
pirxhi! i get errors when trying to upgrade 18.04 -> 20.04. do-release-upgrade ends up saying "could not calculate..." and in apt.log i see errors about the package python-is-python2: https://pastebin.com/67teZ9ZU  but according to dpkg etc i dont have that package installed, and it doesnt seems to exist to me according to apt00:02
pirxi have searched the web and see other people have similar problems, but i havent found any suggestions. anyone here? :)00:03
tripelbsarnold can I ping fromy computer00:05
sarnoldpirx: try dpkg --get-selections | grep python200:05
tripelb(Sorry for the lag I got a phone call. sarnold00:06
sarnoldtripelb: yes, ping or whatever00:06
sarnoldtripelb: look up the ip address of your computer with 'ip a' before it hangs, so you know what address to ping00:06
pirxsarnold: yepp, no python-is-python2 there either, only python2.7 and python2.7-minimal00:08
sarnoldpirx: strange. I wonder why it got dragged in in the upgrade computations :(00:09
sarnoldpirx: it's probably worth a bug report; ubuntu-bug do-release-upgrade should get you started00:10
tripelbsarnold i used <hostname -I>   because I couldn't figure out what the output of <ip addr show> or <ip a> meant. My ip is .... Is there any reason not to just tell you here? I don't want to be dumb, well dumber than I am.00:11
tripelbI sent it to my phone and I'm searching how to ping.00:12
pirx......dpkg-query: no packages found matching do-release-upgrade  ...  The problem cannot be reported: This report is about a package that is not installed.00:12
pirxsomething is horribly wrong? :)00:12
sarnoldpirx: ugh. I thought ubuntu-bug would look up the owning package :) try ubuntu-bug /usr/bin/do-release-upgrade00:13
sarnoldtripelb: ipv4 addresses are almost always 'private' to a local LAN, I bet 99% of folks in here have an IP on their desktop that's like or something :)00:14
tripelb ping -c    was not good enough. Domain??   Sarnold00:16
tripelbI left domain blank so it spin out a bit of the man page sarnold00:17
sarnoldtripelb: skip the -c00:18
* tripelb breaks step and remembers how ubuntu used to work outofthebox before 201200:18
tripelbseednodeo  <ping>00:19
tripelbOK works sarnold as low as 2.77 but mostly around 15 and as high once as 2100:21
sarnoldtripelb: cool. now, when it hangs, find out if it's still responsive or not :)00:21
sarnoldtripelb: getting an ssh to work would be very helpful, if it does, then you might be able to fix the problem remotely00:21
tripelbSarnold I had to install "terminal emulator" app. (This did not used to exist the last time I tried to SSH. This one looks simple. That was maybe two three years ago.)00:22
tripelbSarnold It's actually still responsive but it's so slow nothing happens. I have been able to tell that some of the times that it hangs.00:22
sarnoldtripelb: aha, excellent; that suggests something like a kernel memory leak. keeping an eye on sudo slabtop output over time might be useful00:24
pirxsarnold: bug reporte! thanks!00:32
sarnoldpirx: thanks :)00:37
=== popey0 is now known as popey
tripelbSarnold is there a different ubuntu that would be better mint or another? Where can I read about the 20.04 problems like mine?01:50
tripelbShould I go to 18.04 which I havent used on this ethernet-connected machine01:51
tripelbsarnold thanks too01:51
tripelbI got distracted by a phone call before.01:52
tripelbSarnold ubuntu sofyware, click on installed 2 mins or 3 still a blank window. (Rolls eyes).. ping still 13..1501:53
tripelbI will learn of slaptop. Waot there is no laptop in my life now.01:54
tripelbOops slaBtop01:56
tripelbSarnold. A memory problem was my guess. Thays why i switched from chrome to firefox. Was sad when that didntnhelp01:57
sarnoldtripelb: hah, I just had a miserable time myself, trying to get some bluetooth headphones to work in firefox with google meet..01:58
sarnoldtripelb: I'm about to reboot to try to recover my swap :D01:59
sarnoldtripelb: .. any chance you use video conferencing things, webcam etc?01:59
tripelbIs ok. I've had this problem for a long time01:59
tripelbI do use them from time to time01:59
tripelbsarnold Are there any logs I can look at?02:00
tripelbsarnold Another weirdness on my machine, The actual cursor lands one char to the left of where it looks like it is. I think it's exactly one.02:07
sarnoldtripelb: waaaaaat?? that's insane :)02:07
tripelbI can live with it02:07
tripelbSarnold. I notice that on hexchat.hexchat is weird. let me check og it is yhe same in the text program02:13
tripelbFine. It is just hexchat. I am looking for an alternative02:14
