[06:05] Eickmeyer[kde]: question (in the thinking out loud tone): in controls 2.1 we started saving a db of devices which in particular keeps track of USB devices even when not plugged in. [06:08] in 2.2 (alpha) we also save the id and bus and in fact ignore the actual device name. So we convert from actual device name to USB* where * is a number and that USB* name remains with the id/bus combo. Every time we do something we use the id/bus to find the current name and use that. [06:10] however, when we convert things over, the USB devices are not known to be plugged in and the unplugged one get id/bus of none/none [06:12] I was wondering if I should just remove them. [06:15] I think I figured it out... maybe add a clean up button [15:22] OvenWerks: Sounds like a plan (was fast asleep when you sent that). [15:44] Eickmeyer[m]: I figured as much before I started typing... but also know that when I have a question... just asking often gives me an answer ... [15:45] hehe [15:45] Eickmeyer[m]: however, the USB bus changes for the same plug if I unplug a device and plug it in again to the same socket [15:45] Not surprising. USB is weird like that. [15:46] weird == poorly designed