
sarnoldStupidDanbo: what's the permissions on /tmp ? it should be root:root 177700:00
StupidDanbolet me look up how to check that00:01
sarnoldls -ld /tmp00:01
StupidDanbowell I had to recreate the folder. but it's root root 4096 ?00:02
sarnoldsneakyimp: heh, that's a bit iffy indeed. quite often software packaged like this is instead stored in /opt/blender/ or something similar, and then you configure PATH etc as necessary00:02
sarnoldStupidDanbo: 4096 is the size, the 1777 will show  up as drwxrwxrwt00:02
StupidDanbodrwxr-xr-x 2 root root00:03
sneakyimpStupidDanbo: copy the entire line you get from sarnold's command00:03
sarnoldaha, try sudo chmod 1777 /tmp -- then try again00:03
sneakyimpsarnold: he said it was a symbolic link00:03
StupidDanboit WAS. I "unlinked" it which just deleted it. so I mkdir it again.00:04
StupidDanbostill getting the same errors.00:04
sneakyimpif you mkdir it, then you have a directory, but *everyone* needs to be able to write it so sarnold is correct, you need to change the read/write/execute on it to 777.  so try:00:04
sneakyimpsudo chmod 1777 /tmp00:04
StupidDanboI did. Still getting the same error: ERROR run hook "configure": cannot create temporary directory for the root file system: Permission denied00:05
sneakyimpStupidDanbo, try ls command again -- let's see if the permissions changed or not00:06
sneakyimpls -ld /tmp00:06
StupidDanboyeah it's drwxrwxrwt 2 root root00:06
sneakyimpok that's good, how about this:00:06
StupidDanbobut the error is from sudo snap tasks 27000:06
sneakyimpls -l /tmp00:06
sneakyimpdoes it have any contents?00:06
StupidDanbono, because it was a newly created folder.00:07
sneakyimpStupidDanbo: running processes might be creating stuff in there00:07
sneakyimpStupidDanbo: i have no experience with snap, but any process running on your machine should now have permission to write /tmp.00:07
StupidDanbomaybe I need to use the old Windows technique of restarting the computer.00:08
sneakyimpit might help, dunno00:08
sneakyimpsarnold: it seems pretty clunky to edit the PATH yet again, adding another directory for every application installed. put the blender files in /opt/blender-2.92.0 and then create a symbolic link ls -s /opt/blender-2.92.0/blender /usr/local/bin/blender ?00:11
sarnoldsneakyimp: yeah, that will probably work00:15
eskatremHi, I am trying to compile on ubuntu a C++ project that requires cstddef. however I get errors like "'cstddef' file not found". I have installed libstdc++. what can I do?00:15
sarnoldsneakyimp: you may need to go to some effort to tell blender where its files are, though00:15
sarnoldeskatrem: you'll also need the corresponding -dev package, those have the header files00:16
sarnoldStupidDanbo: it could be you've just moved on to a new error :) check dmesg | grep DENIED for a new entry00:17
StupidDanbosarnold, I can't see times on these results, but it sorta looks the same.00:18
sarnoldStupidDanbo: ah :) try dmesg -T | grep DENIED  -- the -T will make the timestamps more legible00:19
StupidDanbowait this can't be new. there's no link to /home/tmp from /tmp, and all these results show /home/tmp00:19
StupidDanboah, not recent. Last one from 7:13.00:20
HashI need a font who has Hindian glyphs00:21
HashPlease tell me about a font in ubuntu I can use, who I can specify with $  convert blank.png -font Noto-Sans-Mono-Bold -fill transparent -pointsize 18 -gravity center -annotate +0+0 'अ' tmp.png so I can write text in Sanskrit00:22
HashNotoSans and DejaVu doesn't seem to have Sanskrit glyphs. Which font must I use and how can I specify this font in imagemagick00:22
sarnoldHash: try installing fonts-deva ?00:23
HashUbuntu 20.0400:23
eskatremsarnold: hmm I just installed libstdc++-10-dev and it fails (same error with clang unable to find cstddef)00:23
Hashfonts-dejavu-extra is already the newest version (2.37-1).00:23
HashI've them all00:23
StupidDanbooh crap! Chromium just loaded!00:24
HashSo I think it's mabye in my syste, I just need to find out which font it is that can draw.00:24
sarnoldStupidDanbo: sweeet :)00:24
StupidDanboview history. last use December 15th. Yikes.00:24
HashNotoSans Devanagri!00:25
Hash$  convert blank.png -font Noto-Sans-Devanagari -fill transparent -pointsize 18 -gravity center -annotate +0+0 'अ' tmp.png00:27
sarnoldeskatrem: check dpkg -L libstdc++-10-dev  -- you may need to fiddle with -I or something similar00:27
HashCan you help me specify this font in imagemagick?00:27
HashIt's supposed to be "Noto Sans Devanagari, UI" as displayed in font manager in Ubuntu00:28
sarnoldHash: try 'NotoSans Devanagri' instead00:28
HashCan't have spaces00:28
eskatremsarnold: thanks. what is it supposed to do?00:28
HashNotoSans-Devanagari did not work00:28