sarnoldtripelb: hmm, I've been using irssi for almost twenty years now.. I've been on the fence about trying out weechat. I think it has more features, more easily available, but takes more memory and may not be able to handle as much irc as I do..02:18
sarnoldtripelb: but both are pretty far departures from hexchat :) hehe02:18
tripelbAnyone, I am considering The Lounge "modern irc client BUT it wants me to install node.js -> and that sounds like Win to me. So I will ask before installing.02:20
tripelbI think pigin was missing replay of previous lines or logging or some normal thing. Nick completion. There are a short list of features.02:21
tripelbSarnold node.js ?02:22
sarnoldtripelb: i've heard good things about THe Lounge but it's clearly not for me :)02:42
sarnoldtripelb: installing node.js is probably just 'sudo apt install nodejs'02:43
sarnoldtripelb: I'm off for the night, good luck ;)02:43
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tripelbReading: see possible kernel memory leak with gnome-shell" ---> is there a not_a_gnomeshell de that I can use (that is not kde)03:56
tripelbThanks. I am the one whose computer freezes every other day.03:57
=== Black is now known as Benett
tripelbSarnold, you are probably offline now but in case you are here.. i followed your hint.03:57
atalI am getting error while using dialog in initrd. `Error opening terminal: linux`. Is there anything where should I look?04:38
viktor_hi al. i'm trying to copy files from a mounted encrypted folder (using vaults in KDE) to my home server. used Fillezilla and regular sftp. But i can't seem to copy anything. anyone can help me out?05:50
Tabmowviktor_: does it work via the cmd line?05:53
viktor_Tabmow: nope. i can ssh into the required folders. but sftp doesn't work. i think it might be a permissions problem though.05:58
viktor_Tabmow: that's what is was. i chmod the target folder to 777 and it works. just have to familiarize myself with groups and permissions to have more elegant solutions :)06:00
Tabmowviktor_: yup, 777 isn't a great idea :)06:01
viktor_Tabmow: yeah, it's not super secure :p06:03
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tatertotsviktor_: ssh is successful yes?06:06
tatertotsviktor_: if ssh is successful then use scp06:07
tatertotsviktor_: not sftp06:07
tatertotsviktor_: scp results parallel to ssh's success06:08
samiananyone know how to to stop hexchat from showing those popups when hexchat is minimized?06:20
samianwhen I minimize the app and someone types my handle, I get a popup06:20
samianit's annoying06:20
subfjsamian: i moved to irccloud a long time ago and never looked back06:30
subfjso i guess what i am saying is i have no idea06:30
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viktor_tatertots: thanks, will keep that in mind07:47
tripelbSamian it is in the hexchat preferences about when it notifies you.  (He's gone but this might tell someone else and everyone who knows it's better. Next chat gives you the choices you've just got to go through all the menus to you find it. I know it's there.)08:10
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superschnellHi all. I was wondering: if you have a repository, and you see packages for e.g. bionic, but within that, you see various versions, from 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 to 2.5 and "nightly". This resolves to e.g. deb.repo.org/pool/bionic/nightly/... etc  ... how can I select the "nightly" version specifically?08:26
ducassesuperschnell: try 'apt install packagename=version'08:28
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superschnellducasse: specifically, I'm looking at: http://deb.theforeman.org/dists/bionic/nightly/binary-amd64/Packages  .. and say, I'd want to install version 9999-bionic+scratchbuild+20210413031233  ... using =9999-bionic+scratchbuild+20210413031233 doesn't work, unfortunately. Just say it isn't found.08:37
superschnellJust says*08:37
superschnellHmmm, I modified /etc/apt/sources.list.d/foreman.list and changed deb http://deb.theforeman.org/ bionic 2.0 to: deb http://deb.theforeman.org/ bionic nightly08:41
superschnellThen it all worked08:41
superschnellNo more dependency problems either08:42
cjokeanyone have any idea how to fix this ? -> https://termbin.com/jac1q08:47
mrkubax10Try manually installing this package: linux-modules-nvidia-460-5.8.0-49-generic08:48
mrkubax10sudo apt install linux-modules-nvidia-460-5.8.0-49-generic08:48
cjokemrkubax10: I tried, same message. :/08:49
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mrkubax10Have you added additional repositories?08:50
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cjokemrkubax10: you mean those in sources.list.d ?08:53
