
guivercyeah I gathered that from ^   ... I made comment on discourse & juliank picked up https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1893964 ....00:00
ubot93Launchpad bug 1893964 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Hirsute) "Installation of Ubuntu Groovy with manual partitioning without an EFI System Partition fails on 'grub-install /dev/sda' even on non-UEFI systems" [High, Fix Committed]00:00
guivercsorry, doesn't matter.. timing just grabbed me00:01
* guiverc filed using newer reports for hirsute issue but same issue as 189396400:02
Eickmeyer[m]I mean, it's clearly caused by that issue, but the bathwater got thrown-out without looking to see what was in it.00:02
guiverc:)  & LOL at anology...00:02
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Well it did! have you tried it? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <krytarik> I have a hard time believing it actually says "Try Kubuntu Studio" though!.. >_>  Also, remember the Qt frontend being hardcoded to Kubuntu was one of the reasons you all considered an alternative installer in the first place.)01:08
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> I try to be correct with my bug reports - seeing is believing? https://imgur.com/a/gfh3tYb (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <krytarik> I have a hard time believing it actually says "Try Kubuntu Studio" though!.. >_>  Also, remember the Qt frontend being hardcoded to Kubuntu was one of the reasons you all considered an alternative installer in the first place.)01:18
Eickmeyer[m]One of my projects for next release is uncoupling the Qt version of Ubiquity from Kubuntu, i.e. creating configuration packages. High hopes, but whatev.02:09
guivercjust an fyi:  only the desktop icon on current daily starts ubiquity.. the menu options run calamares still :)05:18
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> tks - will try an install (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> just an fyi:  only the desktop icon on current daily starts ubiquity.. the menu options run calamares still :))05:24
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] merger_sddm FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/merger_sddm/306/05:28
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] merger_calamares FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/merger_calamares/798/05:29
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Tried an install from menu - after reboot several errors and KDE apps still on menus etc (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> just an fyi:  only the desktop icon on current daily starts ubiquity.. the menu options run calamares still :))05:38
guiverc:|  but thanks @Leokolb, yeah I noted some KDE apps in the live session (but I ignored)... I don't think I looked for them in my install (I don't see it as part of the install test, but noted you'd mentioned them in your bug report)05:40
guivercwhich option did you use?   there is a bug on the "Install System" option (can't be fixed if I recall correctly), but "Install 21.04" (or whatever the option is where it mentions version or Lubuntu) should work05:41
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> @guiverc Install 21.0405:44
guiverc:(  05:44
guivercbut thanks @Leokolb05:44
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> as far as I can see both options from the menu work05:48
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> as far as I can see both options from the menu work (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> but thanks @Leokolb)05:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_liblxqt/154/05:55
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_liblxqt/651/05:55
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_liblxqt/432/05:55
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-archiver FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-archiver/483/05:55
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver/639/05:55
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-archiver FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-archiver/484/06:00
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-archiver UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-archiver/291/06:00
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_liblxqt/155/06:10
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_liblxqt/652/06:15
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_liblxqt/652/06:15
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_liblxqt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_liblxqt/433/06:15
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_libfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_libfm-qt/709/06:25
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-archiver/640/06:25
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-archiver UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-archiver/292/06:26
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_libfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_libfm-qt/709/06:26
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lximage-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lximage-qt/707/06:36
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lximage-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lximage-qt/708/06:41
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_libfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_libfm-qt/709/07:11
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_libfm-qt/252/07:11
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_libfm-qt/588/07:11
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_libfm-qt/253/07:11
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lximage-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lximage-qt/708/07:11
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_libfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_libfm-qt/589/07:21