qkallGreetings - I have a dell 5289 (i'll send specs shortly) but it used to work with no issue... but like a week or so ago it stopped working and I don't know hwat i did. Does anyone know how to completely reset teh settings... the UI keeps resetting to the useless default and won't stick anymore and i'm super confused. I tried a ton of things to no avail.00:28
qkallHost: ultraishbook-OS: Linux 5.12.0-051200rc7drmtip20210414-generic/x86_64-Distro: Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (development branch) Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (development branch)-CPU: 4 x Intel Core i7-7600U (2900.000 MHz)-Processes: 243-Uptime: 25m-Users: 3-Load Average: 1.19-Memory Usage: 12803.05MB/15610.84MB (78.07%)-Disk Usage: 113.11GB/241.36GB (46.86%)00:28
sarnoldHash: that's why you quote it00:28
Hashsame result with quotes00:28
Hashconvert-im6.q16: unable to read font `NotoSans Devanagari' @ warning/annotate.c/RenderType/915.00:29
sarnoldeskatrem: dpkg -L just dumps all the files and directories in the package00:29
eskatremsarnold: it outputed a bunch of directories and files that must be related in some way with libstdc++-10-dev00:30
Hash$  convert blank.png -font "Lohit-Devanagari" -fill transparent -pointsize 18 -gravity center -annotate +0+0 'अ' tmp.png00:30
HashI did fc-list and|grep deva00:30
Hashdevanagi fot came up, this one works.00:30
HashNo silly battle.00:30
qkalloh geeez i forgot to say the wacom stylus isn't working00:34
qkalltouch screen works fine00:34
qkallsorry... <_<00:34
eskatremsarnold: by the way after running dpkg, my code still doesn't compile (not sure it was supposed to)00:37
sarnoldeskatrem: pastebin your command and all the output?00:38
eskatremsarnold: the output of `dpkg -L libstdc++-10-dev `?00:38
sarnoldeskatrem: no, the output of gcc -I ... foo.cc -o foo.o   etc00:39
eskatremsarnold: I am not sure you want that actually, I am trying to compile this repo: https://github.com/yaneurao/YaneuraOu and running their build script with an option to compile with clang++-1200:42
sarnoldeskatrem: the Makefile looks like it might be prepared for you to pass in INCLUDE=/usr/include/c++/10/ or something similar00:45
eskatremsarnold: wow! how do you know what directory to put as an argument?00:46
sarnoldeskatrem: dpkg -L libstdc++-10-dev  :)00:47
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* eskatrem feels bad about my own stupidity00:47
eskatremdpkg -L showed a bunch of directories though00:48
sarnoldyeah.. it's a bit of a guess about which one is high enough to cover 'everything' and yet not too high00:49
eskatremno, even with that INCLUDE it didnt work00:49
sneakyimpsarnold: OK i put the blender stuff in /opt/blender. i added a link ln -s /opt/blender/blender /usr/local/bin/blender this allows me to launch blender from CLI after I close terminal windows and open them again (or source .bashrc or whatever)00:56
sneakyimpsarnold: what shall I do with the blender.desktop file? I did a ln -s /opt/blender/blender.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/blender.desktop and there's a link in there now, but when i hit the super key and type 'blender' it doesn't find the blender app among my installed programs00:59
sarnoldsneakyimp: you may need to amend the .desktop file :/01:00
truexfan81is there any ubuntu package that provides /usr/sbin/rshrun ? packages.ubuntu.com is giving 0 results01:28
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truexfan81i am on ubuntu server 20.04.2 if that helps01:30
sarnoldI don't see anything similar in my big pile of unpacked ubuntu sources01:32
sarnoldwhat would this thing do?01:32
truexfan81my jsb webapp for controlling certain backend functions for my game server requires it01:33
truexfan81without it the page is throwing an exception01:33
truexfan81"java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/usr/sbin/rshrun": error=2, No such file or directory"01:34
sarnoldcurious. I wonder what it's uspposed to do.01:34
truexfan81in this case it initiates a friendly shutdown of the game01:35
truexfan81on the player client it even shows a countdown "the server will shutdown in x seconds" or something like that01:37
sarnoldshould it have been shipped with the game/01:38
eskatremsarnold: I might have managed to solve my compilation problem, somehow01:54
eskatremit was a mess, what I did was: 1. find a dummy example of cstddef and compile with clang++-1201:55
eskatrem2. it worked, which meant that I had cstddef installed properly01:55
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eskatrem3. then, I took the exact clang command that was failing, with all the options, and used that to compile my dummy example01:56
sarnoldeskatrem: yay so far :)01:56
eskatrem4. it was failing, so I wrote a python script that called the same command, but removing the compiler flags one by one until it worked01:57
