
themegaI tried to get gitlab onto microk8s with juju and it failed miserably. First gitlab charm reqired juju 2.9.0 where stable is 2.8... Then once bootstrapped it remembered there was a controller already from the 2.8 first test, even though mircrok8s got wiped in between... Does juju has a hidden registry somewhere? Then it didn't launch the service on an IP4 address only on an IPV6 but the internal check used IPV4 and14:38
themeganothing was there...14:38
themegaWasn't the juju idea to make ops code rock solid? In my case it just introduces more problems than anything else.14:41
xavpaicejuju client stores it's local info about controllers in .local/share/juju/controllers.yaml21:46

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