
qkallgreetings - i had my stylus working fine on my wacom touchscreen but for some reason it stopped working. i've switched numerous kernels... tried installing input-wacomv47... i've tried deleting configs00:09
qkalldeleting hte configs seems to be a step in the right direction. as some touchscreen stuff works better now ... oddly (touch scrolling is back lost it a wasys back)00:09
qkallHost: ultraishbook-OS: Linux 5.12.0-051200rc7drmtip20210414-generic/x86_64-Distro: Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (development branch) Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (development branch)-CPU: 4 x Intel Core i7-7600U (600.001 MHz)-Processes: 243-Uptime: 6m-Users: 3-Load Average: 2.40-Memory Usage: 12746.84MB/15610.84MB (77.53%)-Disk Usage: 113.07GB/241.36GB (46.85%)00:10
qkallit's obvious it's my fault. but i don't know here to locate teh config files to fix this00:10
qkalloh i also tried messing with teh wacom ui settings to odd things to happen00:10
qkalllike chaning the settings don't realy work but keeps reverting to touchscreen.00:11
qkallwhen ever i hit refresh or reopen it it doesn't keep what i set and keeps goign back to the top touch screen option00:13
qkallit used to work :(00:13
qkallbrb... found another potential config to delete :/00:15
qkallnope that diddn't work either00:17
qkallhmmm might have found the file i dont know why it resets itself on each boot :/00:21
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IrcsomeBot<Shibblet> The new Nvidia 460 drivers were in the update list today.  Installed those, and Kernel 5.8.0-49 works great!04:31
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> @Shibblet, Do u have dual card graphics ?07:39
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> battery icon gone sometimes from system tray and i should write … plasma —replace … in krunner to back again . when its gone i add battery widget in panel and its show no battery entry09:16
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> looks kde plasma have bug for me09:16
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alf1975is there any way of changing the ip ?10:07
alf1975Networks options clone MAC adress works10:13
Maikalf1975: pretty sure you''ll find something on google on how to change the IP on Kubunu10:25
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BluesKajHi folks11:58
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> Hi12:48
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> I killed the xorg process and I get a black screen . I tried to restarted it but nothing works12:49
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> I tried sudo systemctl restart sddm12:50
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> And I always get black screen with a cursor on the top12:50
BluesKaj!nomodeset |@Abir_ben_soltane12:52
ubottu@Abir_ben_soltane: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.12:52
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> I have dual boot and I get the grub the prob when I chose kubuntu the logo appears and then I get dark screen. I open the tty and try to restart the X server but doesn't work.12:56
BluesKajlike I posted above,. check the kernel parameters on the url posted12:57
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qkallGreetings room.  I'm having issues with I beleive some settings for my display or wacom settings... I have a Dell 5259 and the OEM stylus that was paired with it.  I've tried switching kernels to no avail and even tried installing input-wacom to patch the kernel. to no avail. This keeps switching back to touch screen13:02
qkallHost: ultraishbook-OS: Linux 5.12.0-051200rc7drmtip20210414-generic/x86_64-Distro: Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (development branch) Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (development branch)-CPU: 4 x Intel Core i7-7600U (2900.000 MHz)-Processes: 248-Uptime: 12h 58m-Users: 5-Load Average: 1.72-Memory Usage: 12317.22MB/15610.84MB (73.26%)-Disk Usage: 113.21GB/241.36GB (46.91%)13:02
qkallit used to work fine and touch screen is till working. xinput shows everything there and so does xwacom13:02
qkalli'm very confused.13:02
Maikusing a development release is always risky13:03
qkallindeed but it was working with no qualms and I'm not sure what changed... :/13:03
Maikbest to file a bug report if there aren't any13:03
qkalli went through deleting some files out of .config and somethings started to work then didn't when i rebooted13:03
qkallthe issue is... i'm not sure what the problem is. I don't know if input-wacom is too old. I don't know if i'ts a kernel thingie... I'm not sure it's not something i did. I just don't know how to like revert everythign without aclean install13:04
qkalllike i don't know where wacom stores config files and stuch13:05
qkalli was digging in some folders last night but i couldn't locate anything meaningful13:05
qkallwhich also goes into ... like my whole like... well.. i wanted to like... back up my home folder if i'm going to do a clean wipe... but like what if the culprit is hiding in the shadows somewhere in my home folder...13:08
qkalli guess my ask is a direction for more informatino13:08
qkalli rather than reinstall again :(13:08
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> @Shibblet, Thnx dude . It works fine now !14:29
* Euclide salut à tous ! hi people !14:32
BluesKajbonjour, Hi Euclide14:33
IrcsomeBot<Shibblet> @Abir_ben_soltane, I have a GTX 780ti, and an integrated Intel HD 4000 on my i7-3770. … My monitor is plugged into the GTX780ti, and I do not use the integrated GPU.14:55
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> I asked u bc I have gtx 1660ti and amd ati15:18
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> but now i figured out the prob15:18
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> thnx15:18
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juacom99hi, i think my xserver stop starting at startup, i see the kubuntu logo and then a black screen. i have an nvidia  and i'm using the nvidia-driver-460 driver. If i start on recovery mode go to the root shell and write startx plasma start ok16:37
diogenes_juacom99, sudo apt reinstall sddm16:38
juacom99i'll try thanks16:39
diogenes_sudo dpkg-reconfigure sddm16:39
juacom99is this a kown issu?16:39
juacom99ok i'll reboot on recovery and try that, thanks16:40
juacom99thanks i fix it17:00
juacom99after the reinstall i made a apt upgrade and it works17:01
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IrcsomeBotdraxdeveloper was added by: draxdeveloper22:46
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> x09/22:47
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> OACE22:47
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> 0ACE22:47
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> M0o022:47
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> hello!22:47
FfakhfdifufwHi, I cannot get into my system because it fails to resume from ram suspend each time I'm turning it on. Is there any way to stop it from doing that, discard the suspend data, and just boot normally?22:47
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> anyone is having issues with nvidia drivers? … I am using nouveau at the moment, but if I install  450 or 460  it always result in a total freeze22:48
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> most of times, even before it loads plasma22:49