eskatrem5. then I edited the makefile to comment out the line where it adds the compiler flag preventing the code to compile01:57
eskatremunfortunately I am missing something else, but at least the problem with cstddef seems to be solved!01:58
sarnoldeskatrem: hahaha :) oh man. which flag failed?01:59
eskatremsarnold: -m3201:59
sarnoldeskatrem: /cr02:00
eskatremI am an idiot, I should have started to check with a dummy example of cstddef02:01
sarnoldeskatrem: okay, so .. it looks like that -m32 is selected when TARGET_CPU=NO_SSE, I think:?02:02
sarnoldeskatrem: https://github.com/yaneurao/YaneuraOu/blob/master/source/Makefile#L44502:03
sarnoldaiming for a pentium 3 is probably going to lead to poor code if you've got a nicer cpu02:04
eskatremsarnold: yes, it's when the target cpu is pentium302:04
sarnoldeskatrem: what processor are you targetting?02:04
eskatremhmm no idea actually02:05
eskatremwhich shows once again that I am an idiot and should have checked what processor I needed to target so it doesnt have to try all the targets02:05
sarnoldif you're building this to run on your machine, check /proc/cpuinfo or lscpu output02:06
eskatremyes that's what I was about to do02:06
sarnoldcool cool02:06
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eskatremOK, sarnold I finally managed to compile it. thanks for your patience!02:34
sarnoldeskatrem: YES :D good job :)02:34
rembyI installed without internet, does that affect me getting codecs by default?03:17
lotuspsychjeremby: check apt policy ubuntu-restricted-extras03:19
rembythat's checked of in software and updates03:20
rembyI'll refresh and try to update03:21
rembynot sure what is the problem, just installed vlc instead03:26
STMelonnight all04:10
bobdobbsHi.  I'm on ubuntu 20.04. Does ubuntu have a GUI for managing a printer?05:33
va7lnxunder settings05:36
va7lnxhopefull that's what you are looking for05:38
bobdobbsyup! tis indeed :)05:38
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eskatremhi ducasse06:45
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CustosLimenhow can I make apt-get install keep downloaded packages08:30
CustosLimenI did try this: https://superuser.com/questions/1405001/why-does-apt-do-not-store-downloaded-packages-anymore08:33
CustosLimennot helping08:33
makara1hi. Why is there no https://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ?08:42
RavageBecause all packages are signed so you don't need https09:30
RavageUses less resources and allows easier mirroring09:30
cbreakRavage: with https, no one can see that you're downloading emacs instead of using vim, like real programmers09:35
RavageThat statement is correct09:36
RavageAt least the https part09:36
Lupulocbreak uses apt.el09:39
RavageIf you have any reasonable concern it could harm you if someone knows what open source software you use i recommend a VPN for all your traffic09:42
makara1clear as daylight09:45
makara1I was just wondering about Maven Central switch to https09:45
makara1which is also open source. But I guess they don't have the same control over the packages as Canonical09:46
atalI want to sign a tar archive using private key and the tar can be verified by public key.10:00
atalCan I do such thing?10:00
atalI have went through the man of gpg but don't find a way to sign tar archives.10:56
Ben64atal: --detach-sign11:01
pizzaburgerHello! Trying to install Chromium on Ubuntu 20.10. On Ubuntu Software I get "Unable to install Chromium: cannot perform the following tasks:". I then try to install it via terminal and get this error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6xDGmBK7NB/. What is causing this? Thanks!11:19
pizzaburgerAll packages are updated btw.11:20
lotuspsychjepizzaburger: chromium browser is now a default snap, meaning you need to install with sudo snap install chromium-browser11:20
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: error: snap "chromium-browser" not found11:22
lotuspsychjepizzaburger: oh its just chromium on snap sorry11:22
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PS5HRgQ8RS/11:24
lotuspsychjepizzaburger: is that ubuntu-desktop or a flavour of ubuntu?11:24
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: plain ol' Ubuntu 20.10, 64bit, GNOME 3.38.311:25
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: ubuntu-desktop11:26
lotuspsychjepizzaburger: can you try sudo apt purge chromium-browser11:27
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: Package 'chromium-browser' is not installed, so not removed11:27
lotuspsychjepizzaburger: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade gives issues?11:35
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: nope, "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."11:37
lotuspsychjepizzaburger: what about sudo snap refresh11:37
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: All snaps up to date.11:37
