[01:25] Morning! [01:48] Morning pieq [04:37] gnome-shell signed tags c0ed44d Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.38.4-1ubuntu2 * gnome-shell Debian release 3.38.4-1ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/3deuc [04:37] gnome-shell ubuntu/master cdbc545 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series keyboard-Fix-suggestions-box.patch * debian/patches: Fix suggestions box actor population in non-latin languages * https://deb.li/uRmC [04:37] gnome-shell ubuntu/master e043fd9 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ gdm-Count-fingerprint-authentication-failures-in-fail-cou.patch series authPrompt-Handle-Escape-key-to-cancel-ongoing-verificati.patch gdm-Limit-verification-cancellations-to-be-conform-to-all.patch * debian/patches: Enable to use Escape to cancel auth requests (with li [04:37] GNOMEmits) * https://deb.li/ipoQG [04:38] gnome-shell ubuntu/master 482447f Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ (12 files in 2 dirs) * debian/patches: Refresh * https://deb.li/WRsl [04:38] gnome-shell ubuntu/master 335a3bf Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/3ZoFI [04:38] gnome-shell ubuntu/master 16798f0 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Finalise changelog * https://deb.li/AmUE [04:47] mutter signed tags 2a4d669 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.38.4-1ubuntu2 * mutter Debian release 3.38.4-1ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/fpnD [04:47] mutter ubuntu/master 02aaf06 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/61-mutter.rules-Enable-KMS-modifiers-for-Raspberry-P.patch * debian/patches: Refresh * https://deb.li/3YRdz [04:47] mutter ubuntu/master 50eea03 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ (6 files) * debian/patches: Backport workspace fixes from upstream gnome-3-38 branch * https://deb.li/34l7R [04:47] mutter ubuntu/master 783aa1b Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series build-Use-Xwayland-pkg-config-if-available.patch xwayland-Check-for-listenfd-option.patch * debian/patches: Use -listenfd to invoke XWayland if available * https://deb.li/ijeVv [04:47] mutter ubuntu/master b08c52f Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/iRNn [04:48] mutter ubuntu/master cee5908 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Finalise changelog * https://deb.li/32oP7 [04:58] gnome-shell-extension-appindicator signed tags 4ca65f6 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/33.1-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 * gnome-shell-extension-appindicator Debian release 33.1-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 * https://deb.li/3rtMl [04:59] gnome-shell-extension-appindicator ubuntu/focal 6872544 Marco Trevisan * pushed 6 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3VpmF [04:59] gnome-shell-extension-appindicator ubuntu/focal 9ba7357 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series Register-the-StatusNotifierWatcher-as-soon-as-possible.patch * debian/patches: Register the StatusNotifierWatcher as soon as possible * https://deb.li/D43i [04:59] gnome-shell-extension-appindicator ubuntu/focal 12654eb Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series util-Properly-call-logger-static-method.patch * debian/patches: Ensure we call proper method during logging * https://deb.li/3RRJh [04:59] gnome-shell-extension-appindicator ubuntu/focal 909a1e0 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series indicatorStatusIcon-Handle-scroll-events-on-label-too-not.patch * debian/patches: Handle scroll events on indicator label * https://deb.li/TlK2 [04:59] gnome-shell-extension-appindicator ubuntu/focal 75d4baf Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series statusNotifierItem-Emit-signals-about-removed-items-on-de.patch statusNotifierWatcher-Emit-the-uniqueId-when-emitting-Un-.patch * https://deb.li/i3eaC [04:59] debian/patches: Emit expected signals / arguments when (un)registering indicators [04:59] gnome-shell-extension-appindicator ubuntu/focal 79ab819 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/QlRg [05:00] RAOF: I've-reuploaded gnome-shell-extension-appindicator to focal ^ [05:01] 🎉 [06:32] good morning desktoppers [07:15] Morning oSoMoN [07:16] morning oSoMoN & duflu [07:16] Hi marcustomlinson [07:19] good morning [07:19] hi oSoMoN, duflu, marcustomlinson, didrocks [07:19] Hi jamesh [07:19] and morning didrocks [07:19] hey jamesh & didrocks [07:20] Hi Desktop people o/ - I seem to have gnome-keyring-daemon and kdewallt5 fight over https://specifications.freedesktop.org/secret-service/latest/ [07:20] maybe one of you can help me to resolve the following situation [07:21] I'm mostly on gnome (normal 20.04) these days but use a few (nostalgic) kde apps - those pull in libkf5wallet-bin as a dependency [07:21] now I see