
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
* blackboxsw goes through https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/859 thx falcojr/hamalq in detail now thanks folks.16:40
* blackboxsw hamalq: falcojr I think that is really clean and tidies things up more as it's explicit. I have a couple of minor doc comments that I'll wrap in in the next 20 mins as I test this. but otherwise I think it looks great.16:56
blackboxswand I love seeing us remove private methods/overrides btw16:57
* blackboxsw hamalq: while you await my minor review can you update the PR description to better describe this generic prefer_fqdn_over_hostname switch given that it's more broad than RHEL only16:58
* blackboxsw we will be using that example commit message description at the top of your PR when squash merging16:58
blackboxswwe will be using that example commit message description at the top of your PR when squash merging16:58
blackboxsw I'm going to walk through what data was in distro._cfg  too just to confirm the set_option approach to see if it raises any concerns.17:01
blackboxswlike whether there is a possibility of merged cfg from disk here that would have provided this config visibility without the need for distro.set_option17:02
* blackboxsw which I think I saw someone's comments earlier this week/last week about unavailability of that data17:03
blackboxswhamalq: minor doc nit submitted on your branch. I'm testing now https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/859/files17:12
blackboxswfalcojr: in testing with a package built from 859  on lxc across upgrade + dirtty reboot I'm seeing cloud-init status --long fail with 'DataSourceNoCloud' object has no attribute 'vendordata2_raw'. I'm going to check daily PPA to confirm it's unrelated but wondering if you've seen this18:48
falcojrwould that be this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/192273918:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1922739 in cloud-init "AttributeError: 'DataSourceNoCloud' object has no attribute 'vendordata2_raw'" [Undecided,New]18:50
falcojrblackboxsw: ^18:50
falcojrblackboxsw: also, I missed kind of an important issue in the SRU... https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/pull/201 Can I get a quick review?18:51
blackboxswand there's another vote for me not paying enough attention to daily triage. sorry about that18:51
falcojrthat's why we all have our separate triage days...so we don't have to pay attention ;)18:52
blackboxswok I have a reproducer on xenial for that https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1922739/comments/419:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1922739 in cloud-init "AttributeError: 'DataSourceNoCloud' object has no attribute 'vendordata2_raw'" [Undecided,New]19:00
blackboxswso daily builds show this issue after upgrade19:00
blackboxswrather upgrades to daily builds show this issue19:00
blackboxswfalcojr: hamalq I'm out of the way on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/859#pullrequestreview-637036841 and leave it to integration testing for the corner cases. thanks for the chance to look again19:04
blackboxswminor doc nits from me that are easily fielded I think19:07
hamalqblackboxsw: anytthing needed from me ( sorry i went out for a while )19:39
blackboxswhamalq: just a push with minor doc updates  https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/859#discussion_r61423668819:40
blackboxswsince they get rendered into https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#update-hostname19:40
hamalqblackboxsw: done19:44
hamalqblackboxsw: its ready to merge right20:37
* blackboxsw hamalq: I think so, but I leave that to falcojr, he said he was going to check a couple things in integration test to be sure. I'll confirm tomorrow as I believe he is end-of-day today. if there is anything blocking he'll respond on the PR20:54
blackboxswfor me it's +1 so I won't gate it landing.20:55
pythag0reI have a problem with m DataSource. /usr/lib/cloud-init/ds-identify --force finds out properly and creates the properly list within the file /run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg but when I run cloud-init init the datasource is never invoked. In the logs, I only see Loaded datasource DataSourceNone - DataSourceNone. I'm not running the cloud-init on any cloud-providers22:48
pythag0reany idea on what I could do / look so that it is invoked?22:49

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