
klawHello everyone, I hope you are very well. Can someone tell me what I should do to connect the mic of my kinect sensor in ubuntu studio ?. Thank you!!!07:08
coperdricj'aimerais juste essayer studio sur un CD bootable09:18
coperdricbjr, je ne suis pas certain qu'il y ai quelqu'un qui puisse m'aider09:23
Iamahumanil est parti .. peut-être il revient plus tard .. he was interested in running the Live version11:05
=== Iamahuman is now known as Iamahuman4
rghI've released my sample player lv2/vst2 plugin16:03
rghit's beta, but very usable16:03
joker72Is anyone reading me?19:49
OvenWerksanyone who is here right now I would guess19:52
joker72Thanks.  I have just installed UbuntuStudio and can;t get sound to work.  Done some reading but must not be getting it.19:53
OvenWerkswhat happens? what do you expect? Which program are you trying to get sound to/from? how are are you trying19:54
joker72Made sure jack was running. Opened jack-keyboard and tried a key.19:55
joker72Also have Carla open.19:56
joker72Fresh install.  What's the best way to get started with this?19:56
joker72YouTube sounds fine.19:58
joker72This isn't one of those places you come for hulp, huh?20:08
Eickmeyer[m]joker72: If someone knows the answer to your issue, they'll tell you. Otherwise, you need to have patience.20:08
joker72I see.20:09
Eickmeyer[m]Considering Ubuntu Studio is a project completely run by volunteers, you need to go in expecting that.20:10
Eickmeyer[m]And they're gone.20:10
kveremitzgive it the 45min test .. if they stay more than 15min/45min (respectively) then they're actually worth replying to :D20:33
kveremitzthey dequalify if they post the same thing twice/three/four times and then vanish20:33

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