cjokehow do I find out howto list what packages available/belongs to in a repository ?09:01
cjokeI guess that would be useful :)09:03
EriC^^cjoke: this lists which packages are installed on your system from a ppa, https://github.com/ericj112/ppa-tool09:04
cjokeEriC^^: thats awesome, Ill check it out! :)09:04
cjokeEriC^^: that was nice, Ill hold on to this one. :) it did not solve my problem :-/, seems like it's not my ppas(still guessing) I think Ill have to deactivate all added repos and see if theres still those dependencies problems. we'll ee how deep this rabitthole goes this time.  :/ sigh.09:15
cjokemaby theres some local packages in /var/apt something that makes apt dizzy.09:16
cjokeI mean /var/cache09:17
cjokeugh, where is the installed packages from apt install stored (cached) ?09:19
cjoke.. nowerdays :)09:20
P-NuTAnyone using modsecurity with either nginx or apache?10:03
lotuspsychjeask your specific question to the channel P-NuT so volunteers can think along with you10:08
P-NuTOh right, I am looking at using Modsecurity on ubuntu, but it seems a faff to use it with NGINX, whereas it seems easier to use with apache. I was wondering if anyone had any personal stories of running either in production that could advise.10:09
P-NuTmight be a better question for the nginx channel though...10:11
lotuspsychjeP-NuT: we also have an #ubuntu-server channel for reccomends10:12
P-NuTOh, right on. Great.10:13
P-NuTI'll go there.10:13
P-NuTthanks lotuspsychje.10:13
ash_worksimy grub menu is messed up; it shows Ubuntu twice. This happened after I switched to and from UEFI/legacy to attempt to load a live OS which was unsupported by UEFI10:24
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craigbass76I know LibreOffice Draw does it, but is there a "lighter-weight" solution for editing a PDF real quick? I'm trying to just put some red text on them somewhere (explanations/notes on whatever vendor invoice I'm dorking with)11:36
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: inkscape is a popular tool for pdf editing11:45
lotuspsychjecraigbass76: and mupdf for lightweight pdf reading only11:45
pirxi am trying to upgrade a server from 18.04 to 20.04, and the upgrade fails (could not calculate upgrade). i see in /var/log/distupgrade/apt.log that its something with a package called python-is-python2, which kinda seems to be installed (or held??), but isnt according to dpkg etc. i have tried to purge it anyway, and install it even, but its just not to be found...11:52
pirxcan i manually look into this somehow? like, where are the DBs/lists of what packages the system possibly thinks it has?11:53
pirxi'd like to just nuke-purge it somehow and do the upgrade, and hope that 20.04 will have all the packages it needs:)  (also, i just bumped the server from 16.04 to 18.04)11:55
pirxi see this in apt.log: https://pastebin.com/67teZ9ZU11:55
lotuspsychjepirx: maybe you could ask in #ubuntu-server as they got more experience about server upgrades and reccomended methods12:06
lotuspsychje!20.04 | pirx see also the12:06
ubottupirx see also the: Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is the 32nd release of Ubuntu and is the current !LTS release. Download at https://ubuntu.com/download - Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes12:06
lotuspsychjecheck also the releasenotes for 20.04 on the server section12:06
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BluesKajHi folks12:24
pirxlotuspsychje: thanks!12:33
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PCatineanI am runnint a VM and do df -h where I see < 50% disk usage, yet when I try to do touch test.txt it says no space left on device12:49
PCatineanHow can this be?12:49
hggdhPCatinean: check inodes usage: df -i12:50
PCatineanhggdh, that is indeed 100% what is that? :O12:50
hggdhPCatinean: inodes are used to store file information. Each file has an inode. Usually the number of inodes in a filesystem is fixed (can be specified when crewting the FS). If you run out of indoes in a FS, then you cannot create files anymore12:58
PCatineanThat's a bummer, not sure how to unstuck this12:58
hggdhPCatinean: this usually happen when you have (hundreds of) thousands of small files12:58
PCatineanit's docker related, it's a node in a cluster but docker is not even starting anymore because of the low space12:59
hggdhhow to increase the number of inodes... depends on the filesystem. XFS, for example, allows to dynamically increase it, but ext4 does not13:00
hggdhone option is figure out WHERE you have these files; perhaps they are old docker logs, or something like it, and you can delete them13:01