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-build-tools/365/07:32
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools/586/07:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools/586/07:38
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_lxqt-build-tools/365/07:46
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-build-tools/149/07:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-powermanagement just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-powermanagement/158/07:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-build-tools/149/07:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-build-tools/587/07:48
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin/740/07:48
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin/740/07:48
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_lxqt-qtplugin/740/08:08
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_lxqt-sudo just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_lxqt-sudo/156/08:17
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_qps UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_qps/155/08:18
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt/166/08:48
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qps UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qps/678/08:48
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qps UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qps/449/08:48
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/748/08:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/748/08:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_pcmanfm-qt/167/08:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_obconf-qt just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_obconf-qt/162/08:49
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] hirsute_stable_obconf-qt just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/hirsute_stable_obconf-qt/162/08:52
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt FAILURE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_pcmanfm-qt/748/08:54
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qterminal just failed after succeeding: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qterminal/951/08:57
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] groovy_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/groovy_stable_qtermwidget/405/08:57
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [Lubuntu CI] focal_stable_qtermwidget UNSTABLE: https://ci.lubuntu.me/job/focal_stable_qtermwidget/856/08:57
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: plasma-discover (hirsute-proposed/universe) [5.21.4-0ubuntu1 => 5.21.4-0ubuntu2] (kubuntu, lubuntu)13:22
krytarik@Leokolb: LOL, wow indeed it does!.. XD  Thanks for getting back to me on this!16:26
wxlEickmeyer[m]: wait, are you saying you WANT to use ubiquity? if i could say the #1 thing i like about calamares, it's how readable and easy to work with the code is. i think for me to go back to ubiquity, i'd need a complete refactor to even think about it.17:16
wxlerr ok that's not for everything that's for libQtXdg18:03
wxlstill, huh?18:03
kc2bez[m]That does seem weird18:05
krytarik@Leokolb: http://paste.openstack.org/show/OmwPEKRK5WHGi0TC0hOQ/ - and the bottom two here is the reason why.. >_<19:11
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> tks (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <krytarik> @Leokolb: http://paste.openstack.org/show/OmwPEKRK5WHGi0TC0hOQ/ - and the bottom two here is the reason why.. >_<)19:13
Eickmeyer[m]wxl: Yeah, but the OEM install mode is unsurpassed, and considering I work for an Ubuntu OEM, it's a huge boon. We'd rather not muck-about with whatever convoluted way Manjaro does it.20:06
wxlEickmeyer[m]: eventually Calamares will get that solved20:17
Eickmeyer[m]wxl: Eventually, but I don't have time for eventually. They've been promising that for years and no dice. I have to have something within the next year, and Ubiquity has it. Not only that, but I've figured out how to implement it.20:18
wxlEickmeyer[m]: hey, if you managed to figure out ubiquity, you get a gold star right there20:21
Eickmeyer[m]Haha! Right??20:22
RikMillsEickmeyer[m]: maybe have a look at the Neon OEM config for calamares?20:24
RikMillsI have no idea how well that works, if at all, but perhaps.....20:25
Eickmeyer[m]RikMills: Sure, but considering Ubiquity has its own DM that it runs Ubiquity in by itself (the initial experience when you first boot the ISO), and I already know how it works, I'd rather go that route.20:26
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Calamares can run in a framebuffer if you really need it to. I've tested it a couple of times and it works.20:27
Eickmeyer[m]The same DM is used during the user configuration (initial run experience) for the end user.20:27
Eickmeyer[m]@kc2bez But it takes a lot more hacking to get working, and I don't have time to do that. I'd rather just use something that's already there, not reinventing the wheel.20:28
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Sure, I get that.20:28
RikMillsperhaps seeing what the new ubuntu installer planned can do for OEM would be better, as ubiquity is basically going to be semi-abandoned20:29
RikMillshaha. already feels semi-abandoned to be honest :/20:30
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I agree RikMills20:30
Eickmeyer[m]RikMills: Yes, but that's going to have to be a situation where Ubuntu Desktop tries it first. After which, flavors can follow suit. Unfortunately, the way I see things going, I don't see them making it very easy for flavors to configure and customize.20:36
RikMillsif you want to try to turn ubiquity-kde into a zombie movie, feel free20:40
RikMillsit's already a rotting corpse walking20:41
kc2bezo/ folks21:01