both running /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon as well as /usr/bin/kwalletd5 [07:21] what I see is that an app using e.g. python-keyring gets values from gnome-keyring (which is what I want) if an entry is in there [07:22] but if no entry is in gnome-keyring it wants to create a new stroage, and that spins up kdewallet [07:22] I've checked the key stores and found that gnome-keyring has various entries (good) and kdewallet is completely empty (also good) [07:22] I'd now want to just shut up kdewallet and have only gnome-keyring to answer to the secretstorage requetss [07:23] uninstalling won't work as then it removes the KDE apps I'd want to use [07:23] killing kdewallet5 only makes it respawn on the dbus request [07:24] What would be the way to configure my environment so that dbus only activates and asks gnome-keyring ? [07:25] hey jamesh, dufl, marcustomlinson and cpaelzer [07:27] If I check org.freedesktop.Secret in d-feet I see that the pid of gnome-keyring-daemon is backing that dbus endpoint - so how/why is it even bothering with kdewallet :-/ [07:29] sounds like kde apps being naughty and poking kdewallet some other way [07:29] what if you just add your secrets to both wallets [07:29] marcustomlinson: doesn't seem like other poking, kwallet5 spawns on use of python3 keyrings [07:29] and then I see the dbus-daemon start it [07:30] dbus-daemon[9697]: [session uid=1000 pid=9697] Activating service name='org.kde.kwalletd5' requested by ':1.7449' (uid=1000 pid=39984 comm="python3 /home/paelzer/bin/lp-test-ppa ppa:ci-train" label="unconfined") [07:30] adding the secrets to both will be the fallback, but I must admit I want to understand what is going on :-) [07:40] it would be interesting to see the returned value of check_service_availability() in secretstorage/__init__.py to ensure it’s on [07:41] I do see it loading all backends, but I don’t see where the priority, where multiple endpoints are available, is defined [07:42] ah, it’s def _detect_backend(limit=None): [07:43] if you force PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND to "keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring" (I guess?) what happens? [07:43] I think I tried this (but will do so again to be sure) but the problem is that both (gnome keyring and kwallet5) implement that backend [07:45] kwallet implements KeyringBackend, both from what are see, and so, you have 2 backends: [07:45] keyring.backends.kwallet.DBusKeyring -> kwallet [07:45] keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring -> GNOME secret [07:45] if I’m correct, I don’t know that code :) [07:45] awesome, let me try ... [07:45] the weird part is that without the env variable or config file, the order is using the max(all_priorities) [07:46] GNOME one is 5 [07:46] didrocks: that worked! [07:46] if "KDE" in os.getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP", "").split(":"): [07:46] return 5.1 [07:46] return 4.9 [07:46] it still starts kwallet5, but I see the entry added to gnome-keyring and work from there on [07:46] and so, on GNOME env you should have the GNOME one by default :/ [07:46] cpaelzer: yeah, it seems it’s pinging it to see if it’s available when loading all backend [07:46] so it will always be started from what I see [07:46] makes sense [07:46] great that it works, but still, there is a bug [07:46] having another process isn't a problem [07:47] but I don't see how kwallet got perference in my case then [07:47] let’s rule out the config first [07:47] let me check os.getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP [07:47] do you have a keyringrc.cfg file? [07:47] >>> os.getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP") [07:47] 'ubuntu:GNOME' [07:47] yeah, expected thus [07:48] keyring_cfg = os.path.join(platform.config_root(), filename), whatever platform.config_root() is :p [07:48] didrocks: now that you asked me to set keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring I have a ~/.local/share/python_keyring/keyringrc.cfg - I didn't have one before [07:48] interesting [07:48] so you won’t need the env variable anymore [07:48] try still deleting that file and let’s see the automagic priorities maybe? [07:49] when the file is deleted I'm back at where I was - it will ask kwallet [07:49] can you print the returned value of def priority() in SecretService.py? [07:50] and while you are at it, the priority from kwallet.py? [07:50] one question I've found that "if any keystore has the key:value it uses this" - only when "key:value is not found" then for creation of a new store it iwll pick kwallet [07:50] ah, it may iterates over stores [07:50] and the last one is used for the new value? [07:51] yeah and "if found, return this" [07:51] but the prio counts when creating a new one [07:51] yeah, but the correct behaviour should be "still iterates