PCatineanhggdh, it seems they are in aufs folder of /var/lib/docker but I cannot start clearing there since it can brek running containers13:02
PCatineanI used ncdu to get the data13:02
hggdhwell... I have no experience with aufs, so... sorry. It seems aufs merges other filesystems (like overlayfs), but this is as far as I can go13:09
PCatineansorry, I meant overlay213:09
PCatineanThanks for the guidance though13:09
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rleonidhi everyone! Getting my broadcom wireless adapter working, installed ndiswrapper and XP driver - works not so good, I had to disable authentication on my Acess Point, but after a while I am getting **ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available** looks like it is a problem with the driver, did anyone have such problems?13:48
rleonidbut at least connection is stable and nor dropping, and ping is relatively low13:49
leftyfbrleonid: are you sure the ndiswrapper stuff is even required anymore. That stuff is ancient. I didn't think it was used anymore13:51
=== Amaranth7 is now known as Amaranth
rleonidhey all again, having unstable connection with BCM4352 rev 03, I am experiencing connection drops and ping 100-500+ for some periods of time14:04
rleonidany ideas? :(14:08
Sven_vBhi! is there an easy way in focal (maybe via unshare?) to launch a program with bogus network, to make its failing attempts at networking fail quicklier?15:02
stevenmwhere (literally on the filesystem) does dpkg store knowledge of it's primary and foreign architectures?15:12
dyeplexerMy system is freezing up at random times, which is I think due to my graphics driver in the system (for intel graphics). Opening any opengl application/hardware accelerated graphics progam in the system with the "iris" driver freezes it up immediately. I have been working around this using the environment variable `MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=i965` thus using the `i965` driver.15:19
dyeplexerRecently with newer versions of chrome and firefox it seems to be happening again maybe for the same reason. I get repeated messages of these: https://0x0.st/-ThN.txt in my kernel log. Can anyone tell me what is this for? Disabling hardware acceleration in chrome here seems to make the system more stable.15:20
dyeplexerAnd does anyone know how to solve the previous problem? I am running ubuntu 20.04.1 with linux 5.4.0-70-lowlatency15:20
lotuspsychjedyeplexer: 20.04.2 is out, system fully up to date?15:31
dyeplexerI guess I'll try updating again15:32
ubottuTo ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.15:32
dyeplexeralthough I think most of the problems arise from my update from 18.04 to 20.04. A lot of broken packages were there and who knows what cruft. Maybe I'll just try doing a fresh install15:34
lotuspsychjedyeplexer: could also be a kernel thing maybe, other ideas arising are testing the !HWE kernel out and/or see if your dell has !biosupdate15:36
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:37
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic-HWE-20.0415:39
ubottulinux-image-generic-hwe-20.04 (source: linux-meta-hwe-5.8): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (focal), package size 2 kB, installed size 18 kB15:39
jpmhI have a user account with very few abilities and really need no security.  I know I can do passwd -d username to disablethe password requiredment, BUT when I connect by ssh it still asks.  How do I disable that need15:40
spirii wanted to install the deprecated SCCM client for Linux but i need to roll back some openssl version from 1.1.1f (actual) to 1.0.*15:44
spiribut i figured out this is not as easy as i thought15:44
spiribecause openssl<1.1.1f is also relying on other packages for which version does not match with actual system15:45
spiriis there any easy rollback system?15:46
spirii want to skip manually downgrading OpenSSL + all it's deps15:47
jpmhin answer to my own question - in case anyone cares - I just had to unset authentcation methods in the config file15:55
jonfenI am running 20.04 and when I run `man time && time -V` I get `-V: command not found`16:20
jonfenwhen then manual page clearly says it is there16:20
jonfenis the `time` command out of sync with the man page on 20.04?16:21
waflessnetjonfen: LOL idem16:25
waflessnetbut run with full path   /usr/bin/time -V , work16:25
leftyfbjonfen: if you run: type -a time  # that will show you that "time" is by default a shell keyword. As in, something built into BASH. As waflessnet pointed out, if you want to use the binary which the man page refers to, use the full path to the binary which is /usr/bin/time16:29
waflessnetwow nice answer , i not known type -a . thanks!16:51
