
lotuspsychjegood morning01:57
ducassegood morning06:22
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
=== popey8 is now known as popey
leftyfblets hope it takes off17:07
leftyfbI miss the LoCo days17:07
lotuspsychje#ubuntu-quality is already a great effort for testing the new releases17:09
lotuspsychjemix of devs & users on both irc & telegram17:10
lotuspsychjeand our lil pre-bug filter team in #ubuntu-bugs-announce too17:13
Maiki'm kinda sad that interest in the Ubuntu NL and BE LoCo declined also the activity everywhere. I wish it was like years ago, full of activity and ideas, release parties and what not. Too bad all went down the drain.17:15
leftyfbMaik: exactly. I miss those release parties17:22
leftyfband installfests17:22
Maikwe need to build a time machine17:23

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