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lotuspsychjepizzaburger: and a reboot and sudo snap install chromium again?11:38
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: brb11:39
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: Got it installed "chromium 89.0.4389.128 from Canonical✓ installed". Chromium runs fine now, but right after the install I got a crash report for that package.11:45
lotuspsychjepizzaburger: can you unfold details of the crash?11:46
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pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: yes, but can't copy it. If I "send" it will I be able to see it afterwards or get some sort of link?11:52
lotuspsychjepizzaburger: crashes that occur can be sended to canonical and dealed with, if things keep crashing you can always choose to file a new !bug or affect an existing one11:54
lotuspsychjepizzaburger: i would reccomend browsing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bugs?field.tag=snap existing bugs first11:55
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: Ok, I sent the crash report and got directed to launchpad.net but dom't have a Ubuntu One account.11:56
lotuspsychjepizzaburger: to proceed with bugs you need a launchpad to make the description11:57
pizzaburgerlotuspsychje: Well, most of the time I'm not really sure whether it's an actual bug or just me doing something wrong, haha. Thank you very much for solving the issue!11:58
BluesKajHi folks11:58
Ravage21.04 is almost here. Maybe they fixed it :)11:58
RavageAnd not that I would advertise to use Chrome but somehow google still has a fully working PPA with chrome that's always up to date. no snap involved :)12:00
RavageI'm still not convinced the decision to move to snap was a very smart idea12:01
lotuspsychje!discuss | Ravage12:01
ubottuRavage: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!12:01
RavageAs you can see it was as a statement12:02
RavageRelated to a question12:02
RavageSo give me a break12:02
rleonidhi, I am having unstable wireless connection on broadcom adapter, ping log https://pastebin.com/iDcEUqd0 any ideas?12:05
RavageNot sure if this is the right channel now. Maybe it's #ubuntu-wireless-broadcom-non-free ? Don't want to upset anyone again :(12:10
rleonidlol, do you think there is a free wireless option? Why would i pay 50$ for this adapter then :D12:11
IanLiuI've installed Ubuntu Server 20 on my Raspberry Pi 3 with OpenBox. I have NetworkManager running; can I disable systemd-networkd?12:11
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rleonidthats a very helpful channel, I dont remember that happening in 2010 though12:12
RavageI think if anyone wants to help you with that adapter we at need to know which one it is exactly12:13
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rleonidwell, I have switched to 5 GHz AP and it works stable, so whatever, thank you12:14
RavageThe package loss is just a symptom of the real problem12:14
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RavageIanLiu: i think your networking will still work without it yes.12:19
atalBen64: it creates a new file which have key. Can I include the key in tar archive and later verify this using public key.12:22
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lotuspsychjeRavage: it wasnt an upset, but an invite for discussion12:51
Tas-sosin gnome13:03
Tas-sosCan I choose a folder with wallpapers and the backgroud changing automaticaly after 10min for example ?13:03
UblxHello, I tried to set a shortcut for one of the 'special keys' on my keyboard. One was set as 'Homepage' and could be used. But others are not recognized. Is there a possibility to get the 'values' of those keys in Ubuntu?13:04
UblxI solved it by setting the default values in dconf-editor to "".13:20
monstercoI have a Lenovo Thinkpad W540 with Ubuntu 20.04 installed. When I type in terminal it is lackluster so it is slow. Firefox loads slow too. And this is fresh install. Is this laptop simply too slow for Ubuntu?13:50
jattmossman93: what does13:58
jattcat /proc/cpuinfo; free -h13:58
jattsay? (use pastebin)13:58
IanLiuIs it possible to run Ubuntu Server for Raspberry Pi on VirtualBox?14:04
IanLiuThe .img file isn't recognized by VirtualBox14:04
RavageVirtualbox is not an emulator. It doesn’t emulate a separate CPU, it just allows another OS to run on the physical CPU that you have14:05
Ravageyou can try qemu for that14:05
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IanLiuRavage: ok, thanks!14:09
leftyfbmonsterco: you need to install/enable the proper nvidia drivers for your GPU14:17
leftyfbIanLiu: why do you need to virtualize the arm architecture?14:17
IanLiuleftyfb: I would like to virtualize arm for testing purposes. Maybe some package doesn't exists for arm and I need to find a replacement.14:21