latincanadianhello, good evening, morning , i need help people, is anyone here who migh advice me on this keyboard issue?16:52
latincanadiangood morning. im having a huge problem with kubuntu, all the sudden my keyboard changed from laptop type to desktop and i dont know how to fix that.16:53
Maiklatincanadian: please do not cross post. Thank you :)16:54
latincanadianMaik i tho i was being ignored or the room was full of robots16:54
latincanadianMaik im browsing at the website the main robot recommended16:55
waflessnetleftyfb: for exution directly time bin and not "time shell keyword" with "\", \time -V16:55
Maiksee the patience reply i triggered in #kubuntu latincanadian16:55
latincanadianMaik i know, thanks. a wait ....16:56
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jonfenwaflessnet: where can i read more about 'idem' ?17:17
jonfenleftyfb: thank you17:17
jonfenwaflessnet: i didn't see it mentioned before17:18
zmagiiHow is DNS configured on Ubuntu? For example, on macOS (God forbid) you set it in setting to or whatever you may fancy.18:12
Fuchszmagii: /etc/resolv.conf  should work, even though there are easier possibilities these days, e.g. you can configure them in the network settings18:12
leftyfbmodifying /etc/resolv.conf directly is not recommended18:13
leftyfbzmagii: you configure your network settings in Network Manager on the Desktop. For server, you utilize a netplan config in /etc/netlpan18:14
waflessnetjonfen: sorry 'idem' was spanish, what i tried to say 'the same thing happended to me', on command 'time' xd18:19
avernoshow can I set up two different wireless interface? one as AP and another as STA like a repeater or a hotspot18:21
sarnoldavernos: I think you want the hostapd package for the AP functionality18:24
avernossarnold, i have hostapd, works fine. however when i startup the second interface. hostapd stops and connects to the second wireless. instead of keeping hostapd and using the second interface to connect18:25
leftyfbthere was a snap that did all this for me a while back. Can't remember he name of it18:27
cipherboyI'm trying to get pxe boot to work on these servers.. I've configured dnsmasq to serve the signed grub EFI from 20.04, it loads fine but displays an error during boot of "error: couldn't send network packet" and drops me into a grub shell. `net_ls_cards` shows both cards, `net_dhcp efinet0` gives the same error (plus the additional 'error: couldn't autoconfigure efinet0')... but `net_ls_addr` and18:40
cipherboy`net_ls_dns` both give the expected values. Thoughts?18:40
cipherboyDo I perhaps need a special signed grub from somewhere else for netbooting with proper card support?18:41
[itchyjunk]Hey, I was using brave before shutdown, not I can't find it anywhere. so when i tried to `sudo snap install brave`, if tells me snap "brave" is already installed.18:42
cipherboy[itchyjunk]: Maybe try `snap run brave`?18:42
[itchyjunk]uh.. that works.18:43
[itchyjunk]is this normal?18:43
[itchyjunk]It's been in my favorates and also it's always where when i searched application and it was in neither place.18:44
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cipherboy[itchyjunk]: Might've lost your .desktop file for it perhaps?18:44
[itchyjunk]but now once i `snap run brave` it has appeared18:44
[itchyjunk]oh, hmm, no idea.18:44
[itchyjunk]Maybe running it has fixed it now18:44
zmagiiFuchs and leftyfb, thanks.19:01
crackheadCan anyone help me with this issue: I just installed/cloned a program, Xcalib, from the Git Repo, followed the cmake and make commands, for the installation, but now when I try to run the program, I get "no such file or directory", even though it seems the install finished fine..19:58
crackhead I'm trying to install and use this Xcalib program to invert the monitor colors while doing a lot of editing and save my tired eyes..19:59
crackheadThe Git channel guys say it's not a Git issue - it's a simple Ubuntu issue. So I hope someone here can help.19:59
leftyfbcrackhead: undo/uninstall whatever you have done and run: sudo apt install xcalib # to install it. It's already in the Ubuntu repository20:01
crackheadI did, and that didn't work in the first place. Gave the ramp size error.20:02
crackheadSo the suggestion in Askubuntu was to reinstall the Git version which was supposedly more updated than the repo file (which they said was from 2008)20:02
EriC^crackhead: maybe this might help https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=30162720:08
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
vmguy23mHello, I have a USB tocuhscreen that isn't working. It fails to register the device upon connect, according to dmseg. However, it works fine on the lock screen. Any help?20:20
