=== halvors1 is now known as halvors [05:52] Hi everyone , I have ubuntu server installed at my PC.It's been running for days without problem but today suddenly stopped. The PC was running but I couldn't ssh into it, it looked idle(I am running system intensive processes on it). I had to restart it. I don't seen anything in journal. This has happened before, nothing interesting in lgos https://paste.debian.net/1193810/ I am running 5.11 Kernel [08:14] hi. Why is there no https of http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ ? [08:15] and http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu [08:43] makara1: If I were to guess I'd say that it's a combination of the https:// being less critical given that the repository metadata is gpg signed and because it's a bit more work to deal with certificates given mirrors and stuff. [09:16] andol: im guessing Maven central doesn't require uploads to be gpg signed then [11:29] makara1: lots of discussion in this bug, but linking directly to my comment as the bug is also full of conspiracy theories: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1464064/comments/5 [11:29] Launchpad bug 1464064 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu apt repos are not available via HTTPS" [Undecided, Confirmed] [11:30] Short answer: while HTTPS would add another layer of security, apt's security works independently of HTTPS so not using HTTP doesn't automatically make apt insecure. [12:05] maret : from the description you made, I would suspect hardware. had a bad mobo that was freezing every 5 to 20 days [12:08] rbasak: makes sense === jelly-home is now known as jelly === StathisA_ is now known as StathisA === RoyK^ is now known as RoyK === CodeMouse92__ is now known as CodeMouse92 === benpro8 is now known as benpro === Guest74677 is now known as MIF [19:57] ok. Maybe what i need to do is build a list of packages i want installed. and then just dump that to apt after i build a system [19:58] because this making an iso of a running system is turning out to be bullshit...wich i think is...well bullshit [20:23] grendal-prime: look into ansible [20:24] really? thats werid because i have been trying to get ansible to work on another project....an alfresco 7.0 installation...it keeps failing. [20:25] i cant seem to find the ansible package for server...it wants to install a crapload of gui packages...x11 and whatnot. [20:25] oh wait...im sorry...thats not right [20:26] thats the pingu thing i have been trying to get working [20:26] ill look at ansible again. [20:26] thanks leftyfb [20:26] grendal-prime: the only thing the target machine needs for ansible to work is python [20:26] and ssh [20:27] it just seems crazy..that there is no tool out there that looks at the current system and write out a bootable iso that just seems nuts to me [23:56] *summons rbasak*