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> but sometimes, after 1 or 2 minutes of use22:49
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> I am receiving this error: … NVRM: Xid (PCI:0000:08:00): 62, pid=1333 (..)22:50
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> in jorunalctl22:50
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> i use 460 for now and it works but sometimes it freezes . I mean I feel it's slow but it's ok23:00
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> I was using 450 and I get many probs with it23:01
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> The thing is, it's always freezing. I can't even log in :(23:01
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> oh not to that extent23:01
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> the weird part is that it was working23:01
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> but in the last two days just started to freeze23:01
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> what is ur gpu !,23:01
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> ?23:01
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> GTX 650 ti23:01
alkisgFfakhfdifufw: see https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v4.10/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.html => noresume23:02
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> since it was working I think u just have done smthg .check the last commands u used23:03
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> or just make an update and full--upgrade23:03
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> hum...23:03
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> everything is already up to date23:04
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> @Abir_ben_soltane, I also did a clean install23:04
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> apt list --upgrade23:05
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> try this23:05
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> plz23:05
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> Command line option --upgrade is not understood in combination with the other options23:06
alkisgapt list --upgradable  ?23:06
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> yeh23:06
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> sorry23:07
Maikit's sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade23:07
Maikonly one -23:07
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> yeh it's better23:08
Ffakhfdifufw@alkisg thank you but I can't get into grub for some reason. I don't even think my macbook is power cycles properly because I never hear the mac startup sound anymore23:09
FfakhfdifufwI can press power button for 5 seconds and it powers down, but when I turn it back on, no apple sound/logo, goes straight into this: https://paste.ofcode.org/iEXqAE2Ezc9ATMGEzcGm8f23:10
Ffakhfdifufwand then asks for my luks password, I enter it, it briefly says "Resuming from [...something]" for half a second and then screen goes dark completely, even the backlight is off23:10
Ffakhfdifufwholding shift down while powering it on doesn't help to get into grub. pressing Esc many times doesn't help. REISUB restarted it, but again, no mac sound, and it went right into trying to resume from suspend23:12
alkisgNo idea about macs, but in PCs, if grub is hidden, you can show it by holding down the shift key. In some cases though people use the systemd bootloader instead of grub...23:12
alkisg...ok if shift doesn't work, I'd boot with a live cd and examine...23:12
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> Press power button for 10 sec (switch off) …     Press power button and immediately press Command + Option + R + P and hold until the apple logo appears and the computer will boot as normal.23:15
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> @Ffakhfdifufw23:15
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> try this23:15
Ffakhfdifufwit worked! thank you very much @Abir_ben_soltane!23:17
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> yw23:17
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> @alkisg, Listing... Done23:33
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> nothing23:33
alkisgdraxdeveloper, I just pointed out the --upgradable parameter; Abir_ben_soltane was the one helping you23:34
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> @Abir_ben_soltane, Listing... Done23:36
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> there's nothing to be upgraded -.-23:37
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> I really dunno it's weird23:37
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> Yeah23:37
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> like I said23:38
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> I had this exact bug before23:38
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> and how u managed to solve it?23:38
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> Once the bug starts even a fresh install will not help23:38
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> @Abir_ben_soltane, changing the distro :(23:38
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> uh i hate that23:38
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> wll i think downgrading to an other version is better23:38
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> @draxdeveloper, so probaly is something that is in /home?23:39
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> why y think that way?23:39
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> @Abir_ben_soltane, I tried 450, same issues, but didn't tried lower versions23:39
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> no 450 is worst23:39
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> try 34023:39
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> @Abir_ben_soltane, well, the bug persists after a clean install23:39
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> @Abir_ben_soltane, It's still sad anyway because some steam proton games will not work anymore. But it's something23:40
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> I think u should try to downgrade23:40
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> I really need to discover what exactly is happening23:40
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> uhhhh ! well i think u'd better ppsot the prob in the nvidia forum they may help u23:41
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> I changed to pop.os and used KDE and there was not that issue. … So is something really specific to kubuntu23:41
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> @Abir_ben_soltane, I will do it23:41
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> they helped me !23:41
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> well last time i posted my prob it was before 3 weeks and today was the new update23:42
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> the prob is fixed23:42
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> i'm happy23:42
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> so maybe they'll help u23:42
IrcsomeBot<Abir_ben_soltane> or try to fix the bug23:42
IrcsomeBot<draxdeveloper> brb23:43

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