vmguy23m(i meant login screen, does nt work after logging out though)20:22
kyle__Is there a simple way to make less --raw behave as raw, instead of some stupid attempts to pipe to an external tool based on file extension?20:35
kyle__(honestly file extension?  What is this win95?)20:35
vmguy23mPlease don't answer my question until I say I'm back, I have to go. I will be back at around 5 UK time20:36
kyle__vmguy23m: when you come back, pastebin the dmesg contents for what happens when you plug it in.  Would help.20:37
kyle__As for the less issue, take the case where you need a file NAMED .iso because a BMC will only boot a file named .iso, but is actually a fat formatted image.  less --raw boot.iso should let you see the fat headers & other raw info.  But instead it "cleverly" sees .iso, attempts to process as an iso9660 and gives you a helpful "CD-ROM is NOT in ISO 9660 format" message.20:39
kyle__less --raw is meant to be RAW output, for people who know they want raw output, and are using it to check very specific things.20:43
RandolfHow can I set the timezone in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS to the Pacific Timezone?  This is for Vancouver, BC, Canada, but the command "timedatectl set-timezone Canada/Vancouver" says this is an invalid timezone.21:21
cipherboyRandolf: `ls /usr/share/zoneinfo` -- various entries there show the right invocations. I believe it is 'America/Vancouver' not 'Canada/Vancouver'21:25
RandolfCanada is not part of the USA, and this works on other systems.21:33
RandolfCan I just set Pacific Time?  Because if Washington, USA changes the way their timezone works, it won't be valid here for Vancouver, BC, Canada.21:34
summonnerin /usr/share/zoneinfo/Canada there are 8 timezones21:35
cipherboyRandolf: On my 20.10 box, America/ includes other popular non-US destinations like Barbados and Buenos Aires and in this case, America generally refers to both North and South America. Could just be that on the other system they have a different zoneinfo version.21:36
jeremy31Randolf: It says America/Vancouver, not USA/Vancouver21:36
jeremy31CA+4916-12307America/VancouverPacific - BC (most areas)21:37
summonnersudo timedatectl set-timezone Canada/Pacific21:38
summonnerworked on mine just now.21:38
summonnerCanada/Pacific is a symlink to ../America/Vancouver    so either try the above command again with sudo or use the symlink21:39
jeremy31The US Pacific time zone is US+340308-1181434America/Los_AngelesPacific21:40
zambamy ubuntu system is consuming nearly all of the allocated swap.. but the main memory is not exhausted.. how can i free up the swap space?21:49
kxslkernel should manage it automatically. don't worry about freeing swap if there is free ram21:50
jeremy31zamba: how much RAM?21:50
zambajeremy31: 8 GB21:51
jeremy31That is a bit odd unless you have a lot of browser tabs open21:52
zambait's a headless server21:54
zambabut it's not healthy.. there are some issues with systemd pid 1 consuming a single core alone21:55
lapidotRunning 18.04 and on boot I see a segfault in Xorg.0.log -- https://pastebin.com/QxmQHwxZ21:56
sarnoldlapidot: my guess is this is related: [    26.173] (EE) Unknown chipset: NV16721:57
sarnoldlapidot: maybe try the nvidia drivers instead of nouveau?21:58
StupidDanboI can't run Chromium in Xubuntu 20.04.2. Running "chromium-browser" in a terminal gets me "cannot create temporary directory for the root file system: Permission denied"22:07
StupidDanboonly one search result for that error, in Japanese or something.22:08
gnUserHi guys, my headphones microphone does not work on Ubuntu all of a sudden unless I press the inline volume button up or down. Any idea how to fix this?22:08
Randolfcipherboy/jeremy31:  Thanks, I'll use this for now then.  That should be called "Americas" rather than "America" because the USA is always referred to as "America" while North, Central, and South America are normally referred to as "the Americas."22:08
jeremy31Randolf: It seems everything in North America and South America is listed as America in time zones22:09
Randolfsummonner:  Canada/Pacific just worked for me -- thanks!  (I must have mistyped this when I tried this earlier.)22:09
sarnoldStupidDanbo: check dmesg or auditd logs22:10
Randolfjeremy31: Yeah, that seems to be the case.  That's unfortunate because it creates confusion since here in Canada we don't think of ourselves as Americans or as part of America.22:10
retrospectacus my IntelliJ is installed by ubuntu "snap". How to upgrade to this tar.gz?22:10