IanLiuFor instance, I was programming on x86, and I needed to access a MS SQL Server, so I installed the odbc driver from MS, but that doesn't exists on ARM14:22
IanLiuluckily I've found that FreeTDS works on ARM14:22
monstercoleftyfb, how to do that?14:23
leftyfbmonsterco: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux   I would recommend only sticking with the first method14:25
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monstercoleftyfb, so should I do "ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" or  "apt install nvidia-driver-390"?14:29
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monstercoIf you think only nvidia is my problem maybe autoinstall does all other sorts of drivers I may not need?14:29
leftyfbmonsterco: did "ubuntu-drivers devices" tell you that 390 was the recommended driver for your chipset?14:30
leftyfbmonsterco: ok, then try that14:31
monstercowhat does autoinstall do usually?14:31
monstercoinstall all other drivers like audio as well maybe?14:31
leftyfbmonsterco: I think it just picks the recommended driver and installs that14:31
monstercoand by the way you sure FPS is my problem?14:32
monstercoleftyfb, and it's not always a good thing to install all recommended drivers until there is a need for it?14:32
leftyfbmonsterco: don't fix what isn't broken14:32
monstercothis seems like a huge pacakge14:33
monstercois there a way to test other than typing in terminal to see if my problem is fixed?14:33
leftyfbmonsterco: once you install the driver, reboot and see if the issues you experienced are gone14:34
monstercodid and good seems like14:39
monstercop.s. terminal has a launch with dedicated graphic card14:40
monstercobut with or without it seems to be same14:40
monstercoseems good14:40
monstercoleftyfb, so this is considered an FPS problem?14:44
monstercothe slowness that was14:44
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leftyfbmonsterco: I'm not sure of the exact cause of the slowness due to inadequate video drivers. I don't think it's just FPS with your display. It seems to be there's a performance issue. Maybe due to not taking full advantage of the GPU and some of that load being placed on the CPU/memory. This is just me guessing based on observation and no real data.14:58
monstercoleftyfb, after install, when I do ubuntu-drivers devices I still see driver nvidia-390 recommended15:15
monstercodoes this mean it is still not installed?15:16
leftyfbno, it means it's still recommended15:16
|\nhi guys, could anyone please tell how do i apt-build as in multiarch, e.g. i'd like to try to build not only native amd64 mesa packages, but i386 as well (to see how long it takes, e.t.c) and if amd64 i don't have an immediate clue on how to make it to build the i386 version as well16:07
|\nthe native amd64 is okay as expected*16:09
leftyfb|\n: try #ubuntu-devel16:25
|\nthanks leftyfb16:29
boy-sudoit works16:46
boy-sudofinally figured out how to use IRC16:46
boy-sudofeels good16:47
boy-sudohow long have you been using IRC16:47
leftyfb!ot | boy-sudo16:47
ubottuboy-sudo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:47
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thatpythonboyhow is vnc different than ssh -X ?17:14
lordcirththatpythonboy, ssh -X passes a window object through to your local X server, VNC streams the whole screen as video17:17
thatpythonboywhich pkg , there are many17:18
thatpythonboytigervnc x11vnc or sth, tightvnc...17:18
thatpythonboythey say X is slow ?17:18
lordcirth*shrug* they all work as far as I know. Personally I find both VNC and X-forwarding too slow on my connection, but mine is slow.17:19
thatpythonboywhich vnc client , server would you recommend lordcirth17:20
leftyfbthatpythonboy: what is your use case? What do you need to do remotely that you can't do over ssh?17:21
tiazDoes anyone happen to know offhand if ISC dhcpd will support globbing in includes e.g. `include "/etc/dhcp/conf.d/*.conf"?17:22
tiazha, missed the closing backtick there. I trust it's clear regardless17:22
thatpythonboyGUI leftyfb17:23
thatpythonboyi like ethat17:23
leftyfbtiaz: maybe ask the isc.org17:23
leftyfbthatpythonboy: yeah, I get the "GUI" part. But what exactly is the use case? Do you need a remote GUI browser because local restrictions? Remote control a GUI media player?17:24
thatpythonboyjupyter notebooks17:24
thatpythonboyactually i am just learning vnc first17:25
thatpythonboyi tried ssh -X it was too slow as screen keeps refreshing17:25
leftyfbthatpythonboy: https://fizzylogic.nl/2017/11/06/edit-jupyter-notebooks-over-ssh/17:25
leftyfbor https://medium.com/@apbetahouse45/how-to-run-jupyter-notebooks-on-remote-server-part-1-ssh-a2be0232c53317:26
thatpythonboyleftyfb: also over wan, i can reverse-ssh but i never tried, have you?17:31
leftyfbthatpythonboy: almost daily for years17:32