over all of them, none found -> store in first" [07:51] well, at least, sounds sensible to me [07:52] didrocks: fyi, this was the snapd polkit design stuff I was working on: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/proposal-add-polkit-and-polkit-agent-interfaces-to-snapd/23876?u=jamesh -- might be useful if you ever need to snap any of the polkit-using deamons you're working on [07:53] jamesh: will definitively have a look! Thanks for the link [07:53] didrocks: I'll look at the returned priorities and let you know [07:54] cpaelzer: thanks :) [07:54] * didrocks goes back to Go :) [07:55] SECRET PRIO 5 [07:55] KDE PRIO 4.9 [07:55] didrocks: so as expected KDE does kwallet not implement SecretService these days? [07:56] (one of the spec developers is a KWallet developer) [07:56] cpaelzer: yeah, I guess the issue is, as you told, on unknown key, iterating over all of them and storing in the last found if nothing matches… (could worth an upstream bug) [07:57] didrocks: could you tell me in which project you'd expect that to be filed? [07:57] jamesh: at least, on our python3- binding, it’s using the dedicated bus address [07:58] cpaelzer: I would say to the python3-keyring binding (it sems to be https://github.com/jaraco/keyring) [07:58] didrocks: I wonder if it even needs to? [07:58] seems* [07:58] jamesh: the python binding may be out of date though and maybe that’s the only guilty part? [08:00] perhaps [08:03] sup [08:03] hey Laney [08:06] o/ Laney [08:10] goood morning desktopers [08:15] Hi seb128 [08:15] hey duflu , how are you? [08:16] seb128, pleasantly average. You? Also do you want to join the Pi meeting in 14 minutes? [08:16] duflu, I'm alright, had a solid night for a change! I could join if you think I would be useful there? [08:17] is there any agenda? [08:17] seb128, no agenda and actually I don't contribute in half the meetings. So maybe don't worry [08:17] feel free to add me as optional to those [08:17] hey seb128 [08:17] lut didrocks, comment ça va ? [08:18] ça va bien, et toi ? [08:19] hey didrocks duflu seb128 [08:19] happy final freeze day [08:19] is it alright? wooot, I didn't realize! [08:19] where did the cycle go? [08:22] on looking after kids and having a cold :p [08:23] didrocks: case already exists https://github.com/jaraco/keyring/issues/496 [08:26] didrocks: FYI for the next one that asks, there is a report on backends and prios [08:26] $ python -m keyring --list-backends [08:26] keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring (priority: 5) [08:26] keyring.backends.kwallet.DBusKeyring (priority: 4.9) [08:26] keyring.backends.chainer.ChainerBackend (priority: 10) [08:26] keyring.backends.fail.Keyring (priority: 0) [08:27] yeah, so clearly what we expect under that environment [08:27] indeed [08:33] oSoMoN, so webkitgtk migrated without the portal depends, weird one... [09:03] duflu, if I can come up with a solid reproduction case for the embedded-browser-window-tearing thing is there a particular package that would best to file a bug against? [09:04] waveform, depends on which browser and whether the bug is local to mutter/gnome-shell. [09:04] waveform, if you log a bug against 'xorg' like the rest of the world does then I will see it [09:06] duflu, hmm - I'm assuming it's a browser given it's the body of the help window (which I assume is just some embedded html renderer thingy), but I can't say I know what it actually is -- anyway, I'll let you know if I come up with something useful -- and thanks for the discussion on the call just now -- most enlightening! [09:06] waveform, a screenshot, photo or video should be enough to direct me [09:09] * duflu bets the problem is a software buffer tearing locally (GTK3) [09:09] duflu, that I can certainly do -- this is the "Lights Off" game help after clicking on the "Basics" link: https://imgur.com/a/JexAdDf [09:09] Oh that's not tearing. I would class that under corruption :O [09:10] Maybe a bad stride or unexpected tiling format [09:10] waveform, Wayland session? [09:10] the initial page (with all the links) works absolutely fine, but always seems to break after clicking a link [09:10] yup, wayland session [09:11] (can screenshot the settings/about page if you'd like but it does state "Wayland" under there) [09:11] waveform, yeah it looks like I just need to add a new pixel format to the list of supported formats that use modifiers/tiling [09:12] waveform, I will investigate and hopefully fix it, just need a bug ID [09:13] okay, I'll open one and ping you with the link -- would mutter be right for this? [09:13] waveform, yes. But before you do, I should ask if you have enabled the kms-modifiers option manually yet? [09:14] yup, gsettings get org.gnome.mutter experimental-features returns ['kms-modifiers'] [09:14] log out and in again? [09:14] okay, just a mo [09:14] If it still