StupidDanbosarnold, I found dmesg but I don't know how to check auditd logs. I also don't know what I'm looking for.22:12
sarnoldStupidDanbo: if you've got auditd installed,it'll be logging to /var/log/audit/audit.log22:13
sarnoldStupidDanbo: look for DENIED messages from apparmor, that's part of the snap security policy enforcement22:13
StupidDanbosarnold, like this? kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1618387248.008:39): apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" profile="/usr/sbin/cups-browsed" pid=1070 comm="cups-browsed" capability=23  capname="sys_nice"22:15
StupidDanboor in syslog: kernel: [50643.353913] audit: type=1400 audit(1618437798.426:92): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mkdir" profile="/snap/snapd/11588/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/home/tmp/snap.rootfs_M5wPet/" pid=11562 comm="snap-confine" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=0 ouid=022:16
retrospectacusnevermind, snap remove intellij-idea-ultimate22:17
sarnoldStupidDanbo: yeah that second one -- strange.. maybe sudo snap refresh?22:17
StupidDanbosarnold,  error: cannot perform the following tasks: - Run configure hook of "chromium" snap if present (run hook "configure": cannot create temporary directory for the root file system: Permission denied)22:20
sarnoldStupidDanbo: yikes. uh. I'm thinking you'll need someone with more experience than me, try in #snappy ?22:21
haijunoAre there any other themes for gnome other than the ones included in the tweak app?22:57
sneakyimpso I downloaded the latest version of ubuntu to replace the default installed by apt (which has a bug). I have apt purged/autoremoved the old blender but I want the new blender to properly installed -- i.e., typing 'blender' in a terminal window will invoke the new blender. Can someone tell me a) which directory to put the blender.tar.xz contents in and b) tell me how the blender.desktop file, which doesn't specify any path to the app, 23:28
sneakyimps supposed to find the app?23:28
sneakyimpin what directory does one put apps to make them available to all users (or at least root and my current user) ?23:29
sneakyimpARG...i meant to say I downloaded the latest version of BLENDER. sorry sorry.23:29
sarnoldsneakyimp: normally you'll put things you want available to everybody into /usr/local/bin/23:33
sarnoldsneakyimp: that directory is usually in the PATH of whatever process would use the .desktop file to start blender, so it probably doesn't need the fully path23:34
sneakyimpsarnold: thanks+++! looks like /usr/local/bin does not exist on my Ubuntu 20.04 machine but this directory does in fact exist in my path.23:44
sneakyimpsarnold: there is, however, a /usr/bin directory full of apps23:44
sneakyimpsarnold: what is the difference between these two locations? I'd very much like to follow whatever appropriate traditions may apply.23:45
sarnoldsneakyimp: yes, that's managed by dpkg or rpm or whatever distribution package system is in place23:45
sarnoldsneakyimp: but /usr/local/ won't be touched by (nearly all) debs or rpms or whatever23:45
sneakyimpsarnold: if I create /usr/local/bin, does this directory need any special permissions?23:46
InteloDoes monitor have any relation with ubuntu?23:46
Intelocompatibility/support etc?23:46
sarnoldsneakyimp: root:root 75523:46
sneakyimpsarnold: OK going to create that dir, give it a whirl23:47
sneakyimpsarnold: oh dang it looks like the blender.tar.xz file has a lot of contents (see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yjszC5njZc/ ). I don't think I should just move that stuff into /usr/local/bin. Should I create a directory /usr/local/bin/blender and put it in there? That doesn't seem like it'll work with the exec directive in the blender.desktop file, which says: Exec=blender %f23:51
sarnoldsneakyimp: that readme.html probably describes what should go where23:53
sneakyimpsarnold: it says23:55
sneakyimpLinux: Unpack the archive, then run the Blender executable.23:55
sneakyimpsarnold: looks like some bad/vague advice here as well https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/getting_started/installing/linux.html#install-from-blender-org23:55
StupidDanbomy /tmp folder was a symlink, and apparently "apparmor doesn't like symlinks" so I recreated the folder and I'm still getting the error that I don't have permission to create temporary directory for the root file system.23:56
sneakyimpstupiddanbo: only root (or sudo) has permission to make any directories in /23:57
StupidDanboI don't know what I'm doing. I'm just trying to get Chromium to run, and snap and apparmor are in the way or something.23:58

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