leftyfbthatpythonboy: look into "sshuttle" that might also do what you want and make things a bit cleaner17:32
tiazleftyfb: that looks a bit like saying "ask Canonical"; I'm dubious of getting an answer by that route17:36
leftyfbtiaz: you're asking if a 3rd party application is getting a feature that doesn't currently exist. It should be pretty obvious that asking the developer of the application if they are going to implement "feature X" in a future release. Not a distribution that happens to include the application in their list of installable applications.17:37
thatpythonboyhow can i find out my router's ip page's address is not working isn't something else17:46
thatpythonboyifconfig doesn'st show it17:47
sarnoldthatpythonboy: if you're connected to it and using it as a default route, 'ip r' will show it17:48
sarnoldthatpythonboy: probably
thatpythonboyi forgot username and password lol, ssh is a pain, can i do it over the reversessh without exposing my server to wan, but shouldn't simple ssh need to work on atleast one machine over wan for reverse ssh to work?17:52
thatpythonboyi want to avoid this whole router config while reverse-ssh17:53
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leftyfbthatpythonboy: in order to ssh to a remote machine, you need an ssh port exposed on either the remote or, if you want to do reverse ssh, you'll need an ssh port exposed on your local side17:54
thatpythonboyyup that's what i don't like17:54
leftyfbthatpythonboy: having ssh exposed on a non-standard port with root and password authentication disabled is perfectly safe17:54
thatpythonboyu mean using keys17:55
leftyfbthatpythonboy: correct. That is the only way people should be using ssh17:55
leftyfb*safest way*17:56
leftyfbthatpythonboy: exposing VNC on your firewall is a lot less secure17:57
thatpythonboyso with vnc we don't need to configure router?17:58
thatpythonboyhow come17:58
thatpythonboywouldn't some port needs to be opened to listen17:58
thatpythonboyonly then like ssh it should work .... so with vnc it17:59
thatpythonboyit's different?17:59
leftyfbthatpythonboy: in order to connect to a remote VNC server, you certainly need to expose the VNC port to the WAN. Unless you're doing port forwarding to VNC over SSH ... which would require you to expose SSH to the WAN instead. Or if you're going to do reverse ssh, you'll need to expose VNC or SSH on your local WAN17:59
kevrlocal WAN? :o18:00
thatpythonboylocal-side's wan18:00
leftyfbkevr: WAN on the client side as opposed to the remote side18:00
* kevr creates a local wan and rules the world, in his own mind18:00
thatpythonboybut bitcoin miners could do it without exposing their's local wan?18:02
tiazleftyfb: ah, I see. I didn't mean to ask about future releases, I'm asking if that line is something the current release of ISC dhcpd will successfully parse. It's an operational question, not a speculative one.18:03
kevrthatpythonboy: that is not true.18:03
kevrbitcoin miners do not influence the way that tcp/ip works.18:03
tiazoperational: sorry, didn't mean to highlight you.18:03
operationalit happens18:03
tiazbut it sounds like the answer to the question "does ISC dhcpd parse globs in include directives" is "no"18:04
thatpythonboyin p2p networking how'd it work, do they too go to their router's homepage to change it ?18:04
leftyfboperational: with a nick like yours, you're going to have to be well aware people are going to use the word in a context that isn't referring to you. Please read their posts and ignore if they are clearly not referring to you. Or change your nick.18:04
kevrthatpythonboy: that question is way too broad.18:04
leftyfbthatpythonboy: you might want #networking at this point18:05
operationaltiaz, leftyfb, i was just joking around. i am aware that i will be hilighted from time to time with this nick.18:12
kevrThe weapon is operational.18:13
kevrThrow me a freakin' bone here, Scott.18:13
leftyfbkevr: feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic for idle chat18:14
* kevr slaps leftyfb18:14
=== NightKing102 is now known as NightK
=== ace_me1 is now known as ace_me
=== Guest74677 is now known as MIF
ash_worksiis there an apt equiv to Rufus? The requirement was to make a bootable USB drive from an ISO file that I could still save misc files too (partitioned or not) and `dd` makes the drive read-only18:28
MaikDisks and it's Restore Disk Image feature?18:30
Maiknot sure though if that works for you18:30
tiazoperational: np, I got it :)18:32
ash_worksiMaik: well, any ISO I meant18:35
HashI have  mic that is analog, and not usb, and plugs into sound line in port on the back. However, it intermittently works. Sometiems it picks up audio, sometimes it doesnt18:39
HashHow to make sure mic always works?18:39