ubot93@tsimonq2 @lynorian @HMollerCl @aptghetto @teward001 @kc2bez @The_LoudSpeaker wxl[m] guiverc @N0um3n0 @leokolb @KGIII — It's 2100 UTC Thursday which means it's time for the Lubuntu Development standup meeting. Please announce yourself for roll call! Then, in order of announcement, post your items, and be sure to mention when you're done.21:01
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> o/21:02
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> o/21:05
wxloh hai21:05
kc2bezOk, ack kgiii @Leokolb guiverc @N0um3n0 wxl21:06
kgiiiI've continued with my daily testing and some support. I've been doing more testing than normal because the release date is coming up. I'll be able to continue doing so for the foreseeable future. I'll go ahead and thank everyone ahead of time and say you're welcome for my contributions. (That is all.)21:06
kc2bezThanks kgiii, have you tested today's daily?21:06
kgiiiIt hasn't dropped.21:07
kc2bezThanks for testing in this critical time21:07
kc2bez@Leokolb over to you21:07
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> tested Hirsute daily builds,worked on testing checklist with @guiverc and also participating in Ubuntu testing week all flavors - problems all around with the installers as all aware21:07
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> done  --- and thanks to all21:07
kc2bezThanks for catching bug 192388121:08
ubot93Bug 1923881 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu and Ubuntu Studio Hirsute incorrectly launch Ubiquity installer" [Critical, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192388121:08
kc2bezThat was pretty big21:08
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Also big problems in Kubuntu21:08
kc2bezI have noticed those too21:09
kc2bezThanks for all the help21:09
kc2bezguiverc how are things going for you?21:09
guivercusual; mix of support & testing.. 21:09
guiverci plan to rename wiki in may (lubuntu->lxde)21:10
kc2bezThat makes sense21:10
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *coughs*21:11
kc2bezAfter release we will need to prepare a end of support statement21:11
kc2bezack @teward00121:11
guivercfor sure !21:11
lubot[telegram] <teward001> kc2bez: allergies are evil :P  (i'm here for when you ping me)21:11
kc2bezYou are part of the team :P21:11
lubot[telegram] <teward001> true.  apologies for late though, I was on a call with Farsight Security on something for FT job.21:12
kc2bezno worries21:12
kc2bezAnything else Chris?21:12
guivercI don't have anything; my mind is 'blank' as usual21:14
kc2bezNo worries, thanks for all the help.21:14
* guiverc apologizes for delay..21:14
kc2bezIt is all good21:14
kc2bez@N0um3n0 how are things with you?21:15
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> making support, but has moved little these days.21:15
kc2bezThanks for all the support!21:16
kc2bezwxl:  over to you.21:16
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> thanks to all !21:16
wxlnot much to tell here. starting to crawl out from under my rock. helped a bit with that gnarly bug leo found21:17
kc2bezThanks for your help on that and thanks for being here.21:18
kc2bezI only have a few things.21:19
kc2bezArtwork uploaded bug 192296221:19
kc2bezShuffled some tasks around in Phabricator to make way for 21.04 release21:19
kc2bezWorked on release notes for 21.04 link in https://phab.lubuntu.me/T17221:19
ubot93Bug 1922962 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "[FFe]Lubuntu Artwork is outdated for Hirsute" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192296221:19
kc2bezWe are in final freeze territory now.21:20
wxlthanks for keeping the ship afloat dan21:20
kc2bezSure, np21:20
guivercthanks Dan 21:21
kc2bezYou are welcome.21:22
kc2bezI am eager to hear about our next iso21:22
* guiverc too21:22
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> it is due in about 3 hours21:22
kc2bezI got an email about it being oversized again :(21:23
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> not promising then21:23
kc2bezI wonder if that is all the extra crud we had21:23
kgiiiI'm old. That's almost past my bedtime.21:23
guiverci hope it's the extra crud... it wouldn't fit on a 2gb thumb-drive yesterday!21:23
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> 3 hours here past midnight - how early is bedtime?21:24
kgiiiI try to shutdown the 'net by 20:00. I've got a wife. So, it's not technically bed time, but it's going offline time.21:26
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> no comment (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <kgiii> I try to shutdown the 'net by 20:00. I've got a wife. So, it's not technically bed time, but it's going offline time.)21:26
kc2bezThat makes sense21:26
kc2bez@teward001 anything you want to add?21:27
kc2bezThanks everyone!21:30
kgiii^ This21:30
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> tks21:30
guivercyeah thanks everyone21:31
guiverckc2bez, fyi.. just added //comment on release notes (known bugs)21:33
guiverclooks good kc2bez (used the //comment format due to //discourse comment a little above my comment)21:33
kc2bezThanks for that. I didn't make it that far yet.21:33
guivercokay... I'll re-read later too21:34
kc2bezI think it is close, I appreciate your help.21:35
The_LoudSpeakerYou got anything for me?21:39
kc2bezRelease next week hopefully21:40
The_LoudSpeakerNeed help with anything?21:41
kc2bezI think we are good right now The_LoudSpeaker  we might need some help with testing and if there is anything you can think that we need in the release notes let me know. 22:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> kc2bez: I got busy with FT job sorry22:18
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> No worries, I just didn't want to leave you out.22:24
lubot[telegram] <teward001> no worries22:34
lubot[telegram] <teward001> not much to say other than the lubuntu.me site got updated :P22:34
lubot[telegram] <teward001> but meh22:34
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Thanks @teward00122:37

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