happens after that then yes a new mutter bug please [09:16] seb128, weird indeed, but good that it migrated. [09:17] yup, still happening -- ooh, just found another place where it happens (was just wondering where else embedded browsers might be used and the "Google" option under settings / online accounts displays the same issue). Anyway, I'll open a bug under mutter - thanks! [09:17] waveform, thanks. Yes I thought only needing one new format was overly optimistic [09:27] duflu, filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1924251 [09:27] Ubuntu bug 1924251 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Embedded browser display corruption under Wayland on Pi desktop" [Undecided,New] [09:28] Fun. Thanks waveform [09:40] duflu, I'm going to do a bluez upload to get that keyboard pairing segfault fix in before freeze today [09:40] seb128, thanks. I wasn't going to push it but it sounds helpful for sure [09:41] seb128, it's in the git hirsute branch [09:41] in case you didn't notice yet [09:41] I did notice but thanks :) [09:42] duflu, though you have a released revision in there that didn't get uploaded and I was sort of arguing against reviewing it [09:42] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/1922792 [09:42] Ubuntu bug 1922792 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Bluez should notify users when they need to reboot to apply changes on Raspberry Pi" [Low,In progress] [09:42] seb128, no problem... I am experienced at rewriting git history [09:42] seb128, should I remove that? [09:43] k, I will just upload the segfault fix for now [09:43] I don't think the postinst change is appropriate at this point, it has risk for little benefit [09:43] seb128, whatever is easiest. I can resync git tomorrow [09:43] k, let's do that [09:43] I will upload and let you rewrite the history [09:43] thanks [09:44] There's no need to delete/rewrite history so long as the eventual tagged revision is accurate. I can just revert the bit we don't release [09:44] ack [09:45] That's why there is no new tag yet [11:10] luna: hi, could you please point me at the fix you mentioned in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1922293 ? [11:10] Launchpad bug 1922293 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Snaps appear broken on 21.04 Beta with ZFS" [High, Fix Released] === RoyK^ is now known as RoyK [14:01] don't like all this delta we're stacking up in shell/mutter 😬 [14:18] seb128: hey! I see that you last updated the yelp package - is it latest up-to-date with all translations and such for release? [14:56] good morning desktopers [15:16] hey hellsworth [15:16] hi there marcustomlinson [15:24] Hello desktoppers o/ [15:25] How's the release shaping up? :) [15:29] hi there Wimpress ! [15:29] (i don't feel qualified to respond on the state of the release but seems fine to me) [16:35] gdm ubuntu/master d67c469 Marco Trevisan * pushed 10 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3e6oF [16:35] gdm ubuntu/master a8879b8 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/changelog * debian/changelog: Remove bad entry meant to be in ubuntu side only * https://deb.li/3c3U0 [16:36] gdm ubuntu/master b120a0d Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/ gdm3.gdm-smartcard-pkcs11-exclusive.pam gdm3.gdm-smartcard-sssd-exclusive.pam gdm3.gdm-smartcard-sssd-or-password.pam * debian/gdm3.gdm-smartcard-*: Do not set user_readenv=1 in pam_env.so * https://deb.li/3FLpc [16:36] gdm ubuntu/master 90e71bd Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/patches/ series display-factory-Correctly-return-from-idle-callback.patch * debian/patches: Correctly return from idle callback * https://deb.li/2qCI [16:36] gdm ubuntu/master c3ad5bd Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/ gdm3.gdm-smartcard-pkcs11-exclusive.pam gdm3.gdm-smartcard-sssd-exclusive.pam gdm3.gdm-smartcard-sssd-or-password.pam * debian/gdm3.gdm-smartcard-*: Ignore invalid user errors on pam_succeed_if.so * https://deb.li/3h6MA [16:36] gdm ubuntu/master d32be2e Marco Trevisan (Treviño) debian/ gdm3.gdm-smartcard-pkcs11-exclusive.pam gdm3.gdm-smartcard-sssd-exclusive.pam gdm3.gdm-smartcard-sssd-or-password.pam * debian/gdm3.gdm-smartcard-*: Check for /nologin only when an user is defined * https://deb.li/8aGe === popey8 is now known as popey [17:17] gdm ubuntu/master 71e4985 Iain Lane debian/changelog * Finalise changelog * https://deb.li/3VWAn [22:39] glib tags f28c5a1 Simon McVittie upstream/2.68.1 * Upstream version 2.68.1 * https://deb.li/NmfM [22:39] glib upstream/latest ef83cad Simon McVittie * pushed 19 commits * https://deb.li/3zmZU [22:39] glib pristine-tar 1f984a4 Simon McVittie glib2.0_2.68.1.orig.tar.xz.delta glib2.0_2.68.1.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for glib2.0_2.68.1.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/33L4n