HashIt's been the most irritating problem. I think I fixed it. Then I reboot or something else and it's gone again. I never know when it will work.18:40
HashPlease help18:40
HashThis is driving me nus.18:40
kevrHash: I'm not sure which audio applet or program you use to change volume, but, in `pavucontrol` (a gui for pulseaudio configuration) there is a Configuration tab, and under that tab each of your audio devices are listed and have a dropdown box.18:41
kevrCould you check to see if you have any other configuration options for your sound?18:41
kevrfor that audio output, at least.18:41
HashIt is correctly selected.18:41
Hashhttps://i.imgur.com/3jZxV1L.png input devices page18:42
kevrWhat other options do you have, and could you try them out to see if they make any sort of difference?18:42
HashRear mic plugged in18:42
HashBut it never picks up audio18:42
HashI've done everyhign for now a few weekes18:42
kevryou said a moment ago that it's intermittent.18:42
HashIv'e used linux since 199418:42
HashI'm not a noob18:43
HashI've tried literally everything18:43
HashI can't get it to work18:43
HashI'm at the end of my tether18:43
leftyfbHash: this sounds like a hardware issue. As in, the mic has a loose connection somewhere.18:43
HashYes intermittent, not stable.18:43
TJ-Hash: does it work after a cold (power off start) but fail after a warm reboot, or visa-versa?18:43
TJ-Hash: or, is it intermittent during a single session18:43
kevrunless there's any proof of anything else, i'd tend to agree with lefty.18:43
HashI cannto afford to restart all the time18:44
kevrthe solution is not "restart all the time." he is just attempting to see in which cases it happens.18:44
HashI've no idea, it's just anytime I want to use my mic in ubuntu, Iv'e no idea if it will work or not.18:44
kevrhe is attempting to eliminate issues and narrow it down.18:44
HashIT just randomly picks up sound every now and again, else is fail18:44
HashI have to shut down everything I'm doing in order to test that reboot18:45
hunter_wittenborWhere can I find the #is channel for 2fa support?18:45
hunter_wittenborI couldn't find anyone when manually typing it in18:45
leftyfbHash: let us know when you have the time to do some proper troubleshooting18:45
leftyfb!alis | hunter_wittenbor18:45
ubottuhunter_wittenbor: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"18:45
hunter_wittenborThanks, I'll check that out18:46
HashWhy can't linux make basic desktop things work?18:47
HashWhole entire distro and thousands of devs and a simple basic thign doesn't work.18:48
leftyfbHash: please stay on topic. Feel free to rant in #ubuntu-offtopic18:48
HashBrilliant work, guys18:48
HashAbsolutely brilliant.18:48
HashGoiung to shut down all apps and reoobt18:48
Hashand deal with the goddamn annoyance.18:49
leftyfbHash: First, settle down. People are only trying to help you. Second, nobody asked you to reboot18:49
leftyfbHash: You were asked if powercycling your computer fixes the issue when you run into it18:49
leftyfbHash: this is a troubleshooting step to help determine a possible cause18:50
hunter_wittenborSo is #is a search bot?18:51
tomreyn!ot | hunter_wittenbor18:51
ubottuhunter_wittenbor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:51
HashI rebootrd. Still no mic.18:51
leftyfbHash: mind you, that wasn't my request. My initial though is a hardware issue. As in your mic has an issue. I would open up the sound settings, go to the "Input" tab and watch the Input level to determine if your mic is currently listening. Maybe generate some constant noise near the mic using a cellphone and then go and mess around with the wire to the mic, mainly where it plugs into the PC and see if it affects the input level18:52
HashI just never see this pick up audio in pavucontrol18:52
HashLine just constantl moves like it's static ony, I record, static only18:52
HashSetting are same, never changed, it sometimes works, sometimes not.18:52
hunter_wittenborubottu I saw this in the wiki for help with 2FA, but I can't figure out the channel to go to:18:53
ubottuhunter_wittenbor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:53
hunter_wittenborYou can reach IS in the #is channel (the vanguard is listed in the channel topic)18:53
leftyfbHash: please read what I typed to you18:53
hunter_wittenborwell crud18:53
leftyfbhunter_wittenbor: stop. We are not here to help with #is. Please go to #freenode for help18:53
Maikhunter_wittenbor: please drop it18:53
hunter_wittenborsorry, I'll head over there18:54
HashNo luck at all. Even after reboot18:54
leftyfbHash: please read what I typed to you18:55
HashAny help ?18:55
HashI check alsamixer and it's fine too, all volume levels are fine18:55
HashMic shows up in pavucontrol but it's always just picking up static.18:55
HashI just recorded a video yesterday and mic worked.18:56
HashAnyone have lck withy mic working in ubuntu?19:00
