.  .pdb is a Palm Database File, and would be only on the handheld, itself.21:27
Firefishenacelle: So I've nuked all the relevant ~/.config and ~/.jpilot directories.21:41
nacelle.pdb is on both, when running as a user its saying it cant access the one on disk, I think.21:48
nacellebut i'd have to dig through teh code21:48
nacelle(the .pdb is synched over, thats part of what you're backing up)21:49
=== njan is now known as njess
Firefishenacelle: I've found a few things of interest.  The only configuration directory I can find is ~/.jpilot .  Nothing in ~/.config .  -- The only Keys-Gtkr file I can find in .jpilot is "Keys-Gtkr.pc3" not "Keys_Gtkr.pdb" .22:04
=== njess is now known as njan
nacellewell i cant imagine its jpilot not being aware of something on the palm22:08
tangaroraWARNING  Using legacy d-i based installer, that has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/server22:37
tangaroraWhats that about?22:37
sarnoldtangarora: the debian-installer has been replaced by subiquity22:44
tripelbMy 20.04 freezes daily or alt-days. I had 34 ff windows open and hexchat. And text editor maybe.22:54
sarnoldtripelb: can you ping it? can you ssh in?22:56
Firefishetripelb: 20.04 seemed to fall victim to a "slow entropy" kind of effect when I first installed it when it first came out.  An app seemed to stop working, then the window it was in, and then everything else by degrees.  I'm on 18.04, which is stable as hell, and I'm not moving.  Might be related to kernel 5, but I have no proof of that.  This is ancient hardware (2008), too.23:10
sarnoldtripelb: can you ping it? can you ssh in?23:11
FirefisheTo me, 20.04 is toast.  I'm waiting.23:11
tripelbI have been unable to SSH for my phone because I guess I don't know how to do it. I have a pixel 3A. You can tell me how to ping it and I'll do that.23:11
tripelb1804 didn't handle Wi-Fi very well on my laptop HP. Windows did but then I hate using Windows. It's too complicated.23:12
=== skr- is now known as skr
haijunoHi. I'm on ubuntu gnome and wanted to try out kde. Is there an easy way to install and try out kde with the option to easily switch back to gnome if it doesn't work for me?23:30
Toadisattvasudo apt-get install kde-desktop23:31
Toadisattvayou should be able to choose os's at the greeter screen23:32
Toadisattvachoose de's*23:32
haijunothe log in screen?23:32
Toadisattvathat's the one23:32
sarnoldhaijuno: installing and switching between them should be pretty easy -- uninstalling one you don't like afterwards is quite a bit more work23:32
Toadisattvayeah that's a whole other ballgame23:33
haijunoI was thinking of following this guide. Do you guys think the instructions are correct?23:34
sarnoldhaijuno: yeah, looks pretty sane23:35
haijunoGreat. Thank you guys23:35
Firefishetripelb: I'm sorry, I don't know how to ping a phone offhand23:36
Firefishe18.04 works with my wi-fi just fine, though.23:37
Firefishetripelb: I hope you have better results.23:37

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