
henriqueboa noite01:32
IrcsomeBotShibblet was added by: Shibblet05:16
IrcsomeBot<Shibblet> 8OBV05:16
IrcsomeBot<Shibblet> Good evening everyone.  I have a question regarding the latest released Kernel for Kubuntu.  Seems to not boot after GRUB.  Anyone else having this problem?05:17
guivercShibblet, you haven't mentioned a release, however given LTS releases have two stack choices (GA or HWE).. it maybe a subset of a single release, but if you're after help more details should be provided05:49
lordievaderGood morning06:00
IrcsomeBot<Shibblet> Apologies.  20.04.2 - Kernel 5.8.0-49 Generic.  The (48) kernel is what I am currently using.06:42
IrcsomeBot<Shibblet> I am a bit of a noob with Linux as well.  I know a bit, but not really sure what information you may need.06:44
lordievaderAny error when you are trying to boot?06:49
ruenoakMorning, just wondering on the kernel boot error are you using Nvdia drivers?07:02
IrcsomeBot<Shibblet> I am using Nvidia Drivers.  And there is no error on boot.  Just a black screen that is non-responsive to any keyboard commands.  Ctrl+Alt+F2 doesn't do anything.07:41
IrcsomeBot<Shibblet> After the grub menu, I get a black screen.  No logo, and no boot.07:41
lordievaderSounds like you want to use `nomodeset` to fix your drivers.07:56
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.07:56
ruenoakI had I had a similar problem updating to the -49 kernel a few days ago I fixed it by booting into the previous -48 kernel uninstalling the nvidia driver and reinstalling it08:04
IrcsomeBot<Shibblet> Ok.  I will try that.  Can I do this in the "Additional Drivers" screen, or will I have to manually do this with the terminal?08:22
ruenoakNo you can do it in the Driver manager08:25
ruenoakOnce booted into the previous 48 kernel open driver manager and select the nouveau driver  restart and boot into the -current 49 kernel, open driver manager and select the proprietary driver and restart again08:28
ruenoakI've had this happen once or twice before and that is how I have fixed the issue08:30
=== ruimonteiro is now known as alf1975
alf1975Kernel Freeze in the next version ?10:20
alf1975my Nvidia driver was broken because of bad instalattion10:21
MaikKernel Freeze was last week11:05
Maikbut again alf1975 stop posting random noonrelated stuff uf you don't have a kubuntu support question. Enough is enough imho after telling you three days in a row.11:06
Maiki was also told you do the same in the fedora channel...11:07
alf1975it works ... :)11:40
alf1975Color of Kubuntu is Blue -> Rite of York ; Color of Ubuntu Orange ? Schrödinger ? ...11:41
alf1975Red Hat -> Rite o Scotish Old and Accepted ?11:48
alf1975AHhhhhhhh SUSE green ... Bisexual ????????11:50
Maikalf1975: last time, take your chatter to offtopic instead11:56
Maik!discuss | alf197511:56
ubottualf1975: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!11:56
Maikor #kubuntu-offtopic11:56
R13ose20.10 - The battery indicator on the system tray is not there, how do I fix that?12:10
BluesKajHi folks12:24
IrcsomeBot<ri5h46h> hi :)12:28
MaikR13ose: check that it isn’t just hidden: In the panel there is a small arrow, in the right. iirc12:42
R13oseI don't see that in the hidden area12:43
MaikIf it is not add the battery widget: right click the panel and goto add widgets then search for battery and drag it to the panel12:43
Maikquick search on the web provided that answer12:43
R13oseThat worked but when I looked there before, it said 1.12:48
R13oseNow when I hover over the battery, it says No Batteries Available12:48
Maiksearch launchpad for bug reports on the matter12:50
IrcsomeBotCodeW_p2 was added by: CodeW_p212:56
R13oseNot founding anything in launchpad13:09
Maikthen elsewhere on the web? I'm sure it's not the first time this happened.13:10
MaikWhat kind of laptop is it?13:10
R13oseThe laptop is Lenovo13:13
Maikthat's helpful....13:14
Maikthere are so many lenovo's out there13:14
Maikwhen asking for help you need to be a bit more specific.13:16
R13oseThinkPad X1 Carbon13:17
=== ruimonteiro_ is now known as alf1975
IrcsomeBot<Shibblet> Hey.  Thanks for the help BTW.  I realize how difficult it can be when we (the problematic) don't give the right information up front. … So, I very much appreciate your patience and assistance.15:59
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=== luis_ is now known as latincanadian
latincanadiangood morning. im having a huge problem with kubuntu, all the sudden my keyboard changed from laptop type to desktop and i dont know how to fix that.16:47
latincanadiani cant work in the plasma enviroment because of that issue , all happen right after i log in16:48
latincanadianis anybody here?16:50
Maik!patience | latincanadian16:53
ubottulatincanadian: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.16:53
krytariklatincanadian: Have you had a look at the keyboard model in the settings yet?  Anyone of those sticks out to you as potentially matching?16:56
krytarikOh right, crossposting again..16:57
latincanadiankrytarik yes i did and its weird, all this poblem started when i tried the Ubuntu-Mate desktop , something happened with the kernel i think that the keybord settings started chnging all alone16:57
krytariklatincanadian: So any details about the keyboard model story?17:06
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBotjptagaio was added by: jptagaio20:19
user|68283Hi. Does anyone knows how to install kubuntu from ubuntu server? thkd23:47
Maikfrom a server? Or on a server...?23:56
Maiksudo apt install kubuntu-desktop23:59

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