leftyfbHash: This is a support channel. Please come back and seek support when you are willing to accept support and follow along with the suggestion troubleshooting steps19:00
leftyfbah, he's probably blocked me. That'll help19:02
HashStatic is all it picks up. randomly sometiems it will pick up audio19:02
HashNo idea what's wrong or where to check.19:02
HashNo one helping I dunno what's going on19:02
sarnoldcheck your wiring19:02
HashAs I said, it's the same setup, no config changes, sometiems it works, mostly it doesn't19:03
leftyfbsarnold: feel free to copy and paste my suggestion19:03
sarnoldrotate the cables around a bit, it's surprisingly common for audio cables to get internal breaks that fail intermittently19:03
HashWires are fine. I recorded yesterday. I rebooted. Now it no longer works19:03
HashIt's a brand new studio mic.19:03
HashIt works flawlessly under windows.19:04
HashNot a USB mic, no drivers needed. Plugs into sound card directly19:04
sarnoldleftyfb: oh sheesh. I see there's some history there. okay :) thanks19:04
TJ-Hash: I've seen this occur due to a PC's internal ACPI and the behaviour is different when doing a cold boot (full power off) and a warm boot (reboot without disconnecting power)19:04
HashI'll go codl reboot19:04
Maiklinux isn't windows and vice versa Hash...19:04
HashThanks for that, capt. obvious.19:04
HashAre you trying to frustate me more with hat?19:05
HashWhat was the pint in that?19:05
HashDo you think I'm retardd?19:05
hggdhHash: please mind you behaviour19:05
leftyfb!guidelines | Hash19:05
ubottuHash: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:05
Maikah, now i remember him... not the first time19:06
Hashsarnold: You banned me publicly for no reason. Please try to do less of that, and try to be more resaonable and have a word with the person first.19:17
Hashsarnold: furthermore, it would be excellent if you coudl ask othes to not say purposefully antagonistic things to peple here. Poeple are trying to sovle problems, and coudl be in any state of mind, even severely frustrated.19:18
HashThank you.19:18
Hash"Windows is not ubuntu" serves absoltely no purpose than to antaognize people. I hope that helps.19:19
Maikyou were saying it as if Windows is so much better, good for you it works on there, maybe stick to that then19:21
HashThat's your perception.19:22
hggdhfolks, let's please stick to topic19:23
ptahfor video games windows is better?19:23
TJ-Hash: as I said previously, we see a LOT of similar issues where things like this work in Windows but have problems in Linux, and often it is due to the PC's firmware ACPI. It is often effected by cold vs warm boot, or if the system has done suspend/resume cycles. There is a workaround that can sometimes help, with acpi_osi. See my article/tutorial at19:23
HashThank you.19:23
HashMaik: dude, You're not helping. Just please stop addressing me. Respect that I'm asking you not to address me any longer. Please. sir.19:24
hggdhHash: enough19:24
Maiksigh... i'm out19:24
HashGod forbid a human being become frustrated in life. OMG he's evil. Ban him.19:24
hggdhMaik: you as well19:24
Hash*sigh* later folks.19:24
* vmguy23m uploaded an image: I get this after unplugging hardware (first the blueman applet with report a problem, then apport-gtk with report a problem, then this) (the hardware doesn't work, anyway) (2KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/nWPrusbIrBdYHHIvLDYIHwMi >20:34
vmguy23mWould apport-gtk make Brave crash on launch and Chromium not respond to Enter? (page not loading no mattr what)20:36
tomreynnot by itself, but broken hardware can have many side effects. and can't be fixed by software.20:39
vmguy23mThis happens when the hardware is unplugged.20:40
tomreynyou do know how to inspect logs by now, right?20:41
tomreynand how to look up your ubuntu release20:41
tomreynits just not enough infomration for anyone to comment20:42
vmguy23mIt's 20.10, and I can send dmesg if you want20:51
vmguy23m(Also, the hardware is a small touchscreen that I got from a Raspberry Pi 3B+ kit)20:52
vmguy23mFound it on a random website: https://www.dennisdeal.com/products/5-inch-800x480-hdmi-touch-capacitieve-lcd-scherm-met-osd-menu-voor-raspberry-pi-3-b-bb-zwart_1291592?utm_source=beslist&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=beslistDD&bl3nlclid=1299da28-f3e2-4734-8fcc-46dac946aa25&utm_term=BESLI1299da28-f3e2-4734-8fcc-46dac946aa2521:00
vmguy23mAnd here's a reverse image search results21:03
nwmis there a ubuntu preseed.cfg reference similar to this on debian https://preseed.debian.net/debian-preseed/bullseye/amd64-main-full.txt?22:58
sarnoldnwm: I haven't seen one; that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, of course, but it'll probably be largely similar anyway22:59
nwmsomewhat similar22:59

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